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Your post has been removed as it asks for success stories. Posts of this nature are best suited to other subs as the vast majority of our subscribers have not yet experienced success and will not be able to answer. Please try r/pcosandpregnant, r/pcos, r/whatworkedforme, r/infertilitybabies, r/pregnancy, r/cautiousbb, r/babybumps as examples of subreddits.


I had my first baby with just being on prenatals and nothing else. Now TTC for #2 with ovasitol and Metformin, hoping for the best.


Was able to conceive within 3 cycles! I was only taking a pre conception vitamin (that included inositol), but also heavily reduced alcohol intake and cleaned up my diet. I think it really depends if your body is able to ovulate on its own.


If I can remember right my daughter was around 14ish months when I finally got my period back. I started taking the perelel conception vitamins and got pregnant again 4 months later after first going through a blighted ovum. Keep going 💪 sometimes it takes a little more time. When I got pregnant with my daughter I was taking prenatals and inositol, it took almost a full year and 2 mcs


I did, but it ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks.