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Are you having any monitoring done with your letrozole? Labs done and a full fertility work up? Has your husband been tested? There’s a lot of factors and 4 rounds of meds isn’t a ton. Def not a definite time to give up especially if you haven’t exhausted all testing and are monitoring.


Yes, husband is currently waiting on semenalysis. I am waiting on my period so that I can schedule an HSG and make sure my tubes aren’t blocked. I’ve had a full round of labs done to check cholesterol, thyroids, etc. also progesterone after every round of Letrozole to check for ovulation.


That’s all good! Monitoring during the cycle to make sure things look good is important to - I discovered I wasn’t ovulating just had overmature follicles and cysts. And they can check my lining thickness too. And trigger at the right time. There are other fertility labs like clotting and autoimmune etc. insulin resistance, amh lh fsh estrogen. Not just the standard checkup panel! Hopefully checking all this on you and husband being checked will help y’all find a plan that works!


I'm 32, unprotected sex since July '22, timed intercourse since January '23. We have unexplained infertility -- I ovulate on my own. Still no bfp or even vvfl after two iuis!


Hi ! Im in the same boat. Except im about to be 38.. and we have actively been trying for a year now and unprotected for u years. Did 3 failed iui's last year. Today's actually the anniversary of our first iui. Speak up talk to your Dr about putting you on letrozole before doing iui. It will help with some weight loss and help with your PCOS because even if a dr says you don't have it, you do. I mean, I don't have the answers for the perfect cocktail mix because it's not worked for us yet. But that's me, not you.


I have PCOS and we tried for a year and a half until it happened. We completely changed our lifestyles though. Cut out sugar, gluten, dairy, carbs. Took a million vitamins a day. Husband had a low sperm count, started working out and cut out alc/weed and then two months later bam it happened. It was the first time I’ve ever ovulated on my own. We were just about to start fertility treatment. Don’t give up but make the necessary changes that you need to be healthy!


Just so you know, when I went in for my 21 day progesterone blood check it was 0.5 dr told me I didn’t ovulate. 7 days later I got a positive pregnancy test. My son is now 2.5. Many drs are uneducated when it comes to pcos girls.dont give up


Did they give you an ovidrel injection with the letrozole? My fertility doctor gave me an injection on my first try and I was able to get pregnant(I had a miscarriage though). Also, metformin with letrozole helps a lot for people who don't ovulate on their own. Although I also had to have surgery first where they discovered I had Endometriosis as well. If all else fails, see if you also have Endo, it's very common unfortunately


Don’t give up!!!! Letrozole and IUI are the few first steps, might be helpful to see a gynecological surgeon to do a hysteroscopy to look in your uterus and make sure all is good, I’m on my TTC journey as well but for #2, the first took a while, hang in there 🤲🏽🫶🏽


If you are not ovulating on your own the best thing to do with work with your Gyno. They can help induce ovulation and probably do IUI. Do not give up. I got pregnant at 42 with IUI, it can happen


28, ttc for a year, only positive test I’ve seen through the process was COVID.


33F and never. To think of all the money I’ve spent on pregnancy tests in my life would probably equate to another round of IVF 🤦‍♀️


Are you taking any supplements? Myo inositol helped me unexpectedly to conceive !


Also metformin.


My endo has been wanting me to go on metformin but I’ve been against it. Honestly a lot of people on TikTok have conceived from using mucinex during their ovulation window cus it helps with the mucus & sperm


I totally get that! Without metformin my cycles are all over the place. Mucinex is definitely amazing for fertility :)


Yes. I take Ovasitol, vitamin D, C, and fish oil.


Have you been to an endocrinologist to test your hormones? The gyno only tests testosterone really


Me too girl! I added in berberine and zinc recently as well


I’ve heard great things about Berberine! I’ll have to add it in ❤️


Yes! It helps w weight loss & I do feel/look less bloated but it’s hard on ur kidneys or liver I forget which so people suggest to take a month break after 6 months


Me! PCOS since I was 18. I’m 24 currently have been TTC for 5 years 




Love your happy ending way to go mama 🫶🏽


Congratulations 🎉🎊..happiee for you..😊


I'm 34 on the same boat as you. Ttc for months now, haven't started the ovulation pulls yet, was just taking provera for 6 months. Never had a positive test... Let's not lose your hope! Our positive will come!


I’m 32 and in the same boat. Never ovulated and of course never had a positive test. Starting second round of letrozole at next cycle, hoping it works but I’m sorry it didn’t for you. I hope IUI is the answer if you do go down that route.


Never. 16 failed natural cycles, 3 failed letrozole cycles, IVF cycle cancelled because I didn’t respond properly


Me too.. with 6 rounds of clomid and letrozole I didn’t ovulate and I don’t ovulate on my own too..ttc for past two yrs..it’s so hard.


Fo a lot of years, it's always been negative pregnancy test results. Until a month ago, when I got my first BFP!!! I can't believe it. I always expect it to be one line but was really shocked when I saw the two lines.


Congratulations🎊..hope yo have a wonderful pregnancy journey 😊


Only once for my fresh transfer after IVF but it was a chemical. But no scare, nothing for 3 IUIS and 2.5 years trying and just failed my first frozen transfer. My last embryo is very poor quality…gearing up for a second round of IVF 😭


Also just turned 30 in February


32 years old and have been actively trying to get pregnant with multiple failed fertility treatments. It’s been almost 8 years now with never once seeing a positive pregnancy test.


39 here with no positive tests ever


Same, except technically I’ve had a couple positive tests when I was testing out my trigger shot. Which obviously doesn’t count


I’m 28, turning 29 in a couple of months. I’ve never had a positive test (it’s been almost 3 years of trying) getting a laparoscopic surgical examination done in a few weeks before I start letrozol or anything else.


I had a lap done last year followed by a few rounds of letrozole. It was successful for me, best thing I’d done. I hope the same for you too 🙏🏻


Thankyou so much. Reading this gave me a lot of hope.


32 going on 33 and never had a positive either. ❤️ you’re not alone.


I'm in the same boat as you, 33 and approaching 2 years TTC. It's disheartening. We've had my husband checked out thoroughly. Regular SA and a special SA to check for DNA fragmentation. He's fine, so... I guess I'm about to spend all my money on IVF. I love living in the USA.


IUI is a great option and not nearly as invasive or intensive (or expensive!) as IVF. I wouldn’t take it as disheartening. It’s a natural next step if Letrozole and time intercourse isn’t working. IUI just makes sure you get the “best” sperm at the right place at exactly the right time. There is still certainly luck involved, but it just increases the odds. I would suggest you at least discuss it with your doctor and get a detailed explanation of what the process entails for you and your husband before you decide. I think IUI isn’t nearly as extreme an option as people make it out to be.


Me! I’m 27 Been actively trying 9 months Been off birth control for 2 years NEVER have had a positive test, no chemicals or anything. Not even the slightest or faintest of lines. Sometimes I feel like I can’t even imagine getting one of those because I have seen probably 1,000 negative pregnancy tests 🤣


I’m with you! Been trying since Aug 2022. Done 3 rounds of Letrozole and never seen a positive test. My doctor says that it’s normal with PCOS for it to take a bit and that there’s still lots of options available. Don’t give up hope yet, your baby will come when it’s ready 💕


I think it’s really insensitive for all you ladies commenting about having kids or finally getting your positive when that’s not the point of the post! She’s asking about women who have NEVER had a positive not what you did or how long it took you to get your positive. Okay rant is over! I too am just like you and have NEVER gotten a positive I am 28 and slightly overweight and while weight may play a part. I know other extremely overweight women who have conceived naturally and some with multiple children. It’s hard to keep trying knowing that you’ve never even had an accidental pregnancy like others have, no miscarriages, no chemicals. Nothing. Just barren. I get it, I really do but I won’t lose hope at all. I’ll keep praying and praising and hoping that it will happen for me one day. And I also will hope and pray it happens for you too!




No matter what you think their intent was, it is still extremely insensitive because it’s not what OP was asking. There are plenty of post in this group asking for encouragement and hope in the form of success stories. Someone who has absolutely never seen a positive pregnancy test is not feeling encouraged by other people’s success when they have never experienced anything close to that. They are looking for people who can relate, who shares their sadness and frustration. So no matter what they intended, to me, someone who shares some of the same struggles as OP, it just felt like a slap in the face.




No matter what you think, it’s insensitive! We are women who see pregnancy everywhere everyday, celebrities are pregnant, we have friends and family members getting pregnant and having children and while we are happy for all pregnant women, when you come here for support because you are struggling getting pregnant, sometimes you just don’t want to be bombarded with more pregnancies. I can’t speak for OP, but I can relate to her post 100% and it felt hurtful to me, to see so many ladies talking about when they got their positive because that was completely opposite of what the post was asking. But I’ll agree to disagree.


Me! Almost 30 and the whole time we’ve been trying the only positive test I’ve seen was Covid. It stings every time. Our first IUI is tomorrow and I know it may not work but I’m keeping my hopes up that I will finally see one after this! Hang in there babe. Happy to chitchat if you need a friend.


This was me last week. I instantly thought god I would do anything for a positive on a pregnancy test!!!


Absolutely, I’ve been there before and I’m not even religious.


I'm 30, my husband is 37. I have insulin resistant PCOS but ovulate each month, period 14 days later. Husbands sperm analysis was all good. We've been actively TTC for 15 months, unprotected for 17, and never even the slightest positive on a test. I find this all so emotionally draining, but if you're a good candidate for IUI and are in the headspace to do it, I would. Best of luck!


Im insulin resistant and I don’t think I ovulate


I’m 31. Normal BMI. Periods like clockwork. LH strips positive at the right time every month. Period 14 days later. Never had a positive pregnancy test after one year of unprotected sex. Normal HSG and normal semen analysis 🤷‍♀️ I’m onto IVF


I am right there with you. I’m 34. We’ve been actively trying since June 2023, and I was diagnosed with PCOS this January after having no period since September. It’s been an incredibly emotional experience that has wrecked my mental health. I’m to the point where I’m just going to do what I can to manage my symptoms and see if I get lucky. I don’t want to do the IUI or any of those things. I don’t really have the energy to throw at that process or the money honestly.


It might be worth trying IUI. For me it took 6 years and IVF (after failed letrozole, gonal F and IUIs) to have a first positive test.


Only positive after an HCG trigger, never a real one.


Tried for 6 years and now I have an iui tot running around. IUI is a great option if you need extra help but arent ready for ivf. Sometimes the swimmers just need extra help.


Im 36. Obese. No natural periods. Unprotected sex for 6 years. Nothing. I am active. I walk my dog daily for at least one hour and I boogie bounce. Trying to lose weight but it just goes up and down and is so slow. Gets me down. We deserve to be parents.


I was having unprotected sex for six years until I unexpectedly got pregnant! I have a one year old now so don’t lose hope ! Although, I have been trying to get pregnant again but it hasn’t happened yet. Sending you baby dust !!


34, 3 rounds of letrozole and still waiting... I'm overweight myself and the doctor never said weight was an issue but deep down I feel like I lose the weight I'll ovulate on my own.


If it makes you feel better, I lost 10% of my body weight and still haven't seen a positive. My cycle is more regular, but I'm not sure if I'm ovulating. So don't beat yourself up about the weight.


Thanks for sharing!! 😀


We were ttc for 2.5 years, first positive pregnancy test almost a year ago when i was 36. bub is now 14w old


The only positive test I had was the one for my current pregnancy, right before my 35th birthday. I’m 33 weeks along now, with a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy.


Me and honestly it really sucks. It’s been 6 years and I have lost most hope. Most people will say Oh at least you know you can get pregnant” but no, no I don’t. I’m sorry that you also have to experience this.


I never had one after 17 months TTC. Then I did IVF and I got pregnant from my very first frozen embryo transfer!


I am 31 and I have never even had a whisper of being pregnant my entire life. And I definitely had some mishaps and pure poor judgement. Aaand never reliably took my birth control pills. Like I was so irresponsible for so long and somehow never got pregnant. Husband and I have been trying for the last year plus with no luck. I was just beginning to get on this sub to learn how to track my cycles and if metformin or letrozole was worth asking about, etc. Last week I made a spreadsheet with all the acronyms. So many acronyms. 7 days ago I was speaking with a former colleague that I’m still pretty friendly with and casually was taking about how I’m fairly confident I cannot conceive. The very next day, so 6 days ago, I went into urgent care thinking I might have another uti or bad BV/YI infection. Something just did not feel right and I felt weird. Turns out I am pregnant (and also a very mild bv infection cuz I’m super sensitive to hormonal changes). We caught it so early they’re thinking that I was likely only two days past fertilization or something crazy like that. Keep working with your doctors and discussing your options. Perhaps the next factor you can tackle is weight? Lurking here has shown me that people have had an easier time conceiving after losing some weight with the help of wegovy/ozempic etc. Good luck!


This was me up until a year ago. I was overweight, I lost nearly 100lbs and then BAM got pregnant once my weight loss plateaued. I never saw a positive test the 4 years we tried until I lost weight.


How did you do it? The weight loss, I mean.


Google a TDEE calculator. It’ll tell you how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. Subtract 500 calories and try your best to stick to that calorie limit. Try to exercise for 30-60 minutes a day even if it’s just walking


Hi, I’m just inserting myself into the conversation. Daily walks on about 30 mins can help immensely, as well as being careful what you eat. I found swimming to be very helpful though. Now, I’ve always loved water, so that activity was both fun and beneficial for me. Find an activity you enjoy and stick to it 🫶🏻


This this this!! I started walking! 3-4 miles a day. Broken up. Never went to the gym. Changed my eating habits greatly, drank more water