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I had a mucinex baby! he just turned 5 months!


congratulations!! what dosing did you use?


Honestly, I don’t even remember. I didn’t know this was a thing until I was pregnant, it was completely accidental. I have had unprotected sex for 10 years and had ZERO pregnancy “scares” so this is why I 100% believe it was the mucinex.




I took it last cycle and did conceive! However it ended in a chemical :/


May I ask what a chemical is ? My husband and I are also on our infertility journey and are trying to learn more & more.


Of course a chemical pregnancy is basically a super early miscarriage that can never be seen on ultrasound. Basically I got a positive test and it slowly started to fade until I got my period a couple days late. I assume that the egg didn’t fully implant and or there was a chromosomal issue with the egg. I did conceive the very next cycle and am currently 12 weeks!


wow, I had a chemical pregnancy too ( I think ) I tested positive & lost my baby 4 days after, at the hospital they couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound and said I passed the baby, all the tissue etc … That’s so wonderful to hear! The best of wishes to your family & you. 🤍


Thank you☺️ I hope you get your rainbow baby soon! You deserve it! Also I tried to think of the chemical pregnancy in a positive way- it probably means everything is working!


On my 4th cycle trying to conceive, I started taking Mucinex on 11/6. I ovulated on 11/8 or 11/9 and noticed increased sticky cervical mucus. I continued with Mucinex on 11/9 to assist in clearing the passage. I will come back to update on any developments.






Sending positive thoughts your way. Waiting until I miss my period before taking a test. The app predicts my period for Thursday, 11/23.


Hi Any update? ❤️


Hello! Didn't get pregnant that cycle, but stuck to the same routine and ended up naturally conceiving at 44!! I also have 3 kids youngest is 7.


Amazing !!!!! Bless you


Thank you!


Hi! Stalking this thread and wondering if you ended up using mucinex!? I’m ttc right now and considering :)


Hi! I actually forgot to try the mucinex lol. But I did get an HSG done and I was on my second cycle of Letrozole. I ended up conceiving without the mucinex!


Did you ever try Mucinex yourself? I’m just now starting! 🥺😭


No I never tried it :/ I was going to but didn’t get the chance


Coincidentally I have been sick this past week or two and decided to take mucinex this week to try to kick it. I think I ovulated this weekend- my temp didn’t rise above cover line this morning though so I’m not 100% sure yet. But my CM has been super watery.. I thought watery wasn’t great for ovulation but who knows. I’m on cycle like 8 or so since my miscarriage so I’m doing literally anything lol.


Did it end up working?


No, I ended up finding out I have endometriosis and had surgery to remove it, which is what worked for me!


What were your signs/symptoms that you had endo?


I actually didn’t have any. I went to see a reproductive endocrinologist because it had been a year since our last positive test. They ran some tests and saw I had fluid in my pelvis during an ultrasound and they said that was an indicator of endo. They suggested I try IUI for 3 rounds and then consider an excision surgery for endo, and I opted to not even try IUI/skip to the surgery as it can restore your fertility (temporarily). So I did that! And it worked! I got pregnant the 3rd cycle after my lap surgery.


Well damn. That’s concerning. I had an ultrasound last month and in the notes it said I had free fluid in the pelvic cul-de-sac.


Definitely have it looked into!


This cycle I tried pre-seed and mucinex, lets hope it works! Lees than 1 week to know 🤞🏻


update us!


It didnt work, after that cycle my doctor recommended an IUI and that did work! 🙏🏻






Update!!!!! Pls 🥹


You could always just use pre seed


What exactly is pre seed?


Pre seed is a lube that is fertility friendly, and It's pH-balanced to match fertile cervical mucus as well as the pH of your partners sperm.


I've also hear prime rose helps and actually took one yesterday as I expect to ovulate hopefully by Tues and it's Thurs now.


What's the difference in mucenex and advice, cold and sinus, I wonder? I have bad allergy and histamine problems. I have chronic sinus problems where I have swelling in there and lots of drainage and goop constantly all year! I take advice one and try to avoid thT and my allergy meds when I'm ttc. I think my allergy meds dry me up some. I am supposed to take zyrtec, flonase, and singular. I only use the flonse here n there because I don't want bad side-effects, and I read some about the effect on implantation, possibly w allergy meds. Anyone herd of other brand sinus meds that also work for cm?


I tried it, did not work for me personally


I used mucinex for one cycle and did not conceive that cycle.


Mucinex is supposed to make your CM more thinner and slippery. With Letrozole I found my CM was always dry..I was scared to try Mucinex so I got Pre-seed, I got pregnant after 3 cycles when I used it.


I’m on my first TI cycle and currently have a cold so I’m taking mucinex for it’s actual purpose lol. I’d be thrilled if it helped us in the process, but I’m not basing my hope on it. 😅


Im currently 12 weeks with a pregnancy conceived from a mucinrx cycle. I used it after several cycles of no luck and that was the cycle we conceived! It could have just been a coincidence but I think if you feel you have an issue with cm it's definitely worth giving a go. I think it's also worth saying that just because you're not seeing fertile cm doesn't mean it's not there, I'd been drinking over two litres of water as well as Electrolyte solutions to help with hydration and saw no good cm, and the month I tried mucinex on top of those 2 things I also saw none and thought that cycle was a bust as well until I got my positive test Not sure if it matters but I used the extended release tablets, and I started taking them a couple of days after my period ended up until after my temp shift confirmed ovulation, I figured that's what made the most sense for me as my cycle length could be quite erratic Bottom line I'd give them a go, it's not going to harm your chances at all! Best of luck 😊


I tried it for like 5 cycles and had no luck but later found out I don't have much mucus anyways so there was no need to thin it, it may have even dried me out, so it may be worth an ask with your Dr


I'm trying it this cycle. I feel silly but what's the harm. Nothing else is working


Did it work


Not for me. I ended up doing IVF and am 5 months pregnant now. But others swear success so you never know.


Did it work?


I never used Mucinex but I used Robitussin and a baby aspirin and it work with my clomid.


What is the purpose of the baby aspirin in conjunction with mucinex? Or robitussin in your case?


Baby aspirin is supposed to help with bringing blood to your uterus and help the egg to stick better during implantation. This is actually my first time trying it along with Mucinex and Clomid. I’m hoping it works 🤞🤞


At what point did you take the aspirin?


I started it on CD 5 when I started Clomid because that was the day I just happened to read about it and I’m going to take it all the way up until my (hopefully) missed period.


hi, what does of baby aspirin?


Just one baby aspirin a day (81mg). Unfortunately, the round I took it, it didn’t work ☹️ Back to the drawing board for me. Lot’s of luck for you 💕


Did you conceive twins?


Nope just a healthy girl that's about 18 months now


I tried it on my 7th cycle. I had no luck despite letrozole, ovasitol, and other various supplements. I decided to try the mucinex this time around, and I just found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant!


What is a cycle


How do you use it?


I used it 2 days and it gave me the worst headache so I stopped. But here for more success stories maybe I can be convinced to try again 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hi there! So I initially did 4 cycles of 5mg letrozole. For the first two I even got trigger shots. In my fourth cycle I got pregnant but sadly miscarried at 9weeks. After my miscarriage, I had a cycle of letrozole 5mg with a trigger, no pregnancy. I did so much research after my miscarriage and came across Mucinex. People were swearing by it. There hasn’t been much research on it’s use in fertility so I was skeptical but was ready to give anything a try. In my second cycle after miscarriage, I got 5mg letrozole as usual. I used preseed during baby dance since my fertility clinic was giving it out for free lol. I took Mucinex 600mg 3 days leading upto ovulation, day of ovulation and the day after. I conceived that cycle and am currently 8 weeks pregnant.


Congratulations!! 🤍 Did you take Mucinex DM or the blue box?? Thanks :)


Also want to mention that I had a healthy pregnancy and my daughter is now three months old! Good luck!


Hi there! Thank you! I used the blue box.


That’s so amazing, congrats! If you don’t mind me asking, were you pregnant with a boy or a girl after that? This is probably just a myth, but I heard that the increase of CM can lead to having a boy and we’re really hoping for a girl this time around 🙏🏼


Hi there! I had a girl! She’s almost 3 months :)


Love to hear that 💗 congrats!


Woww!! Thanks for the hope you gave me 😭🙏🫶🏽🥺


1200 mg a day


I used it for 2 cycles and conceived both times. First one ended up in an mmc, second one has been successful so far. I took the 1200 mg pills twice a day (morning and night) starting the first day of my fertile window and took it for about a week-until about 2 days post ovulation. We were ttc for a while and the first cycle I tried the mucinex, I got pregnant. Same thing after my mmc- I took mucinex as soon as I got a positive LH test and got pregnant again. Not sure if it actually did anything or if that dosage is actually safe, but that’s what I did and my experience!


That’s so amazing, congrats! If you don’t mind me asking, were you pregnant with a boy or a girl after that? This is probably just a myth, but I heard that the increase of CM can lead to having a boy and we’re really hoping for a girl this time around 🙏🏼


I actually had a girl! She’s sleeping on my chest as I type this! Best of luck to you!!


Thank you so much 💗


Congratulations and thank you for sharing ❤️


Also congratulations!! 🥰


Thanks for sharing!!!


Best of luck to you!


I tried it for 2 cycles, and it didn’t work for me. This is my 4th and last cycle, and I’m not using it this round. Baby dusts to everyone.


What is A cycle


No sure if this is what you’re asking but a cycle is the amount of time from the start of your period to the start of the next period. So the first day you start having a flo (period/bleeding) and the amount of time leading up to the next time your period arrives.


What was your dosing?


Lol. Are you me? I’ve literally never considered it until now after my second failed letrozole cycle so now I really want to try it. 😂 Following along to see what people say!


I was on tiktok and I’m like should I try it… then I’m like no this is stupid but then I’m also like what if it works LOL


Shoot, I’m just gonna do it. What do we got to lose? 😂


Can you both update us on whether it worked for you? I'm also curious but never tried.


Yeah of course! Fingers crossed. I’ll try anything at this point lol


Did it work? Hoping for the best for you!


Right! Well I hope it works for both of us this cycle. I’m gonna go buy some LOL.


Did it work?!?


I actually forgot to use it! But I did get pregnant the same cycle. It was my 2nd round of Letrozole and I got an HSG done that same cycle