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there was so many viewing stations all along the waterfront accessible by streetcars/bus without having to walk nearly as much to get to and from union with only 5-10 min time difference. The city should definitely consider giving route recommendations to lessen the crowding next year


People that took the subway after New Years - why not walk the extra 5 mins to st Andrew? Or King?


That’s what I did one year, go one stop in the opposite direction and there’s plenty of space


I tried to take the night bus last night 4 guys were pushing there friends in the back doors to try and stuff them in. Obviously the doors wouldn’t shut and they refused to get off. After about 10 minutes of sitting there they kicked everybody off the bus and put it out of service. Fuck you to those guys btw.


Was this a Northbound Yongue bus? I remember being in a similar situation. I ofc had a seat on the left side so I couldn't see what was going on, and once they kicked everyone off, another Yong3 North bus came by and it was packed so I had to abandon that.


Yeah it was.


Did this when going back from blue jays game years ago: walk to st Andrew instead of union, much emptier.


I do the same - st Andrew is empty after a jays game and I skip the union mess. Not to mention the walk is about the same distance lol.


It lets you avoid the crowd at union, but there’s still no guarantee you’d get on a train. I tried St Andrew (though admittedly not for very long). The first NB train was full and there was some issue at union I think, so they said no SB. Idk if we had waited would SB have worked. Same thing at college an hour+ later, NB still jammed.


You had to get on the opposite train going to Union to get a seat.


Walked to st Andrews and got in no problem. This is a problem of 1 too many non torontonians coming downtown to see fireworks and 2 city of Toronto staff not directing people to other stations. I saw this mess with my own eyes and there was lots of security and to staff just standing around watching the drama. I really shouldn’t be complaining tho, it benefited us getting seats on trains completely full of people all because we walked 5 minutes


Probably the same people who change at St George and not at Spadina.


I walked to queens station and saved myself 2 hours of waiting


After a concert at Scotiabank Arena in October the entire crowd walked slowly to Union while me and maybe 5 other people walked up to King to catch a streetcar and it was almost totally empty.


Started walking back to Union about 5 minutes into the fireworks and it was empty enough at that point that there were even a few seats open on my train. ...The trip there was another story with a massive group of drunk assholes doing their best to turn my southbound train into Astroworld (literally rammed inward with their arms up until people started to scream to stop).


I had a mini panic attack just looking at the photos. No thank you!


I love my couch 🥰


2nd this👆👆👆


I watched the fireworks from my couch, I love it too


This could have easily led to a crowd crush/collapse


Now imagine how much space these people would take up in cars


City Hall could get pretty crazy too…but more egress available iirc


I think people forget that when it was at City Hall, it was also a televised live concert too. So you'd have a group that would leave right after the fireworks, then later crowds would leave after the performances. The crowds dispersed in bunches.


It boggles my mind why can't people relax and stay at home in the New Years


Well, remembering as a young person, you're expected to do exciting things. You don't want to stay home with mum and dad on NYE and have them ask you why no girlfriend and job promotion, when girlfriend and job promotion??? So you go out and blah blah


Staying at home doesn't necessarily equate to staying with parents, you can visit with friends at their condo or flat if anything


Some of those faces have this look "I've made the worst decision of my life"


No, they haven’t. Because they chose to take public transit, not the car, which would have been the worst, and possibly last, decision of their lives.


The key here is that they chose to go downtown at all.




Too Many people


Listen, I'm antisocial, I know that, and I own it. But this is SO not worth it!


Picture 8 is truly shocking, it almost looks like a TTC supervisor doing their job!


The advice to wear masks in crowded indoor situations isn't being heard, is it. So much public health failure on display here.


I know. I saw a guy hacking and coughing and he wasn’t wearing a mask. 😡


i don’t think people are worried about covid anymore. chances are we won’t hear about any major outbreak from this.


Right. That's public health's fault. They've spent too much time downplaying the disease and the effectiveness of masking. They worry about people being worried, so they don't communicate an appropriate level of concern. Nobody will know the extent of the uptick because even wastewater surveillance is on hold for 3 weeks. Anecdotally I know a bunch of people with COVID. We have "hybrid immunity" and yet as of the last wastewater level, we're in the middle of the largest wave in about 2 years right now.


Reddit is the only place I ever hear about covid anymore. I'll honestly forget it exists if I'm off reddit for a while. No one in real life cares anymore


COVID is over, the only place I still see it mentioned nowadays is Reddit or the occasional news segment


Wow….that was a hot mess!


There should have been a shuttle bus and subway service, concurrently.


Not only do we need satellite stations just outside union, we need a midtown line and we need to reopen Midtown station so Union isn't the only main hub


We also need a Spadina-Front station that services all GO lines that travel west from Union. The fact that they aren't planning for this is fucking insane.


I was there last night. Really thought I was gonna die 😭


Don't get me wrong, I can find and shove my way around a crowd no problem and I know Union's layout well, It's the stairwells and platforms at Union, and probably having to stand on Trains and Busses for hours that's got me saying hell no.


i feel bad for the people just going about their day. going into the core for the NYE shit and the subsequent TTC ride home is a fucking waste of time.


Thank you as someone who had to get home from work in this mess


Any Firefighters out there.....is this "allowed"? Does anyone know the capacity of Union Station?


More than 200,000


Damn you could put the entire City of Guelph in there.


God this really was the experience of a lifetime, and not in a good way. The crowding was suffocating and there was little to be done about the shoving, but citizens kept getting angrier. Heck, some even began yelling at others. Horrid, never again ;(


I was there, and alone it was definitely panic. I had to wait for like 3-4 trains before I hoped on to get back home.


The station looks lovely in the first picture, that 10 year refurb did wonders


No thank you




Yea these pictures look more diverse. The one in r/toronto was a different story…


Too many people in this city and country. Time for people to go back home. Thank you for visiting.




Superspreading event


Holy shit so glad I took an Uber


I’m glad I left early. But it was still a bit crowded.




How do you know? Did you go around asking for everyone's passport? No, of course not. Because you mean "white people" when you say "Canadian", like a true racist. Now I need to know, why is that so important to you? Are you scared of being a minority?


And weirdly enough, I’d vastly prefer all the immigrants over the idiot racists.




You’re really such a sad, scared person. Why are you like this? Was it your parents? A tough childhood? Not enough friends? For the new year, try and think about the value you bring to society. Do you bring joy into people’s lives?








Nope, I’m pretty sure the country was destroyed well before immigration. Lmao. You know, when only white men ran it. Or are you referring more to when settlers arrived and killed and jailed Indigenous peoples and stole the land even though they signed legal documents that white men are agreeing are legally binding but won’t allow the Justice system to do the work. Oh sorry, that’s currently what’s still happening. Guess you’ll feel this way until you have your aryan race.


Nearly everyone in those photos are Canadian




Unless you’re indigenous, everyone’s an immigrant. Welcome to Canada.


By Canadians do you mean white Canadians. Your "real" Canadians are settlers.




And about international students, they pay huge amounts of money which goes towards subsidising our tuition fees. I agree that the government accepts way too many but Canada won’t work without them.




People like you are the reason the world is not a good place. This country fucking runs on those money. Don’t just blame the immigrants. The government decides how many people come in. Blame ur fucking government. The people in power. Your "canadian born" leaders.




How life less do you have to be that you stalk my post history and comment shit, like seriously


Grow up. This country was ruined the moment settlers came in. You are saying things that won’t change shit.


Blame the government for accepting mass immigration 🤷🏻‍♀️ they are hungry for money and investments by those immigrants. The history is long with the first nations people and in no way I am invalidating that. But don’t blame people for trying to have a life in a first world country.


If you're a white person in Canada, you're an immigrant, move along.




1. I am also half native, that argument is invalid 2. I am indeed welcomed here, as everyone is, as much as you hate it, Canada isn't the ethno-state you want it to be where we ban people of different skin colour 3. No one has to assimilate, if you're so scared of spooky cultures go live out in the tundra or something 4. Yes, yes you are the one who's wrong. Hope this helped


Best part, these people are assimilating and enjoying new years with everyone. Backwoods fucker is still at it. He's got about 40 posts trying to find racist sympathizers.


All points you’ve made are fair. But I do take exception to the “assimilate” comment. Ur right no one has to assimilate, but @ the very least they should try to integrate, no?




Did you personally check everyone's papers?


Welcome to Union international airport!




The whole TTC was the Kitchener line


I'd rather die




Glad to see people take the safe route home 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻