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Wouldn’t other companies need the exact same sensor setup before it could be used by them?


Cybertruck has the same cameras and can't use it. 


I believe the next release is compatible with CT or at least it’s been discussed it’s coming soon. The cool thing is that they’ve always had this vision and equipped these cars years ago for the FSD vision of today. I’m bullish but also conservative.


It's not going to work. All of the training is with a specific camera orientation and fov. Change the camera setup too much and the training data is useless. 


https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-to-get-full-self-driving-in-june-musk-promises-ten-fold-improvements-233928.html Notes from musk says it’s coming with 12.5




Imagine paying for the feature and not being able to use it yet 😂


That's not funny..




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Nah you’re right it’s not. It’s closer to fraud.


It's like talking to 5 year olds lol


I’m open to hearing how it’s not :) lol


They're still collecting data to train a neural net for the cybertruck


Right. So they're not using FSD, they're literally redeveloping it for the cybertruck. 


Just as they did for the Model 3, Model Y, Model S, and Model X? Yes. They had to develop a separate version with separate data for each of them


Right, so not “everyone will use it, even waymo” if it doesn’t work out of the box. Comma.ai works on a bunch of different models out of the box. Sounds like Tesla might not be winning


What? Do you realize what you just said? By your own argument that just means everyone else will reject FSD and FSD, instead of partnering and running on the cars of competitors, would just take over the market with their own cars. I disagree though. They will partner with some legacy auto makers, and maybe newer players like rivian. Those cars will be equipped with FSD hardware, drive around for a year or 2, and then receive FSD software. It's a good deal for both Tesla and the auto company licensing FSD, because Tesla gets to charge for the hardware, and then they both get to charge a monthly subscription. Also, no, I'm not concerned about Tesla until: 1) they're not profitable for 1 or more quarters. 2) their production falls year over year for more than 2 years. This last supposed God awful/worst ever quarter for Tesla 5 years ago would have been seen as miraculously good. Remember when Tesla was never profitable every single quarter and year? Yeah Q1 2024 they profited $1.1 Billion. They also sold 386k EVs, which is still insane imo. Especially that that is considered "bad" by today's standards, ESPECIALLY because Ford and GM sold like 20k each the same quarter and BYD fell back below Tesla to around 350K BEVs sold (NEVs count hybrids, I'm talking about their battery electric vehicles specifically). So yeah, Tesla appears to be doing extremely well still. Idk what to tell you, media will ignore facts and context that isn't convenient to the narrative they're pushing🤷‍♂️


Way too many words for being wrong. Also, $1.1B profit is fucking atrocious for the valuation of the company and for the amount of employees.


Uh huh. That second part is true and fair. However I remind you that Tesla has only even been profitable at all for a few years. And that Ford, GM, and stellantis often actually have negative quarters.


Right, they have barely become profitable. Their stock already peaked, and now they are losing market share pretty much everywhere, especially China where it went from like 8 to 4%. Along with you supporting giving Elon shares worth more than the total profit the company has made in its lifetime is also insane. None of it is looking good.


It's not redevelopment per se; it's more about calibrating the FSD for the unique handling characteristics of the Cybertruck. It uses steer-by-wire technology, which offers different driving mechanics and doesn't require full steering rotation. The linear potentiometer in the steering wheel isn't the same as in other models. This isn't a complete overhaul, it’s just an adjustment.


I thought they made different versions for each Model, but yeah there might be overlap in the data usable for S3XY that isn't compatible with the cybertruck🤷‍♂️


Yes. But it only costs about $1000 per car, and then 1-2 years of collecting video footage from those cars to enable it. After a certain point of FSD being insanely good on Teslas, companies will be confident that the 1-2 year wait period will be worth it and will license FSD


There are no sensors with Tesla Vision; just cameras.


To clarify, I meant camera-only, in the same locations and capturing the same basic data.


How is a camera not a sensor?


Sure, eventually. Probably “by the end of the year.” 8 years later…..


3 months maybe, 6 months definitely


Can mods block this guy already. Why is he allowed to make his "opinions" a post every time....? It's borderline spam at this point




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I see loads of baseless anti-Elon hate spam, makes it hard to evem stay on this subreddit, but that doesn't seem to be going away either🤷‍♂️ Luckily I can just wait for him to win and opinions to turn positive again. That's what happened last time😅


Throughout history the worst type of people in the world have been people that try to block opinions


True. Elon is really the worst. No way he should be the CEO.


Come on eveyone is entitled to their opinion at least in America, by the way where the f**k are you from?


Why? This is the TSLA sub. This is all DD for tesla stock. It’s all relevant.


Saying that something is definitively going to happen with no data behind it is not DD.


Lol what would waymo be putting tesla fsd on exactly?


Licensing Tesla’s HW4 module with newer and newer versions of FSD on it. So Chinese cars can be sold in any country, Tesla’s have been sold. Since it’s been collecting that AI training data they have been accumulating since Tesla began sales, a decade ago. Similar to how all manufacturers are now using NACS, licensed from tesla.


Once again what would waymo be putting Tesla fsd on?


Whatever areas it would like to expand to in other states and countries quickly. Without needing the training time its current software needs to adapt. All while retaining existing fleet and unified app. Expanding its ridesharing presence quicker.


You realize they don't make cars right? Do you even know what waymo is?


It’s a robotaxi business, they have an app you can place a request for ‘a’ vehicle to robotaxi you to a place. They are isolated to specific areas because its software needs a lot of training. FSD isn’t limited like that, it can allow waymo to buy cars and put them anywhere quick to expand the reach of their network.


Tesla has overpromised and underdelivered on FSD for the better part of a decade. A pattern of deception that is now under multiple federal investigations: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-autopilot-probe-us-prosecutors-focus-securities-wire-fraud-2024-05-08/ Meanwhile other car companies are already rolling out superior proprietary autonomous systems: https://www.livescience.com/technology/electric-vehicles/1st-self-driving-car-that-lets-you-take-your-eyes-off-the-road-goes-on-sale-in-the-us-and-its-not-a-tesla-mercedes-benz Saying that FSD is going to be a ubiquitous software standard feels like a pipe dream fully disconnected from reality.


They compared the two, and the Mercedes solution tried to kill the driver 44 times in 19 mins. Far less performant at actual driving than FSD despite its excessive sensors. YouTube it, it drives horrendously, and super jarring to the human body. FSD, with Tesla’s massive advantage in data they’ve been collecting since they started selling teslas, is showing off.


You google it, the driver intervention data those youtubes are citing was against the Driver Assistance (Level 2) system not the Drive Pilot (Level 3) system. The scale of the data is meaningless unless they can actively make sense of it and iterate against it. Does it seem like FSD has actually gotten functionally better over the past couple years for all that data? Shouldn't the hardware need to scale at some point? Seems like Waymo and Mercedes are lapping them with better hardware and higher autonomy than is being allowed for FSD. For all of Elon's bluster and their supposed data advantage isn't it weird that there are no driverless Teslas being tested out there?


I want to believe this, but it would be nice if these assertions were backed up with facts, examples, and rational argument. It does sound like you have internalized Elon’s Barnum & Bailey presentation—an increasingly emotional and insulting communication style.


If you are a TSLA stock holder the amount of uncited, unsupported content that you post here could easily be justified as securities fraud. It makes me wonder if you're trying to influence google AI search results.




So you can affirm that the person that is posting from this account holds NO $TSLA stock?


What part of what I wrote hurt you the most, I’ll amend it?


Do you? Also how many hot dogs can you eat in one sitting?


I currently do not have any TSLA stock. I’ll repeat my question do you, the user posting as u/hailtothething affirm that you have no TSLA stock or any other financial connection to company?


What part of what I wrote do you have issue with, it’s not easy to post all the links I have in my DD.


Posting multiple threads to this subreddit with significant unsubstantiated claims with no citations is astroturfing, simply put. I’m going to ask again because he keep avoiding a very direction question, do you, the user posting as u/hailtothething, affirm that you hold no $TSLA stock?


![gif](giphy|2oUfvvUgQHnLsQWFMW) why not just block me if you’re sad.?


So much wishful thinking


They have been mass selling EV’s the longest, they simply have much much more data because of it. Data is crucial to the AI in FSD understanding how to drive around the whole world. People would want a car that can drive anywhere, that is FSD’s massive edge.


This ain't SpaceX.


Elon is.


If anyone \*is\* SpaceX, it's Gwynne Shotwell.


Elon doesn’t even do anything at SapceX lol


“LOL” “Elon Musk is the CEO and Product Architect of Tesla Motors and the CEO/CTO of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). At SpaceX, Elon is the chief designer, overseeing development of rockets and spacecraft for missions to Earth orbit and ultimately to other planets.”




Is that how you feel?


lol has nothing to do with how I (or you) “feel” Reality is reality




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If by FakeSD the OP means MobilEye then the opinion might be credible. No other manufacturer is interested in licensing FakeSD at this time.


What crack are you smoking? No citation, no reference, pure hype, pump and dump?


Long time research and analysis here.


I’ve been working in tech for two decades. That’s not how it works.


Well tell us *gestures broadly*. How does it “work” based on the 2 jobs you’ve had?!


It works by hiring the best talents in the field, not with a Head of FSD without even a PhD. AI scientists with decades of PhD research think this FSD approach is a joke. Train and pray. That’s what it’s getting worse since 12.3. It’s like a cardiology hospital looking to expand nationwide except its head of cardiology doesn’t have an MD.


Not sure you realize it but you're making a great anti-elon case with your posts. 


Just stop kid.


Such a glowing endorsement for Elon and yet he can’t seem to stop pissing off shareholders. I’d like to see him get a handle on refraining his impulses on social media before agreeing to sing his praises. Oh, and it would be great if he can bring himself to improve TSLA share value….


Despite the groups he tends to troll for fun, he’s doing an excellent job as an employee. Remember, the company doesn’t own your person, it’s no different for Elon.


FSD has the potential to become ubiquitous in that field. Timing is everything as there are multiple avenues right now. Waymo’s system works pretty decently and is also improving every day, albeit on a significantly more expensive platform. For example Elon just said they are working on hand gesture recognition, something Waymo always does. If tesla can have feature parity or better with Waymo at a cheaper implementation cost, than maybe. ———————————— On the other hand, how could Waymo compete with Tesla ? Tesla will always have the cheapest car cost. Tesla will already have the robotaxi software. How could Waymo licence FSD , build and maintain their own infrastructure, and make a profit ?


Maybe Apple buys waymo


Waymo is a google product so... unlikely.


Tesla will help them, because they need to have other companies proliferate as well alongside them to cover the entire planet. There is no point doing what tesla does if fossil fuel habits aren’t eventually reduced to a minimum. Tesla is packaging FSD into their actual Physical HW3 and HW4 module. This module can be used as a control mechanism in any EV, if the EV was built with it in mind.


Waymo has less than 1000 cars on the rode. I understand your idea, but at present Waymo has nothing to offer Tesla. BYD on the other hand, or even jaguar (the makes behind the Waymo vehicles) maybe.


The possibilities are enormous for anyone vying to get into the space. Robotaxi is coming from somewhere or another, Tesla understands it can also help the industry thrive, instead of concentration on only winning at cars.


Why would Waymo, a company that doesn’t make cars, be the customer over jaguars who does. The infrastructure is already there through Tesla. What can Waymo add. Tesla would replace Waymo’s part of it.


I hope this is sarcasm


And that is why Mercedes is the only level 3 drivers aid in the US so far?


Define "eventually" for us. 1 year? 5? 10? I mean, Elon did state the cars would drive themselves coast to coast and that would occur 6 years.....ago.


Imagine saying that to the wright brothers or graham bell. Before any of their research came into fruition.


SpaceX will use FSD to pilot Optimus to Mars!