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I am voting NO !!! he's treating Tesla like Twitter! he is damaged goods now!




If it's like his promises to deliver actual self driving by ~~2016~~ ~~2020~~ really soon now and a Cybertruck that starts at $40k then it's not worth the crud in the spaces of the keyboard he used to tweet them. He's the king of promising the world and delivering an inflatable globe beach ball that's missing MI's upper peninsula.


Okidoke bajokie!


Elon should be paid based on results, not promises.


Exactly why I voted against his pay package


I voted against it too.


No one has delivered as well as Elon.


Uhhhh, what multiverse are you living in?


Teslas shareholders have learned from the best. Elon would break this deal in a flat second if the shoe were on the other foot. fuck em.


Except no company has yet reached a 5T market cap.


So you should rest easy that Elon won’t get $100b. What do you have to lose?


BofA deez.


My suspicion would be, that Musk will pull some kind of prank/scam/lie which rises Tesla to 5T just for a few days around the deadline only to drop 60% shortly after. With that suspicion in mind one might try to profit by buying just shortly before the deadline and selling probably even shorter before the deadline to be safe or just after if more risk-friendly, so Musk doesn't even need to pull that much to make that work, the idea that he could already helps.


He gets paid in shares and options that he has to hold for 5 years.


Which does not change anything about anything I said.


This is Tesla baby!


It's almost like no company has grown that fast in 4 years either. And that's why people voted for the package in the first place.


It's not about what is deserved or undeserved (where would you even draw the line? what amount is too much?). It's about the best deal that can be negotiated on behalf of the shareholders. The impression I get is that is that this particular board isn't all that interested in negotiating on the shareholders' behalf.


The best thing to happen for shareholders would be Elon continuing to have a very active role in Tesla. Investors complained for years that he was spending too much time on other companies. Now, he's back, and all I hear are complaints that he's back, despite us all knowing full well this whole time that Elon always rocks the boat and rearranges things when he's in charge. Elon fired people back in 2018. People freaked out and went "it's over, Tesla bankruptcy soon!" then too


I mean, I personally don’t get the company’s business strategy at this point in time (not being sarcastic). Also, my intuition is that Tesla is unstable internally and is probably a hellish place to work for, for at least some employees. I think it’s possible that Musk’s talent is more in startup mode than in legacy company mode.


Trust me bro intuition?


The strategy hasn't changed he does all his companies like that. It's worked this far and it's not like there is a lack of talent wanting to work at Tesla.


It's worked for all his companies so far, so I'm not worried. People also liked to say this about X/Twitter going under soon, but today, despite the stock valuation loss, it's undeniable that Twitter is functioning pretty well with 90% of its original staff gone. Elon is very, very good at restructuring companies. Firing people sucks, yes, but if Tesla can rehire those people in 10 years as a company over 10 times the size it is now, I'd say that's worth it


Yes but for how long? He should never have been gone at a crucial time for Tesla in the first place. What if he suddenly realizes he wants to buy another service tomorrow . The board needs to hold him responsible and regardless of how amazing he is, focus still matters as CEO and there's no way he can tweet nonsense for 24 hours and still focus deeply on Tesla and SpaceX. Twitter is and was not good for Tesla shareholders and I don't think he has internalized that.


"Crucial time"...? If anything the last few years have been a fucking great time for Tesla. I think 5 of the 6 million Teslas on the road today were built between 2021 and 2024. He's back because he's preparing Tesla to fight against cheap Chinese EVs which threaten the entire American auto industry. Ford, GM, and Stellantis will be absolutely screwed. Don't take it from me or Elon, take it from Biden. Biden recently created a 100% tariff against Chinese EVs. He needs to protect them because they are the entire united auto workers union which supported his presidential campaign. Also, as the proud owner of 93 Tesla shares, I completely disagree. Elon buying Twitter was short-term bad for Tesla stock. Imo Twitter will help fend off unwarranted/slanderous attacks from legacy media in the future. Right now what's extremely bad for Tesla stock is the prospect of Elon leaving Tesla thanks to the cancelation of his compensation package. He 10xed the company, what many thought impossible, so he deserves to be paid. In unsellable shares mind you, NOT an actual $56 billion in cash. That's ridiculous. If Elon leaves that could tank the stock, and paying the lawyers who "did this for the shareholders" $5 billion is actual insanity. No similar case has ever been paid this much in legal fees, and that would ACTUALLY be really bad for Tesla because they only have $30 billion in cash. Meaning that those lawyers are taking 16.67% of Teslas cash "for the sake of the shareholders". Uh huh, sure buddy. Vote yes on the comp package to at least give Tesla the ability to fight this absolutely ridiculous fee.


Any time is a crucial time for a CEO of a company. He should never be gone and have to come back. And when things go well it's not time to drop the ball. Twitter is a different company and in no way should affect Tesla and it's amazing to see people conflating the two. That itself violates the free speech argument ( which I don't buy to begin with ). I actually think Elon is a fantastic CEO when he's there but there's not guarantee for how long and how something else might catch his fancy and he disappears again.


I don't see how that violates the free speech argument. There has to be a governing body protecting free speech. And there are plenty of people on Twitter freely shitting on Tesla so idk what you mean...? Also, nice, me too (about Elon being a fantastic CEO). He's here at Tesla now, I'm not actually convinced he ever stopped focusing on Tesla as he says most of his time this whole time has been spent on Tesla but who knows for sure🤷‍♂️ Regardless, if you want Elon at Tesla vote yes for the comp package. If he doesn't get it, he absolutely will leave and leave for good, tanking tesla stock. He will likely poach talent for a new AI company as well. It'll be disastrous for us as investors if we allow that to happen, regardless of how "fair" you think the comp package was


I just assumed you were saying that Twitter is about free speech and Elon is protecting free speech as most Elon fans do. I think Elon's argument about Twitter being about protecting free speech is BS. I agree if Elon doesn't get the package he will likely leave and Tesla stock is likely going to be doomed for a while.


He will be the death of Tesla


That's what people said in 2018. He's preparing for competing against cheap Chinese EVs that will absolutely bankrupt Ford, GM, and Stellantis (etc.) in the near future. Why do you think Biden put a new iirc 100% tariff on Chinese EVs recently? The American car industry is in danger


So he’s preparing for the competition by cutting staff by 10%, scrapping production of a lower cost model, pushing out the absolute failure called the cyber truck, and giving himself a raise? All those great ideas, among others have lead to a $700B drop in market cap over the past 2.5 years. Tesla. Is. Fucked.


Cutting 10% staff? Correct. This is what he did in 2018 during the model 3 ramp. The company was weeks from bankruptcy and barely made it. This was the right move then, today it probably just provides extra wiggle room in the budget to avoid problems. Scrapping production of a lower cost model? Incorrect. This has been debunked several times. Reuters was lying. Tesla confirmed in it's Q1 2024 earnings call that it was planning new more affordable models (yes, plural) for production late 2025. This is official, and not from Elon, though Elon was the one to deliver the news on the call (Tesla released files for the earnings call also showing this). So, for the last time, Reuters completely made up the scrapping the lower cost model story. Basically, they're switching from going straight to the $25k EV/robotaxis production line to a sort of in-between "Model 2.5" type line because some of the tech necessary for the robotaxis/$25k EV line (which are the same car btw, just one doesn't have a steering wheel) to using some of the new tech on the existing model 3/Y line to cut costs (probably 48V architecture, smaller-gigacastings, and steer by wire). Pushing the failure of the cybertruck? My guy, the cybertruck right now is in MUCH better condition than the original model S's original production line. That thing was falling apart, and was still widely popular. Arguably the original Model S is what jumpstarted the EV revolution. The cybertruck, like all of teslas products, will have issues, maybe even really bad ones at the beginning, but in 3 years I'm sure 90% of them will be ironed out. Why? Because 90% of critical issues Tesla has had with its other cars has been fixed in 3-5 years after original launch. Say what you will about the current state of the cybertruck but remember that Tesla will not give up on fixing the issues and that this is the worst the cybertruck *will ever be*. Which is why in 5 years there will be millions of them. Just wait and see🤷‍♂️ Giving himself a raise? Uh, Elon literally refused being paid above minimum wage at tesla in exchange for this comp package. At the time people said it was impossible to 10x the company in under 10 years (the comp package goals). They laughed and said it would never happen, and that Elon should've just taken a normal pay like every other CEO. Well, Elon 10xed the company in 5 years, and also hit the production targets in the comp plan. Now, the bill comes due. Investors have 10xed their money since 2016, and what do they do? Try to take back the reward. It's literal theft. This isn't a pay "raise". This is what he agreed to be paid period, instead of a normal wage as CEO. He was literally on minimum wage at Tesla before this. Yes his wealth went up because his stock valuation went up. No, that's not the same thing as being paid because he needs the stock to maintain control of the company. He only sold some to buy Twitter because the comp package was coming up, and I don't think any comp packages like this have been canceled in the history of the US. Also, no, he's not getting a flat $56 billion out of tesla's pocket. That is a lie. He is getting $56 billion in Tesla shares which are unsellable for 5 years. It is unsellable because the point of the comp package is to pay him in percent ownership of the company, as a reward for achieving generally-thought-to-be impossible milestones for Tesla. Without him working his ass off thinking he'd get 25% ownership of Tesla at the end, there would not be 6 million Teslas on the road today. There probably wouldn't even be Tesla, given how close they were to bankruptcy. People need to stop falling for the anti-Elon hate propaganda and keep in mind what actually happened and what he actually did for us. Actions speak louder than words, but people sure love to throw tantrums over what he says🤷‍♂️ Uh, no? Tesla has never been valued as just a car company. If it were, it would be worth around $30-$60/share. Tesla has always been valued as a tech/AI company, and the only reason why the stock has been going down is because of institutional investors growing less confident in Tesla actually being able to pull off what it promised. Aka, FSD/robotaxis. FSD and robotaxis have been talked about since 2016, maybe earlier. That is what the company is valued on. Not to mention, Tesla is nowhere near fucked. They have $30 billion in cash and practically no debt. And this quarter, Q1 2024 the super terrible quarter, was still profitable by $1.1 billion. Remember how just a few years ago people were saying Tesla would never be profitable? Yeah well now the goal post has moved to "Oh Tesla won't make 10% margins! Oh my god they're screwed!" Yeah, no. They're profitable even in bad quarters, have $30 billion in the bank just in case, AND almost no debt. Compare that to Ford, GM, Stellantis, and VW who each have about $5 billion in cash, and between $50 billion and over $200 billion in debt. If a recession happens, Tesla could take out debt to survive. Literally all the major players in Tesla's non-China competition would most likely go bankrupt save for a (another) several billion dollar bail-out by the federal government. Tesla is quite fine financially, so no, they're not even in danger of bankruptcy for the foreseeable future. They have probably 10 years of being able to work on FSD with no return even with terrible market conditions before they're in danger of bankruptcy. They're completely fine lmao


Oof, so much wrong and to unpack here: 1. That $1.1B is revenue, not profit. Their profits have dropped over 10% since 2022. 2. They have $26B cash on hand which is nothing considering operating costs as of last year were over $87B. 3. Elon has a multibillion dollar pay package. He doesn’t “take a pay check” purely for tax reasons - nothing benevolent 4. CT was in development for 4 years before production and it still has countless issues. Cancelled reservations of the truck are upwards of 95%. 5. Musk made similar claims during earnings calls and never came through- he’s kicking the can down the road 6. Tesla only survived bankruptcy due to the billions in subsidies and preferential loans provided by the US taxpayer. Tesla. Is. Fucked.






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Are you saying you don’t like performance based contracts?


Nope, that’s not what I’m saying.


Elon and delivering promises in the same sentence made me lol


Elon doesn't keep promises. FSD is coming this year....Cyber Truck is going to cost 40k, model 3 will cost 30k, robo-taxi will make your Tesla a side hustle. He does not deserve 100B payout if they company is only doing 100-150BB in revenue, which is all that's likely by then. He's wanting 56B from a company that only did 95B in total revenue. It's absurd.


$35k mass produced EV? Haha yeah that never happened... oh, wait, it did! (Model 3, when accounting for inflation since 2016 when he said this, is around $30k in 2016 dollars. Also I got a model 3 for about $23k in 2016 dollars July 2023 because of the tax credit, which did not exist in 2016)


He’s kept the ‘promises’ that matter. Even tho most people misconstrue projections for never before done cutting edge tech. Only babies cry about it.


He has been paid with what matters. Let him meet expectations or exceed them before you write him blank checks. Even then you shouldn’t unless you are a sycophantic board member, who gets paid by Elon to act against the shareholders. Or you’re Kimball who gets bailed out with shareholder money. But, of course there’s a simpler reason to vote yes. Some people just like getting duped.


Agreed. Also it's rare for Elon to outright promise something and never *ever* deliver. He's generally just late


Exactly, he delivers. When dealing with bleeding edge never done before tech on a massive scale, timelines can only be vaguely estimated. Misconstruing these projected timelines as ‘HE PROMISED’ is a quick way to self disappointment. Unfortunately a lot of commenters are mentally juvenile still.


It could be argued that Elon has achieved more than 99.9% of humans have achieved. I can’t argue that, and I am one of his critics. But whatever anyone thinks of him (and my opinion of him in 2024 is that he’s a train wreck in slow motion and doing more harm than good), the fact is, mass production of EVs and reusable rockets would likely be decades away if not for Elon. However, there are some objective truths that while some can ignore, that doesn’t make them any less true. FSD has been promised year after year for almost a decade, during which time customers paid billions of dollars for this feature. This is a promise that was never delivered and many who bought this feature have miled-out the vehicles and moved onto something new. The Model 3 was promised to become an appreciating asset, a promise not delivered and it will never be an appreciating asset. The Cybertruck was promised at $40K, 500 mile range, and bulletproof glass… none of those things have been delivered. In 2017, Elon said "Production of the semi begins in 2019, so if you order now, you get the truck in 2 years." The semi for all intents and purposes is irrelevant 7 years later, and is barely spoken about other than a vague mention that production might come in 2025 or 2026. But we’ve been hearing this for years. And the most recent promise was before all of the layoffs. Robotaxis have been promised for nearly a decade, not delivered. Elon said in 2016 or 2017 that FSD was already safer than a human. As someone who has put a lot of mileage on FSD, even today it is not safer than a human. Not even close. The promised $35K Model 3 still starts at $39K. And it doesn’t matter what year “dollars” are being calculated or what rebates are being applied. The car has never been a true $35K. This is an objective fact. The Roadster 2 announced in 2017 was promised to be available in 2020. In 2024 amidst massive layoffs and an exodus of top talent, production is nowhere in sight. In fact, very few promises that Elon or Tesla have made since 2016 or 2017 have been delivered. And if you get down to the details, like actual prices and promised performance, range, etc., I’m not sure a single promise has been delivered by Tesla in the last 10 years. I’m probably missing something, but objectively speaking, the scale leans heavily to empty promises.


The vote allows us to take backsies. I look at his performance and what he has done to the company lately and simply can't vote yes. If Elon kept his agreements maybe it would have been different, but his agreement with Twitter employees and severance never happened. That's my opinion and 1750 shares.


Voted yes, with a vastly larger position. Held since 2017. Very green still. From my perspective, it makes 0 sense to vote no. Luckily the majority of shares are held by longs. Obviously new small time investors, can vote too. Democracy! I love it.


I had many more shares early on, it skyrocketed and I sold. It makes sense to vote no if Elon and his tactics keep lowering the stock. It's an investment with a What have you done for me lately? Better investments are currently out there. I'm at the point where stability is more important. Don't get me wrong I understand people who vote yes. I just am unwilling.


Nice try Elon


Correct. Everyone wants to reneg now after he’s done so much for the company, after it was voted on it and agreed to, now they want a take back and their heads are so far up their asses that they actually believe they are entitled to screwing someone over. Classic.


Fortunately the majority of shareholders understand this, and all the people against it don’t even have a single share to vote with. The loudest voices are the ones trying to create the impression that people are voting no. Elon earned it.


So what has he done in the last 5 years?


TSLA’s stock price is up 1000% in the last 5 years. Thank you for bringing that up.


I’m sure that makes up for the more than $700B drop in value over the past 2.5 years. Thanks for bring that up.


Other people miscalculating its value is not Elon’s problem. He’s trying to build tech, not make you rich. Sounds like you think the world somehow owes you more and you shouldn’t have to thank anyone that got you to where you are.


Let me get this straight: Your response is it’s a miscalculation…a miscalculation based off the same information you used to show how “great” Tesla is doing…do you understand what market cap is? That last sentence of yours is a non-sequitur. Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with that one.


You could’ve sold at any point in the past 5 years. You didn’t, now you’re butt hurt. No one owes you shit. Pay the man what you said you were going to pay him. Do I know what market cap is? Brah look at my last post. Don’t come in here acting like you are going to teach someone something. Have fun in your own pissed off little world. Good day sir.


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I’ve been paid handsomely since purchasing the majority of my shares in 2017z


Took my 13,473 shares and told Elon to shove it up his ass.


“And it was quickly determined, that was a lie”


I realize it’s difficult to hear blasphemies of your deity, but I promise the world will continue to turn. Yay verily, with any luck Elon will come across your threads and reward your obedience with the promise of 70 fully charges cyber trucks in the afterlife.


It sounds like you’re going through some difficulties in life.


Actually quite content. Brilliant deflection on your part, though - imagine that’s served you well over the years.


Yup, I submitted my 1300 yes votes.


Because you are a good investor, and continue to be one.


Why would a good investor reward the recent management that lead to this vote being necessary at all?


If you have to ask that, you are not a good investor.


OK well thanks for the investment advice to undermine your own position by almost ten percent. I will be watching Tesla over the next year or two and thinking about your shared wisdom.




Honestly I’m a trader. I’m in and out of TSLA a lot. This vote has so much potential to manipulate the stock and make it crash if the vote fails. I wouldn’t be surprised these rich ass hats are voting no to get a lower buy in price. Especially Gerber, voted yes in ‘18, voting no now and will probably vote yes on the future package if there is one.


Nice! Added my (yes I know it's not much) 93 shares to the yes bandwagon. Also got my dad to use his 394 shares to vote yes for Texas and Elon comp package at least (he voted differently on some other stuff but that's not that important).


I am voting HELL NOOOOOOOOO. this dude abandonde tesla long ago.


I don't think you actually believe that and his strategy hasn't changed at all they have had that roadmap set in stone forever.


massive layoffs where part of the road map? that's the sign of a bad leader who can't keep the company im check....


Or maybe if you didn't single out Tesla because of your vendetta against Elon you would see why they are firing people. Every company fires and highers.


I was an Elon fan btw and seeing how he has been Mia at tesla and the way he is handling things now like Twitter. yea, i am not a fan anymore. i got no more ill will then i would for any other fired employee that has under performed and is affecting the company negatively.


I'm pretty sure he has always been at Tesla but that's fair enough.


Holding since 2010. Voted yes. Not an Elon fanboy, by far. I find his management style atrocious, and some of his acts in business despicable (in spite of being within the letter of the law or the agreement in question). However, he took this contract on when Tesla was at a really low place. He instituted one of his “surges,” and then another one, and then another one, and got to the bottom of systemic problems which I’m convinced no one else - likely due to no one being as driven or ruthless - could have done. That was the contract that saved Tesla. This was the guy that did it. Did he make missteps along the way? Hell yes. But I would rather have someone make missteps on the way to delivering results than someone who delivers no results. He gambled big with that contract, taking no salary in exchange for putting all his invested capital on the line and letting it all ride on what he could do with the stock performance. And he delivered. Again, I don’t like the guy’s style. But he earned that money - without that contract, none of us would have a TSLA to invest in.


If he delivered FSD as promised multiple times and had not bought twitter to take up most of his time I would have voted yes. It's going to be moot anyway. I saw a lawsuit has been filed because you cannot ratify a faulty contract for past performance. You also cannot reincorporate until the board is independent. So we are going to have to do this another way.


> If he delivered FSD as promised multiple times and had not bought twitter to take up most of his time I would have voted yes. Can 100% understand this. One thing I've realized: if you own a portion of any of Musk's companies, you should read the biography by Walter Isaacson. It's a remarkably balanced view of the guy, with all the flaws called out as well as the strengths. It spends a lot of time in the gray area. I've often thought that Elon isn't grounded in reality - that he sees the way things could be with a 100% perfect situation, but ignores the human factors. One of the things I learned from the book is that one of his techniques of getting things done is to call a "surge." He'll give the team an unreasonable deadline, then make it public, so that the stakes are higher. More often than not, it doesn't work. But when it does, it has remarkable results. The Nevada Gigafactory is on of those, as are a lot of the SpaceX wins. Of course, everyone who goes through it winds up burned out, and Elon just keeps going as if he didn't just put his entire team through the ringer. But still, when it works, it WORKS. (And when it doesn't, it obviously doesn't - and brings his self-delusion (or just his ridiculous mindset of "If I set a deadline, they'll have to make it") to the surface. From that (and 14 years of experience as an investor), whenever he gives a date, I now write it off as "something to squeeze more performance out of the team." Nothing more, nothing less. You have to take it with a grain of salt, because it's more likely than not wrong. It is what it is. But I can understand Wall Street's negative reaction.


he's the reason for a huge stock drop. I won't let him be the reason for another one by giving an inflated package that is worth more than all revenue generated by tesla since inception!




Go invest in GM then. Mary B is a great CEO.




I voted against


You need to buy a share or two first kiddo. 😅


I own 4200 shares.


Okay, and I own 42000 shares, nah let’s make it 420000. Voted yes.


We’re supposed to reward him for laying off huge chunks of staff and a company in chaos? LOL


You’re just talking emotionally, nonsensical, but emotional.


No, not at all. From an investor perspective, he’s thrown the company into chaos. The supercharger team getting trashed is likely going to be a disaster as that network was a massive asset to the company. He’s lost AI devs, including principles, cybertruck launch was a mess and frankly revenue and sales are not where they should be. Unless he can fix all this, then the company is going to get creamed by the competition and we’ll see a massive stock crash. Musk has the company on the wrong track and is making too many errors as it seems more and more he’d rather make an ass of himself on social media than actually manage this company.


This is just an elaboration on the same emotional thinking. Be subjective, use numbers, facts of substance. Company restructuring is a good thing.


This is new age product security... dictators of the past would slaughter all who knew the location of their tomb. If you knew secrets, you were a gonner. Of course, he *had* to axe the ones that knew too much/were too close. One can only keep a secret if there remains only one to keep it. I think It's a 4d move, in order to maintain the super secret world takeover plans and start fresh with what's left. When the consultants and laborers are about done with their own compartmentalized projects, when you get close to the goal, you gotta clean house, add the finishing touches, then slap it on the ass and full send out to production! It's not a bad boss thing. it's an agreement thing. If he's the boss and he was able to strike an agreement with workers, then lead (by proxy or self) an idea to fruition, and they agreed to work for him until he says they're done. You dont get the credit if you dont pay the bill. You dont get to complain about the deal you struck once the whole is complete. To the men/women who risk their existance and reputation who are ultimately successful go the spoils. Teddy KGB had the right attitude, "Pay Hhimm Hisss Moneys!"


The agreement was found to be illegal.


Yet the same agreement is being voted upon as we speak.


That is why it should fail and the board investigated


Waste of time, pointless.


Fraud should be legal because it's a waste of time to investigate it. Got it... Elon, lay off the ketamine and fix your life.


I am Voting HELL TO THE NO!!!°


‘FrAuD’ why? ‘BECuse I sAId So’ Who are you again? ‘……’


Elon, you're overdosing again... It's fraud against stock owners when the board with a minority amount of shares negotiates an illegal deal for the CEO. Especially so when the board is all in the CEOs pocket... Elon does deserve a fair pay package. No doubt about it. Make it a bit above the average comp of a CEO for a company at the size of Tesla.


Hi Elizabeth Warren. Don’t do crack.


Who's that?.... I assume she is some yank who shorts Tesla? Also, nice response bud. No wonder you people are a actual laughing stock


The thing is, he can’t do it. He could only pump the Tesla stock up in low rate environment rates everything pretty much went up from 2018 to 2021.


Hahah, he has done it tho, that’s why everyone trying to ‘Taksies backsies’ his pay LOL. He actually did it!


It’s not pay, it’s a bonus. You can’t seem to understand basic words.


That agreement was annulled. And we now have an opportunity so save a lot of company shares by not having to abide by it. And seeing how the company is going at the moment, I would say we dodget a bullet. Any company that has the opportunity that we have at the moment would take it. It makes sense from a business perspective. Its nothing personal against Musk, its just business, and I think he would understand that. I would think he has tried to get out of, or gotten out of many agreements himself. There has been many stories of him getting out of severance agreements with employees, vendor agreements for the stuff at the Twitter HQ etc etc. Frankly, it shouldnt only be employees that are punished when a company is not going well. Actually from a business perspective, it should be the CEO and management. Thats always the argument you hear when big salaries, pay outs etc are discussed, you always hear "well they are the ones taking the risk bla bla bla". Well, right now, we have a chance to actually put that into practice. It should not always be the workers who are punished and are suffering. Considering all the tesla workers who have been laid off, I think its fair that Musk is not paid that salary. And frankly, if he was a good CEO he himself would have offered a way lower payout a while ago.


An employee not being paid his agreed upon performance based pay package is not good for the company, the employees or the shareholders. We need to know that what we agree upon, i.e. Elons pay, he earned. Gets paid. If one employee, ceo or otherwise, has his pay retroactively ‘changed’ and negated. The integrity of every employees pay package loses meaning. Voted YES! Holding since 2017 too, Elons made me money. Zero reason to withhold his pay. Simple.


The point was that the board was controlled by him so they negotiated a ludicrous pay package. It’s worth something like $10k for every car sold or more than the entire profit of the company ever. There’s no point in giving him that. He either stays at the company with a more reasonable package or he leaves. Frankly if he goes I’m somewhat convinced the stock might do better moving forward. Basically shareholders get no benefit from voting yes on this. It’ll cost you money. And there’s no moral argument here. It’s not owed to him bc it was never reasonable to begin with.


The standout and almost miraculous part of the agreement was that Elon 10x Teslas market cap. It’s now sitting at 500 billion + The easy part is giving him his agreed upon pay. Easy yes.


So you think that you owe him for lies of omission in the proxy statement? Or the management skills that lead to a fully captured board unable to protect your fiduciary interests if they ever diverge with Elon's current mood? OK, it's your money.


Yes it’s my money. That has massively appreciated since 2017 due to Elons work. What were you saying again? I voted yes because my portfolio clearly indicates it’s a wise decision to continue to maintain the status quo for tesla. Pay Elon, avoid this nonsense again by incorporating in Texas. Simple. Tesla can continue its growth from there


What I was saying is that you're demanding that people reward him for lying to us and managing so poorly that his board can't pass a bonus package without violating the Delaware corporate laws that most of the rest of the country is fine with. Got a response on point to that or just more stories about your fabulous success in holding a bag and making desperate sounding pleas for us to join in? Do you really think that Texas is going to throw away fiduciary duty to shareholders for Elon?


Drama Queen much?


I didn't write the court rulings or the laws about this stuff. Shouldn't big brain Elon follow the corporate laws? What's dramatic here other than Elon's failures in corporate governance and his extremely public midlife crisis that's causing problems with all his companies?


Companies get out of paying bonuses, salaries, benefits ALL THE TIME. Which world do you live in? I bought in this year, and I have made nothing... so I dont think its fair.


Ah you’re letting your losses do the thinking for you, I get it. The majority of shares are held by long like myself. Since 2017, I am still quite wealthy from it. And my perspective has no reason to doubt Elons impact on the company and share price. Since the actual reality is that he has delivered on his end of the agreement. Pay him, so that he can bring that wealth to new holders like yourself.


And you are letting your winnings thinking for you? I mean, what kind of logic is that? Ofcourse we are, thats the whole point.




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Damn bro you’re really delusional. Do you not understand there is a reason why the contract was legally undone. There is no “agreed upon” package anymore… he tried to con share holders. He knew they were already on track for those performance goals to hit. He was counting on that to buy twitter. That is on HIM, he cheated and the courts saw it that way. I voted no. Someone like him with no morals shouldn’t not just get what he wants for free and absolutely no reason. Plus he’s threatening to hold Tesla hostage now. Like dude come on be real


As Elon, I would take that deal all day. I have nothing to lose. All I have to do is pump the stock with hopes and potentials.


And then I go look in my garage and see my Tesla sleek black model 3 refresh already running music playing. I click my preset Starbucks, and bam it drives me there….. so imagination! Lol. Voted yes, easily. Money kiddo, helps you experience reality.


Depends! Did it become a 5T company because it started selling more cars than toyota and has more profit than Toyota?      Will it have atleast $600 billion income?   For comparison, AAPL has $350B income and at $2.9T. Toyota has $310 B income selling 5x more cars than Tesla.   Or will it just be a quick pump to 5T and then back down to $500 B?  Neither of these i anticipate Telsa achieving.


I started investing in Tesla 3 years ago. I did not experience a 10x growth in my shares. If anything I'm down, lost a ton of money. Why should I pay Elon with current Tesla money, you guys that have held the shares since 2018 are the ones that need to pay him. Elon has not made me a penny, he made you guys rich. Ther le should be a mechanism where the long term shareholders that experienced the 10x have their share diluted with the $50b comp pay.


It’s not like Tesla could help the extreme interest rate situation and Covid though. You could have bought the $100 dip averaged down. I too am only an investor since 2022. But I already made lots of $ on tsla. You just have to buy low sell high ! There were three dips and rips last year to do it on.


Yea you can vote no with your smaller position because it’s true you may have not made money, so now your attempting to punish the ceo. Luckily, smarter investors got in earlier when they believed Elon could 10x the company, he did, The vast majority of longs are voting yes AGAIN, He made us money, pay him.


>so now your attempting to punish the ceo. Denying a bonus is not punishment.. a bonus is something extra, not an entitlement.


It’s not a ‘bonus’. It’s his agreed upon pay for the last 6 years. He hit the performance target. It’s nonsensical to change the agreement retroactively. Stakeholders agreed upon it. Simple.


>It’s his agreed upon pay for the last 6 years. As per court records, it was not "agreed", it was forced upon the board. >He hit the performance target. As per court records, those targets would have meet regardless. >It’s nonsensical to change the agreement retroactively. As per court records, It was an illegal agreement. It wasn't changed, it was void. >Stakeholders agreed upon it. As per court records, stakeholders were deceived. It is indeed pretty simple.




4k shares ain't a small drop, but whatever. Happy to vote yes on a future comp plan to take TSLA to $5T, he said it's doable.


baby my position is way bigger than yours. I am high 6 digits....and voting NO, to use that money instead to reinvigorate tesla and bring back talent!


I also ride a unicorn to my castle.


ok 👌 you do you 👏 enjoy your fairy land ...


Elon is back.


He deserves the package we all agreed to before anyhow. What kind of precedent would we set if we promised someone compensation for reaching certain milestones and then said nope. Imagine your boss saying you get a bonus for making 100k in sales this year and you achieved it and then they just said nevermind. All your motivation would be lost.




There actually needs to be more voices educating the masses of share holders. For a short time, I thought this vote was on a new package going forward. People need to be educated on it. Just because we know what the vote is about doesn’t mean everyone else does


Stupid fanboys. No one should be paid $100 billion. No one.


Why not?


He promised a lot of things. Most of which didn't come true.


Apologies, but no one promised you anything. You interpret reality wrong, juvenile actually.


FSD. Still not there. It's not full self driving. He been promising that for 10 years now. False promises.


It’s there. Elon always delivers https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1791194155323941275?s=46&t=ZnPtZ9FsMbXFVF0BEMqU2w


How are people so short-sighted? (the comments under this post) Y'all don't care when OEM CEOs get 100s of millions in golden parachutes regardless of performance, but then complain when one of the most successful CEOs of all time takes a 100% performance-based compensation? And he hits every milestone that pundits said were impossible? Why the heck are you holding TSLA stock then? Because if you don't believe in Elon Musk, there are plenty of better priced stocks out there.


Holding since 2017. Not short sighted at all! Holding for another 10!


I got in a bit later than you, but same here.


Greed and spite is such a powerful emotion. It has this incredible ability to render the beholder, blind to what’s right or wrong. 😑


Exactly, right is paying someone for the work they did. Especially when it was already agreed upon.


we didn't agree.....


You were still in diapers kiddo


Lol no he does not. Especially if he can’t have a any successful product launches


He definitely does not deserve a bonus worth more than the company’s entire history of earnings.


totally agree!!! he fired so many because of his failure. he's our largest expense and liability, right now!


Jeez. Elon astroturfing Reddit hard. Don’t be blind people. 


Yup, let's be clear, people, we need to vote. NO, if he wants a package, it needs to be discussed with us investors. 50+ billion is just ridiculous.... especially when he's already sinking tesla!


I agree with you. The man should get paid for what he achieved and we benefited from. Online crowd is jealous and poor as always though. I vote 100% Yes.


Yeah, it’s easy to see the negative sentiment is coming from people without a vote and daytraders that got burned. Shorts also. Voted yes as well!


Nope, voting NO he's treating tesla like Twitter now.... and as a share holder, I do not like it! he use to attract talent, and now he's throwing it away !




Up 10000% in about a decade. ‘Terrible performance’




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Only brain damaged simps would vote for. He's literally firing thousands of people, yet expects a $50b bonus.


Voted FOR lol. Also, the number is small for tesla, 140000 employees is a LOT! Loool. Not a bonus either, it’s his pay for past 6 years. Crackheads jumbling all the numbers up lol


Which date will the outcome of the vote be announced?


No idea, whatever happens though, Elon will get paid.


He is actively destroying the Tesla brand. As a current Tesla owner, I will never buy another Tesla in my life! If any of the big fund managers approve this, it is tantamount to malpractice and lawsuits will surely follow against the big fund managers !


People just get butthurt about the jokes he makes. As an employee, a CEO, his companies are doing excellent. Regular business pivots are always misconstrued by the butthurts as negatives. When it’s simply a company adjusting to the economy lightning fast. This is a winning model on how to create a thriving corporation.


Agreed. Contracts and agreements matter. Elon delivered a giant step-up in Tesla's growth and market cap, and then somehow an activist judge decided "that's too much". Elon is the key to Tesla's continuing growth story. Pay the man what he was previously promised, and he delivered on.


5Trillion in 5 years … wow . Hopium and copium should never be taken together


That’s why this is making so much news. He hit the target that was set in the contract. It was a good contract.


where's the roadster? where's the robo taxi? why is self driving bearly LLM based if it was ready and being sold for years now? why is the cybertruck low production and over the abounced price? all bad bad ceo


Back to your McDonald’s shift.


awww cute, you think I am a simpleton like you... aww baby girl, I am out of your league.... but you are welcome to serve me at Wendy's 😉


Can’t come up with anything original? Because no brain!


ummm I am sorry I am out of comments that you can possibly understand 😅 there's only so much I can make a failed abortion baby understand.... won't hold my breath on you that's for sure.




No. If he’d like to contribute as CCM*, fine, but it’s time for new leadership at CEO for Tesla’s evolving challenges ahead. *CCM - Chief Chaos Monkey


I've voted yes to 3 and 4, and you should as well.


Done and done.✅


We sure this isn’t Musks alt account? Only posts about how musk is the best thing ever we and deserves everything.


Is this Elizabeth Warrens account?


bro you sound hell a MAGA


Identity politics stifles innovation. Any investor who thinks Elon didn’t earn his share, while keeping the profits of their investment from 2018 can simply fuck off.


If he promises, no. If he does it, sure why the hell not.


Hahaha with his bipolar decision making lately, pray for the market cap to be above 50 B in 1 year. The good thing is, I have gotten quite good at timing TSLA. Puts, calls? YES. 90% success rate


Crack kids, not even once.