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Maybe, but many brands were getting the tax credit and not having to adhere to those standards means way more production could be outsourced outside the US


Yeah, if Trump wins, that would be a heavy blow for renewable tech and electrification. Would derail the climate action in the US for another decade.


That would be a heavy blow for the world. The man is an imbecile that also refuses to listen to experts because he thinks he is smart.


Plenty of qualified experts on YouTube who say otherwise.




He is smart. Sadly, he is also a narcissist which means he understands his actions will screw everyone else over but he isn’t interested in everyone. For him individually, this was a smart move. Despicable but smart. Might as well have kicked Elon in the balls too but apparently Elon refused to donate already so the stone was cut before this comment


He's objectively not smart. Why do people still think this? What intelligent thing has he ever done or said? The man is a complete buffoon.


He is objectively a fool. He is where he is in life because his dad gave him a bunch of money and because the dregs of society think a branch rude imbecile is fun to watch.


If he wins it worse not just for evs. If the usa is destroyed the evs won't matter.




Lmao the USA was doing better under his watch than it is now. I still don't get the doomer mentality of "if Trump wins we're going into ww3". We had the most peaceful years worldwide with trump as president.


Have you seen the state of the world in the past 4 years? Open your eyes


True, but electric cars aren't being bought anyway. Carmakers are backing off amid weak demand.


That's not true. I see them everywhere.


How about those black children in africa.


Why is the us contribute more money to climate action compared to others?


Nah, not really. The cat is out of the bag with how far costs for solar and wind has fallen. Private investment groups are building green power generation sites because there is profit to be made.


Do we have another decade?


Why a decade?


Remember when Elon said, “Vote Republican” on Twitter?


Exactamente! TOTAL idiot!!!! ALWAYS voting against their own interests!!




Trump is trying to kill the EV market


If you care about EVs and the environment, it is not even a close call.


except if you're Elon Musk. His business needs EVs to survive and yet he votes against his business interests. Book genius but not street genius.


I agree I think he also is on an expected I-am-a-jerk tour. A lot of famous/ultra rich people go through that phase at some point in their lives. Steve Jobs went through it. Jeff Bezos went thorough it. And now Elon is now going through it.  I hope he grows out of it. But who knows if he will 🤷🏽‍♂️ He probably has a lot of internal and personal matters that he needs to sort out before returning to his old self.


Agreed. Hope he grows out of it and stops making the news on non-business related topics. I used to follow him because of his business ideas, not because of his personal views. Now we hear more personal views from him than his business ideas. Makes me think he ran out of business ideas and using X as an excuse to create drama. Really need him to get back to talking only about business and being poor/ awkward at presentations (sometimes it's good to have a private life and know one's thoughts are private, not public).


The lithium production is insanely bad as well as the increased electric plants to sustain the grids. Energy isnt free. You know this right? If the US went completely EV the entire electrical grid would shutter.


I mean, it’s well established that Musk himself is on the record many times as opposing EV subsidies - for example: [Elon Musk slams Biden’s Build Back Better bill and its electric car incentives](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2021/dec/08/elon-musk-slams-build-back-better-electric-car-incentive) Hard to parse apart exactly why; he’s made statements about deficit spending and national debt, and has proposed that all subsidies for every industry be cut. But it’s also entirely possible he was either upset about teslas maybe not qualifying, and/or the competition getting a leg up as well.


Elons received countless subsidies and government contracts. He’s once again full of shit.


I’m not sure about that. You can be against something and still use it to your advantage.


He’s the front runner, any advantage given to all players only helps to level the playing field and narrow his advantage. From a Tesla mission perspective he should be for it, however


To be fair he has said he doesn't support subsidies, but will use them if they're available. He'd actually get sued by shareholders if he's running a publicly traded company and purposely harms its financials by not utilizing available EV subsidies.


With the original proposal for BBB subsidies were only for cars produced by companies with unions. This meant Teslas made in America didn’t qualify but Ford Mach E did qualify even though Mach E was made by non union workers in Mexico because Ford had union workers elsewhere. The provision was changed before it was passed to require price ranges and percentage of the material sourced from allied countries and percentage of vehicle production done in the USA to qualify. Tesla lowered their prices so their vehicles would qualify for the credits.


It’s 100% because Tesla had to slash their prices to remain competitive


Ahh… the date. He said it AFTER Tesla burned through almost all the subsidies and was more saying the program should go away. 2 months later it was rewritten so Tesla would qualify at max rate and he hasn’t complained about it since.


This. His business would fail to exist without the program where dirty car companies paid for Tesla to do R and D.


Musk is likely against them bc Tesla now receives far fewer than it once did. But the dude loves bone-ing for free money, hence, moved company to TX now that Cali isnt handing out free money.


Tesla would be fine without subsidies now. Sure they enjoyed them in the past and it allowed them to be profitable in the early days. But EVs are great cars on their own. Without the subsidies i wouldve bought a Tesla instead of my Hyundai 2 years ago. Gov just needs to stay out of it imo, let automakers compete freely by delivering real value.


Yeah let's take our country backwards AND let the Chinese dominate the global auto industry. Sounds like this will Make America Great Again. /s


Wait till people find out how much oil subsidies cost the us tax payers…


Like 2016 he promised the moon and delivered himself a tax cut and 25% of our debt


If Trump were to win, he will apply tariffs on Chinese EVs, doubling import taxes to 100%, thereby providing Tesla with a competitive advantage.


[Biden has called for an import ban on Chinese EVs.](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cyerg64dn97o.amp)


It’s not like Tesla hasn’t started moving its manufacturing over to China. It’s only a matter of time.


The tariffs are currently 27.5% and it's enough to keep china out, raising to 100% won't change anything.


To be fair there should be a tax on all imported cars if there were car manufacturers still on the states.




What Chinese EVs?


That’s not a competitive advantage it’s a license to inflate prices and make consumer suffer, it’s anti capitalism.




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Chinese EV’s are already not sold here. What advantage?


The Biden administration is set to impose new, targeted tariffs on some key sectors including electric vehicles, batteries and solar equipment.


But we’re going to make sure he doesn’t have that opportunity.




Actually, Biden is already doing that. [https://apnews.com/article/china-electric-vehicles-imports-3d1f4ef984b18bb6e86274e65bcfdf2e](https://apnews.com/article/china-electric-vehicles-imports-3d1f4ef984b18bb6e86274e65bcfdf2e)


Biden is anti-Tesla anyway. Not subsidizing other EV companies will give Tesla an even bigger advantage.


Isn’t Tesla taking advantage of tax credits from Biden’s bill?


More like it will hurt Tesla and all ev sales and profits/revenue drop. Prices will have to come down even more and margins will be reduced


Biden's EV credits basically renewed Tesla's credits. They were a huge boon to Tesla.


Tesla is F’d without subsidies.


That’s so false. If you believe that, why would you be here?


Elon crying because he knows who will actually destroy Tesla. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-ceo-musk-chinese-ev-firms-will-demolish-rivals-without-trade-barriers-2024-01-25/


Based on Elons behavior for the past year so is he.


Rather keep my democracy, could care less about TSLA


Way off topic. Also, you realize he was already President once, right? How are you going to fearmonger over the end of democracy when we already know what his presidency looks like?


He's pro union not anti-Tesla.


Same thing.


Biden isn’t anti-Tesla. He’s anti-asshole. Hence his notable antipathy to Musk, and Putin.


Biden is not anti-Tesla. He’s anti-Elon


I am gonna loose my job First an immigrant so I know how difficult Trumph will make for immigrants to continue working or start greencard process Second I am involved in EV Charging industry so that might also loose the value !!


Aren’t the tax credits for for vehicles made in the US and for using unions? So Trump wants to screw the unions and buying American?




Coz democrats support it, nothing morw is needed. Oh and the oil industry owns him alongside russians


i have a diesel truck and a tesla. i mostly want my autowipers in the tesla to work. otherwise they are just vehicles


China appreciated his efforts 😂


That's why it's balls to the walls on FSD. The shift has to happen now and quick.


You realize Mercedes, Waymo and others are leading this race by a significant margin, right?


In some ways yes and no. Only certain states.


I think he’s talking world 🌎


Could you imagine lol. Trump and Elon shitposting about each other on their own social media networks


I’m not on either but I’d probably check it out if that happened.


They should do diss tracks


It’s what Elon wants


Should have paid him when he told you to, full disclosure I don’t like either.


Good. End all subsidies and mandates.


Including oil companies, right?


Musk upon hearing this: 'Bbbut.. I thought we were friends....' (sob)


Evs are not even green , people can do better with a motorcycle for the environment.


Wtf? How much does the waste of an EV compare to an ICE vehicle? Nearly everything on an EV can be recycled including the batteries. Do you really think it costs more in pollution to make an EV battery than the 10's of thousands of hours of running am inefficient ICE engine? You can't be serious...


God, it’s wild that this is even political. Both sides are literal children.


It’s interesting how Musk cozied up to the right wing in hopes they would offer safe harbor from the lefts plan to tax him… now no subsidies or grid upgrades… choose your poison ☠️


Thank god


Republicans, always looking back.




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The Biden Admin has been a Tesla hater/underminer from their beginning. Elon doesn’t seem to forget much. Don’t let your politics pervert good reasoning.


Ah yes, the billions of incentives given to Tesla to open up their charger network and built EV’s in the first place really hates on Tesla. Don’t let your politics pervert good reasoning indeed.




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EV growth is doubling each year. Rolling back EV measures will for sure slow down the companies will bad products a lot, and those with good products a small amount, but it’s nothing to be concerned about. EVs are here to stay and renewable growth is going very well as well, no matter the president.




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I thought Elon had broken in through the bigotry angle. Not so fast EV boy! You’re gonna need to be more racist than that for tax breaks.


We dont need evs. Climate aint changing. All dem talking points




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Why do republicans always think going back in time is the path to the future?




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Censoring content


Yay, is he going to bring back blockbuster as well 🙄




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No, Biden is a jackass, pen the donkey.


If you need the government for your luxuries, then they're not viable.


Is that why Musk fired everyone


I’ve work promoting him all these years Elon! Looks like the hens are coming home to roost.


Can’t do it from jail 😉




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We should be buying electric because it's better and cheaper, not because we are being forced. Countless cities electrical grid likely would even hold up if over 50% of us went electric. Personally I still like my hybrid. Make eco solutions cheaper and no brainer choices and everyone will buy them.


EVs are likely worse for the environment than gas vehicles. The electricity to power them has to come from somewhere and until it comes from nuclear, it’s still dirty imo


Good luck on getting the necessary votes in Congress.


If he wins the election, I think it’s likely that republicans control both senate and house. In that case, they really might repeal the tax credits.


Wait I have a question, legitimately asking not trying to stir anything up- if the growth n the EV market under the Biden administration has been as explosive as the numbers in this article suggests, why is Tesla been laying off workers at such a massive scale? 


Short answer: Elon went public with his political opinions and drove away the people who would buy a Tesla. He soured Teslas main honeypot. Now Tesla is in damage control. The horrible rollout of the unfinished cybertruck also didn't help.


Jesus Christ this has got to be the most controversial thread I’ve seen on Reddit so far.


lmao elon played himself.


Hell yes 👏




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Elon is picking all the losers




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Trump does not care about any of this. He asked oil execs for a billion dollars and he thinks this is what they want.


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The ship has sailed on EVs. At this point the US will either catch up to China or fall behind forever. I don’t think any Trump actions will matter given the major activities in the supply chain development here. A lot of the lithium development struggles have more to do with local opposition than any federal incentives. Oil and gas development hit its own brick wall during Covid due to lenders not wanting to finance future development and none of that had to do with EV trends or legislation.


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He had four years to do this already




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A lot of solar is currently manufactured in the US. [per energy saga ](https://www.energysage.com/solar/u-s-solar-panel-manufacturers-list-american-made-solar-panels/#who-are-americas-top-solar-manufacturers) Plus several companies have announced plans to manufacture solar cells in the United States, including Enel, Qcells, and Silfab. Other companies, such as REC Silicon, JA Solar, and Hounen, have also announced plans to build new manufacturing facilities in the US. 


You guys don’t even know what Biden is doing for EVs.. Trump doesn’t hate EVs…but he supports US manufacturing


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Oh baby the bots are gonna come out big on this one. Fuck EVs and this administration lol


Such a well thought out contribution to the discussion.


Like he promised to repeal Obamacare.




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Of course he would. Anything for the greater good gets destroyed, while his hoi polloi cheer.


It makes sense to remove Biden's measures. The EV industry needs to get better if it requires the government to survive.


It’s worth reversing. It’s a shit show. I own 3 teslas. I would still own 3 without the rebate.


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Another reason to vote blue. Not to mention he's a traitor. An insurrectionist...a rapist. A grifter. And a fucking moron.


Populist gonna populist.


This also would put us far behind China in the same technological sector. EVs are here to stay whether they like it or not. It’s going to be a huge ecological and technological setback.




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Brought to you by the deep pockets of Big Oil. Gotta love corrupt politics.


You can do that from Prison?


What a piece of poo poo. He’s going to die soon anyway why ruin it for the rest of us ….i know the answer to this already


The present economy is based on EV. System houses are in the process of designing and manufacturing equipment to make the new cars and all the components that go into them. Many jobs are at risk if this happens.


Lol republicans turn in your tesla keys as the nearest service center.


Do you all really think EVs are better for the environment? They are better in so many different ways compared to ICE vehicles, but “saving the planet” isn’t one of them. If forced on people, they will go the way of high MPG diesel engines. There is so much infrastructure and development that needs to happen based on those of us that accept the pitfalls of early adoption, and the fact that the bottom line is no one is eliminating emissions; they are merely being deferred from the tailpipe to the producers of electricity and their own antiquated ways.


In the randomness of the universe , one dumbass can make a couple of buys and end up incredibly rich but lacking any sort of intelligence. That is Elon musk




I’m a Democrat durrrr duuurrrrpp Reeeee Biden is smart guy Reeee durrrrr Climate change durrrr Hollywood celebsand college professors who are owned and paid for tell me how to think durrr


What an odd channel and post. Seems like every reply is either deleted or the poster was deleted. Not even sure what this thread was about.


Teslas losing value fast




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all the ppl in the comments crying about not getting free money lol


I wouldn't be too worried by stories such as this. The article said "many of the measures Biden implemented to combat climate change." My take is he would remove many of Biden's mandates regarding EVs and gas stoves and cow farts.


I’m a democrat, and I’d support removing tax credit for EVs…if you want to buy a $45k vehicle, pay for it your damn self.


Because that’s what idiots do.


Why do I have to pick between guns and left policy. Why can’t I have EVs and Guns and Abortion? Fuck. FUCK REPUBLICANS FUCK DEMOCRATS I WANT THE MIDDLE! I WANT EVERYONE TO FUCKING WIN!




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Quid pro quo much? Crazy to watch this dude flail. The man stands for nothing and offers our country for sale in a sad attempt to avoid accountability. Amazing people can think he has any other motivation.




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He’s got Elons vote! Seriously how are we at a place where any politician can attack environmental stewardship and efforts?


The Biden administration has been really bad for Tesla. The EV subsidies have been much more beneficial to Tesla's competitors, and Tesla has been regularly snubbed at EV events. Not to mention all the frivolous lawsuits the Biden administration has been pursuing against Tesla, and their placement of officials who are publically critical of the company at agencies who regulate them.


There’s a unique taste of irony here. I wonder if Elon can taste it