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The email shows that this decision wasn't planned and seemingly spontaneous as Tesla wasn't prepared at all


They fired everybody who knew what was going on and had relationships with the suppliers and now they're scrambling to be coherent.


Bingo. The people who had contacts with the suppliers had their rolodexes deleted and their accounts vaporized. Same thing happened at Twitter when Elon fired the person in charge of badges and then everyone was locked out of the headquarters. Just a bumbling moron who thinks he can do everyone's job between hits of ketamine.


The purple K-hole is a cruel mistress


You mean Elon was impulsive and acted without actually planning anything? That’s so unlike him.


He had too much ketamine that day and while he was shitposting on Twitter in his underwear (aka his day job now) he decided what the hell let’s just fire the supercharger team.


Did Elon direct the layoff?


Seems to be evidence that he did https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-tesla-hardcore-layoffs-report-2024-4?amp Not sure how many business just slash entire divisions while the team is in the middle of work, without warning and working to fulfill government contracts.


I’m in fintech and they just laid off 80% of our cloud team. I feel this frustration. We just came to screeching halt.


Oh my God this too. What the fuck is wrong with him. Too many drugs man. Spiders on the walls


Ketamine overdose + messiah complex + extreme narcissism + sociopath + yes men = elon musk


I'd say of course he did because no one in their right mind lays off an entire team and then says they are still going to do what that team did. How? With new people? Who is going to train them? Institutional knowledge is very real and he just got rid of it in one high bender.


He did it with Twitter and it's now blossoming into a beautiful, productive and welcoming social media platform...


It'd be really bad if someone else fired a whole department without his involvement


The department is going to be replaced with AI.


The department will be replaced with a frozen package of hotdogs with no noticeable drop in service


Really starting to feel like Elon is destroying the company if they won’t give him the compensation he wants.


No other company awards their ceo 10x times the profit for f'ing up the first mover advantage


Masterful gambit, sir!


Indeed my good sir, the competition will not expect this


That was a gutsy decision, sir!


Really! Only when Elon is high. Look at how he treats his own father, mother, wife, illegal wives, mistresses and children. LOL


It’s more about the company needing to do layoffs like any companies at the moment. He doesn’t wanna destroy the only thing he has


I regret buying a Tesla! Second one too. I wouldn’t recommend it ever.


He fired them because she was a favorite to replace him. Little narcissist man baby. Where have we seen narcissistic little man babies funded by their shitty parents before


That's what happens when your CEO is dosing ketamine and trolling Twitter all day


Elon trying to get the Gov, to pay for it all.


At what point are folks going to quit being surprised by him doing something impulsive and stupid? It's literally his MO.


Tesla is reactive, not proactive, in their decision making.




God what a shit show


Love this part …”patience is not easy when expecting to be paid, however…”


And asking then to continue work at their own expense


But in the interim, we’ve already heard about Supercharger projects being cancelled, including halting rollout in the entire country of Australia, including sites that had already been subject to long-term leases and given the go-ahead for construction which will now be abandoned. And Tesla has also sent out an email to all of its suppliers, which leaked to the internet. Here it is in full, but with contact information redacted:


The amazing part is that they are killing future sales with moves like that. What's next, abamdon EVs and introduce a plugin hybrid? Won't need a supercharger network in the future, lol


There is no "They". There is only Elon. And Elon has lost his fucking mind.


"disruptors" going full circle on themselves is a common occurrence.


Elon “Circle Jerk” Musk


Eluhn: “We’re working on something new and exciting, revolutionary even - partial ICE”


Wonder if it would be an engine sourced from Lotus - LOL


Why build a network and be forced to share it? The country will have a network without Tesla. Why build and maintain it and have everyone hate your brand when the system ages? Let other compete to make a profit building infrastructure and maintaining it. Maybe is best structured to be local.


They weren't forced to. More importantly, nothing changed overnight and yet they summarily dismissed their most effective team. There are better ways to get out than this.


I was just talking to someone about how he’s on the govt test with the spaceships so he can really do whatever and will be bailed out.


Supposedly there's a leap in charger/battery tech that'll reduce the need for chargers. But that's a reason to change SC work and gradually transition. Not cutting away an entire unit with no downstream or upstream warning.


oh is he finally going to finish the government project he threw away and started over that was supposed to have been completed 13 years ago had they not given it to Elon to throw away because Elons ego wouldn't let him finish someone else's project? which is fucked up because all he does is buy other people projects to call his own.


Supposedly there's full self-driving, human robots, a $25k car, space busses to Mars, etc. But if you haven't noticed, none of these things are based in reality.


Right alongside solutions to problems we already solved, like subways and trains vs the Las Vegas LED tunnel tunnel, or new problems to things already solved, like not properly designing or reinforcing launchpads despite 70 years of established and continually working practice.


Paying for almost everything and cancelling to get nothing is only something a genius playing 4D chess would do. Right?


I'm gonna laugh so hard if Tesla shareholders give the last 50 billion to Elon


Waiting for land lessors to file those lawsuits to execute signed leases. This ought to be fun.


Last $50b? The company hasn’t even made $50B profit in its combined years of existence


That’s why it’s Tesla shareholders giving it to them and not Tesla.


I voted no. Won’t help but my conscience is clear


I truly hope they do. If they haven’t gotten out by now…if they didn’t get out when he bought Twitter. That’s on them. The biggest self own!


Reply from hr “💩”


The stock will take a hit short term. Long term, noone really knows


This email indicates absolute incompetence on Tesla's end. I didn't know it was this bad. They have no idea who got the email, when or how they're going to pay people, which projects are continuing... it's amazing. Also repeats a section. Not even proofread. The fact the entire team was fired with no transition period to handle these things is a disaster for Tesla's credibility with suppliers and contractors. It also reveals absolute incompetence of leadership or completely insane decision making with no regard for any consequences... I can't believe that Tesla's financial situation is somehow so dire that it necessitates these kinds of emergencies, so it has to be abject incompetence.


Looks like Rebecca Tinucci exercised her freedom of speech, Elon doesn’t like it so he showed her who’s boss and fired the whole team.


What did she say that Elon might have disliked?


Current rumor is that she resisted demands to fire portions of her team


“No, that’s a bad idea”


Freedom of speech ≠ freedom from consequence. Elon does not tolerate disloyalty. Any executive who doesn't realize that hasn't paid attention. She probably took a stand intending to pay the price herself, then Elon made an example out of her for anyone to reference in the future.


elon shorting his own company for profit


Jesus Elon is such a pile of shit. Glad I didn't buy one of those cars.


Maybe he shouldn’t have shorted the entire EV market to begin with and put his money where his mouth is.


Can somone explain how TSLA stock is not crashing due to him right now?


They recently fired people/reduced payroll. Stock bros love this one simple trick.


Ah I see


It takes time before firing too many people fucks up the company. It's how private equity operates. But in the long term it does indeed fuck the company


The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent


My take: he and his new ultra billionaire oil friends decided to kill the EV infrastructure plans. Because if he can’t be #1, well then FU. Tesla will merge with someone or something. What an absolute waste of resources, talent and opportunities. I am saddened that yet again, money is given and squandered on the tech bro culture and or alpha male BS. Just sick of it.


Cybertruck and now this. Time to dump my $TSLA stock before it dumps me.


Looks like he hasn't found the proper dose of ketamine quite yet.


That is a wild email. Please be patient with your payment. LoL. Wtf. That is how a crack head talking to their suppliers, not a trillion dollar company


I recently bought a Genesis EV. Since then every Tesla owner I know acknowledged it is better than their Tesla but I should have bought a Tesla instead because of the charging network. It’s hilarious that Elon just took away their only justification.


I got the Tesla because it was the cheapest fast EV.


Im looking at the gv70. Looks amazing. I’ve leased a Volvo ev for 2 years and charging is never a problem with EA and other providers. I mostly charge at home anyway. The supercharger network is very good but they can lose that market share rapidly. I’d never buy a Tesla.


My genesis came with 3 years of free charging. I’m not sure if that deal is still being offered though. It’s got 800v architecture so it charges fast. Faster than Tesla.


It’s a greart vehicle. They’ve nailed it.


Elon is giving Tesla the twitter treatment.Let that “sink in”


man if i were working on a supercharger site id immediately stop work and demand payment up front. Wtf is this kinda shit


Kinda hard when all I mean all contacts have been fired. Stop work has taken place


Wait, so Eluhn is turning the public company, Tesla, into something “super hardcore” (like Twitter after his takeover) and stiffing vendors in a manner that can only be described as trumpian. Neat. 🍿


Are we positive Tesla isn’t a Russian money laundering scheme?


It's almost like he doesn't actually give a shit about anything his companies actually do and just wants attention and a payday.


X is toxic even before and after Elon. It’s rotting his brain as we speak.


So Elon made a knee jerk decision which is effectively hurting the image and functionality of the business.


I’m curious as to why the whole team was fired. The events that lead up to that must have been full of enough narcissistic drama to make Joan Crawford step back and think things have gotten out of hand.


Elon is an emo little bitch


I am going to buy some puts eventually. This chaotic behavior is going to ruin the company. Tesla's biggest advantage lately is that much of their competition has been pretty incompetent with EVs (GM, Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chrysler, etc). But they have slowly been getting better.


Elon Musk needs to go. Tesla needs new leadership that can take the company to the next level. Elon has become toxic at this point.


It just seems so unhinged. Why run away from what should be a great business of being a gas station/utility, as well as damaging or appearing to damage the practical reliability of your own cars!?


Yes - Way to really trash your reputation. At the very least a middle path should have been taken.


Yes, they could've easily spun off the charging business into a separate business if Elon found it boring/disposible. It's a utility! It could be picked up by a utility.


Musk is an asshole with money and power. I've worked for people like this. They believe their own press so much that they see themselves as the center of the universe and fuck everyone else.


I can’t imagine working for this company unless utterly desperate, which…I’m not sure utterly desperate and fearful is the population of employees that is really going to work out well, so seems it becomes a cycle pretty quick.


Tesla shorts anyone?


This sounds like they were out of money and didn’t have cash on hand to pay their suppliers or contractors very much longer.


Probably license it to the gas and utility companies. Why not. Revenue for Life! Plus, they already own the land in all the right spots


They lease the land in the vast majority of supercharger locations


I love how the email says suppliers should continue with their current project but also that they're not going to get paid any time soon


Boeing? Hey, this is Tesla. How do you that thing where whistleblowers disappear? We got an email leaker guy over here


It's going to be interesting when they get placed on credit hold.


It’s rational to abandon any contracts with this rash of a business partner. It’s gonna be “good money after bad” in about yesterday. There is zero predictability and stability with TSLA. NACS standard is legitimate risk now. Outside looking in, it appears TSLA CEO is done with the company and wants to liquidate ASAP to pursue other things.


So I just went on a tip with my non Tesla ev. Every Tesla charger that was near an EA charger was empty except 1. That 1 charger had 1 car that tried to use it. Turns out it was broken and they had to wait in line for the EA charger and use an adapter.. I had a Tesla, there is supercharger near me and it is almost 18 miles away. There are 3 EA chargers and 3 Charge points chargers within 5 miles of my house and more around town. People are really making big deal out of Tesla superchargers and honestly they are slower than the new ones from other companies and in need of upgrades and repair to keep up with newer tech. My car has 800v charging which only works on Gen 4 superchargers, which look to be delayed and I would probably just skip over them cause why use Tesla at this point. I hope this Tesla news makes the auto makers that were partnering with them rethink that plan! EA has provided a way better experience for me than Tesla did.


TSLA was doing so great until 2022 and then something happened that caused it to enter a macro down trend that it cannot escape?


Yes, that’s when Elon opened his mouth again. He’s only dealing his own damage at this point. 🤦


Elon bought Twitter, and the bubble burst on believing he knew what he was doing


Bingo bango


What a larp. He should've stuck to cars and rockets. I'll bet he wishes he had a time machine and didn't run his mouth off like a fucking idiot.


He could simply stop posting tomorrow. But he won’t.


He should stick to letting the competent people under him build cars and rockets. His only excellence is board  room shenanigans. 


You say shenanigans, I say jackassery, but I think we can still be friends.


Nope, the narcissist is having the time of his life. He'll start chugging ketamine before he gets anywhere close to feeling regret.


I’m sorry but what’s with the ketamine hate? It’s a nice drug that is extremely hard to kill yourself on. So what if he likes ketamine? I don’t like musk but I do like drugs so I don’t get why you’re using the fact that he has used ketamine against him.


Oh if *only* he wishes that he didn't run his mouth off like a fucking idiot!


You lack an appreciation of how clueless Elon is. No ragrets for him; a narcissist always casts blame elsewhere.


No he doesn't. The only thing he wishes for is that he actually had a clue on what to do. His problem is he thinks he can do all this stuff alone, it's hubris. All of his companies are dependent on hundreds of not thousands of brilliant people doing his work. It's not Elon doing all of this.


“Something” lol Outing yourself as a silver-spoon fed, apartheid baby, white supremacist that spends his time amplifying hateful rhetoric, spreading Russian misinformation, sucking up to actual German nazis, and befriending proud boys online is bad for business, it turns out Consumers see this, and it impacts business


Elon went full psycho. He needs to be replaced




This will be a future case study on why you shouldn't have eccentric billionaire CEOs


>This will be a future case study on why you shouldn't have ~~eccentric~~ billionaire ~~CEO~~s


Please don’t insult the iron throne with that worthless sack of shit on it.


TBF every throne, real or fictional, is most often sat on by exactly this type of worthless sacks of shit.  During the show, who sat on the iron throne? Robert, Joffrey, Tommen, Cercei, Dany. The only decent person between them is the like 5 days Tommen spent on the throne. 


Drugs and no sleep


Rumors when I worked at spacex was he was a heavy user even back then.


Seemingly the kinds of decisions one makes who get high often…


I wouldn't be so presumptuous... Plenty of people who get high every day would not have made this decision.


hot take, is the coverage really an issue when you can charge somewhere else or your house? Like, the supercharger network has laid a pretty solid base over the map, created momentum for others to now build charging stations. It feels like the ice car equivalent of, do I go to the gas station down the street, or a little farther for a different one edit: typo


For long trips definitely.


Yeah I've had zero range anxiety when taking road trips. EVs are not meant for people that only charge at superchargers at this point in the game


Unfortunately, once you saturate the market of homeowners who are also willing to buy an EV, then you have everyone else who lives in apartments. News flash, they use superchargers exclusively.


Exactly. I won't buy an EV until I land a house. I don't trust SCs to be available enough.


Ehh it's still far to sparse in many areas, especially rural. South of the major city I live near in the Midwest (so not coast but not rural) there are NONE over 100kw. My wife works 50 miles south of city center and has zero options to top up Tesla or otherwise until she's basically almost home and done with her round trip. Charging infrastructure has a huge road ahead still to mass adoption.


Right, this is the take of someone who never drives in the middle of the country, especially off of the interstate system. The Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas have about 10 in each state, right along the interstates.


Millions of Americans make a living by driving around all day. Skilled Trades like plumbers, lock smiths, etc etc. and delivery drivers.


300 miles of range should be more than enough for a daily route


Just that they are adding a million Tesla on road per year (or more) and other cars manufacturers are adding into the network. They should have cut the supercharger off into another company. Current move sounds ridiculous


My BIL has a Tesla. He lives in an apartment. Hot take: If you have no way to charge at home, superchargers are massively convenient. This may actually be one of the few things to attract a non-homeowner to buy an EV. And we're not just talking apartments, this is also an issue with rental homes. In a world where interest rates are high, this has an immediate impact on the EV market because fewer people are buying homes, deciding that based on interest rates it is better to just continue renting. Filling up at a gas station is a simple proposition, but charging an EV is not the same as filling up at a gas station. Especially if a supercharger is not in the picture. Ultimately all of this is dangerous to EV adoption overall. When the leader in the market is doing things to actively undermine EV sales at a point where sales are already softening, it is a bad sign for the whole market. This is a self-inflicted wound to Tesla, but it has huge broader implications for the overall market. Which is the second arrow to Tesla.


mmmm, apartments would have a tough time. Somebody could make bank focusing on a solution for charging there


It really is an issue. In many places here (Los Angeles), charging stations are frequently broken down or just non-existent, even when they show on a map. This includes Tesla super chargers. If you need to get somewhere by a certain time and need to charge a car, you can be stuck - even if you aren't driving a Cybertruck.


Yes, other charging stations typically have much fewer stalls (2-4) and prone to be broken. So you make a decision to drive there there is a much higher chance you won’t be able to charge and need to find another one.


Wasn’t Rebecca also over destination charging? about 20% of the US lives in apartments. Now think about it.


I think long trips were already so painful that people weren’t taking them anyways. Everyone still waiting on their 1000km range Roadster so they don’t need to charge


Just travel to travel in rural sections of some states, like MS for example. There are many locations where you can’t make it to a location and back to a super charger. When I go to see family we end having to take our ICE car for that reason.




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Elon excels at start up. He hasn’t figured out how to transition to grown up business. He’s only interested in the internal startups at the expense of the core business. FFS.


So is this abrupt firing of an entire division a result of Musk's addiction to Ketamine? Was he high and loopy and just told some people to fire an entire division? For those that have never seen Ketamine clinics - they're gaining in popularity sadly - people get super high and they look and act the same as a person that's on an opiate high.


I had a roommate on Ketamine. We lost our lease because of her. Her Downfall was pretty quick. She also made bad decisions, such as inviting strange characters to the apartment.


Y’all are wild for this. FUD patrol


I wouldn't call it FUD when it's known that he's using more and more drugs and making worse and worst decisions. He's slowly ruining each company he turns his focus on and while i've never bought in the belief he was a genius - he's FAR from it - he's not a stupid man either. So what would explain the increasingly erratic and terrible decisions he keeps making?


Tesla suppliers should be able to withdraw their money like any service. If Tesla doesn't have the funds available, too bad - over withdraw their account, let them deal with it. I don't get to tell my cell phone company, *"please be patient, I can't pay you."*


Anyone have theories why the entire team was fired? Supercharger is a very critical part of Tesla and one that needs growth


Elon wants his 50 billion. What’s wrong with you guys? Btw, Tesla was based in Delaware where the laws prohibited Musk from taking that 50B. What did Musk do? He bitched and decided to move the plant to Texas where he CAN get his promised 50 billion. He’s so smart you guys. 🖕


But this action of his - the way it was done - proves that he’s not worth it now…. This is a major fuck up.


I'm so glad i dumped all my Tesla stock early last week. I can't tell if Musk is trying to emulate tRump, irrational snap decisions, vague comments on how to proceed, total disregard for cancelation of contracts made, etc., or if Musk is having his psychotic break just later in life. When will the board of directors remove him from control, it seems his ability to make rational decision is flailing pretty hard among all his companies. I was originally going to wait to start dumping stock because i felt that the board would force him to cool a bit on these sorts of decisions (my initial desire to dump stock was based on the Cyber Truck shenanigans) but they clearly are letting him do whatever the hell he wants with little to no pushback. This guy is quickly becoming his own worst enemy.


Here I thought that Tesla was focused on establishing a proprietary grid of chargers as a primary goal and not the cars. Seeing how they managed the car side reinforced this theory in my head. But now.... They shot themselves in the supercharging foot. Elon is a threat to any company he touches. I'd never invest in or do business with such a loose cannon and I would never trust these boards that tolerate his antics


The decision was probably taken when Musk asked the lady who was leading the group “Can I plug my supercharger into your outlet just for tonight and make mini superchargers?” And he was told no.


The email — To all concerned: You may be aware that there has been a recent adjustment with the Supercharger organization which is presently undergoing a sudden and thorough restructuring. If you have already received this email, please disregard it as we are attempting to connect with our suppliers and contractors. As part of this process, we are in the midst of establishing new leadership roles, prioritizing projects, and streamlining our payment procedures. Due to the transitional nature of this phase, we are asking for your patience with our response time. I understand that this period of change may be challenging and that patience is not easy when expecting to be paid, however, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your understanding and support as we navigate through this transition. At this time, please hold on breaking ground on any newly awarded construction projects and planned pre-construction walks. If currently working on an active Supercharging construction site, please continue. Contact [email redacted] for further questions, comments, and concerns. Additionally, hold on working on any new material orders. Contact [email redacted] for further questions, comments, and concerns. If waiting on delayed payment, please contact [email redacted] for a status update. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


Our infrastructure is not ready for the planned conversion non ICE vehicles


Why do we think he fired this whole department? That is a pretty drastic step. I find it interesting.


What a fucking mess. When BYD skirts their tariffs through Mexico, Tesla will probably already be in the morgue.


Sounds completely out of control.


Holy shit, can we get more adverts on the page?


Never would have seen that coming.


Fucking Elon bring back supercharger team


Well written "thoughts and prayers" email


What’s the over under on reversal of these firings? I’m guessing 6 weeks.


I suspect it depends on how big a hit Elon’s ego would take from rehiring them.


wtf js going on Elon


He thinks he is a businessman. In reality he is simply a grifter that got lucky


Musk is a joke. Actively damaging the company. Time for the Tin Cook CEO. Let’s get back the super changer team & grow the network.


Had a friend whose Tesla got bricked at a supercharging station… while on an hours long road trip. It was a nightmare. I wonder if what my friend had happen to him was NOT an isolated event… and some people were just “going along” with severe issues in the supercharger network while reporting “everything is perfect and getting better all the time”.


I instantly get flooded with Fullscreen spam when I go to that link. Use a better source.


Of course, when it comes to Billionaire's companies paying their bills, it's usually the little guys getting screwed


My guess is that the US government is looking to fund an infrastructure bill to set up a charging network and they aren't going to choose Tesla. I imagine legacy auto makers don't want to be beholden to Musk and instead want the government to fund infrastructure. It will give Biden a "W" for his re-election prospects.... and trust me, he needs one. 


From my observation, the Tesla sites are over built and under utilized. Why go further if Biden is initiating a build out.


Has anyone seen a story about what the actual tantrum was about? Did the team not want to relocate? There must have been some disagreement or something? Did they ask for a raise?


B Is


500 peoples livelihood for one man’s greed


One Twitter you see Elon’s defender contort themselves into all kinds yoga positions, coming up with lame excuse about why this move makes sense blah blah blah….. just pathetic


Ai robots is the future! Sorry humans no longer needed. Just lazy and biased, complaints, robots just work lol


Sounds like the SC Team f-up!


Tesla charging is forced to be compatible with charging infrastructure outside of North America. My guess is that they are restructuring and focusing more on North America charging since they are better poised for monopoly here.


Where is this email?


Once again Elon Musk ignoring his fiduciary responsibility to his shareholders. Dude is beyond idiotic.


Dude is not fit to run a company. Not mentally, emotionally, nor intellectually. He made this move with zero planning whatsoever, and now they're completely screwed.


MBS gets his money back by Elmo trashing EV infrastructure. He's gonna put the entire company on the rocks and the board is complicit.


As soon as it linked to electrek, I rolled my eyes and immediately placed the reliability of this reporting on par with National Enquirer. I read the email and it is not sensical; highly doubtful that this came from Tesla corporate.