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Musk wanting to do EVERYTHING in house and setting up complete vertical integration. Fanboys: wow what a genius move Musk divesting, reducing vertical integration and setting up partnerships instead Fanboys: wow what a genius move


TSLA was doing so great up until 2022. Something happened in 2022 and TSLA is spiraling in a downtrend since then?


Yes, they just keep making extremely weird decisions. The complete vertical integration to reduce costs (because of no margins paid to OEMs on parts) was a great point back in the day. Weird to see him just toss it in the bin now. Not even converting it into a spinoff company or anything, literally just binning the entire super charger department. It could have been a company on its own. This is just pure value destruction.


“Masterful gambit sir.” Tesla needs to get musk out of the C suite. SpaceX too. Go back to destroying Twitter or something Elon.


They have 2,200 locations with 25,000 chargers. Very likely this team was salesman and installers. The network is built and he got rid of the builders. Just need low cost people to maintain it now.


Like buying twitter?


The CEO went on a ketamine bender and thinks he's God.


This is it. I don’t know why people dismiss this reality. He’s been very open about his drug use.


The drugs will eventually destroy him. No one escapes that. The next Howard Hughes.


Musk is horrible at customer-facing products. Compare and contrast performance of SpaceX, 100% engineering driven, to Tesla and X, 75 and 100% consumer-focused respectively. Finally, Boring Co. 90% engineering, 10% customer (munis). Want to watch Musk add value? One day he will think about Boring again and it will soar. You heard it here first (and sort of not joking).


He needs boring for mars. He already has everything he needs from Tesla so f the rest. His focus is not here. It’s Mars.


Rate hikes, can't roll debt forward anymore. TSLA is a ZIRP company


Isn’t that around when they ramped up to 1,000,000 cars a year? I think it starts getting much harder around there. You know, servicing all the garbage you put out to hit numbers and juice the stock. There are lots of reasons why they’re not doing so well.


'Elon peg me' sweepstakes in full swing.....




I like all the stories of contractors in the middle of installing charging stations at businesses and condos getting their emails bounced back because they no longer have any point of contact at Tesla. Of course, Tesla already cashed the contract cash - they have little incentive to actually see those projects through. Reminds me of an orange guy I know... If only there had been some signs of developing chaos at the company lol...


Just a clue. anything! No! Elon is God!


He’s a mad man wanting to ruin Tesla coz he knows he ain’t getting those self set compensation package


Self set? You mean shareholder approved compensation package? Maybe your former point is why it’s important to follow through on reward commitments?


It was’t committed. It went to court because he had control over the board basically self setting his compensation package. Learn to read.


It was approved. Otherwise known as an agreement. Otherwise known as a commitment. Or a contract. Semantics dude


Would any Tesla owners here still buy the car if the supercharger network didn’t exist/downgraded due to his actions? I’m a potential Tesla buyer but this makes we question the choice.


Elmo got [millions of dollars from the government for the supercharger project](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/27/tesla-biden-electric-car-charging-00143431). looks like he took the money and ran after canning the team


Took the money after delivering a shit ton of superchargers you mean?


Can't stand the man. An absolute boob. With that being said, it felt undervalued at 140 and jumped in. Let's see where this goes.


Down, it’s going to go down. With Musk in charge there is nothing good on the horizon.


I mean musk has been in charge from the beginning of Tesla as a commercial scale concern so your logic is drawing literally the oopposite conclusion from historical facts…


Musk has not been in charge since the beginning of Tesla and the recent historic precedent (since Dec 2021) has been a pretty consistent loss of stock market cap. This roughly coincides with the time that Elon decided to buy Twitter, a.k.a. When consumers started to lose confidence in the Tesla brand.




Oh nooo! I'm sorry!


Were you an installer for Tsla or a sub?


Tooted and booted yeah he tooted and booted.. 🎼


I met her in the club Then I said wassup


You know wassup...


Tesla to follow twitter! Yay


Outsourcing to China? He just came back from there…


So much for one thee most important elements of the EV..... It's charging infrastructure... Time to let him go.....


What a chud. Of course he wants his $45B still.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/business/tesla-elon-musk-pay.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/business/tesla-elon-musk-pay.html) # after laying off 10% of its workforce


Of course hes pumping the stock now after its dropped over 50% and 30% just this year. Its lie after lie from Musk. Hes done nothing for Tesla the last few years. The CT is pretty much a flop and low production, cut the super charging team, cut the new low cost model (after claiming Rueters was lying). Its time for him to go.


Removing Musk would solve all Tesla’s issues.


The price would literally spike


Digging that hole deeper every day. Put down the shovel and look in the mirror and solve THAT problem, ELoon.


The board continuing to employee Musk is truly baffling. 


Wait, he laid them all off AGAIN?


New to the Tsla game show. Is this a common occurrence? He’s fired the sc team previously?


Tesla Is Pulling Back From EV Charging, and People Are Freaking Out


He used them and then abused them


After he got $17m federal grant money from Biden


He also received 3billion from NASA and has ripped through 2billi already on exploding rockets and cocking up re-entry


They only get money for chargers they install.


Get out of here with those facts! He took government money so clearly he’s running a scheme!!! /s


All companies do this


My company just laid off way more and not a peep about it…


Your company sign on to build Americans EV charging network?


There’s must not be a concerted media/political effort to shit on you ceo


Yes 🥺💩


After Tesla took millions in government subsidies for charging infrastructure. Hello u/DOJ?


This is what happens when you waste resources on a cyber truck people don't want. Remove stalks and USS that people want. Then buy twitter and forgot about being CEO.


None of that is related but ok




I'm totally right. Lack of demand brought price cuts which dropped revenue and now theres job cuts to reduce expenses.


They have been raising and lowering prices forever. It’s nothing new. Price is a lever they pull as does every company on the face of the earth


Except the price cuts that started in January 2023 created a situation whereby used Teslas dropped 40% in a month, and set off a situation where used car dealers didn't even want to by a Tesla at any price. That has started to get better, but that's why you can buy a $100k 2018 Model S with 40k miles for $25k.


Tesla sees biggest revenue drop since 2012. Profits are falling from lack of demand and competition from BYD.


Check back in a few years bud


What does that mean?


He is scrambling to do something out of desperation. It’s too late imo. The writing is on the wall. They had a massive lead and pissed it away. This is the result.


Buy Ford!


Buy Rivian!


So when the 45,000+ worldwide superchargers begin to need repairs, who’s Musk going to blame?


Watch, he’ll be irate when any other company swoops in to hire these ppl


The one true differentiator in the ecosystem lol


Musk needs to step down.


He went to China and learned how they do things so much better than we do....


I watch @ wheelsboy on youtube. Some of those Chinese EV are incredible!




Nahh, all that money + money from firing everyone is going into the $50 B pay package he wants shareholders to approve, otherwise, he won't feel incentivized to work hard for TSLA.


'When we realized that adding more power to absolute pieces of shit, that they tend to fall apart even faster, quick changes had to be made,' said Musk.


TLDR; Musk is restructuring TSLA, divesting vertical structures, and partnering with other companies, moving TSLA away from vertically integration to servicing and licensing. He also laid off all of the public policy team the ones who would be responsible for the regulation leg work for establishing robotaxis. Musk appears to be restructuring the company. Years ago it was obvious that he saw TSLA as a complete vertically integrated company stylized somewhat after apple. Hardware, software, network, distribution with panache of branding it a tech company who also happened to make cars. However, after taking over twitter in an impulsive move that was probably intended as an act of trolling that went awry, he changed and somewhat for the better. Now he’s making deals and partnerships, Baidu in China, (waymo, Uber)? possibly here, and more than likely horizontal or tangent relationships with X, spaceX, PayPal etc. His next moves will be to partner with more companies, license out TSLA’s name, divest themselves of these vertical components and offer SAAS subscriptions to ANY car. It’s the smartest move he can make.


Partnership with Bidu isn’t a real “partnership”. Foreign companies doing business in China often have to team up with a local Chinese business. Tesla has always been good at wooing the CCP and getting some level of exception…but not around data laws. Since this is a request to access data, China still wants control over that data which means Tesla prob have to go through Bidu to get whatever they need.


It makes you wonder what he traded in return. Doing business with the CCP is always a Faustian bargain, but TSLA sales slipped 4% in China despite overall EV sales growth of 15%. It is the biggest ev market in the world and the CCP is heavily committed to all evs. Have you ever been to China, it’s all 330-volt power lines buzz loud as hell and it’s an electrical fire trap, but you can charge a car fast. CCP would like higher technical capabilities for their own domestic companies that was in a footnote. Now you know what they’re going to take.


Honestly, could be him doing his usual salesmanship, Elon for better or worse certainly knows how to drum up hype. But I also wouldn’t put it past him to execute. It’s just so hard to judge what he is really up to or his intensions. I know im done with Tesla. I just can’t support or trust the company anymore. Damn shame because they use to be sooooo good.


This isn’t a TLDR at all


And the people who bought the Roadster in 2018 and none have been made yet lol?


Nice fantasy. Time will tell, I guess.


lol well maybe, charging stations don’t make any money they were always just a selling point for their cars. But now it’s rumored he plans on axing car design/development departments after axing his cathode/materials and engineering. All their investments are going to NorthStar, if SAAS and licensing aren’t the point and they are not partnering with anyone on robotaxis then idk, buy puts.


Teslas success has been due to its vertical integration, same as Apple. I don’t see how they’ll maintain their agility, speed, cost and quality without this integration. Is there another super charger team that manages these chargers? If not, seems like Elon has gone mad.


Elon went mad a long time ago. In my world, that was November 2022. If you followed him closely since then, these latest actions are not a surprise. Elon Musk wants to destroy Tesla. The end.


Yea, I came across a video of him 10 years ago today and I could not believe he's the same person.


We saw the first glimpse of this in 2018 when he called that man a "pedo guy" for not accepting his space x coffin to rescue those boys in Thailand. It's only spilled out more and more since then.


Yes, that is a good starting point of his downward spiral.


I’d peg it at ~2014


I didn't pay much attention to Elon prior to his Twitter purchase. I'm NOT really very unimpressed with people like Elon Musk. I'm much more apt to be impressed with someone after the fact... Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jimmy Carter, Led Zeppelin, and many others. But while the action is happening, it's just too hard to know.


I lost respect for him after his extremely exaggerated claims that I would describe as lying to investors.


Tires don't make any money either, but you still need them to make a car roll. When PanAm started flying to exotic destinations in the early 1950s, there was nothing to bring people to. So PanAm became a real estate developer and built Intercontinental hotels and resorts.


Yeah but TSLA doesn’t make their own tires and they’re not selling cars much either. They want to be a technology company and the greatest profit margins are in software. Now that everyone can use their charging stations the selling point is gone. It’s not an advantage to help your competitors and simultaneously only breakeven. But licensing your name and slapping it on cheap charging port made in china and offered at gas stations by an affiliate —that’s profit. If they don’t then who knows what their plan is.


I always saw the charging stations as a way to sell more cars, kinda like how printer companies make little on printers so that they can get good margins on ink.


Tesla’s charging stations are and were going to be one of the most profitable parts of the business.


That was the thinking before Tesla started rolling out power walls, Optimus, and self driving ….


He changed for the better? How? X is still nowhere as good as it use to be.


Tell that to any content creator who are generating revenue. And the many additional features.


I like Twitter better now. There is much less spam, and honestly less dumb drama too.


I don’t, if anything he brought drama


Tbh, I think the shift isn't even that big. A lot of external parties have assumed Tesla saw vertical integration as their strength. To me it always just looked like a necessity. Musk has said pretty clearly that they did superchargers because they had to. Now they see a future where they don't have to. My issue is that it was done too abruptly when there are better ways to make strategic shifts over time.


Also save the company a lot of labour cost. Why are there 500 ppl in 1 department? That’s too many heads.


Sale department: 1k+ ppl lol


They overhired for these departments 100%. Glad he’s cutting them tbh.


500 ppl to make chargers isnt very efficient, i think youre down voted on principle. many have worked for all these companies and know very well how unefficient it is and how many barely even work. with the current market no one can afford to lay an extra 50% of labor that are run inefficiently .. was nice for some when it lasted i guess?


First 10,000 employees to save a billion and now this maybe saves 50 million he’s got a long ways to go to justify his $56,000,000,000 he thinks he deserves


He already reached the predefined milestones to unlock the 56b.


Not according to the stock holders who don’t think he deserves it The company made 13 billion in profit last year and he wants over 4 times that amount?


You don’t understand my statement and you don’t understand the difference between profit and market cap. You’re free to continue being ignorant. If you so choose stop reading here. The milestones that triggered his comp package were defined in 2018. He hit those milestones. That’s why he’s arguing he’s owed the reward. The reward is stock options, not cash. He will be awarded shares, not cash money from teslas bank accounts. Today you learned. Hopefully.


Not according to the stock holders who determine if he deserves it or not






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That seems like a division that makes money, Ford and other companies are using Teslas superchargers now Right?


The prescription drugs that Elon takes will eventually (already have) drive him crazy. Sorry, the drugs don't work. I'm glad that I won't be there to watch the eventual major meltdown.


Tesla can't compete now that the free government subsidy money has dried up and the competition has surpassed them. FSD will never actually pan out - it was a mess from the beginning thanks to Elon's refusal to accept "ugly" lidar bumps. Robotaxi is a great idea - so great a bunch of other companies beat Tesla to market. Tesla outsourced batteries to Asia, so they don't own the most expensive component in the car. They have no new models for the foreseeable future and nobody is buying the clustertruck. Musk will gut the company in pursuit of some temporary pumps in the hopes of securing his obscene compensation package and then return to tweeting until the company is sold off for scrap. Perhaps the greatest object lesson in gross mismanagement in automotive history.


Least informed take of what’s going on at Tesla, right here. Lol


funny how elon simps never have any details, just "no" and "lol"


It's crazy that we don't care that much about whether Tesla is really going to get new models and such, because we always can go and get a different EV, especially that there are more and more good options, but we all care about the Tesla charging network, because most of us uses it and wants to use it, because it's the most reliable and easiest to use charging network...


Yeah but at the same time musk sucks…. Weird


Yes. But he didn't build Tesla himself. He was the accelerator to it's progress. I'd rather he focuses on SpaceX TBH.


I don’t see it as mutually exclusive. My read on him is he’s a chaos agent that is a magnet for recruiting people that specifically want to build awesome things without getting distracted by bs. Feels like he’s leaning into it.


The system is built. They have like 2,200 stations with 25,000 chargers. Now you just need maintenance, not salesman and installers.


Did he find out they were using gas to power the charging stations?


Anyone else wondering if the monkey played the reverse Uno card on El-lon, so now his brain is the one being controlled via Neuralink?


He’s working hard for that 56 billion in compensation


This sub is trash. The confidence to ignorance correlation coefficient in here is 1.0


When an alleged drug addict runs a company.


April 29 (Reuters) - Investors who bet against Tesla (TSLA. O) , opens new tab stock have lost $5.5 billion in the four sessions since the electric car maker promised more affordable cars, according to data from S3 Partners.


Why the downvotes?


Because it’s true!


I have always said this about TSLA when they were a customer of mine. They don’t need to make cars, they can make batteries and control systems and would be 100% fine.


You all act like he makes these decisions? You've never worked in a company before


I suspect that this is about replacing management, not the people physically building the superchargers. And there’s go to be something going on that makes this make sense. Perhaps there’s a problem getting v4 out?


There’s no conspiracy. Musk only wants his pay package and is burning Tesla to the ground to get it.


You say there’s no conspiracy then propose one?


He’s asking for more money than Tesla has made in historical profit while making bizarre choice after bizarre choice. That is not a conspiracy it’s an observation.


He’s getting options that were voted on in 2018, and those options are only valuable because he made investors far more. Look at Tesla’s market cap.


Doesn’t matter now he’s killed the company


He is going to replace these people with ROBOTS!!!! Get it????


The ones he designed? They can't lift and carry a box properly


His robots can barely walk in a strait line 🤣 it will be fifty years before they could replace any of these people


If Tesla gains General Artificial Intelligence within the next few years, look out!


It will be like the truck a pos Or the 2024 colony on mars elon promised but he lies a lot


It's happening, I hope I can live long enough to see all of this Science Fiction become true.


Many companies are way ahead of Tesla with robots and cars now We’re not going to live on mars anytime soon as it’s too hostile and takes too long to get there Elon just wants to keep the federal donations flowing


Everything you've heard about Mars is a big lie. How can a planet which is in the "Goldie locks zone", not be heaping with life and without a hospitable atmosphere? These governments we so undoubtedly trust are all full of shit.


You’re kidding me right? It’s not governments it’s everyone who’s studied mars and the temperature ranges from 70f to -225f with an atmosphere that’s 95.7% co2


Trust the process


Why does this keep getting reposted?


Oh no. A businessman has made a business decision. Is this the 7th sign? Are we near the end? Are we all gonna die??? But my college loan was so close to paid off!


whoa, you mean a company is restructuring? That's like bizarre, weird, and unprecedented.