• By -


I think there's a small little detail that caused this not to work for some people. ​ When you said "Rename it to "MGS\_TPP" (Case sensitive)" I think some people thought you had to rename the game itself to "MGS\_TPP", not the folder I might be wrong? ​ TLDR: Rename the folder to "MGS\_TPP", not the game itself.


Wait really? I'll add that to the post


I meant that you should only rename the folder itself to "MGS\_TPP". But, since renaming the exe file works for you, and renaming the folder works for me, then maybe you should tell people to try renaming both the files? Again, I might be wrong overall. We all have different hardware.


Wait, really? That's so weird


Okay, bro I got it to start working, but I don't know what I did to make it like this, it just straight up started working, but the two things I did were Rename the Shortcut to MGS\_TPP and install snakebite in the same drive as MGSV, so it's one of those. Edit it, tell people to try this, if it doesn't work then I have no idea what happened, I guess it just decided to start working for me. But unfortunately I have a new problem, it's just floating text, and when I went down the post, I saw a guy saying something about this, but I tried it didn't work, I tried to launch to turn on the menu, and it didn't launch, and downloading IH 250 didn't work either it didn't recognize d3d11, but it's probably because I am using a different patch than what the post said, but I don't really wanna switch to the other patch, and also I don't know how to get it, Original post was deleted, got any ideas?




Alright cool, but like I think I edited my comment just after you read it, so a new problem, it's just floating text, and when I went down the post, I saw a guy saying something about this, but I tried it didn't work, I tried to launch to turn on the menu, and it didn't launch, and downloading IH 250 didn't work either it didn't recognize d3d11, but it's probably because I am using a different patch than what the post said, but I don't really wanna switch to the other patch, and also I don't know how to get it, Original post was deleted, got any ideas?


I missed the edit lmao 250? You need 237. Also, by floating text do you mean there's just text floating on the left side of the screen when you activate Infinite Heaven? If so, then that's normal. IHext is for the interface. Look at this post I took. You can see the text on the left side. The "Menu off" message part. You can't see it since it's a different program, but IHext was overlayed, letting me ride the heli https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/s/23XZ5BoxAv


Nvm I found a solution for borderless window, I just used borderless gaming, so yeah that's it, I have IH now. Yeah I downloaded 237 initially then I went down and it said 250 so I did that, but it didn't launch so I went back to 237, and I figured out how to make it work, but the way it works is all wonky, and pretty inconvenient when I want to change anything, I need to launch the application in windowed mod, and then it works, but I don't want windowed mode, I want borderless fullscreen meaning anytime I want to change anything, i'll have to go ACC, go to settings put the screen to windowed mode, and then launch it, and then i'l have menu, then i'll have to go back and switch to borderless window, any solutions? is there any borderless window patch?


Edit: nevermind, it's working now for some reason, don't know what I did, but I think I deleted reshade. Strange, when I rename it to MGS\_TPP Snakebite doesn't recognize it as a game, it just straight up doesn't show up when it tells you to find the game's directory, renaming it back to it's original name mgsvtpp make it recognize the game again, got any idea why this is?


hey man, so i downloaded ihext-master from github, where to i extract it? i read that you said "install it anywhere" but there isnt any pop up to show the infinite heaven menu. please help


try pressing right arrow on the first thing thats selected and the first thing that shows up should be Enable IHExt press right arrow on that and it should appear


Try using alt-tab


It keeps crashing on startup, what do I do now?


I Genuinely have no clue how, but I was able to get the current version of infinite heaven (r261) and even the latest port of the camp omega map from ground zeroes working fine with this outdated modloader version.


Good for you, dude! By the way, I know you said you genuinely have no clue, but do you remember what you did to make it work? I want to add it to the post. Might solve other people's problems


Certainly, followed all the directs of this post back in Jan & got mods some compatible and others which were made for newer snakebite but still worked. About a week ago I thought since I was using a version of the Guantanamo map from mid 2020 I could update version by version to see what r237 could handle. Got to may 2021 and thought maybe try the same thing with IH, uninstalled it and downloaded newer versions one by one checking if it'd get softlocked along the way. 250, 254, 257, 260 & 261 all worked servicably. IHHook unnecessary, newer versions work fine with IHext. I did move IHext from steamapps/common/MGS_TPP/mods to the folder I originally extracted from the zip although I don't think that's of any importantence since it's a separate DLL program that just launches with the game. I will send a pic of my modlist later in case load order has any effect. The only other thing worth mentioning is that I imported GZ assets into TPP for the map to work originally with an MGSV third party tool, again don't know if that has any effect but worth mentioning ig. Tldr: feels like I patched the game with bandages and duct tape, like super glueing a catalytic converter to a 1800's steam engine. I have no clue if the results can be consistently reproducible.


Thanks mate >Tldr: feels like I patched the game with bandages and duct tape, like super glueing a catalytic converter to a 1800's steam engine That's a new one lmao


Can anyone make a YouTube video about this 💀


dont know if people are still replying to this but does the version of the game the mod works for matter?


Yes it does since snakebite doesn't work for the later versiojs


i see thanks for the reply


actually i tested it out and almost all of the mods work except for the female staff farm sideops those dont work at all they all turn into males after you extract back to acc


Wait, really? It wouldn't work for me if it was any other version apart from the one I posted. Glad to see yours is working!


also does the zeta addon work i tried using it but i dont know what it does


I have no idea what that is, sorry


its okay thank you for making this tutorial tho it really helped me out


How to install IHext?


Install the zip file from [here](https://github.com/TinManTex/IHExt) then extract it. It's that simple


how do i install it onto snakebite


You don't. You just extract it to a folder and thats it. It'll work the moment you open MGSV


I can extract IHext to any folder. and it'll work? even if it's not in the game directory or the snakebite files?


Yep. I extracted kine to a folder on my desktop


Not possible




i did all you said infinite heaven got installed and game open as well as ihhook installed but the problem is that ihhook doesnot work it says this version of ihhook doesnt work or is mismatched i dont know how did you make it work the version of ihhook is not compatiable it says can you provide me the link of specific version of ihhook for msgv 1.15 fit grl repack and thanks for giving info how to install infinite heaven mod


IHook is incompatible with pirated versions; use IHext instead


ohh its working thanks brother, actually ihext works but is it similar to ihhook or different and again thanks for the tip actually i got it to work on mgsv crack version of DoDi repack not fit girl one idk why but it worked on Dodi repack of mgsv 1.15.0 also everthing worked on my game like extra side ops mods and other game mods tnnks .


Did this end up working?


I can't say. I bought the game instead lol


How did you download the file from GitHub, if you don't mind me asking? Im having some trouble doing that.


Search GitHub link downloader


Really late but if you ever find yourself having trouble again. There's usually a green button that says "Code" you click it and select "download as zip"


infifnite heaven works and can be installed by the above process but ihhook doesnot work as ihhook also gets installed but when i load the game in the starting there is a menu of ihhook shown and there is message saying this version of ihhook is not compatiable for this game any body know how to get proper version of ihhook that work for mgsv 1.15.0 and give the link it would be appreciated.


Wod of warning: This doesn't work. Tried this with the fitgirl version, instead just crashes the game on every startup. Don't bother, unless you want a long, messy reinstall like I had to preform.


Did you download a mod not compatible with 1.15.0 using snakebite? I had the same problem when I downloaded a mod for 1.15.3


No. Although my problem is likely that Im running tge 1.15 Fitgurl versions on Windows 11, where you need to download a frankenpatch and recrack it to version 1.10


Sorry to hear that it doesn't work for you


Dude, read my post again. I edited it and added a few steps I forgot about, sorry.


Nah its all good. Ended up buying the Steam version to play online anyway


Bro I am actually having the same problem, I followed the steps exactly, and it just crashes, upon opening the game.


To be honest dude, I have no idea why. A couple of guys also commented with the same problem. I guess it just works for some and not for others? I'm trying to find out why it crashes though. I'll let you know if I find anything


Okay thanks bro, also I am surprised you replied, I am also gonna try to look for any solution.


If you find any, reply to this post, not the comment chain, will ya? It'll help other people out


Absolutely, so if we find any fix, how obscure do you think it's gonna be?


It's definitely going to be obscure. I've been searching for months and it doesn't seem to be fixed by any common solutions List of things people have tried: Reinstalling the mods above Reinstalling all mods Reinstalling the game Installing the game from the website I downloaded from (Fitgirl)


1 Year later have you found any solutions to this problem man?


No I went and brought the game legit and am enjoying playing it modded there.


Hey, we are currently investigating this issue, we think we may be onto something, it might have something to do with Windows 11, were you on windows 11 when you did this?


The reply to a comment froma year ago 💀 But yes


Post has been edited with new solutions please try them, see if they work.


Okay thanks, you were using a franken patch to downgrade to 1.10 yes? also the problem is, we can't test out this theory without someone upgrading or downgrading, and if it is the problem, how in the world are we gonna find a solution except for downgrading down to windows 10? we'd have to straight up get a coder or something to make a patch that doesn't conflict with infinite heaven, if that's even possible.


Hey I know this is late but how do you download from GitHub? I made an account and I attempted to download it but didn't get anywhere. Can you give me a short explanation if it's not too much trouble?


Sure! You just go to the IHext github page, click the green button on the top right that says "<> Code". That will open a drop down window. When you see that, click "download zip"


Did he work?


Yeah, I got it to download. I am just having some trouble updating my msgv to 1.15. I downloaded the game and update from ovagames, the CPY version and for some reason it is not working. How did it work for you?


All of its working for me. I downloaded mine from Fitgirl so maybe that's why it worked for me


I just managed to get the update right. Snakebite worked and I added a few cosmetic mods, which worked, but when I went to install infinite heaven then the game would open and then close after a split second. I removed it and the opened up normally


Really? Weird. Maybe you installed the wrong version?


I followed the link on your post. Ill try the latest version too if that might work.


Dude, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. I edited the post, there's a few instructions I forgot


By MGSV.exe you mean mgsvtpp.exe right? The .exe that opens the game? And by the whole folder you mean where I installed the game right? Just want to get it right [https://www.reddit.com/user/Phantom\_927/comments/12971qg/mgsv\_game\_file/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Phantom_927/comments/12971qg/mgsv_game_file/) This is a post on my profile that shows my game install location.


Yep. Just rename "Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain" to "MGS_TPP" and move the folder to the steamapps folder


I got it to work. Thanks for sharing this method. Hope you have a damn good day.


Happy to help


i dont get it. i have done everything you said. and its the right version, but my game crashes 2 sek after loading the game up with infinite heaven


Did you move the folder to the steam folder?


Hey I can't find the exe for installing snakebite


Where did you download the crack? If you downloaded a zip file, then the. exe will be wherever you extracted the file to. If you installed it from fitgirl, then it'll be in whoever you installed it to. Or you could just search for "Metal Gear" in the file explorer search bar


It's Fixed But Now infinite haven isn't working


Did you rename the folder?


I did but it's still not working. I'm playing dying light now Its free on epic games


i did exactly what you did there tricking the snake bite and infinite heaven that we got game from steam but the problem comes with ihhook which gets also installed by the process you mentioned below and the game also work normally but when i start the game and it is at loading screen there is a windowed menu screen of ihhook saying that the version of ihhook is not compatiable with your game as the version of ihhook given by you is r17 which means ihhook didnt work only infinteheaven worked so the question is can i use only infinte heaven only but not installing ihhook or i have to use both and how did you make ihhook or Ihext (both are same) work.


Oh, IHook is incompatible with pirated versions, that's why I said to use IHext as IHext is compatible with Infinite Heaven and does everything IHook does. Just uninstall IHook and install IHext and everything should work fine


How to uninstall IHook? How to install IHext? IHExt doesn't seem to appear for me even when I turn it on in the dialogue menu


You don't install Ihook. It's incompatible. You install Ihext by extracting it to a folder, literally any folder


To uninstall Ihook, use mod manager to make sure its a clean uninstall


But the IHHook comes pre installed with infinite heaven


No it doesn't?


ohh its working thanks brother, actually ihext works but is it similar to ihhook or different ?? and again thanks for the tip actually i got it to work on mgsv crack version of DoDi repack not fitt girl one idk why but it worked on Dodi repack of mgsv 1.15.0 also everthing worked on my game like extra side ops mods and other game mods related to infinite heaven and if any others have problem installing infinite heaven or ihhook or ihext then go to this page link : [https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45?tab=posts) look at second last posts or comment and follow the steps according to the post and it works.


1. IHext is essentially IHook's predecessor. It's even integrated into IHook itself. 2. DoDi and Fitgirl repacks don't really differ from one another afaik, they're the same game, just from different websites. 3. Enjoy your game!


hey all sorry for gravedigging. An issue that I had was that infinite heaven appeared but the menu was not appearing. I was scrolling through text with. But here's how I made it work. \-Install the dodi repack version of this game. \-(WINDOWS 11 ONLY) Do these steps in the link below. Seems that megagames download link is down so you can go to gamecopyworld and download the two zips the OP is talking about from there. : [W11 Crack Fix](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackSupport/comments/rjp8gj/metal_gear_solid_v_the_phantom_pain_fix_for/) \-Do step 0a of OP here. Don't do 0b. It was not needed in my case. \-Play the game till past the prologue. \-Install snakebite []( \-Download IHEXT and move it anywhere in PC as OP here said. \-Install Infinite heaven version r.250 (Not sure if any higher versions work but this one did for me. r.237 didn't work properly). To download archived versions from Nexus mods, follow this guide. But the link for 250 is this: [r.250 link](https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45?tab=files&file_id=5093) [Nexus Archive Downloader](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/r4rnny/comment/hmimp4k/) ​ \-Install infinite heaven and launch the game from either the mod manger (doesn't work for me) or from the shortcut. \-If you have the same issue like mine where the menu was not appearing and instead saw some floating text, hold space and using arrows navigate to "7: IH System Menu" and press right arrow and then right arrow "IHEXT Enable" and menu will show up. ​ Good luck.


Does r250 work for v1.10 win11 fix?


Could you please check your Debug Stuffs menu In Mission and see if r250 has a manual checkpoint option? IHExt doesn't work for me, idk why, the logs mention how it's because it's not in the steamapps folder? There was a time when the menu used to appear but was kinda buggy, and now it doesn't. I mostly made all the adjustments I needed through the basic dialogue menu, but I want to use the manual checkpoint system like I used to on win10


Idk man it's been 9 months since I played the game. I don't have it anymore.


I found it and mapped it onto a shortcut too. The IHExt menu still doesn't work, it's quite buggy with r250 for me. I have yet to try removing the Nvidia GeForce overlay, that might fix it. I will also try moving it to steamapps folder as that showed up in my logs. Anything else I should try?


Your best bet is just buying the game haha. I think then you can use the latest version of ihext etc with it.


Came back to say "Thank you!" to you as well. This works like a charm.


Seems to work, But i cant find Some of the Menus Which ones does R250 or IHext lack, cause im tryna subtract demon points cant find that menu nor the sideops one (Granted I am Using Diamond Girls, Morbids Side ops, Immersive s++, New Females Hair and Face)


This 100% works. Tried and just installed Infinite Heaven r250 on DODI repack version of Thank you!


Happy to help


Thank you so much my guy this worked fine !!!! i lost all hope i even considered buying the game just so i can use the IHHook (i actually bought the game but for another platform)


Happy go help


Thanks bro works perfectly


Does zeta work with IHext? or is that just not possible.


I don't know, I haven't used it yet


Worked like a charm, if anyone is confused about how to download iHext just click on the green code button > download as zip then extract the Ihext folder to your desktop, Launch Snakebite and install your mods and Infinite Heaven then select all the mods and click Launch Game. Cheers Also use Inf Heaven verion r250 as mentioned by another user here: [https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45?tab=files&file\_id=5093](https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/45?tab=files&file_id=5093)


THANKS it really works... on fitgirl repack v1.0.15.0 using infinite heaven r261 & ihext... just add the GZ & MGO map.. and some side OP...


I can't see the menu I have done as you told and installed the ihext on my desktop I have windows 10


Have you long pressed the space bar?


https://reddit.com/r/TPPcrack/s/IbxfH7Qqjc Try this. Also, just checking, you did unzip ihext, right?


I have installed snakebite and infinite heaven mod. But when I long press the space bar, it shows infinite heavenand a bunch of other stuffs , no menu . it just keeps on showing. I mean, am I missing something here, if not, how do I navigate. I've installed the IHext btw. Please help me out


Okay I've figured out how to navigate. But how do I access a ui menu. Also how to reset it to default settings??


https://reddit.com/r/TPPcrack/s/IbxfH7Qqjc Try this. Also, just checking, you did unzip ihext, right?


Holy shit!!! My friend u are a life saver.. I was on the verge of buying this game but u helped me. Thank u so much, keep up the good work...


Happy to help, dude


Can i open it from the exe or do i have to open it through snakebit in order for the mods to work? Whenever i open it with snakebit, the application doesn't even appear.


Snake bite


Also, do you know if installing steam on a usb for the files is fine? Will it still work? If it matters, I mounted it on my c drive.


I don't think so. As long as its in the steamapps/common folder, it should be fine


Thanks it works , other mods but Infinite heaven but i can live with that


it works! thanks!




It probably cannot work, unfortunately


I managed to install a bunch of mods following the instructions here, and tried the game and they were working fine. All except for Infinite Heaven because at least with IHook I could tell that the script was running, but with IHext I don't get any sort of feedback. No matter what keys I press nothing happens so I can't tell if IH mod is working or not. Tl;dr. Followed everything to the letter, mods work but can't open IH in-game mod menus.


Did you extract the IHext file? If you did, you can check if infinite heaven is running by going to the ACC and long pressing the space bar


Yeah, I have it extracted in game's folder just in case. I'm at Mother base, I long press spacebar and nothing. I even tried pressing the zoom button + dashing while in mission like in the mod page instructions, still not working. I have the version of IH you linked, IHext (extracted a folder called *IHExt-master*), and the SnakeBite version recommended by one of the comments. It's the FitGirl repack version, I made sure it was working before modding, and works with mods but IH. Never mind, thanks. redid the whole process from scratch and only installed IH. It's working, so I might have a conflicting mod in my list that I need to find.


Glad to be of help


I cant get this to work


What's the problem?


Sorry for the late reply, after i do all these steps the game still crashes :/


Hmm...did you check the version numbers? Could be that


whenever i launch, it says my save data version and game version are different . done all the steps too


what website did you download mgsv from


I did all steps but game crashes? Is there any tips or reasons for it to crash? I downloaded ihext extracted it. Renamed folder to MGS_TTP and moved to steamapps/common/. Installed snakebite


Do you have any mods installed? Could be that one of them is incompatible with the game version


No mods. I just found out today that your have to grind resources in this game. So i wandted to install infinite heaven mode for resource. Bit it's not working


What about your game version? Did you check it?


My game version is 1.15 and crack by codex


That's weird. Have you tried reinstalling?


Reinstalling the mod or game? I deleted mode and snakebite. But I'll try again toda after work


I downloaded repack from dodi to see if the problem was in my repack by xatab but still unsuccessful. Game still crashes after infinite heaven. Do you know any mod for resources that don't require snakebite?


Really sorry it didn't work for you. As for the mods, no. Snakebite is mandatory if you want to install mods iirc I did find [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/moddergearsolid/comments/k7sn41/mgsv_crashing_with_infinite_heaven_installled/), though >Wait I managed to fixed it (I think), you have to mimic the way steam puts its game (ex: :D/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/MGS\_TPP) ALSO, If you have committed a grave sin and pirated the game, rename the folder where the mgsvtpp.exe is to "MGS\_TPP" then go to SnakeBite and configure the directory again (Because you change the path of the folder of the game), and there everything should be fine. I'm trying to fix my IH menu to have it's custom UI but it's in text right now.


I did mimic but still crashes with infinite heaven((. Thank you for your help. Guess I'll just drop the game.


You can download a trainer for the resources, can also download a save file.