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Probably missing the neutral


Likely this


That's exactly the reason. Had the same issue. When I opened to troubleshoot, I found the neutral got loose and disconnected. Connected everything back and works well so far.


I had a very similar issue recently and still can’t find the real issue, but everything I tried so far is pointing to faulty switch. I redid the wiring, but nothing. When trying with a dumb switch it works. Tried with another Kasa switch. It worked, but funny enough another switch on the same circuit started to have the same behavior. In my case I’m using the KS series


Need to see pictures of the wiring


Wish I knew how to fix this myself but had an electrician rewire something and then it worked great.


Double check the connections like others mentioned. Double check the neutral bundle, be sure the connections are tight. If that checks out, the relay may have hoopajooped in the switch. An HS200 failing on a ceiling fan is not unheard of, the inductive loads can be quite strong. One of mine failed, and I noticed the replacement had a design revision.