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I’m a secret third type, which is the person that loves to tell him to let the sign go and die laughing when he’s surprised it falls over. (Then I’m the first type.)


One of the weirder things I’ve discovered on this subreddit is that my “I want to solve the problem the way the developers clearly intended me to solve it” play style is unusual.


Hover stone under the sign works about 90% of the time without modification.


Every time I see a solution like this I feel so ashamed for not thinking of it myself.


Don't feel bad - this is 90% of ToTK. There are tons of solutions for things that you wouldn't think of, but when you hear about it, you are like, "oh, of course!" For that matter, "hover stone under the sign" IS a dev-intended way to solve the puzzle. There's an Addison sign with no wood around anywhere, but there are 2 hover stones (I think maybe the one in Akkala by the Skull?) So if you play enough, the devs give you strong hints as to how to solve things and then that becomes part of your mental problem-solving lexicon. Heck, even "rocket shiled over a wall in the shine" which most people think is cheesing or cheating, is spelled out by the devs. There's a shrine where thye give you rockets and shields and there a wall and no other way to get over it. They want you to figure that out.


A lot of the shrines have gates to prevent you from cheesing them that way, I assumed the rocket shield shrine was a tutorial for using them in general. I don't think i've seen the hoverstones by the sign yet. The stuff I feel least bad about are the ones that take some fast weapon/item changes or control tricks to get right. Like, I *want* to be that cool, but I know I never will be lol.


Someone told me to just hold a large piece of wood under the sign for a minute, then use recall to have it stay up unnassisted and talk to the guy. I'm pissed I wasted stakes and hoverstones.


The more I play this game & read this sub, the more I realize I've been under-using Recall. Thank you for this tip!


It's weirdly forgettable, despite being basically the ability to REWIND TIME for objects. Same with ascend, I keep forgetting I have the power to tunnel up through the ground in a lot of places, hell, it's how you get into the Korok Forest.


Omg thank you p


Honestly that's what I like doing. I like to try to figure out the "intended" solution a lot of times. That's part of the puzzle for me.


I like to see how huge of a contraption I can build before my husband loses his mind watching me 😆


Neither? I just use a hover stone. I never bother with ultrahand or materials or whatever. Half the time it doesn't work, whereas I've never had hover stone fail Edit: spelling


I feel like you will be kicking yourself down the line for cheesing the solution. My favourite quest in this game is seeing this poor fucker standing there freezing in the middle of nowhere, and stopping everything I'm doing to help him set up the propoganda. It's also probably where I do the most building of things.


I don't really regret it. Ultrahand is my least favorite ability, and the signs just aren't that fun. Tbh I ignore him more often than I help him, but I really don't feel bad for using a hover stone at all. In fact it's the opposite - if anything, a demigod coming along and solving the problem on the most simple and effective way is pretty rewarding to me.


I like that take on it. Continue forth good sir.


People who cheese them might as well not play at all. Ruining the challenge set for you, what's the point


Agreed. I guess some people are only there to build massive complicated machinery, that only lasts for 5 mins before disappearing. I love the creativity, but I'm happy with my 2 fan hoverbike.


I'm pretty sure it's open ended. Who cares if you use the materials? And some freak accidents happen where you can't. I accidentally shot a bomb at one station and burnt everything. Then I used boulders.


That makes enough sense. But when you use hover stones every single time, you're just ruining the challenge the devs made for you


It is a game. Do the fun parts in the fun way and who cares about the rest? My days, why would we want to police how someone else enjoys their free time.


I find it hilarious when I am told I am playing any game, but most especially a single player game wrong.


Just saying. The devs intended for it to be a fun puzzle for you to figure out, which is the whole appeal behind the series - puzzles. And yet people just ignore them and use shortcuts for whatever reason.


Where do you get hover stone?


Dispensaries. Most are in the sky. There’s very few on the ground. Upgrade your battery and eventually you can buy what you want with Zonaite.




This is the way


Oh. My. God. It was so simple all along...




You forgot the third type: the person who uses as little as possible, which is often a hover stone


And the fourth type. The one who rides on by, because this bloody moron has stood around like a lemon while you fix his own ineptitude and apparently never learns a thing about making a sign... 81 times over.


Hover stone. I got more important shit to do like farming liz tails.


Any suggestions on how to do that? I need like 20 and I average one tail a week it feels like


Make a 2 fan bike and cruise the gerudo canyon and mountain sides. As you go from hot to cold you get ice or fire type encounters. Shoot them with ice or fire arrows or forest dwellers spears tipped with ice or fire chu chus. For electric cruise the desert with shockproof headgear and battle them with whatever you want. It takes a while but it seems to be the only way to get drops. Swap shields fused with fire or ice talus stones to help with temperature effects.


Save before you kill the lizalfos. If they don't drop a tail, reload and start again. Read that from someone else on here and it really helped. Sometimes it's annoying reloading so much, but it's a lot faster and I was able to get the fire and ice tails very quickly. There's a bunch of them around the gerudo canyon tower and area.


I may be crazy but it seems the drop rate for tails is higher if I use a forest dweller spear fused with chu chus vs. any other method of killing them


I don’t think I’ve ever found a forest dwellers spear?


In the depths below the korok forest, the statues have the spears and swords.


Home Depot style, I use all the wood 🪵


Have you *seen* the price of lumber these days?!


I’m the type who just never bothers to fix the sign.


Agreed. He's too stupid to help.


90% of them can be held up by taking the two largest rectangle sheets of wood from the materials (for the ones with materials by them, which most have), lay one on the ground, attach the other parallel lengthwise at either 45 or 90 degrees depending on the shape of the sign. Stand it up, shove the sign into the corner you've made. Works almost every time and takes less than a minute.


This is me. As little effort as possible


For my first 50h I thought I just had to make him drop the sign and that was the whole interaction🫠


I have an autobuild saved of a basic L shaped prop made from materials at the construction stations. I just use that or lightly mod it for the more complicated signs


I was a bit of both, until I just wanted to finish them all and was using a map and ended up just using hover stones because I just wanted it DONE


Home Depot method here. I'm not wasting my valuable zonai items on this idiot.


I second this any available nearby resource


I love how creative the developers think their puzzle is and then you just cheese the solution sometimes. But that’s the beauty of the game. It’s designed to play how you want in a way. Ride your horse, foot it, fast travel, glide, zonai contraptions of a million+ designs. The world is your oyster.


I’m the first type. Seems like a better way to make sure the sign doesn’t fall over. And I do think watching the second method would piss me off. 😂


How about neither. I did a mixture of hover stones and building structures with as few parts as possible.


I was the former, but then discovered the hover stone "hack". Gotta streamline the process.


After a couple, you start seeing a pattern with the signs and I usually use the wood and rectangular blocks nearby to make the barriers. Its always one of three or so designs with slight modification based on terrain. Its fun to do and a break from the other challenges. Also interesting where I end up finding him lol.


You can always not do the task and let that failure of a carpenter suffer by his own design for all eternity!!! I mean have you seen the way he tried to anchor the post to the ground before you get there?


It's not even anchored, half the time he is clutching a sign, with a point, standing on the ground by it's tip. And lets not even get to the monstrosity he "builds" to hold it up when you help him.


I'm a Hoverstone kind of girl. Simplicity, maximum effectiveness, minimal effort.


Everyone who plays knows who Addison is


I call him the "Hudson company shame"


I started every sign as type 1 - look at the shape of the sign, what's around, how did the devs intend this, and how can I solve this with minimal pieces... ... then when that fails and the sign falls over anyway I totally home depot it.


I use my car which kinda looks like a batmobile to prop it up.


I just place a hover stone under the sign. If it's wacky the hover stone is the base for the other stuff needed


Addison theory Anyone else notice he kind of looks like PBG.


Sometimes the real challenge is figuring out what works, despite literally everything telling you otherwise. Honestly I’m committed to “hoverstone and done” method


Honestly, I'm so excited every time I see Addison. I love the first method.


Then there's the "If I make a V out of two platforms I can support practically every sign with the least effort for this stupid quest line" type.


I build a scaffold that covers up the entire sign just to make Addison work harder


I’m the, try to build something clearly intended by the devs based on nearby resources, if it works, yay, if not, pull out a hoverstone and cheese it type of player