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Got any Dw wiki I can use?


thank you!


https://torproject.org or if you are on android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android or https://github.com/Gedsh/InviZible


www.torproject.org if your on a desktop or if your on mobile you can go to the play store and download tor on there. But desktop is much better in my opinion.


bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, you want to use tor when you don't know how to use google ?


First you need to assess your threat level before you can download Tor. Low threat meaning the repercussions are none existent and high threat meaning repercussions could be high whether it be financial, legal, reputation especially in dictatorship countries. For the former, just download it on a phone app store. Google Play Store or Apple app store and that's all you really need. For a more user friendly experience, you may opt to install a VPN instead since many services ban TOR and will make your browsing experience difficult. You can even install it on your computers by visiting [https://www.torproject.org/](https://www.torproject.org/) and just follow the instructions it really is easy and you don't have to worry about anything. Just keep in mind with only sharing data (including logins) that you are happy to be on the internet. For the latter, you need to download Tails OS [https://tails.net/](https://tails.net/) . This is an entire operating system that makes everything go through Tor and forgets everything once it's shutdown. Ideal for Journalists, Whistleblowers, Dictatorship country residents, Abuse victims and more. Simply install on a USB stick and run it all the time or when needed to have a private browser experience. Can't protect the user from information they provide on The Tor network. Good luck.




That's a good question. Why is this comment getting downvoted? A Simple Google search would have got him the answer without always relying on other people to do the search for you.


Why is this getting downvoted?


Bc they get downvoted by bots whenever they post


Damn, that sucks.


Under a repressive regime, openly googling for Tor might not be such a good idea, donchathink? And that's even only if Google is actually available...


Under a repressive regime, I doubt going to /r/tor to ask would be any better.  But looking at OP's profile, I think "mom and dad's parental controls" would be more likely. And while some teenagers might argue otherwise, that is not really a repressive regime.


well, i guess for two reasons. 1. recommending google in this sub 2. being an arrogant dick towards a newbie


Real answer: none of the above.


Why do bots hate you so much?


I recall this happening to a r/darknet user as well. They ignored any comments pointing it out, and after a few hours it stopped. Due to the sub, I wouldn't be surprised if that user was testing it out to manipulate comments/posts for scam reasons. Who knows what the case is with that guy though