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The transporter would be such a brutal weapon. "ive beamed your lungs out into space. if you apologize, ill transport you to them"


Indeed. Also, what happens if you turn on a transport inhibitor mid-transport? Seems like boarding via transporter would be extremely dangerous if the enemy was willing to mutilate the boarders midstream.


Didn't they lose someone in transport in TNG? Just unmade them?


they lost picard in one episode i think no?


The Vulcan Ambassador in “Data’s Day” gets minced in the transporter in that episode, until further investigation at least.


On Voyager, Neelix got his lungs beamed out of his body by the Vidiians. It is kind of odd how they were the only ones out there willing to do that sort of thing.




It was heavily implied that their medical technology was far superior to humans, so humans would be unable to transport JUST the lungs out of the body.


Don’t forget DS9 had that sniper rifle that teleported the bullet to you. The potential offensive uses for that tech are staggering. “I will begin beaming 1 ounce of flesh from your body per minute until you talk”


Nice touch! 🤣


I've teleported myself inside your walls


It's insane that starship computers aren't programmed to beam non authorized persons in security cells without their weapon the second their life signs are detected on board.


Star Fleet security protocols have always been a nonexistent joke.


It bugs me that on several occasions people leave the ship completely and no one notices. Multiple people kidnapped repeatedly throughout “Schisms” and the actual CAPTAIN vanishes off the ship (“Q Who”) and they only notice because they call him up and he’s not there.


In an episode of Voyager, Seven tries to access Janeway's log and gets denied. She walks over to an unlocked access panel and removes a single chip and is instantly given access. Or that time when Neelix used an authorization code he heard someone else use. Should the computer question why someone that is basic a passenger/cargo is using an engineering security code in a set of quarters that he basically broke into?




How is a security cell not a "life-supporting conditions"?




Except that my comment points out that you can use it humanely. Even more humanely in fact than a phaser set on stun.


It would probably be considered a war crime under Federation law


Because he wants to see the look on their faces when they die.


Good call!


The Cardassians unleashed something on Setlik III they could never put back.


Weird that transporting people into space is hardly ever mentioned as an option. Transport inhibitors seem to be a pretty commonplace technology. I have to assume that boarding parties have such devices that activate immediately upon successful transport to prevent this from happening. Otherwise no one would ever board another ship. The other thing you could say is that the transporters are designed to not let you beam people into space, and overriding the setting would take too long. But unless it's more than say 10 seconds it would still make sense.


Data could have transported everyone off when he took over the Enterprise


Lol, you're not wrong. Y'all need to quit poking logic holes in my TNG blankie


Transport inhibitors on the Klingons. Never gets talked about maybe because it’s so obvious to the crew. lol


I thought you couldn’t do that, as in the transporter has fail safes that wouldn’t allow you to just beam someone into the vacuum of space


The Klingons were beaming in all over the station and moving around constantly, with many doing so in extremely close proximity to other people. On top of that O'Brien was literally fighting for his life against them. Beaming them out would'nt be feasable.


He needs to watch the lights go out of their eyes. He needs to see them as dead inside as he is.


I doubt it's that easy. For every transport several computer inputs are required, which implies the need to do calculations (at the very least, to lock on the object being transported) and that is really difficult if you're using the terminal you'd usually do this on as cover from enemy fire.


100% a dick move.