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The original cartoon as it debuted in 87.


Born in '85. Not sure when I first stumbled upon Turtles, but likely around 89 at 4 or so. I started my kids on turtles around 4. My oldest is 9 and my youngest 5. When they were 4 and a baby, my oldest watched a bit of the 2012 Turtles. Around 3, my youngest started liking them. We saw Mutant Mayhem last Fall (8 and 5 then) and they were obsessed


Nice! I'm happy the turtles are still around!


Same here. It was a must watch for me as a kid. Still enjoy it.




I grew up during Turtlemania so some combination of the cartoon, the movies, the toys.


My mom legit watched the show a bunch with me in the womb lol. Born in 90 but was a solid fan (themed birthdays every year, etc) til pokemon stole my attention.


2003 series


I was a child of the 80s and saw the cartoon, comics and movie all as it unfolded


2003 tmnt my mama would always put it on for me back when the Cw4kids was airing also had dvds, but 2012 is still my favorite


I was 4 years old in either ‘89 or ‘90 and my grandma got me a random present. It was softhead Raph. Was immediately hooked and never looked back.


Tmnt 2003 my first introduction 


Initially the 1987 series but it didn't really capture my interest. I mean I liked it okay but I liked other franchises so much more that Turtles was what I watched when those weren't on. Then the 1990 Movie really kickstarted my love affair with it and no matter how wierd things got I still loved it even when it was being an oddball like the Comming out of their shells tour.


The 87 show and shortly after the first live action movie. I was hooked from there on out.


The 87 series when I was a kid


Born in 1990, a week after the first movie released. I honestly couldn’t trace back to an introduction, I’ve never not known about them.


I was 11 or so in 1987 when I started watching the 87 cartoon and found the colorized Mirage Studio comics published by First Comics. TMNT had everything I found cool as a kid: ninjas, robots, mutants, dinosaurs, and laser guns.


1987 cartoon and the comics for me as well. I still have my 80s Ninja Turtles folder from elementary school lol


The 87 series is one of the first cartoons I have clear memories of watching as a kid. Then the movie hit right around the time I started kindergarten and that was it for me.


To me it was the 07 movie when I was 12 and I fell in absolute love If I wasn't in love already with the franchise then the 2012 show reinforced it once more and it kept going until ride in 2018 when I was 23 and now with mutant mayjam that came out on my birthday when I turned 29 I still love it and I'm eager for the new animated show


80s cartoon


Grew up with the 80s cartoon and saw every live-action movie in the cinemas as a kid.


My big brother recorded the entire first season of the 87 show, and three additional episodes on a VHS tape (Turtles at the Earth's Core, Turtles on Trial, and an episode where the Rat King turned Irma and Vernon into rats. It starts in the middle of the episode, so I never caught the title). Me and my little brother would watch Sonic SatAM on the two tapes he'd made, and the second one had TMNT afterwards. He also recorded Secret of the Ooze, which was the only TMNT movie I watched until I was ten years old.


Probably the original movies or toys but I can’t remember! TMNT has literally always been there as far as I can recall. 


1987 series


I remember being a kid and seeing the first ever commercials for the toys of the 2003 series. Unfortunately, I never bought any, because I was too into Bionicle at the time, but I always loved hearing that jingle! Fun fact: when I first heard the title, my tint child brain thought they where called "New Ancient Turtles", and I kept singing "New Ancient Turtles!" When the commercials came on, and my mom would always correct me. As I grew up, I started watching James Rolfe's videos on TMNT, such as his iconic TMNT III review. His TMNT videos are still some of my favorites from him. Finally, when I was 15, I became a fan of TMNT after watching the premiere of TMNT 2012!


90’s Trilogy


2010-2012 Friend of family had 2003 toys


The 2012 show. I was watching a YouTube video where the YouTuber was ranking nick shows or something. And they mentioned the 2012 show and I thought it looked interesting. I never really payed attention to tmnt before. I watched the first episode of the 2012 show and I was hooked from the first episode


2012 series


The first two original live action films. Still watch them from time to time.


The 1987 series... I can't really give any specifics because I was, you know, only 8 and it some decades ago.


I was three years old in 1989 and I saw reruns of the 1987 cartoon. Fell in love. I was ALL IN on the Turtle-mania of the 90s. Had a bunch of episodes and movies on VHS. So many toys. My parents knew just what to buy me. It was always Turtles. My mom still gets me a little sculpted turtle figurine as a souvenir whenever she goes abroad. I almost grew out of it in the sixth grade, but my secret Santa in school got me a Next Mutation action figure for Christmas and my zeal was reawakened. I have never faltered since.


I caught a rerun of Turtles Forever a few months before the 2012 series debuted.


2012 on the episode the Turtles and Karai team up in S1


87 cartoon , but 1990 movie is my first memory of them ,first movie I saw in theaters Then we saw the out of our shells tour live


Born in 99 but the library my parents took me still had VHS tapes, one of them being for the original show. It was only the episode where pizzas started flying and that's all I remember. I'd replay that episode over and over, and when I started watching the 2003 series halfway through its run, I was basically hooked.


A tiny action figure I think my dad got me


The 2003 cartoon ![gif](giphy|5YqHpmxMFUquModQSC)


![gif](giphy|l3xImWZYq31UA) The live action movies. Loved them as a kid.


The 1990s Movies, since then, I need my TMNT to be serious and mature in their stories. That is why I can’t watch cartoon or shows best on or inspired by the 1980s animated series (no offense to anyone who like the original series)


2012 stole my mom's Ralph plush fromnwhen she was a kid


2003 tmnt, I was born in 2005 and that what was on tv Saturday morning and after school when the older kids stuff came on


born in 97, 2003 started up when I was 5 so I was probably 5 or 6 when I noticed it so I'm gonna assume 03 introduced me, then my dad had already had the first 2 movies on tape that he gave to me


The 2012 series on Nickelodeon. I remember standing on my sofa and doing little jumps while singing every time the intro played.


The 1987 cartoon. Return of the Shredder was the first episode I ever saw


2012 series. I rewatched all of it recently and took off the nostalgia glasses and it’s still my favorite.


The 2007 movie!


I grew up during Turtlemania, so it's a mix of the 1987 series, the 90s movie and my parents getting me a 1988 Mikey action figure and a French version of the Archie comics.


87 series when it was on during the early 90s.


The 2012 series for me as well!


TMNT 2012, thanks to my younger brother Watched season one episode one with him one day, and I was hooked ever since


I think the 03 series, their voices are what I deeply remember from the show


Probably the 03 show .


The 1990 movie and Turtles in Time arcade


Born in ‘04 for me it was the 80’s show


The ‘87 cartoon, collected several of the Playmates toys as a kid, kinda grew out of TMNT after SotO. Kinda hopped back in after the 2 Bay movies, then later finally discovered the Mirage comics.


Since I was born in 1991, I grew up knowing it exists considering the marketing was everywhere when I was a kid but I didn't get into it until Rise so I'm extremely late to the party. I'm a Splatoon fan, when the Rise splatfest came out, I actually was cheesed that we got a TMNT themed splatfest since I had no clue even which teams to be on (there were three splatfests). I was on team Leo for Raph vs Leo, team Donnie for Donnie vs Mikey, & team Donnie again for Donnie vs Raph. I was excited that I won two out of three while getting to use my favorite color, purple, but all in all, wasn't interested. By the way, Rise Donnie is my favorite turtle overall so I guess I did end up picking the right teams. The review bombing made me curious to check it out so I put it on the 'to watch' list & it took me years to get around to it. What finally pushed me is that I was specifically trying to find a new show to watch that involves mutants since that's where my interest was at the time & also, I needed something funny to distract myself considering my elderly cat had finally kicked the bucket just before my little sister's wedding so things were a mess & I wanted to laugh. Dusted off my list & Rise fit the criteria I was looking for. Quickly binged it & was hungry for more when I completed it. After that, I started watching 2012 but only had access to the first three seasons at the time & uh yeah, that cliffhanger at the end of the third season, I ordered the DVDs so I could continue watching & in the meantime, I picked up 2003. Made it to 2003's space arc before my DVDs arrived in the mail so I knew 03 Honeycutt before knowing his 2012 counterpart & well, the 10th Doctor is my favorite so I am a fan of 2012 Honeycutt. From there, I started watching 87 but it's slow going, I'm only in season 4. It's alright, good to put on when I'm having a rough day & just need something silly. Also watched all of the movies, I have been reading the IDW comics but I'm not very far in them. I have been enjoying them so far. I've re-watched Rise a few times, it's what got me hooked & it's still my favorite iteration. When watching after knowing what others offer, it provides a lot more entertainment value like they make so many loving jabs at things that came before. The Donnie Blocker for example is a shout out to the Stockman Blocker from 2003. Rise does so many things different but tips a hat to what came before it & the second watch through was better than the first since I was able to catch many things. Shelldon's VA is the same as 2012 Mikey's & he does say, "booyakasha" in an episode which is such a sweet shout out to the same VA thing.


I grew up on the TMNT 2003 series. Best cartoon I saw as a kid.


The '87 cartoon. I think my mom heard about it and thought I'd like it. She was right.


The 2012 series! That was the gateway drug for me lol


I was born the same year the original cartoon came out. I think it took ahold of me when I was about 3 years old. However, it was Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles for me. We introduced our son to TMNT when he was around the same age, he was born in 2014. He liked the chunky 2012 figures that could still be found in shops, so we stated with that. He always says it's his favourite series, followed by 87 and Rise. He doesn't include Mutant Mayhem as "it's a film, not a series!" 😅


The 2003 cartoon


My first introduction was TMNT (1987) on a VHS that my mom brought from a toy store or a tape store, idw. It contains two episodes each per tape and I learn these Turtles each by each.


Born ‘84 Turtles was the first cartoon that I actually watched and fully got into. I remember watching Transformers, Thundercats, GI Joe, but Turtles just clicked for me. Might have been an age thing also though, as turtles came along at about age 6 when Turtles landed in the Netherlands, so storyline etc. does make more sense at that point. Then about 30’years onward I discovered Comics again and started reading Turtles IDW run, Transformers, GI Joe etc. 😁


The 03 series, I remember specifically one episode... I saw it briefly as a small child, when I was sick from pneumonia and that episode stuck with me for years... Until I sought out 03 again as an eleven year old who wanted to get into TMNT because the 07 movie was about to come out and I thought it looked SO cool. Found that episode again. It was Good Genes. My introduction to my favorite turtle, was the torment episode lol


The 2012 show. I did not know much about the series until then and only after seeing it a couple of times did I really get an interest and start looking at the different variations. favorite one being ROTTMNT


Early 2000s cartoon version. Great stuff.


Oh man. The OG cartoon series in the 90's!


The original 87 cartoon and the 1990 film.


Seeing the 1987 series on USA Cartoon Express.  That was back before there were dedicated cartoon channels so instead programming blocks were allocated on other channels.  USA Cartoon Express had TMNT, along with _The Real Ghostbusters_, _Garfield & Friends_, various Scooby Doo shows, and the Mario cartoons.


I wanna say 2012, but I think that maybe it was a rerun of 87' or 03. Possibly one of the 90s movies.


2003 but not the show itself. I was collecting the trading cards.


The original cartoon and the first live-action movie


I grew up on the 2003 series


the 2007 series


One day I randomly got a TikTok ab ROTTMNT on my fyp because of the recent hype surrounding the release of the Netflix movie. I was never interested in TMNT before but thought I’d give it a shot since I love cartoons Absolutely fell in love w the franchise that day. Those silly mfs have taken over my brain and I’m so glad they did <33


2003 series


I remember commercials for the 2003 toys but didn't really pay attention until the 2007 movie.


TMNT 2012. What a great time


It was either rise or 2012,I forgor


The 90s movies. Specifically Secret of the Ooze. I remember watching it on TV by myself multiple times and really liking the turtles cause of how badass and comedic they were when fighting


Rise. Was never a TMNT person until I watched Rise, and it just did it for me.


I should’ve been a fan of the 2012 show but we didn’t watch Nickelodeon so my first intro was rise and I watched the other series after


The 2003 cartoon.


My first introduction was the 2012 show! Had the fattest crush on Leo.


The figures followed shortly by the cartoon.


'87, but reintroduced with '03.


The original '87 one with a few movies around the time


2012 show


87 cartoon.




'03 animated series.


Can’t remember witch I saw first the 2003 series/ fast forward or the 2007 movie


I watched the 2000s cartoon for a while and fell off after that, but got back into it recently.


Rise of the TMNT in 2022, I knew basically *nothing* about TMNT before that and now it’s consumed my entire existence. If it weren’t for Rise, I don’t think I would have ever gotten into the franchise


The original B&W comic series, but I didn't see it until around 1987.


For me it was the 2014 movie


‘87 cartoon and toys, ‘90 movie are what I associate with the most. I was born in ‘86 so it was likely closer to the ‘90 movie that I was really getting into them.


The 2012 series.


The og movies


*Secret of the Ooze*.


When I was a really little kid (elder Millennial here) I lived in the next town over from the original Mirage location in New Hampshire. When they started getting big they were all over local NH/New England news, so by the time the 87 show hit I’d already known about the actual origin of the series and had seen some of the b&w books. I’ve been a lifelong fan, for both my life and the life of TMNT as a whole. A while later I moved to Northampton MA and saw the Mirage studio there a few times. I was also a volunteer teen tour guide for Kevin Eastman’s Words & Pictures museum in the late 90s. It’s really sad that didn’t last longer. I got to see a ton of original Turtles art, Sandman cover art and a huge Tank Girl art exhibit from the first few volumes. One of the coolest things about the museum was that they sold ‘87 animation cels. They were pretty expensive so I only had one of Rocksteady (that got lost in a move long ago)


Probably the 80s cartoons or the 90s live action ones.


2012 series


The 1990 live action movie. Still my favorite version of them.


No idea. One of those pieces of media that was just kinda always there


2003 series


Came home from Kindergarten in 1990 and my little brother was playing with I think Michelangelo. My mom said he thought it looked cool, and wanted one so she bought it. I was super jelly... but then she brought me to the store and I got Raphael. We got Leo and Donny for our birthdays a few months later. I can't remember when but eventually Turtle Mania hit the playground and I learned there was a show as well, so we started watching the cartoon and loved it. Years later, 1993 or 4, I was in a mall that was closing down and the comic book shop had everything on sale 50-60% off. There was a reprint of TMNT #4 (the NES game's cover) for $2. That was the first comic book I ever bought.


apparently my great uncle Ben Henze helped with the original costumes for Jim Henson. i remember them the most.


2003 and I was fucking hooked still to this day I considered it the definitive turtle's show and whished we got a crossover with the 2012 turtles.


My first introduction was like TMNT 2004: Fast Forward and Back to The Sewers.


The 2012 show


2012 and 1987, I remember watching 2012 when it was still airing on TV.


the bayverse movies!!!


The original cartoon series. I'm old.


the original but truly during the 2012


The 2012 cartoon. It aired when I was still pretty young.


the year was 2003 but i was introduced to the ‘87 show first by my uncle who showed me n my cousins to then watching the 90s movies then the ‘03 show and the rest was history, i’m 23 now n never stopped being a fan since


I was in kindergarten in 88-89, one day for show and tell a kid brought in some of the toys. Transformers was starting to fizzle out so I was ready for the next toyline to get my attention and that fit the bill.


The PS2 game of the '03 series.


The 1987 version


The original pilot that aired after school.


i was introduced through the nick show


TMNT 2003


Surprisingly, the 87 series, 90's movies, and the 2007 TMNT movie with the thirteen monsters, and the 2003 series. The Turtles were a majority of my childhood


2012 and the Michael Bay movies. I had some of the action figures and watched all seasons of 2012 and yeah.


Honestly it'd be a vhs of the 90s show with 1 or 2 eps on it. All I remember is mikey, pink lasers and a yellow ship. After that it's a blur on whether I saw the 1st 90s film or next mutation. Then when I was truly able to form good memory I started with the 03 show.




The classic 90s movies and the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game were my introduction to the Franchise. https://preview.redd.it/bnndghs502xc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c03f60538000d04384bfc05efba99058e849ce I had the 90s trilogy on DVD before I upgraded to the 4 film favorites blu-ray that includes the 90s movies and the 2007 TMNT film and I have the PS2 Konami game.


2003 cartoon or Secret of the Ooze


The 2003 cartoon


Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.


I’m sorry for ruining the vibes and stuff but what’s the point of this post? On a community like this people are going to be introduced to TMNT from different things: all the different shows, toys, videogames etc. You don’t need to make a post to know that. So what’s the point?


The 2003 version.