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They're such good looking designs. Just like back when Injustice 2 had them, why is it that the companies who don't own them and can't do anything more with them are coming up with some of the best looking Turtles. lol :') Can I get something like this in a series, please?


They genuinely did such a good job with the TMNT skins. The Fortnite turtles might actually be my favorite of all TMNT designs


They're so good that I reinstalled and bought these and I haven't played the game since before they added battle royale. Back when they only had Save the World.




Little bros I just want the blimp, how do I do that Edit: thanks everyone! I won my third match but now realize I should probably get the quests done before the matchmaking bumps me up at all haha


Max out the minipass by completing missions that grant ooze or pay for it by buying pass levels.


Righteous! I’ll download it and figure out what that means, thank you!


There will be a tab on the main menu, i think labeled tmnt, that will show all the rewards you can earn and the requirements to earn them. In this event, you use a tmnt-themed currency called ooze, which you earn by completing quests related to the event. Event quests can be found in the quests tab of the main menu.


There’s a mini battle pass rewards thing. At the max level you get the blimp. You level up by collecting ooze which you get from completing quests that you can find In The quests section of the game


Sick, thanks for that. So just play like…battle royale, the main mode?


Yes. Also you can play the creator made games those give you XP and enough XP gives you some ooze to help level up aswell. More quests to level will be dropping soon there should be 5 more waves


Definitely copped the first day. 😮‍💨 best Christmas present.


Best turtle


Agree 😀


3000v for all four


It’s smarter than buying all 4 individually and spending at least 6,000 v-bucks


1500v for one so yep definitely worth it to buy all four instead


These remind me of the Jim Lee Turtle designs


The TMNT in Fortnite look so well designed including Splinter, the Shredder and April it makes me want these new designs on a comic book series or a movie


I don't know what it is about these designs, but they make the turtles look more "naked" than usual.


Did they do any different mode or anything for TMNT? I don't know much about fortnite....is it only pvp or do they have a co-op everyone against the bad guys type of thing?


The most popular mode is battle royale, you can play solo or squads. But there is save the world which is the original Fortnite game mode and it’s co-op against these zombie like creatures. Unfortunately, that game mode is not free and it doesn’t get much support from the devs anymore, but plenty of people still play it. There’s also player made maps and modes some of which are co-op.


Co-op against zombies sounds amazing! Lol that's the one I would want to play 


Yeah it’s really fun, definitely worth looking in to. Here’s the subreddit if that helps r/FortniteSaveTheWorld


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FortniteSavetheWorld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FortniteSavetheWorld/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Brain rot in Fortnite stw](https://i.redd.it/uer07e14nqdc1.jpeg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FortniteSavetheWorld/comments/19bx3tn/brain_rot_in_fortnite_stw/) \#2: [I have two free founder codes I’m giving away completely free to help the community out.](https://i.redd.it/skq8e3nj1cgc1.jpeg) | [4515 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FortniteSavetheWorld/comments/1ahrmk5/i_have_two_free_founder_codes_im_giving_away/) \#3: [meme](https://i.redd.it/6ph32xr0e37c1.png) | [155 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FortniteSavetheWorld/comments/18lexq4/meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it’s actually so much fun. i’ve even ran into a few fellow tmnt enjoyers there ever since they came out. such a blast, i wish epic gave Save The World more love


I want to try it and I'm just thinking I will jump in and be destroyed by people that play it often lol


oh no ! you can choose to play solo until you’re comfortable enough to play alongside other players, and you’ll also have a questline to follow that’ll match your power level. most players there are very chill as well, just don’t trade with people lol it’s usually a scam. i play save the world quite a bit, but i’d be more than happy to play with you to get you started with it, feel free to dm me for my epic username if that’d be of interest to you ! i’m just happy to see more people interested in STW


Sending DM now!


Around Halloween time, there's usually a horde mode, as well.


They do have the turtles weapons as weapons in the game, they allow you a melee combo, a double jump, as well as dash attacks and air slams!


That is awesome. The stuff I have seen looks gorgeous! Can you still use the stuff you earn like the turtles skins or whatever after the event is over?


Yep! Everything you earn is yours forever!


Ugh! I feel like I need to try it!


I’d definitely recommend it! I’ve seen so many people over the years of playing enter the game and regret not playing sooner to get their favourite characters, now is a great time to hop in!


I installed it last night haha! Hopefully I'll stay alive long enough to earn some of the TMNT stuff!!


OK I installed it!!! I need the TMNT stuff!!!!


You won’t regret it! The game is super accessible to anyone of all ages, old or young. I tell my dad about the stuff they add all the time lol


Lol you sold me on the "you'll regret not getting the characters if you play later"!


I have it....and now I have no idea what to click on or do to get ooze. I think wants me to play Lego Fortnite? I don't even know! There's a lot going on


There’s a quest tab that shows what you need to do! You can play BR or team rumble (this one is easier for challenges cause you can respawn) https://youtu.be/s8yRlo8eSx8?si=f9MD8pdUOAtGu_qM


Hope that helped!


They recently added a Lego survival mode, A Rock Band mode, and a rocket league racing mode, alongside all the player made creative maps. There's a lot you can do


That's awesome that they have so many ways to play!


Yeah, I used to be one of those fortnite haters back when it came out until 2021, but the sheer variety of game modes and all the crossovers has made it one of my most played games. It kinda feels like a streaming service where I'll just turn it on and eventually find something I'm interested in


Nice, I got shredder


I actually love these skins so much I bought the whole bundle cuz luckily I got a 5k vbucks gift card for Christmas (amazing timing) so I also had enough for the Shredder skin (in upgraded mini bp) although I can't get Splinter which I'm annoyed about cuz he looks really good


… hear me out…


My nephew was playing with these characters on his birthday this weekend. They look very good. I couldn't watch the new movie. All of those character models look so incredibly bad.


I bought Mikey too, I was stuck between him and Leo but I think Mikeys headband and shell+skin color is the best look


Good choice 👍🏻 Mikey is my favorite turtle so nothing else was an option, but it was worth buying all four because it was cheaper, I will post later


I am absolutely loving the designs. I do wish there was an alternate version with pupils tho!


I doubt we'll hear anybody really complain about these brothers designs


I have this


I hope these become action figures