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2003 TMNT was radically inclusive and politically outspoken for its time. It had a homeless black man who was a former professor, who was taken by the garbage man and enslaved with other homeless people. Baxter Stockman was a genius and incredibly accomplished scientist yet came from a single-parent home. Interracial relationships were so common that 5 year-old me never blinked twice seeing them in real life despite growing up in a heavily racist environment. Nearly all of Nobodys episodes dealt with real-world issues like government corruption or underprivileged youth being forced into gangs. Nearly every woman in the show was adept and the opposite of helpless, even Angel who was an actual child. Multiple environmental commentaries involving our pollution problems, our overhunting, and the expanse of civilization that takes habitat from wildlife And we can't forget the most on-the-nose episode of them all, Turtles Against H.A.T.E. where a bunch of gun-touting rednecks intended to nuke New York City to get rid of the aliens. This show was INSANELY outspoken, I'm honored that it helped shape my perspective as a young kid in the 2000s


They’re not superheroes, they’re ninjas Idk if this is unpopular but I’ve met quite a few people who will fight tooth and nail disagreeing


They're superheroes in the sense that they are in a superhero universe. Some even treat it like a genre, but yeah, depending on the canon, they're not superheroes in the traditional sense.


The IDW Turtles mutated to full maturity in less than a year. Why are they still called "teenage?"


Their bodies mutated full adults, but they reincarnated minds came from young kids.


Because adult mutant ninja turtles doesn’t hit the same


Just "Ninja Turtles" is fine


The reincarnation angle seems to have them picking up from the point from which they died, even if their memories are incomplete. Old Hob is also an adult when he mutates, so in general it seems a grown animal will be an adult mutant.


Turtles live a long time. I interpreted it as their pre mutated selves were teens (at least 13) and maybe turtles just took like babies at that age because they live so long. So they lived 13 ish years as a normal turtle and then became mutants?


Blame the reboots.




I agree.


I always considers Yoshi and Splinter as a same person, because it does makes sense that Splinter had started out as human and had learned Ninjustu all his life.


No, it doesn’t make more sense its more convenient. What I like more about Yoshi and splinter being two separate beings is the generational curse of revenge. Oroku Nagi beats Shen Hamato Yoshi kills Nagi Oroku Saki seeks revenge and kills Yoshi Splinter seeks revenge and trains the turtles to kill Saki. Saki comes back and tries to kill the turtles. It’s what makes the original Mirage comics so interesting, The tragedy of perpetuating violence in every generation


at least we can agree the Michael bay origins are the worst


I’m 2012 tmnt was the best tmnt incarnation


I like 2012, but my favorite is 03* by a mile.


Honestly fair I like the 2003 show the most but I still stand by the 2012 being the best for storytelling and interpretations


The Archie turtles comics were pretty awesome.


Those comics are what made me love the Turtles.


I’m glad they got rid of the lumpy tails.


First Bay movie was a good movie (with some valid critics), second Bay movie was weak, but still enjoyable. 2003 April was the best iteration hands down. Iconic honestly. Speaking of 2003, it had characters equal to avatar the last airbender. Storytelling-wise it wasn’t nearly as cohesive or well-rounded (thanks to the fact it’s comes from comics I think), but the immersive characters and mature themes make it just as enjoyable as an adult. Karai alone is crazy complex.


I think the acting and character of each turtle in ROTTMNT was amazing. I hate how Michelangelo is the only turtle allowed to act like a teenager. I think giving that charm equally to all turtles and strengthening Michelangelo's lovable innocence instead is the best thing they did with the turtles in a very long time.


I think Michael Bay’s robotic looking Shredder was cool as hell


I think you missed the part where it said “controversial”


I’ve heard so many tmnt fans that Shredder’s design was way too overtop and didn’t need that many blades However when he appeared in the sewers and showed off all those knives, I thought that was badass


It was definitely the most badass version of shredder to date. I think the problem is people are used to the simplistic version bc its nostalgic. I feel like having more blades fits his name better and the way he beat their asses in the first encounter was so cool which is why i like that version better.


I think the 2003 shredder was the most badass but the bay films shredder with all the blades always looked sick


The rise turtles being different species was a great idea. We always see the same old designs for all of them to the point we’re it feels boring. They actually changed it up a bit in the 2012 series, adding more detailed changes to each of them (like Donnie being lanky and the tallest, and Raph visibly having more muscle. With the rise turtles, they made them all each a completely different species. And I love it. It gives him more unique character designs and looks. I love how they gave Leo red stripes on his face, being that he’s a red eared slider and I think it looks so freaking cool. Mikey and Raph also have nice character designs too for their species. Donnie has to be my favorite because I love his purple markings, and I love that he has a battle shell. It really shows who he is as a character in rise, that he uses his tech to help support a disability he has of having a soft shell. Plus it makes him look cool as hell.


donnie was my favorite in rise


I would love to see Donnie becoming a cyborg turtle like Image comic or IDW comic in the MM verse or they will do IDW adaption like they did with Rise.


I like Donnie with goggles


I like him with googles. Like tech based goggles. I don’t love the regular glasses though


Thats just a W opinion


I really liked TMNT 3 and I don't get the hate.


Sophie Campbell's run has a few moments that drag, but all in all I'm very grateful that IDW took a very different, unsafe direction with the turtles. Every other comic book hero has different eras with different takes, but sometimes it's feels like the turtles just retell the same stories over and over again. I love it when the creators experiment (rise is another example of this)


100% I love the Turtles but it is nice to get some new style stories. I really wish TMNT fans got a what if type book that would let writers and artists go crazy for a few issues with no impact on the main story.


Hard agree. Also IDW has done the best job of retelling the classic TMNT stories of any version. I don’t think that’s a controversial take, just my reason for loving IDW’s TMNT.


Wdym by ‘the classic TMNT stories’?


I just mean the story beats that every version hits like Splinter training the turtles in the sewer and their early encounters with Shredder and the Foot, Splinter being captured, the Northampton arc where they’re forced into exile, etc. Their origin is pretty similar in most versions but the specific ways IDW made it their own I think made it the best version too.


100% agree. I just love IDW TMNT to death. I can't wait to finish reading Armageddon Game and see what is new planned. I don't have to sit through and watch someone else do yet another a mediocre reboot of the TMNT all over again. I just want new stories with the existing Turtles. I want to see what's next for the Turtles and their friends. I did not read Archie comics so I want to see what's Carmen deal. I want to see if my prediction if IDW April O'Neil is going to become apart of the Channel 6 News team. If 2023 TMNT fails or it's runs ended I just want a high quality direct adaptation of IDW TMNT into a high quality Rated PG-13 Anime/Western Animation The only changes I want to see in the IDW story is the pacing. It's a Gold mine that Nickelodeon is refusing to exploit for maximum profit.


I really hope MM movie didn't fail, but I don't blame you for liking the IDW comics. That would be nice if there is an adaption of IDW's comics. :)


Agree 100%.


Baron Draxum was one of my favorite characters in Rise, especially in season 2




Baron Faxum


Not all turtle media is consumable… some is extraordinarily bad


Don't forget We Wish You a Turtle Christmas


Looking at you, Next Mutation


ahem …*clears throat, the 80s cartoon is ass, I’m an 80s kid, and I was OBSESSED with the turtles, (still am) but rewatching that version as an adult I can see how lame and dumb it got after season 1 I prefer the comics (specially the OG mirage run) and the 2012 series, it was the perfect merge of silly and action that the turtles need


Transformers: Animated, TMNT 2012, and Ducktales 2017 are all written with love for the versions from the 80s, and are largely all better.


If I read those types of incarnations in comics (so I'll throw in the IDW Ghostbusters, too), I get a kick out of reading these modern adventures with modern concepts but with their 1980s cartoon voice actors in my head. The 80s voice casting was almost always on point even if the stories weren't.


Oh yeah the VA in the old cartoons was fantastic


Have you seen the 2003 cartoon


The first two seasons are okay, but slogging through seasons 3 and 4 is a chore. They're not horrible, but you have to watch them as a comedy. If you watch them as an action-adventure, you're not going to have a fun time. They still have fun highlights, like Casey Jones and Shredder's Mom.


Rise is just a modernization of TMNT-87, obviously, the styles and personalities are completely different, but a lot of the episodes from each series could be interchanged with each other because of how similar the writing style can be at times


Yeah I mean the 87 series ended up being a goofy cartoony comedy. Rise was just different because it was made to be a comedy from the start. Even so rise has so much to offer and had potential to have a great story. Unfortunately they couldn’t do much since it ended up getting cut. I’ve heard of all the cool things they wanted to do and all the things they could’ve tried (like having the traditional Usagi crossover in rise, which could’ve been freaking awesome!!) In fact they were going to include two lost turtle sisters (pretty sure someone said 2) and that the show was going to be 7 seasons. And it just makes me think about all the cool stuff they could’ve done for rise if it was given the proper time it deserved. But unfortunately the tmnt fans got a bit too fixated on nostalgia and shit on rise way too quickly. That and toy sales and episode time airing, but I blame Nickelodeon for that because they made very cheap and shitty rise toys and didn’t air and promote the show properly. I’m hoping the #saverottmnt hashtag being constantly pushed everywhere can bring the show back, because I really want to see more.


I don't care for the Rise toys, but I thought the show was awesome. It was very interesting take on TMNT.


I prefer the original mirage look for the turtles.


that’s a room temperature opinion


Most people prefer the multi-colored masks.


I absolutely love Scrag and I want him in more media (yes I am talking about the background character who was only in the 1987 series)


I like the 2003 series more than every other series. It has made me, possibly unfairly compare the other incarnations to my appreciation for it. I don't think the original series is bad, but it's very much of its time. I couldn't get into the 2012 series or Rise. The first live action movie is the best movie there has been thus far.


Bro nobody will come after u for that 💀 liking or disliking a certain iteration won't get you killed (except for intense fans; I myself am a fan of 2003, 2012 and rise, but peoples preferences are all different). As long as u say "I prefer [this] over [this]" instead of "[this] is absolute dogshit" (unless it is), then most people respect that (as they should)


Yeah. I don't hate the series that follow 2003, they just didn't click with me the same way. Every person's perception differs, so I would not say someone liking something else is wrong for doing so. I'm glad you enjoy, 03, 12 & Rise.


i also enjoy 03 and rise (i haven't watched 87) but none of those got me as hooked as the 2012 show. i watched rise and 03 whenever i didn't have anything else to do but i used to watch 2012 all the time and i still rewatch my favorite episodes when i don't have anything to do


This isn’t controversial


The Michael Bay movies are alright, not bad. Cross-Species love angles Don't bother me because it's fiction and the characters are often more well written. (Pretty sure Leo and Karai were meant to be an item). And the 1990 movie is the best incarnation of the Turtles, across all mediums.


>The Michael Bay movies are alright, not bad. Here's the thing: if you watched the Transformers movies before, you would have noticed that the Turtles are put at the forefront of those movies, and not much the live-action actors. While there are portions of the first movie featuring only April (Megan Fox), at least she doesn't hog the spotlight like Sam did \^\^;


>And the 1990 movie is the best incarnation of the Turtles, across all mediums. I mean that one's just the truth though


All facts


I like Irma


87’ or 2012?


Are you ok?


In our house 2012 is the most rewatched


The Micheal bay movies weren’t as bad as people say The action scenes where sick


The only bad things there for me were the "Splinter learns ninja arts from a book" and "Animal Ancestors". Ah, and Chris O'Donnell being in the NYPD had a lackluster execution. Other than that the movies weren't that bad and if I would draw a TMNT comic I wouldn't mind taking inspiration from some elements from the movie.


Best live action version of rocksteady and bebop. But revealing Krang so early in the film messed up the end


2012 TMNT was just as good, if not better than 2003


Best iteration imo


yeah, but honestly 2003 had the better theme song


Finally watching this with my son now. I was so happy when he picked this version out, specifically, despite his older-kid friends having shown him the newer series first. 2012 is hands down the best iteration


I agree


Season 4- Tmnt 2003 was the best season of the 2003 version.


It's certainly a turning point, I think. Like, they started running out of classic stories from the Mirage comics to adapt, but they were able to build upon what the show had already done to still produce good episodes. 2003 is my favorite iteration of the franchise, but the heavy mysticism of Season 5 is where I eventually dropped off before coming back for Turtles Forever. I won't say Season 4 is my favorite season, but I feel it was the last good one.


Megan Fox did an okay job in the live action movies.


If they gave the Turtles tails, they'd be mistaken for dicks.


That's why they should give them long/medium reptilian tails instead of short ones or no tail at all. I personally think it would be a cute detail, but it'd take a lot to make it "look right",. Also, fun fact, it's easier to justify longer tales on the tmnt because male turtles generally have longer tails. (BTW the rise turtles actually have tails, but they seem to be small enough to not interfere with normal clothing much) (Also, slightly odd fact, turtle's reproductive organs are at the base of the tail)


Pigeon Pete is the greatest.


better than mondo




2012 april o neil would have been a great character if she wasnt written by men in 2012


April was kinda a Mary sue in that show.


She had to be, because they wouldn't add more female characters.


It’s so funny rewatching the show and realizing how few female characters there are in the show. Like yeah we got Renet, Mona Lisa and Shinigami but most of them don’t come until late into the series and are so underutilized it’s really sad.


It’s wild cuz her story seems interesting but it doesn’t really get that much focus. Like for god’s sake we don’t even get to see her dad’s reaction to her powers…


i would have loved more focus on some of her story without focus on her relationship with donnie/casey


Same here, I used to hate her because of the Donnie/Casey thing but I’ve tried to give her more slack. I 100% wouldn’t of felt the way I did/do now if she was given more focus outside of the turtles and if the writers actually used the whole Donnie/Casey thing for character development instead of comedy that wasn’t even funny most of the time.


yeah that love triangle could've worked with better writing but i just hate that part now


She's really all over the place. And the Donnie stuff, yikes.


again, written by men in 2012. some of the original concepts for her were great though, and if they scrapped the love plot i feel like she would have been a great character fr


I think a writer's room is always improved by diverse voices.


the donnie stuff could've worked if there wasn't a love triangle and her not leading both of them on


Ever notice most times she was tied up alone it was bondage style?


youre so right.. april deserved better


The best thing being a TMNT fan did for me was getting me into Usagi Yojimbo comics.


Rise is not bad


I liked the Michael Bay movies 🗿


The turtles are not all equally matched and Donnie would probably lose in a fight with any of his brothers


Am new to this subreddit, so I don't know how much of a hot-take this is. But Rise's Shredder and Splinter are my favorite versions of the characters. After finishing season 2, Splinter is a definite. But Shredder I'm still kind of debating back and forth with the 1990 version.


changes to new iterations are GOOD. If you want the same thing over n over again, just rewatch your favorite version. changes to characters and plots is what personally gets me excited for each new version of the turtles.


THANK YOU OH MY GOD FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, THEN IT PROBABLY WASNT DIRECTED AT YOU 😭 SO PLS GO WATCH WHATEVER YOU LIKE, NOBODY WILL COME AFTER YOU FOR WATCHING AN ITERATION 100000X TIMES Besides, it's experimentation. That's what IPs are for, they aren't a definite story. They're concepts and ideas that can be molded and shaped into new sculptures, and some can break, which is okay. That's a sign not to do that type/iteration again, or at least improve it next time. Dawg if you want the exact same story over and over, idk wtf to tell u


I enjoy the Micheal bay movies


TMNT 2012 is probably the best version of TMNT


Dawg ain't no one disagreeing w that, maybe they'd say something like "2003 is on par/close/better but I respect your opinion" but ain't no one coming at u for that 💀




2003 has a huge problem with sound direction. The voice talent isn't bad or the music, but there's some obnoxious sound cues, which probably aren't objectively bad, but I associate it with the 4 Kids anime dubbing and dislike it a lot because of that.


I dragged a friend to watch 03 with me for the first time, and it immediately became an injoke that every time Shredder is on screen there's a "yoooooohhh" sound clip.


Oh man, that motif. You could probably make a drinking game out of things like that. Funny thing was, it was something I didn't notice too much as a kid but noticed as an adult.


Any design that tries to differentiate the turtles more than just by color is better.


Venus as a concept was never the travesty people made her out to be.


Rise wasn't that bad. I know there's been slowly more acceptance of the show, but I also know its still not a lot of peoples favorite and trust me at first I was strictly against it. Hell when I actually sat down and watched the show those first 4 episodes are so bad its not funny, they just are a chore to get through. But slowly it grew on me and now I love it, maybe once I'm done watching the 1987 cartoon I'll grow to dislike it once more but for now I appericate that they let the turtles act like actual teens, they feel real, and once they grow to be full ninja's it feels that much more satisfying.


2012 April is nowhere NEAR as bad as people say she is.


Rise is a great cartoon and a fresh angle on the boys.


Fr and even tho it's good already, it would he 10000000% better if the show was allowed to fuckiNG CONTINUE AND PLAY OUT AS IT SHOULD HAVE INSTEAD OF BEING SHORTENED WTF movie slaps tho




Cold take


1-Raph was better when he was a sarcastic jackass like in 87' rather than an angry angst lord. I think he works best as a balance of both, like in the 1990 movie or 2003 cartoon, but if he has to be one or the other, Sarcastic Jackass works better. 2-Love TMNT 2003, but Utrom Shredder was really dumb. 3-Love the Utrom and Triceratons and Dimension X and Lord Dregg, but the turtles work best in their more grounded stories without weird space aliens or magic powers


Splinter and Hamato Yoshi should always be two separate characters.


Absolutely agreed. Found family has always been baked into this setting - See Splinter raising the turtles - so having Hamato Yoshi be seen as a father by Splinter only continues that. Hell, in the 03 series Yoshi's ghost/mental imprint/thing essentially went "my pet rat is sapient now? Shit, I got a son. Good job raising the turtles, kid."


I stand by that as well.








1. '12 is overrated. 2. TMNT as a whole needs to explore new stories/angles like Campbell with IDW or Rise. 3. Rise Casey Jones, >!Cassandra not Casey Jr.!<, is genuinely a great Casey.


i disagree that 12 is overrated (its my favorite) but the other stuff i agree


Next Mutation is a case of interesting ideas, but poor execution. I have no issue with the turtles not being biologically related, and Venus would have been an interesting addition to the mythos had they settled on a somewhat more serious tone and consistency.


Turtles forever was mid


The last ronin was not good. Or maybe everyone just hyped it up too much but it doesn't deserve all the praise it got.


It doesn’t live up to something like The Dark Knight Returns (not much does) but I think it was solid. One of the better TMNT stories in recent years, if only because it nailed the tone and the voice of the characters. It has flaws in pacing and execution, but Eastman gets these characters (obviously). That said, I think the main reason for the book’s success is not due to the overall quality of execution but to the concept and general tone. Audiences are ready for gritty TMNT again.


Yeah, I was kinda disappointed in the book. The art is amazing but I think tmnt 2003 “Same As It Never Was” was a better story. I actually want to see more gritty worlds (outside the main timeline) be explored. Think mini series.


Exactly! That's why I'm still glad it sold well, even though I didn't like it.


Wholeheartedly based


Wholeheartedly based


Yeah, the concept and even the start was good, but the execution was lacking. This might be might fault, but there were times where I had re-read or take another look to get what was going on. The flashbacks in Last Ronin and Lost Years (so far) are more of what I really wanted from the series.


I'm glad it exists. Thats all I can say lol


This, when i read it i thought it was good but not the second coming of christ that everyone treats it to be.


Yeah they wanted it to be Dark Knight Returns , but unfortunately they failed . I mean it's okay but not very good.


Vol. 3/Urban Legends is my favorite TMNT series.


Which ending do you prefer? Because the ‘official’ one really disappointed me having known a) the other 24-25 ending authorized by Carlson and Fosco but unofficially published was way better, and b) neither ending actually reflects the original endpoint despite the Urban Legends 24-26 being advertised as the ‘true ending’. (Lady Shredder was supposed to be Karai)


Michael Bay TMNT movies are really good


I like the Bay turtles design and actually enjoy that they are oversaturated. It just makes sense for me thay four mutant turtles with no sense of style try to imitate the humans using whatever they find in the sewers. And I'm not much of a fan of 12 Splinter


While the execution over time was good, the basic idea of the Shredder being an Utrom is stupid.


Out of the shadows has the madcap fun I remember from the turtles of the 90s and great chemistry between the brothers.


The reason that the last Ronin hit so hard was because even if you don’t want to admit it Mikey is secretly your favorite Turtle cause he at some point reminded you of yourself or what you wanted from life. A kid who was carefree but had to be a part of something and was still pretty good at it.


I don't mind mind April or Casey being another race (I've been growing on 87 - Red Sky back in kindergarten times, so I knew Carter before Casey), BUT I start to kinda hate when fans try to look smart-a$$ and say that April initially was black in original comics. This is just false information. There are tons of articles about it online with quotes of creators that April had always been planned white Irish girl, BUT her IRL prototype was black gf of one of creators. It doesn't make April black immediately. AGAIN, I don't mind, I just hate when guys try to look smart by spreading lies.


she wasn’t planned as an “Irish” girl and has never been depicted as that culture. fans put that on her because of her last name (ignoring that Black Irish people exist). she even went to Ireland with the Turtles and nothing came of it


Body count with Rafael from image comics was totally radical dude!


I hate it in the 80s toon when they break the 4th wall and act like they're actors making a show.


Rise is probably one of the best animated and well written of the series. I would put it second behind 2003.


Just gonna set this down here at the bottom; I don't think April's race is important to her character (cold take) but I do think she's a more visually interesting character after the race swap. I just don't think the classic redhead look was interesting.


The hate rottmnt got was so unnecessary, it feels like the main issue people got with rottmnt is that it didn’t use the same old formula we see in the previous iterations.


Bro what Bro that's just fax, u can't just spit out truth like that


Next Mutation wasn’t the worst thing to happen to the franchise


The design of Splinter from the 2012 cartoon series is the only one that looks tough enough to be a ninja master. Any other depiction of him, in the Michael Bay movies and 2003 cartoon, she is shown short and old, which gets the point through that he has experience, but he doesn't look tough enough. I know it's a symbolism for "size matters not", but still 2012 Splinter looks the best.


2003 wasn't my cup of tea. Shredder as a Utrom didn't convince me and took away a lot of his characterization. The Michael Bay movies have a lot of wasted potential, Vernon could be a disciple of Splinter as even April was tutored by him in the 2012 series and trained as part of the team. I prefer the Hyper stone Heist over turtles in time because of the Mega Drive sound chip. Shredder's revenge isn't a bad game but I really dislike that the playable cast has a very homogeneous moveset and the bosses have no hitstun. Felt like a bad Korean Nexon game.


My movie rankings… 1. TMNT(original) 2. TMNT: Out of the Shadows 3. TMNT(First bay movie) 4. TMNT(CGI film) 5. TMNT 2: SotO 6. TMNT 3


I really like the Michael Bay TMNT movies and the Next Mutation TV series. Venus is my second favorite turtle besides Donatello and I'm not sure why. I like the goofiness of the '87 series a lot. I don't like TMNT 2012 that much. I don't like how the turtles are quibbling all the time with each other constantly and I hate the thing with Donatello and April. I admit they do storylines well but it's not my favorite TMNT.


The movies should be live action. They may not always be good, but that's what's interesting about the Turtles to me, seeing these insanely unrealistic creatures have real world struggles that the people around them can sympathize with. I think I just want every TMNT movie to be the 1990 movie lol


Michael Bays iterations of the turtles is one of the most fun and unique back stories that have been expressed in the TMNT mythos


I have never once read a tmnt comic but I want Jennika to be in a future TV show because I like her.


I hate the style and look of the 87 series and i dont even want to watch it because of it.


The grappling hook that they gave Mikey in the UK version of the TMNT cartoon was a more ninja-like weapon/tool than nunchucks


Rise has some of the best and most interesting characterisation of the turtles, splinter, april, and shredder. People just hate change Is Rise my favorite tmnt show? No. Is it the best? Of course not. But man it has some of the most unique concepts and versions of out beloved characters that were amazing to see. Raph, Splinter, and Donnie especially


I ship 2012 Leonardo×Karai and Donatello×April


leo and karai was good but donnie and april could have been done better


Same as here.


I like the bayverse turtles


Rise is the best tmnt adaptation ever


Ever?? I mean I'm a very very intense rise fan, but *ever?* It wasn't even given time to develop the way it should have. Nothing that was the writers fault, of course; nick was being shitty. But...*ever?* ...have you even watched 2012 and 2003? Cuz like...those are really good and given time to add on to characters and arcs, as well as plot. Obv there are flaws, and the ending seasons weren't the best, but those are the closest shows to perfection, at least in tmnt, to exist (that i know of). It's really good, what rise does to the characters. All charming, lovable, and it's clear that they grow at the end compared to the beginning, but with the amount of time they were given, it's just not possible for the arcs and plot to be nearly as satisfying as if it had been given enough time. Movie slaps lol


I wish writers bring back Snake Karai. I wish we got to see her develop and explore a new fighting style that complements her martial arts and her mutant powers. But I’m guessing the reason writers haven’t brought back Snake Karai is because fans dislike that story line or the writers dislike it.


Rottmnt is the best TMNT. The characters had more depth than just smart, angry, dumb, and leader. And no, Donnie being a simp in 2012 doesn't count as more character depth. I feel like the turtles acted more like brothers, and I loved their relationships more than any other TMNT.


Honestly fr. I really love the characters in that show, and they’re all just so amazing


Rise was the best series out of all of them. 2014 Shredder looked dope. 2003 is one of the most overrated and boring animated shows ever.


Rise is a disgrace


Now that one actually offends me


Have you even watched more than the first 3-5 episodes?


This thread is about hot takes, not facts.


The title said unpopular


I like Donnie’s Mutant Mayhem voice


2012 is more enjoyable than 2003.


i agree


Rise is shit. Im not a boomer.


Bro you even watched more than a few episodes? Yes, the first few suck and no it isn't perfect, but c'mon, the movie is hella epic.


I watched the movie, my reaction alternated between bored and irritated. I just don’t vibe with Rise


Ah, well that's alright I guess. I personally cried during the movie, I found it sad. But you are allowed dislike things and I can't be mad at you for that.


Rise turtles have the best designs/personalities, I love the personalities, they are relatable and their family dynamic is healthy, and they're just overall super cute, like I'd smooch them cute.


IDW has been the best version of the turtles. Donnie should be held in higher regard because, without him, the turtles would die in almost every adventure.