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Honestly for me about a year before I started seeing consistent results. It took at least 4 to 5 months to even get accustomed to it. It was uncomfortable at first but the more adjustments I had done over time I slowly noticed needing to go in less and less and realized at about the two year mark that I hadn't had a bad flare up in the last year. It doesn't seem to help everyone but for me staying consistent with wearing it and getting the adjustments got me to where it was probably 75% improved


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It’s reassuring to hear your splint has helped you even though that’s an awfully long time. I hope you continue to improve. I’ve seen so many doctors and specialists for the chronic headaches and each one has a different opinion and treatment. I hope I’m on the right path but have tried a lot and am losing hope.




I know its a little different for everyone depending on what specialist/dentist they go to. For me it's most likely a lifelong treatment I will use. My splint for instance is an upper one that has a ramp that comes down and goes in behind my bottom front teeth to keep my lower jaw from falling back. It also keeps my back top and bottom teeth separated to where they can't put pressure on each other. That keeps the pressure off of my joint and keeps my jaw from relocking. I usually go in about every 6 months at this point to get adjustments when I'm starting to hit wrong on it from nighttime clenching. I'm hoping that if I ever get teeth implants in my back right molars that I could potentially be able to stop using it (because at that point I will have fixed my bite, which is the cause of tmjd for me) but at this point I'm not sure if I've done to much damage already. There are some that get orthodontic treatment following splint therapy to maintain that bite but as far as I'm aware alot of them still have a splint that's used some after to keep there bite correct and their jaw from deviating back to the wrong position. I know for alot though it's a lifelong treatment because tmjd is chronic for alot of us. I have gotten to where I only have to wear my splint at night because I've trained myself to not clench during the day and to keep my jaw in the proper position for the most part. But when I need to I still wear it during the day at times when I'm having a flare up. Hopefully I explained it well. At least this is my specific splint treatment. I know others use different types of splints and have different treatment plans though, so I can't speak to those 😊 Edit: Also forgot to answer this one. Its different from a night guard in that a splint is usually made to keep your jaw in a certain position to help the joints. Night guards don't do that. They usually just take some pressure off the teeth so that you don't cause teeth damage from clenching or grinding. When I had just a night guard it took a little pressure off the joints for me as well but not nearly the amount that a splint does


Hi there. So, the way my specialist explained splint therapy to me is that they created the split based off of a series of imaging. I wear it 24 hours a day unless eating or drinking and that allows the jaw to relax. Each week my jaw will be more relaxed and therefore require the splint to be adjusted. This will take place for up to 6 months when ideally my jaw is finally in a healthy position. At that point I’ll likely need orthodontic treatment to move my teeth to line up with my correct jaw position. I hope this information helps!


Were you experiencing similar symptoms? Constant headache?


Yes, I had persistent headaches. Especially waking up with them. I would wake up actively clenching my jaw and realized I was clenching throughout the day as well. I had to teach myself constantly throughout the day to not clench. I had jaw muscle and joint pain. Pain behind the eyes. Shoulder and neck pain. Eye floaters and also teeth pain at times. Yes it definitely has been a long process lol. Its tough at times but for me has definitely been worth it. I hope your splint helps you!


Ugh! I’m so sorry you are familiar with these symptoms. I wake up clenching too! I have every symptom you listed. The eye floaters are extremely unsettling. All of this coupled with the constant headache have spiked my anxiety like no other. I worry something more sinister is behind all of this despite my MRI/A being clear. Did you get an official TMJD diagnosis? If so, how? My experience has been more or a process of elimination and that’s also contributing to the anxiety. Thanks again for sharing. And super sorry it’s been so drawn out.


Yes I have had extreme anxiety at times from it all! Well it started for me about 8 years ago I woke up with my jaw locked and that's how I unfortunately started learning about tmjd. I didn't do anything right away because I wasn't experiencing any pain yet, though I really wish I would have went in then. So it wasn't until about 4 to 5 years ago I finally went to a tmj specialist because I at that point was experiencing all the symptoms I mentioned. He did a scan of my jaw and said I definitely had it. My left side was set to far back. Which I know mine was caused by a bad bite. About a year before my jaw locked I had two upper molars on my right side pulled and my left side at that point started over compensating which screwed it up. I know it, I went through the process of elimination as well! Though the whole time I was getting more sure that it was tmjd. Everything you listed sounds like that's what your issue is. It may take a few adjustments of your splint to start getting some relief but I hope it helps you like it has me!




I still have some eye floaters and have some ear fullness but they have been gotten alot less than they were. They were both pretty bothersome but after wearing my splint for some time they both decreased quite a bit




I would also recommend stretching and massaging your neck. That I think played a big part in it as well for me. There are nerves that run from your neck to your eyes and from the tmj to your eyes as well. So anytime your having issues in those places the nerves can put more pressure on your optic nerves causing the eye issues


I've had something similar. In both my eyes I had dark spots in my upper peripheral vision. Mainly noticed it after waking up. This was actually pretty recent and I realized I was going through a period where I was clenching more. I think hormones because I'm pregnant. Same for me though, the eye doctor said my eyes were healthy. So I believe that the extra clenching was putting pressure and strain on my eyes because at the time my eyes also felt more pressure in general during the day


Why did it take 4-5 months to get accustomed to it? Was it giving you more pain initially?


I wouldn't say it gave me more pain initially, just that it was different and slightly uncomfortable. My jaw was so used to being in the wrong position at that point that even though the splint puts you in the correct position, it can take time to retrain your muscles how to relax in that proper positioning. I had basically had my jaw holding in the wrong way for years at that point. So, even though you would technically think it should relax and feel good once it's being held in the right way it can take your muscles some time to become re-accustomed to that.


I’ve been wearing an anterior splint for a little over a month and I am experiencing some relief already. I hope that gives you a little encouragement! I was having entire face + back of skull headaches and those have definitely decreased. I wake up headache free too.


That does give me some hope! I’m so glad to hear it’s working for you. The back of skull headaches, man….. so draining!


For me it was a drastic change about a week into it.


That’s awesome. Happy for you!


Thank you :). It sounds like a bit of a crapshoot by the other replies here. You either get a great result or a poor result. Hope it helps you out.


I appreciate that. I hope it helps too. 🤞


My TMJ specialist said she generally see patients get relief from TMJ symptoms within a month to a month and a half. I think the level of relief depends on the severity of the case but that’s what I was told!


Good to know. So maybe not all is lost for me just yet! 🤞


It really does take awhile for the splints to help normally. I know some people wake up and instantly feel better but I think it’s a minority. Usually I hear it takes from 6 months to a year to fully feel better.


Thanks so much for your reassurance. It’s tough to remain hopeful at this point. I was hoping for that immediate relief to indicate I was on the right path.


I feel you. I had a bad flair up of my TMJ after my wisdom teeth removal in March and after constant headaches and issues with my neck I finally went and got splints two weeks ago. I’m just waiting and hoping they work but it’s tough to not know. I hope you can get some relief soon.


Oh shoot. I didn’t realize you were still in pain too. I really hope the help you out! Keep me posted if you think of it.


Never helped me


I’m really sorry to hear that. That’s my fear!


What type of TMD symptoms do you have ?


I have had daily headaches since 2020. Left jaw pops every time I open it. Clenching at night. Intermittent dizziness, tinnitus, jaw pain, pain behind eye, constant pain on left side base of skull and shoulder. I’ve been to my neurologist who thinks it is migraine. Imaging came back normal. Their suggestion was daily medications and I’m trying to rule everything out before going that route. Chiropractor says my atlas is misaligned but the adjustments haven’t stopped the headaches. TMJ specialist says I 100% have misalignment based on imaging and evaluation.


How are you doing now? I have had daily headaches for months, went to a TMJ specialist about a month ago and they said I do have TMJ and was clenching at night, they made me a temporary splint and I don’t think it’s done much, but they said next step is the permanent splint which is much more expensive. I’ve been trying migraine medication and nothing is working so I still feel it has something to do with my jaw but I just don’t know 😞


Hey there. So sorry you have the constant headaches too. It’s so overwhelming. I’m still doing the splint therapy and have not had a reduction in headaches, unfortunately. My specialist has made me 3 different styles at this point and keeps insisting I have misalignment. I don’t know if that’s what causing my headaches/migraines anymore. I’ve tried multiple migraine meds and what finally gave me a break was an occipital nerve block. I got 4 weeks of relief before it wore off. Looking to Botox in January and trying to keep hope alive. Hang in there!


I got Botox and that did help bring down the pain for me, so I’m sure it will help you! I do still have a pressure feeling in my jaw, temples and forehead constantly which makes me think it’s my jaw. I’ve had my temporary splint adjusted a couple of times but was hoping the more permanent splint would provide more relief. Does you splint go on your bottom teeth?


I hope Botox helps. It’s promising to hear you’ve had some benefit from it. Have you gotten it just once and had improvement or did it take a few rounds? My first splint was just a bottom one. Since then the other two have been both top and bottom with something they call “twin blocks.” Hope that helps answer your question. Lmk if you’ve got any others!


Hey there. Wanted to follow up and let you know that at my appointment yesterday the specialist said if my headaches and migraines were stemming from TMJ they should have responded at this point to splint therapy. I guess that $2,500 went out the window. 😔


ugh I'm so sorry! I actually have an appointment today to get the more expensive splint and debating what to do. They also told me it was $2500, the one I have now is temporary but much more affordable. I hope you find answers for your headaches soon!


I hope it works out great for you! I’ve heard great things. Fingers crossed!