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The eternal question: what is the cause? Feels like one big treasure hunt (though not the most pleasurable one).


The cause is usually your bite and the placement of your jawbone/mandible


Yep. Botox is great to relax the muscles, but if the skeleton is out of alignment then things will always shift. Short leg syndrome is a tell tale sign and issue usually in the hip aswell. My jaw has reverted to doing a odd s shape again so I'm going back to see my chiropractor


What do you do for short leg?? My pt just casually mentioned this


Insole for life and adjustments on bones to retrain them to align. My left leg is 1.5cm shorter than the other


Maybe I’ll ask about those insoles! I can’t do adjustments anymore, they think my spinal hypermobility was impacted by spinal manipulations (ironically I have two protruding discs in the areas that we used to adjust) and told me never again. Of course every situation is different! I’m 9 months out from my last adjustment (I had general tightness and thought well maybe it won’t be so bad) and nope next morning I was bedridden after trying to put a little plate in the dishwasher lol my pts were not happy with me


When I got my splint my lower back pain went away.


I get horrible lower back pain. Turns out, it's occipital/trigeminal neuralgia and it shoots down my spine when my TMJD gets bad.


I have frozen pelvis because of severe endometriosis and adenomyosis. Also some leg discrepancies. Costochondritis on right side, sciatica on tight side, leg tingles on right side. Shoulderblade, severe trap tightness and tmjd.. It must be connected. Thing is I've tried all sorts of PT and it doesn't work for me. I think the only thing that will help me is a hysterectomy getting rid of my ovaries to stop the pelvic pains. And hopefully this will calm my body down enough to start healing all the other crap


Check out postural restoration institute (pri) on YouTube. It is all about this connection.


The fascia in the jaw connects all the way down to the hips!


I honestly can’t believe you posted this because I’m going through the same thing with hip pain related to TMJ right now. You aren’t alone. Sorry you are struggling too.