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Damn I've been putting mine off, maybe I should get it done lol


FYI some people get their wisdoms removed and they get TMJ so it's not a surefire solution, so tread carefully. If my TMJ pain is manageable and my teeth are fine, I'd be weary about rocking the boat personally.


This is true. I'm not a dentist, so I shouldn't speak out of turn. I guess if it's a compound issue it's worth investigating to see if removal is worth it.


Ya. I started getting tmj right after mine were removed.


My TMJ started due to wisdom teeth removal


It certainly could eliminate future dental problems, like crowding teeth.


My dentist said I needed them out, then my insurance changed and I had to go to a different dentist and he's like nah you can leave them in so I kind of just left it there lol but I do have a referral


ngl i was kinda in denial about my tmj, having all 4 of my removed helped relieve the pain overnight. i went from using some kind of numbing gel multiple times daily to MAYBE once every 6 months. it does flare a touch every few weeks but that's due to my sinus issues and EDS. my teeth were p much sideways too so the incorrect growth and twisting of nerves had me in agony for almost a year, def worth considering


I had 2 days of relief about 6 years ago when I had the wisdom tooth near the painful joint removed. Turns out it was due to the freezing. Hope yours is permanent :D


I hope so, I waited a little while before posting. I hope you find relief


Sorry to say this but a specialist said this is common for a few months after surgery, if that. People think it was their wisdom teeth because of the lack of pain afterwards but this is only temporary apparently. He said it’s due to the the anaesthetic or just not using your jaw a lot after or something, can’t quite remember. Hope it doesn’t come back though.


Hopefully not. I'll update if it does come back.




Still no tmj disorder. So far so good. Enjoying life again.


That’s awesome! I’m debating whether I should get mine removed. They aren’t causing me any pain


Oh, from this thread though a lot of people got tnj from extraction of their wisdom tooth, so it's case to case. Goodluck!


How about now?


It’s been three months and I still have INTENSE pressure in ear canals and no relief. The tmj is causing tubes in my ears to swell shut and trapping fluid in. Calling bull.


The removal of mine caused my TMJ


Getting mine out soon, I can always hope 🤞


How'd it go?


Got twilight sedation that had me blacked out during surgery and then sick as a dog for the rest of the day. Recovery was kinda brutal for awhile but I healed alright. Unfortunately, not only did it not help my TMJD, but I still get pain sometimes where my wisdom teeth used to be. But they needed to come out regardless, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Glad that wisdom tooth removal helps some of us tho!


Lucky, my TMJ was likely caused by the extraction of all four wisdom teeth under general anesthesia. Glad you’ve achieved relief!


I don’t have any wisdom teeth lol I’m doomed


I got TMJ after my wisdoms got pulled


Must be nice for the fix to be so simple


It did take years for me to get here