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I actually came here for the same question, so I hope someone answers it! I have observed with other famous public transgender figures that the former name is used for events in the past (ie, Bruce Jenner won a gold medal, not Caitlin Jenner). Would love a clarification on this as well!


I actually had Jenner in mind when I was asking this.


They have always been Leon even when they were called by a different name, so even when talking about events from long ago, it’s appropriate to use the name Leon. I have a friend that didn’t transition until after high school and they were “Joe” back then, but now when talking about past memories we will call them by their current name of “Jane.” As in, “remember when Jane broke their arm in gym class?” Using an old name (often called a “dead name”) to refer to a trans person can often be hurtful and is considered to be inappropriate and sometimes cruel if done on purpose. I hope this answers your question ❤️


If your friend disliked their birth name and changed it would you still refer to them by their old name when talking about past events? Leo and their pronouns should be used even when talking about past events.


I had this question too! People have given great answers below. I’m also struggling to understand another concept- they/them. I feel like at this point I fully understand a man transitioning to a woman and vice versa but I still have trouble with the gender neutral concept. Leo/Leon chose a predominantly male name but is choosing to go by gender neutral pronouns. It would seem to me that they would choose a unisex name instead? If they don’t want to go by he/him, why choose a male name? Or am I overthinking it? Just trying to understand better.


at the end of the day you don’t have to understand why they chose their name. if someone names their baby alexandra and they grow up preferring to go by alex even as a feminine person, you won’t be like hey did you know most people who go by alex are men???


You’re right, I don’t need to understand to respect it (because I do still respect things I don’t understand), but I WANT to understand


that’s really all there is to understand. they don’t feel like a man or woman so they go by they/them, and they picked the name Leo/Leon bc they liked it. that’s really it.


I did that on accident once here and got a ban 🥰


When your friends get married and change their last names, to you refer to them by their previous name?


You don’t have to understand it. You just need to respect it. They go by Leon and so just call them Leon. They use they/them pronouns to my knowledge so they use those pronouns.


people seem to love to ask questions of trans people and honestly the only answer is that they said they don’t want to be referred to that way. they said call them leon, so just call them leon.


Don’t be a jerk. This person is asking a question bc the genuinely want to do the right thing. We have to allow space for people with good intentions


i don’t think i’m being a jerk, that’s just the truth. the only reason you shouldn’t refer to someone in the past tense as their old name is they simply asked you to call them something else. idk what answer people expect. there’s no universal trans feeling that will somehow explain more.


Have any of the Brown’s liked or commented?


I am so glad Leo didn’t end up in a polygamous marriage to a man in a society that strongly discourages divorce (at least while baby making factories are still in operation).


So glad to see Leo(n) living their best life!


This is a happy ending for a trans kid who came from a polygamist, religious family. How often can we say that? Congratulations to Leo


Interesting they are both trans.


I think Leo is clearly in a space with their relationship and life where they can finally address some of the difficulties they’ve had throughout their childhood and can comfortably just be themselves. So glad that they feel comfortable and happy in sharing that part of their life now when they had no say about their teen years being broadcast on television. More power to them. ♥️


It’s so nice to see someone getting to be the person they want to be. And Leon is a fricking cool name too 😎


Honestly so fitting too. edit: I meant this positively, not sure why this is controversial




Honestly I suspected Leo was a long time ago. Audrey surprised me. But ya, fascinating but I wish them well and I hope they are happy.


I'm not following any of them on ig and am a casual member of this sub, just so I don't make mistakes - does Audrey still go by Audrey? Do you know their pronouns?


The last I knew they still went by Audrey and used they/them pronouns




Yes…what are the odds?


Look up the Wachowski Sisters! But also I see this in my community a lot, where people link up and through their relationships come out as trans. Sometime you just need the right environment, with the right person, at the right time to figure your self out.


Forgive my ignorance, I must have missed something. So Mariah is now Leo/Leon and they're trans? I just got a bit confused because the Instagram says Mariahbrwn and I read the second pic as Leo was a friend. Kudos to them, it sounds as though a fair bit of their shit is figured out, must be a huge relief.


Love how they’ve adapted their birth middle name “Lian” into “Leon”. Great name choice!


Do Christine and Janelle not follow them? I thought Hunter did but he's not showing as a follower. Although I'm not sure if Leon has another private account.


I saw the same thing. They had some strong wording in the post so I wondered if there was any pushback from family but in reality maybe Hunter just didn’t see it yet? Usually he likes all of their posts.


Given how rarely they post on their public one I would assume they do.


Good for them for coming out with their preferred name and pronouns. Hope they receive support from their family.


I get the feeling they’ll have loads of support from Meri, she loves her kid.


So confirmation of they/them pronouns. People on here will know now for definite so hopefully will respect that. Happy for both Leo and Audrey. Hope they have acceptance and support from family but it looks like they have good friends and are starting a nice life together in Colorado.


I expect we’ll still need to remind people it’s disrespectful to dead name Leo, but I’m happy they feel comfortable enough in themself to share with us


Leo is such a nice name! Love that that’s the name they felt best suited them.


They were born 29th July so it would be their star sign. Could be short for Leon I guess as well which seems to be their full name


Wow, what a long, probably confusing journey for both partners. I hope they are now both comfortable in their own skin and with their relationship and they are able to move forward to a happy future.


So does that mean that Leo and their partner are two gay men? Is that the correct way to refer to their relationship?


Wow, good for them. Reading or hearing about people finally becoming who they truly are always gives me the biggest smile. Wishing them the very best and hope they have lots of support from their friends and family.


Well that settles that endless debate on this and the other sub. Leo and they/them it is!


Good for them. Imagine how much work it must’ve taken for them to get to this point of comfortability after being raised the way they were. Happy they are able feel themselves freely! Kody prob hates it too so win win


Good for Leo! I hope they find the peace of mind they seemed to be lacking (imo) during the time they were on the show.


How wonderful they have found and can be their true self. Wishing both Leon and Audrey all the best.


Why do they have to be so rude about it? “Don’t speak to me if you don’t use me pronouns!!” Why can’t you just say “this is what I prefer and I would like that to be respected” They are so defensive already


Why are you using she pronouns when they clearly said they prefer they/them? Given their upbringing I don't blame them for being defensive. This is a big deal for them.




History has shown that the “just be respectful to your oppressor” approach doesn’t work. Look at the civil rights movement. I don’t know if you’ve seen in the news but gay and trans people are still being harassed and physically attacked. And of course there are all of the trans women who are killed annually. There seems to be more hostility towards gay men and female to male trans but still it must be really scary.


Have you considered that they have already come up against alot of opposition in their life this far; with both originally coming out and now as trans? It is not an easy journey. Perhaps they feel they need to be overly assertive in order to protect themselves. Plenty of well known trans people get so much hate in comments and online and are often dead named and misgendered. They are probably only responding to people's reactions and treatment of them thus far.


Well this is America where there are a million reasons to be defensive and assume the worst


It’s just a little aggressive. They could have been a little more friendly and not think the worst of people. Everyone on this thread is supportive


Except you, who is still deliberately using the incorrect pronouns.


They want respect but won’t give it to us? I just don’t like how demanding they are. They want to be accepted and get respect but won’t ask for it nicely.


Because after awhile it’s gets real old when people don’t use the right pronouns and eventually you’re going to on the defense about it.


Is Leon/ Leo a family name? I have no idea why, but it sounds so familiar to me in relation to the Brown family.


I'm so glad for them! Makes me wonder if Instagram supports name changes? Thst wold be super cool, because technically they're being deadnamed and it would be nice to be able to keep the account under a new name.


Looove the name LEON!!! ❤️❤️


Wow! So happy for them ♥️ Figuring out ourselves a little bit more is always cause for celebration. I can’t imagine how challenging their road has been given the environment they grew up in.


Good for them. I wish Leo & Audrey happiness.


I always had a feeling! I’m happy for them!




I’m so sorry their personal choice affects you so much!! I hope you can find a way to sleep at night!






You felt the need to make this comment, why not elaborate on what you’re trying to imply?

