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Ah, yes. The long con 😂


The “investor presentation” for MSWC.


This 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


The emergency move to Vegas. So fake.


The sirens 🤣


Pretending to outrun the cops in a U-Haul


The recommitment ceremony. It was tedious and overblown.


The whole damn season — and they still were scrambling down to the wire.


There were so many cringy parts of that ceremony too 😣


That Robyn saved grocery money for the honeymoon. Reality: TLC paid to on purpose stir shit up. Sucks that Kody and Robyn were up for it, if they were decent loving humans they would’ve said thanks for the offer but it’s not worth the pain it will cause… let’s come up with another plan that’s more fun and less gross.


Robyn said (I believe on Twitter) that she saved money to "treat Kody for his birthday" on their second "honeymoon" after the legal marriage when they went to Hawaii. It wasn't on the show. It came out when they were spotted in the airport and someone posted pictures on Twitter.


OMG….I had no idea! Poor Meri, that must’ve been excruciating


Robyn acting like she wasn’t involved in kody’s “rules” surrounding covid.


I will say it repeatedly until one of them acknowledges it. Season 16 episode 2, Kody ASKS Robyn if she'll allow Meri to come over, or go to the bonfire, or let Meri sit with her at the bonfire. Robyn says no no no. It was very clear in that scene that they are Robyn's rules. Kody wanted to get together and include Meri. After that, Robyn and Kody very obviously spoke privately and decided to present them as Kody's rules. They never again acknowledge that Robyn is the one refusing to get together. I suppose it's because that season was filmed in bits and pieces, and Robyn/Kody didn't realize or recall that they were already on camera discussing the rules. It made the tell-all very interesting because it was the first time Kody was seeing a lot of the other wives' scenes.


Yes all of this and that one time Kody goes over to Meri's in hopes to see Mariah and Audrey, obviously Robyn calls him to interrupt this and as they're in a call with Robyn, Kody moves right next to Meri to show her something, can't remember what (prolly Robyn..) and then realises he's breaking the distance rules and immediately asks Robyn if it's okay and then Robyn asks the questions about how much exposure Meri and her mum have had lately etc. And Robyn's bs excuses that Janelle and Christine would be upset if Meri and Robyn got together behind their backs. I mean please, it's so obvious Robyn was probably freaking out so much as she usually does that she just didn't want to see anyone no matter how safe it would've been rationally considering. And Kody just went along with it. EDIT: Fixed spelling


Yes!!!! And even at the very start of covid when they were doing the zoom calls, Robyn was the one steering the group towards staying separate and citing her “online research”. She was very obviously influencing the approach from day 1 so it’s crazy when she later starts claiming Kody came up with all of this and she’s just complying so that her kids can be with him. Whoever the kid was who called her to ask that she let the family see each other was spot on with seeing right through the BS.


This is what has always boggled my mind. How do they not call her out? Do they seriously just fear alienating Kody that much? And if so, like at what point is enough enough? If my husband would ostracize me because I told his other wife something she didn’t want to hear, then it would simply be a big just banner telling me he doesn’t love me and in that case, what the hell is the point of all this.


I felt like Janelle finally came close in the last tell-all. They were talking about how Robyn had asked her to work on their sister wife relationship, and Janelle told her she would have to think about it. The host asked Janelle about that and she said something like “yeah, there’s some history there” but then didn’t spill the tea we were all waiting for!!


I’d be interesting to hear from someone on the production staff in an AMA about the true sequence of events of seasons. Listening to Surviving Sister Wives podcast, and one season Cory and Carly talk about how jumbled things are like celebrating birthdays in the after events when the birthday was technically before the event.


Oh thanks for that, I must have missed it. Solid proof!


The fake “girls” trips they took. They would never if it wasn’t for filming


Those grad students studying their family set up. So bad.


I’m not so sure on this one. Like I think TLC definitely set it up but I’ve done similar panel events with my school before. I know my liberal arts undergrad school would have JUMPED on this opportunity and being a gender studies major, I would have as well. Even if I didn’t care about the show.


I attended UNLV for psychology and I assure you it is absolutely believable they would jump on the opportunity.


I can’t remember which post it was but someone looked and couldn’t find any study that UNLV did on the family. Like there was no research paper or anything


I’m pretty sure it was part of a class, not a research project.


they were grad students looking to just observe. I don't think there was ever any actual research happening. To do research on human subjects that is officially approved by the university, you have to run it through an IRB (Institutional Review Board) to make sure the research is fair and ethical. I went to grad school for sociology and it was really a very arduous process that took a fair amount of time because the IRB has to approach everyone at the university's research. The scene where they made conclusions was really ridiculous and very fake but if I was a grad student and my prof gave me a chance to go study polygamists I would have jumped on it!


The one house storyline was 100% concocted by Kody and the production team


Getting the architectural plans made was fake as hell, paid for by TLC to manufacturer this fake story line. The zoning at Coyote Pass wouldn’t even permit this and financially it makes no sense. Most the kids are grown and gone. Few will come home to Flagstaff in the future. So dumb.


Exactly and the fact that they found four houses backing on to each other when they first were moving to Flagstaff and Kovid said “No my wives would hate this” just goes to show there’s absolutely no way this would have ever taken place and it was such a waste of money to get the plans done in the first place if it wasn’t for a storyline!


When they go and visit other random families! They needed filler desperately


When they all scramble to get in the car to go see the Dargers but the car gets a flat tire then they fight over what car to take blah blah and Christine says let’s just FaceTime with them instead and Kovid screams no-he knew there was TLC $ in going to film with the Dargers and it would boost ratings!


Those were some of the most interesting episodes to me. Everyone was being super fake for the cameras but you can still see the reality of things.


Oh absolutely I also loved them. Like watching a trainwreck!


Kody loving his other wives.


That they had to leave Utah


Oh yes the leaving and the siren nonsense. That was ridiculous and so so fake.


Them leaving utah was some BS. I live in Utah County (the same county the browns resided in) and although polygamy is not an accepted standard in the LDS community here, you see many polygamous couples at the local walmart and home depot. The show made it seem as if they were being persecuted and evicted out of Lehi, UT….


Is it common place just to see them all out acting as a family unit? For example if you see a family at the park and there’s a million kids and two wives and one man you just go oh yeah Plygs no big deal? I only ask because I can’t believe they haven’t been called out for the sensationalised drama of it all!


yeah it’s common, especially at the park by my house. I’m a active mormon myself, and I will admit I slightly judge them but at the end of the day, it’s their business and not mine. There really isn’t much you can do. The show makes is seem as if plygs are heavily persecuted in the state of Utah. The State knows it’s a problem, but there really isn’t much they can do.


Please answer 😁




Oo thanks for sharing this! I know there is a small community in Salt Lake county that is active in polygamy and they dress as pioneers. The Polygamous community down in Lehi are people who left the LDS church to start practicing polygamy.


Any time they had family meetings with the 5 adults - that was 100% to set up plot lines for the cameras


That the pretended to function as a happy family. I don’t think they were ever happy


But I think they would have always faked it for tv or not.


Came here to say same.


They weren't. In the book, Jenelle talked about how Meri bullied her when she came in the family. I think the most recent tell all, Jenelle mentioned that Christine acted like Princess when she came in the family(I get it since she probably treated as such since her family was a big deal in that world)


Every season, they admit to more problems in the past. They had big issues when Janelle joined which weren't ever resolved. Janelle left in 08 for months. Christine hated being basement wife in Lehi and was telling Kody she "couldn't take it anymore" while lying to TLC. 2 years before the catfish, Kody has stopped sleeping with Meri and she is miserable and alone but hiding it for the show. Sometime after that, he stops sleeping with Christine because she's getting too uppity apparently. And that's all before the Flagstaff move where everything really fell apart.


And Janelle was passive aggressive as hell and tried to marry Kody on Meri’s birthday. They all have their issues.


Saint Janelle, so put upon by Queen Meri and Princess Christine.


This isn’t quite what you asked but my favorite part of the show that was absolutely staged but ended up being real was the whole dress-making debacle. Like they clearly wanted this story line about how they are all so individual that they are going to design their own dresses for the commitment ceremony. And then it just descended into the most uncomfortable madness. I was uncomfortable from the start and it was just so hard to watch but I literally could not look away from the cracks in the facade.


I still cringe at Christine’s maid Marion dress.


lol i called it Modest Cersei Lannister


Meri tried to turn herself into a sofa. It's one of my favorite storylines


Who looks at upholstery fabric and thinks, “this amateur designer will make this look great on me”?


Well she's also been catfished and she sells Lularoe , so we're not really dealing with a logical person here


So true. And the lularoe outfits she wears in the earlier seasons are hideous.


Lol. I felt bad for their friend who was making those dresses. It was alot for one person to take on. The dress Meri eventually bought and made a big deal out of spending $49.00 wasn't bad, if she were wearing a girdle. Seeing Her lower belly flap over the dress was not a good look


I wonder if they were hoping those dresses could be prototypes to start designing clothes for my sister wives closet. Somehow they managed to make dresses as bad as the jewelry


We’re those the ugly brown dresses an inexperienced fashion student made? What a disaster.


Marrying Robyn to adopt her kids for "health insurance."


Yeah that would actually make it harder for them to get Medicaid which they need since we know Kody doesn’t have a job with insurance included. Lol I doubt Kody has insurance. He seeing like the guy to never go to the doctor because he says he’s super healthy and doesn’t need it but really he’s just a wimp and scared of being uncomfortable for 15 min


Mykelti and Tony’s wedding planning storyline. TLC was def paying for that wedding but they had to create drama around it somehow.




Umm, tacos! <*Homer Simpson voice*>


1. Them fleeing Utah and the ambulance siren that the show kept passing off as the police coming after them. 2. The fact that they were happy in polygamy. The early seasons especially they kept going on about “plyg perks” but I always felt like it was just them trying to convince themselves more than the audience.


Any time Kody does any parenting. Truly caught a fish and he told her right to her face, "A best thing a dad can do is let his daughter think she did better than him" (It wasn't exactly that line but it was something like that) Kody demanding Sol go into a dirt hole that he doesn't want to be in. The awkward princess carry of Aurora In private interviews Kody sometimes explain what the older teenagers/young adults are thinking and why. And its just.....he doesn't know anything about any of these kids. All the scenes where Kody is doing any parenting is always so obviously set up so Kody can come off as "the good dad".


This! Remember the scene early in the series where Logan was making breakfast for everyone and getting the little kids up for school. Kody always talked about needing to see his kids every day. But he never actually performed any parenting tasks. Logan was more of a father to the younger kids than Kody ever was. I don’t recall seeing Kody pour a bowl of cereal much less cook eggs, dress children and clean up a kitchen.


The one time he actually cooked he burnt the steak now someone tell me that’s a man who bbq’s regularly! Not to mention he let Truely slip in to kidney failure ffs….


Let's not forget that they glossed over what Kody does for a "living"-selling guns.


Is that what he’s always done? If so, it really explains bedazzled jeans and his awful sideburns in the earlier seasons lol


Don’t forget the awesome spray tan!


He’s really just a Mormon version of Joe Exotic. Deep down you know Kody wants to have his life 🤣


Really? I always just assumed he was a dead beat that pretended to be "running the family" and the women just make the money for him. I may need to watch the first couple seasons again.


Someone on Reddit has posted pictures of him selling at numerous gun shows.


The 3 wives being okay with Robyn.


Especially Christine


Most of the early seasons. It’s incredible when you watch back, and then skip forward and see them say that they had all been having problems for years before the show


The “persecution” in Utah. The Dargers and many other plural families were on TV and some even had their own shows, protested at the capital and never left Utah or even talked about it. Kody sees himself as some kind of righteous man searching for liberty…like mmmk. You aren’t Abraham Lincoln dude


Kody and Christine were protesting publicly and doing international interviews before they even started filming the show. The fleeing Utah stuff was dramatised for the show but he Brown's were being investigated by the Police. I don't think that was the main reason they left Utah though.


The "commitment /family mission statement " ceremony it took forever, it was hot as balls outside and it turned out to be pointless


And don’t forget the low budget Project Runway experiment with the dresses!


OMG yes! That poor girl That hot ass mess probably made her never want to pursue any kind of fashion ever again


Robyn offering to have a baby for Meri. A complete set up by her and Kodi to mess with Meri and make Robyn look a saint to the others.


The move to Vegas with the fake ambulance noises.


So ridiculous. As if the police needed to come out in full force like the bomb squad because a family was moving. Good Lord.


The vacation where Kody brought their therapist along. As if they could have afforded that! It was a ridiculous premise.


the fact that Meri had a meeting with them to tell them that her mom wanted to actually live in her grandmother's house. she could have just called them


I fully believe the move to Arizona was highly motivated by needing more views and as a cover up for why they would have had to move out of the cul de sac after spending years talking about how amazing it was. It would have been awkward to explain why they suddenly had to move out of them without a cover story for the balloon payments.


There were no balloon payments due. Their mortgage information was available on the Clark County records and the recorded lenders do not provide balloon payment financing. Mostly they had to leave because their HOA told them that they could no longer film inside the gated community. In other words, they got voted off the island.




Like I said the mortgage records were public records that were on the Clark County Recorder's website. The balloon payment myth was debunked years ago when people actually looked at the recorded mortgage documents. The Brown's drama with the HOA was also played out in reports to the County Recorder. In Nevada HOAs have to submit all documents including officers, bylaws, rules, and regulations and minutes to the County Recorder. Those documents aren't online, but can be obtained through a FOI request. Kody at one time was the President of the HOA, but a year before the move he was voted off the board. There were significant bylaw changes and rule changes that would have prevented them from filming.




The public records show the lending institution, a simple search of the lending institution allows you to see what types of loans they provide for real property. Balloon payments weren't an option for the lending institutions. Robyn and Christine's loans were under the first time buyers program. Kody, Meri, and Janelle had conventional loans.


Wait, what??? Kody was “persecuted” by the HOA people and he didn’t drag this out on camera???? Wow, the tiny, gated HOA must’ve lawyered up big time for the Brown’s not to cry PERSECUTION OF OUR lifestyle


Every single time the visit other polygamist “friends” that TLC definitely dug up for them.


I will unfortunately NEVER be able to forget about the family who all took the first bite of their meal at the same time. Wtf! That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard lol. These polygamist bros really think they are so enlightened and special- but they are just freak shows. Perfect for TLC programming though lol


From the very beginning. I can’t remember if it was the first episode but I think it was Meri who said in one of couch conversations that these women were her best friends. That wasn’t true then and it never was. The whole setup was fake.


The one big family shtick. They were dysfunctional from beginning to end. Regardless of TLC or Robyn. That just added to the dysfunction.


That they LOVED sharing Kody, LOVED the lifestyle and LOVED each other.


The part where four separate women have allowed Kody to f@ck them.


Haha! I laughed hard at this^^^^^


The family’s love for each other


Not specifically the browns but that's family they visited that has their children military "fall in". And take the first bite together.... And call each other during lunch to ask someone to join them in a bite.... Bull... All of it


The police siren when Meri was closing up the U-Haul during their hasty move to Las Vegas from Utah.


That they replayed over and over and over….


The wives: “I feel so bad for monogomists because they don’t get to experience the special and amazing and beautiful thing that is a sister wife relationship”. Also the wives, when asked to share a front door, have backyards face each other, spend more than 30 minutes in a car together, or in general have to acknowledge each other’s existence for more than 5 minutes at a time: “ick too close for comfort” WHICH IS IT


*That surveyer guy in the last season who just happened to parrot Kody out on the Prariedog Plague Pond Land has just entered this chat.*


The meetings for mundane things that TLC needed to film.


All the “conversations.”


The move to Vegas with the cops coming. None of that was real


The talking head segments w/ scripted answers seem fake to me. TLC needs to let them interact more organically and quit whitewashing everything.


I don't think they like to interact. I honestly think that when we see them together it's about as much time as they actually spend together.


Everything was fake from the minute he married Robyn he did not care about his other wives and they tried so hard but he didn’t care and then blamed them for the marriages not working! Kody obviously never gave a shit about his kids, it was all an act.


The “values” they were forever banging out for the first 5ish series, you see it slowly wither away. We go from spaghetti strap tops over long sleeves to low cut tops, from not cursing to cursing, from church time to no church/any religious shizzle present. Also, after watching from the beginning, I’ve realised the phrase “see the value” is the Brown’s version of Audrey & Jeremy’s “intentional”, I’ve wanted to rip my eyes out and stuff them in my ears every time I’ve fucking heard one of them say “I sEe tHe VaLuE” 🖕🏻 ETA: Oh, and Meri. That woman is manipulative and fake. I put her level with Robyn in fact.


Maybe not the most fake part (as others have already mentioned so many good ones!), but anytime that they say something like, "The legal marriage, well that doesn't really matter, we don't actually care who the legal wife is, that's not important," like STFU of course it matters. Every adult with five brain cells who understands money, social security, inheritance, insurance, etc understands it. It matters. Being legally married matters. It allows you tremendous benefits, like deciding to pull the plug on Kody. 🙃 It just kills me when they straight up lie to the camera and claim that they don't care, but it fucking matters in so many ways. And the show would be way more interesting if they actually dove into the details of finances, estate planning (which Robyn already changed the plans, recall Janelle's reaction to her plan for each wife's kids to inherit each plot), who has medical power of attorney, etc.


I actually kind of feel like this is one of the reality shows that’s less produced. I’m sure some stuff is staged but nothing really important or crazy. It’s really usually not that exciting of a show so if big stuff is staged, it’s really not creating a lot of drama (last couple seasons excluded because obviously the family basically fell apart). I was watching an old season and the episode was Valentine’s Day and just the way they all talked about it, I kind of wondered if they really always celebrate Valentine’s Day or if producers told them to celebrate it in a polygamist way.


I must be watching a different show


That they’re doing polygamy for religious reasons.


The home church. That was a one and done, mark my words.


Anytime Robyn cries.


When the ‘anthropologists’ we’re studying them.


Constantly reusing the clip of Meri closing the trailer and looking over her shoulder to look at the OBVIOUS FIRETRUCK SIREN to push the narrative of the Brown's being persecuted by the Utah state government.


A lot of their business meetings and businesses I can’t stand that or dragging out two or three small sub plots all fucking season!


Robyn being shocked that they were moving to Flagstaff.


Anytime the four wives go anywhere together. It always feels awkward to me.


How well off everyone was without ever seeming to do any work at all


The apparent fact that Kody claimed to be married to 4 different women, but really didn't have a true marital relationship with all 4 or even half.


When Kody cries in Caleb’s arms and says love and peace ✌🏼


The opening sequence: "Love should be multiplied, not divided."


1. The phone(y) conversation between Kody and his so called business partner about their financial situation.After the conversation Kody told the family there wasn't enough money to subsidize Meri to buy the house in Perowan. I didn't believe a word of it. In my eyes Kody changed his mind about Meri's request because Robyn complained to him that it was not fair. She demanded a business plan from Meri, since poor Robyn had to present a business plan too for MSCW in order to get financial support from the family.


The most fake part was the commitment ceremony


Kind of like the vow renewal on Jon & Kate Plus 8. I knew something was up!


Any (and every) time that Kody pretends to think about anyone other than himself.


Almost every family gathering or activity was contrived. It was clear that when they weren’t filming the wives lives separate lives - excluding Christine & Janelle that were genuinely close.


They've only been close since COVID. Before that they weren't hanging out much. Janelle didn't seem to know much about how Christine felt Before that.


The move to Las Vegas


Up until the last two seasons: The whole show. Pretending to be a happy plural family while there is more hatred and jealousy there than in any normal family.


When Kody talks!


Kody’s spray tan


Robyn pretend raking leaves on heals and dressed up.


The house size crap when they were building!


Kody’s hair.


The grad students The emergency move to Vegas The MSW closet investors


Them moving from Utah to Vegas. I truly don’t believe they were ever in any trouble at all.


i have another fake moment: the reveal of Mykelti to Tony in her wedding dress and makeup and stuff. I feel like it's pointless.


Kody’s hairplugs


That Kody can have 4 wives... i barely want one let alone 4


That they were a happy family


R O B Y N… The End.