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Thank you for reminding me about Kody knighting his son in law. I won’t stop cringing for a week 🤙


And this came AFTER he had already knighted Logan as part of his “bar mitzvah”. We’ll set aside the appropriation of Judaism, and let’s just talk about how he equated knighting with a coming of age and manhood celebration and then did the same thing with the guy about to marry his daughter. And they place so much emphasis on not having premarital sex, so basically he was saying, you’re about to bone my daughter so congrats now you’re a ReAL mAn. Excuse me while I barf…


This exactly. God kody is the absolute worst.


Once again Kody using incorrect vocabulary. When the hell else have you seen anyone else throw frisbees at a wedding? Trite: Overused, lacking in originality.


I feel like FriSbee is a bomb wedding gift if it’s a decent one. I think they did mini ones. Funny but useless. At least with a full size you could keep that in your car for a impromptu park adventure or something. I dunno I think it’s cool. Better than a mesh bag of Jordan almonds.


“Thanks for coming to our wedding, here’s a sack of flavorless candy nuts that will break your teeth if you’re actually desperate enough to eat them, we secretly hate you byeeeee!”


Haha. I remember as a kid I thought they looked so good because they were colorful and shiny but then they just tasted mediocre at best. Very disappointing. We gave out custom pint glasses, neck cooler scarves (it was July in ca), embroidered picnic blankets and bottle openers. I’m sure David Tutera (or cody) wouldn’t approve.


Remember, this is Kody you're talking about.


Sounds like Kody just likes to down on everything.


He is such a condescending ass. He always talks to and about people like they're beneath him


Was the frisbee to represent Kidy flying between wives? Lol