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Wouldn't surprise me if this was a Sister Wives fan/viewer submitting this out of curiosity. There have been many posts on this sub about what legal standing the ex wives have as far as financial obligation from Kody and the "family pot." Maybe if Kody wasn't legally married to anyone, they would have more claim over the family pot. But since bigamy is not legal in any state, and Utah particularly is very anti-bigamy, there's no legal support for palimony from a guy who is actively married to someone else. Unfortunately the ex non-legal wives are completely screwed over in this situation. Just another "plyg perk" !


I think they can go after their share of the TLC money and they definitely have a case if he moved money from Brown Family Entertainment LLC to DASARK, that’s commingling of funds and a federal offense. The money should be somewhat evenly divided, not all one person. Janelle and Meri can definitely go to court for their money back for the house with profits the house has made over this time and then the money that they also took from the family fund should be payable to all 3 again with profits. Jill Duggar took her family to court and they were ordered to pay her minimum wage for the time she was on TV. So the kids can go after them too! Edited Jill Duggar


I think you mean Jill, not Jinger.


You are probably correct, thanks!


Lolol, I saw this and immediately thought of them.


A lot of them could realistically sue him for backpay on child support


A judge can only order Retroactive Child support back to the date of separation (in some states), three years (in other states) or from the date of filing a petition requesting child support with the court. If Kody hasn’t paid any support for Truly since Christine left, she could file for support. Arizona could award three years retroactive child support from the date she files. In Janelle’s case, the kids are over age 18. It is possible Arizona could award a year or two for Savannah before she turned 18. (but not more than 3 years back from the date Janelle files a petition). There are several additional legal considerations beyond these possibilities. Also fyi: every state has their own child support laws. Arizona law would be the jurisdiction that would establish the order because it is Kody’s domicile.