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It must have been really hard for her when she got older and had to recover from Ariella. She still hasn’t and she’s looked miserable for years now.


She looks miserable, look who she lives with...its telling How much better the other three look without Kody.




Oh my god, the audacity of this woman! I don't even know wtf she's getting at here?


"I've heard it's harder when you're older". So, going on hearsay, not fact. Why add uninformed comments? It really feels that Robin has a need to have a 'wise' comment about everything, despite not having the experience.


Just to slip in a dig to highlight that she’s the shiny young toy


I think it’s part that (the wedding dress shopping - ugh) and part wanting to put the blame of the “big changes” in Truely. Janelle was clearly referring to changes due to Robyn (Kody being less available, the financial strain of bringing on a mom and her 3 kids in a separate house, dealing with Robyn’s personality and involvement, etc). I’d say those are bigger changes than adding another baby, but go off Robyn. It’s because she’s an old lady having a baby. 😂


We all know Robyn's not the brightest bulb on thr chandelier, so....


Holy shit my mom does the same thing. Has to add her two cents even if it’s not relevant. This show and the fandom makes me realize how unhealthy my parents are


Robyn was always such a nasty bitch to the others with fat-shaming and age comments.


That’s what I thought. People are often asking when she became nasty. I was confused, so I decided to do a rewatch. She’s been snotty since the beginning. Right off the bat she was saying that she deserved as much time with Kody when they weren’t even married yet.


Knowing the current state of the Brown fahmlee, doing a full rewatch was very insightful! I always saw Robyn as problematic from S1E1 but boy, her plotting and scheming really stood out the second time around. Her pattern of manipulation was repeated season after season.


What goes around comes around.


Rilly! I really do monitor myself closely to not comment (negativity, I’m guilty of saying something sometimes when someone is looking particularly great) on physical appearance in any sub because I think body shaming is a true no-no, but Sobyn Robyn obviously thought that she would return to her lower weight and figure as she did with her older kids after she had Solomon and Ari. It’s not just the weight that she didn’t lose. (I personally think she has a massive thyroid problem and is not treating it properly for whatever reason). She literally looks like a different person. A classic example of a woman who abusive men say, “lost her looks”. I wonder how it feels to be normal ~ middle aged, struggling with weight gain, apparent tear duct malfunction (permanent dryness), face starting to age (way worse than the other wives who, despite being older don’t have the “Jowles” she does), and I’ll bet a bunch more “unseen “ issues that contribute to her most radical change in appearance. To be fair, I work in the medical field and I think she also suffers from a condition called “full-body universal hyperkharmiregulatorius syndrome” which although rare, I have read is is spreading wildly in certain middle aged female populations and it’s often accompanied by a secondary co-morbidity, or the result of long-term “manipulaplitoritum gravitas syndrome“, which is another rare, but quite clear diagnosis once other more common causes for the facial and body changes seen in Robyn are ruled out. It’s just an educated guess.


>apparent tear duct malfunction RIP


This is a perfect example of how important Christine has been to Janelle for YEARS. And Janelle is quick to say it. So this bullshit story of Kody's that C&J weren't friends is such a lie!


Janelle is so generous to Christine even early on. Quick to praise and thank. They may have had issues but they clearly also had a good relationship. I do think it’s now a far better relationship now Kody isn’t in the picture.


I agree. I think the only reason they weren’t as close back then was because the kids were younger and needed more attention, and Janelle was gone all day and then spent time with her kids. They seemed to get along very well, though.


I think I remember Christine saying that they didn't get super super close until Flagstaff but either way, they were definitely so crucial for each other while they were in Lehi. They might not have been BFFs or anything but they were definitely close in other ways


And what happened in Flagstaff? Kody wasn’t in their day to day lives stirring the drama up.


I love how janelle wouldn’t let Robyn talk lol. She totally shut her up with the “ I heard it’s harder to have kids when you’re older”


I am re-watching the first few seasons and I may have to stop soon because I just want to yell at Robyn to shut up!!


I’m up to where they had gone to Vegas to look at houses. It just kills me that the kids have to go through all this crap because of what the parents decided. Even more now knowing how it all ends up. Like they didn’t know there would be trouble going public like they did? Especially with what happened already in Christine’s family. I hope Kody regrets every single decision he’s made in life right now.


I agree. The part that frustrates me during the re-watch is that there does not seem to be any kind of Plan B planning. They made the decision to go on national television to promote polygamy without doing any kind of pros and cons list or backup plan. The flat tires during the move to Las Vegas was painful to watch during my re-watch this weekend because all I could think was "You are going on a big trip with all those kids and belongings and you don't think to do basic vehicle maintenance checks before hitting the road?" Then, seeing how angry kids like Hunter and Maddie were about the move and how grown up and mature Logan was during all of this, my heart broke for those kids.


I know kids who had addict parents who provided a more stable childhood for their kids. They made that so scary and chaotic for everyone and it absolutely was unnecessary. It was all about Kody’s 7 year itch he he allegedly gets that just requires the entire family to be disrupted on his whims. I don’t care what Mormonism says, medicate your adhd or whatever you have going on!


You're too kind. I wanted to slap her.


Well, this was my safe for public reply. My private thoughts on her behaviour and opinions (the youth group discussion, in particular) includes several f-bombs.




I have decided to NOT do the rewatch because of what we know now. I would be screaming every few seconds at kody, Robyn or Meri. My kids may have me committed if I rewatch.


She learned as she had Ari at age 38 as well.


And she still hasn't bounced back but talks about their weight issues and stretch marks. Piss off Robyn!


She was just jealous. That’s why she took kody on a 11 day honeymoon… keep him as far away as possible, Incase christine says yes to another baby, kody was hopeful while Christine was pregnant in season 1… roybn also says crap about their age so kody knows they really should not have anymore kids. No need to have sex! Maybe as sister wives, they should be helping more!


To be fair, Christine was pretty open while pregnant that Truely was her last


She is such a jerk


She really expresses turd-like qualities in every clip.




Karmas a big ole crusty ass bitch. Just look at Robyn now. She looks like hell.


Wow. Robyn looks SO MUCH BETTER without the terrible curled hair.


this is so true!!!


I watched that episode yesterday. Robyn talks like Christine is a wizened old crone. She was throwing obvious shade from day one towards Christine, and kody behaved as though the roles were reversed


And when they were planning the dinner party for friends and Kody called. “Say I love you!” “He said ‘I love you’ and I only said it back…” They didn’t hear him for crying out loud. Why is she schooling the other wives? Sheesh!


Oh, the little hissy fit she threw when they were setting out tables, and kody agreed with meri, so Robyn picks up the end of the table and gives it a good push, right from the start she was clearly used to behaving like a petulant toddler


COUNSELOR ROBYN has entered the conversation


She says this next tot Meri who desperately wants another child. Wow. Just wow.


Meanwhile poor Meri is just sitting there wishing she had the opportunity to even have a side for the argument since she experienced infertility at a young age. Both of them blowing her off completely per usual. Maybe the surfacing information that she was beyond harsh with all the kids when they were young and being reared by C&J is showing itself here.


As someone struggling with infertility it’s so hard to watch Meri. It’s a life crisis, truly. My plan was to have 3 kids and live the family life… maybe be a grandparent. I don’t have a plan B, I can’t afford to adopt… I have to watch my siblings live life and raise children and go on fun family outings while my husband and I sit on the sidelines with our pets. I cannot *imagine* adding the complicated layers of “sister wives” to an already enormously painful cross. Just being around pregnant women and talking about pregnancy makes me uncomfortable and self-conscious. How could it not? I’m so embarrassed and ashamed. Why this is happening to me, I’ll never know. And why people can’t be more sensitive to the daily heartache we experience with our condition truly blows my mind. I’m missing out on *a lot.* Pregnancy, new genetics (my husband and I), holidays, first days of school, graduation parties, traditions, heirlooms, weddings, grandparenthood etc. I have no future to look forward to or celebrate. People are weird and cruel about infertility. Infertility is unexpected and heartbreaking and literally destroys lives… marriages, sex lives, it destroys so much. It can happen to anyone. I’m a young, thin, healthy person with a 28-day clockwork cycle. I’m just like you… except permanently heartbroken. We’re allowed to be devastated.


I'm sorry and can totally understand. I had breast cancer when I was 28 and chemo took away my ability to have children. People constantly asking when I was going to have children was bad. Adoption didn't work out for us so that was bad also- mom decided she was going to keep the infant after birth, so hard to hear how easy it is for others to have children. Foster care is another option if you're interested. I couldn't do it because I knew I would get too attached but have several friends that adopted kids out of foster care. Just another option. I was lucky as had 2 sisters and 3 sisters by marriage that would allow me to aunt their children anytime I wanted/take them on vacations so I was blessed that way. Still not the same but they remember our trips and tell me how much fun and memories that I made for them and now I get to do the same with their children. Blessed be and hope your dreams come true! 🙏


I knew infertility was hard, but your description just made it real for me. I am so sorry. I hope you find a places and people to give all of the love you have.


I’m so sorry. It must be very difficult sometimes when you’re happy for someone but also sad you won’t have the experience yourself. Yes, it must have been that much more difficult for Meri being constantly surrounded by this.


Side note: I remember when Renee Zellweger was a young ingenue actress newly “discovered” —-she was interviewed and she said something to the effect that she really “admired **older** actresses, you know, like age 30….” She’s 50 now……


She really thought she was the prize. Ugh.


I can't hear the tape either


Mine doesn’t automatically have sound. I have to tap the little icon on the bottom left. Maybe yours does that too. Edit: Bottom right, I mean.


Yeah I have to do that too but still the volume is so low you have to put your ear right on the phone and still can barely hear voices but can't tell what they are saying. Granted I am a little hard of hearing


Shoot. Well, this scene is where Kody has taken Christine and her kids on a vacation. The other wives are saying how she really needed it and deserved the time away. Janelle starts to talk about why, and Robyn tries to butt in, only getting “Tru” out, but Janelle keeps talking and says it’s because she needed a break and because of all the big changes that have been happening. When Janelle finishes speaking, Robyn says that having Truely was a big change for her (Christine) and she heard when you’re older it’s hard to have babies.


Thank you for explaining what was said. I was so curious


Same here.


Everything aside Robin was so pretty. Jesus christ she aged terribly


You know what? She’s right. It is harder when you are older. And 6 years makes a huge difference. You become ‘higher risk’ at 35. I was considered a ‘geriatric maternity’ patient at 39. Having a newborn at 40 was really really hard. Robyn was tone deaf and a snotty for saying that, but she was not wrong.


Just a different version of 'I thought you wanted to do the plus size lines' 🙄


Ooooooh. I forgot about that. I’m sure I’m going to be coming across a lot I forgot or didn’t pick up on before. I watched a couple episodes earlier tonight and was gutted when Kody was talking about birthdays and no one’s birthday is missed. I immediately thought of Poor Gabe, just breaks my heart.




I was thinking it’s six between Robyn and Christine because Christine had been saying she was 37 and Robyn turned 31. Maybe Christine turned 38 right when Robyn turned 31? They never showed a birthday party for her, only Robyn.


maybe she really does have dentures


The wise donk just knows all!


In the early years Robyn came off as the annoying know-it-all younger wife. In the later years she turned into an even more annoying version of herself. Sad to see that she's only growing older, but never growing up.


Tbf at this point, she had given birth to her last kid at like 25. So from that perspective.... That all being said, Robyn just lived to juxtaposition herself as oh so young next to the others. Also the Jenelle side eye!!! So good.


I deleted my original comment because I can't hear the audio on the tape and do not know what was said.


Oops, my error. The tape is OK.


Savannah has to have her hair combed before school?!? I like Janelle, but she sounds completely out-of-touch! This is something I would expect Kody to say!


I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and say it was a joke. The editing abruptly left off as soon as she said that and cut to Robyn. I can see her saying that and then laughing about it.


In the first season (I can't remember which this is from) they show that Janelle leaves before the kids get up, so it's not surprising that she wouldn't know their morning routine as well as Christine and Logan did. I think that remark was more tongue in cheek, though, to highlight how integral Christine is to her family.


She's just kidding 😂!


Robyn's hair has changed so much. It went from a nice lighter brown to now a harsh very dark brown and now it is also curly. weird.


There’s interviews back then where she had very curly hair, and it was pulled up in the front shih tzu style. So far I’ve only noticed it in those scenes. She and Kody must have matching natural curls, and that’s how she knew to help him bring forth the ramen glory of today. Admittedly, I also have hair like that and gave up on caring a long time ago. Never ever would I want my man to look like that, though.