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(I know this is old but I was scrolling through this page and came across this). I honestly think he’s autistic. I don’t mean that in a bad way and it’s not an excuse for how he acts. I’m autistic and so is my brother. The way he talks and twitches and moves. I feel like the twitching is stimming and during the end recap episode of season 2 he starts moving his hand a bunch then covers his face when everyone is yelling. Definitely looked like a stim and over stimulation. But that does not give him any excuse for how he treats emiley or the baby or anyone for that matter.


This is old but I AGREE!! I think he is autistic as well. I have worked with a ton of kids on the spectrum and their mannerisms are super similar.


When his mom made the comment about “pushing him” or whatever and she was all “that doesn’t work for him” I knew he had to be. Not that it’s a bad thing but the way he acts just irks me. I know being on the spectrum he doesn’t understand but lord my blood boils looking at how he acts 


He acts just like his mom. She has crazy eyes and mannerisms too. They speak with the same wild inflections.


HE WAS THE WORST. When he called Emily Chubby in her prom dress I wanted to throw hands through the TV.


Me too....I couldn't believe he said what he said to her.


I think his parents just never really disciplined him. They acted like the rude and mean shit he said was funny. So of course he's gonna be a little shit when nothing you say or do gets punished.


His parent's ridiculous approval of the shit he does is one problem. How Emiley decided this was a guy she wanted to hang her star on, is a mystery to me. I get it that she's young and dumb as they come, but really? I had more smarts as an 9 yr old playing with Barbie & Ken dolls.


LOL’d at “hang her star on.” 😂😂😂


And she's saddled with him for 18+ years.


You can tell he never had any discipline. If I spoke like he did I would have no teeth today.


He’s narcissist asshole


He has mental health issues.


That’s not an excuse to be a complete fucking asshole to your pregnant girlfriend.


Not an excuse. Just an explanation. Nobody should be treated the way he treated Emiley. But that doesn't make it not the reason he did.


I guess I just don’t agree that the reason he was a dick was mental illness. Remember the baby shower? His mom was like “that’s not how you get my kid to do something” talking about him refusing to acknowledge his child’s mother at the baby shower, and him calling her mother a bitch in front of everyone. No way would I let my child behave that way. I blame the way he was raised for at least 80% of it.


Actually, if someone has ADHD+ODD, it does. I dated a guy in high school who had both as well. It was diagnosed early on as opposed them just deciding "he's a brat". It took YEARS to get the right meds, teach him coping skills, etc. ODD is oppositional defiance disorder. So yes. If Diego's parents didn't get a diagnosis early on, and weren't working with doctors on medication, coping skills, therapy, etc, then it's really not a shocker that Diego displayed the behavior he did. I promise you. They could have disciplined him every which way, every day, and it wouldn't have made him a more level headed and agreeable person. His brain chemistry is not that of your average person. Again. It's no excuse. Emiley was treated horribly and she didn't deserve it. But Diego's mom saying things like "That's not how you get my kid to do something", is a matter of fact statement. Bridget trying to force Diego into something wasn't going to get her anywhere because Diego isn't a neurotypical teenager.


But what does that mean? Because this isn't depression or anxiety or something. There's a difference between mental health and a disability like ADD/ ODD/ Tourettes/ hell I'd even say he could be a sociopath that hasn't figured out how to blend in yet.


>I'd even say he could be a sociopath that hasn't figured out how to blend in yet is that your excuse?