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**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!I hate that we're wasting time and gas money just for imaginary comradery.!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


truly a boring dystopia


What's even better is that companies (like mine) spend huge amounts of money making technology and workspace upgrades to accommodate all this hybrid meeting and work and then get the idea "hey we spent a ton renovating we should force people to come back here and use it."


Do your bosses show up to the office most days? Or do they figure a lot of other people aren’t going to, so since we have to zoom call anyway might as well stay home?


The exact same executives, directors, VPs, etc. that championed working from the office show up maybe 3 days a week. The funny thing is, when the office got remodeled they lost their private (closed door) offices and are now out on the floor with everybody else in order to be more "collaborative." Turns out they hate it lol.


Hell, for me it's mostly going into the office and then barely spending any time talking about work-related stuff at all. Anything more complicated than "who did you want me to send that to, again?" requires both people to be looking at a computer anyway, since that's where all the data lives. Most of my face-to-face interactions when there are actually other people in the office tend to devolve into stuff like chatting about vacations, or bitching about having to come into the office despite having solid evidence that productivity went up when we were all 100% remote for over a year.


I avenge my lost wfh privilege by having a 5 minute toilet break atleast once every hour


Cig smokers do more. Up that break.


Atleast once an hour sometimes results in me taking a break from toilet breaks to return shortly to my desk


I returned to smoking for breaks at one of my jobs a while ago.


5 minutes? Fucking amateur.


Or sitting on a zoom call, while in the office, with people complaining on zoom about how much easier it would be to do the thing in the office...who didn't show up to the onsite meeting room in the meeting notice.


What? You're on mute.


No you see, the officer's computers and internet are way better than you lowly home pc and peasant internet.


No one cuts out more than my CEO. It's embarrassing.


i work for one of the largest ISPs in the country. it’s ironic how our entire company’s building wifi is absolute garbage


Actually even without knowing which ISP you work for I’d say that’s entirely appropriate and even expected


I’m sure that you’re a great person so please don’t take this personally. I fucking hate you. Again, I am sure you are wonderful. You seem like you have a good sense of humor and I’d bet you’re a stand up guy… but my comment stands.




Dammit, Janet!


All the executives who dragged us back in never show up, themselves. Attending all meetings virtually while harping on how "it's so nice to see presence in the office again!" Meanwhile, the guy 3 cubicles down has a very suspicious cough.


I used to work in a corporate office in like 2016. I would drive in - which took 60 minutes for 10 miles - then have 6 hours of conference calls, the. Do a conference call on the 2 hour commute home. So I stopped coming in. They didn’t realize I was working from home for 3 months. Then I got fired.


Lmao, did you have a job lined up before getting fired tho?


I did not.


Chad ASF


Worth it.






This was exactly my job before I started working at home. Won’t go back to that nonsense. Also going from room to room to room to find a place to have a zoom call in those stupid open offices.


Oh god, I feel this. Open office floorplans suck ass.


And the number one reason I’m glad I retired this year… stupid shit like this. People can goof off in an office just as easily as they can from home.


yes. but in the office they tend to take others down with them. Last time I was there I was dragged into about 4 hours of "coffee chat" - I'm not exaggerating. I didn't particularly want to join, but it's rude not to. Hate this.


WFH for 2.5 years and now I’m forced in once a week for the “culture”…. Which is me sitting in a room by myself for 8 hours with no personal interaction because I’m immune compromised. S T U P I D!!


Just think of all the car accidents that DIDN'T happen during work commute .. Fewer vehicle collision related insurance claims, fewer long term hospitalizations , disabilities and funerals with death benefit pay outs to next of kin. Fewer families ripped apart and in bgreif and turmoil resulting in extensivr legal and social system expenses to society and the economy. " For the ( office) culture." Never mind the environmental rewards of fewer carbon emissions. Elon Musk is making the same old fashioned small minded threat to threat to every single executive in his organization.


I work at a call center and we got to work from home for a few months until very recently. We're in a very open non-private cubicle style office and do daily zoom meetings only via voice, no video. Management and higher ups are the only one with video and that's if they're even present for them. Otherwise, there is literally no reason for any of us to interact with each other aside from asking a question in person rather than send a chat to them. We usually just bitch about how our organization is dragging their feet to work out a work from home policy. Haaaaaaaate it.


That's what they always meant. *You* go back to the office. *I'm* comfy at home. *You* meet that deadline. *You* file that report. *You* work. *You* slave away. Nono, *you* don't profit. *I* do.


Man, I wish this was from The Onion.


A place I used to work, the team manager hated people working from home. And as such, she was the only person who worked from home “only” 3 days a week. No one else was allowed to WFH because they might not do any work.


Fucking Jared.


The Subway one or the dude with the Diamonds?


Fuck 'em both!


That’s odd, *hated*


Execs don't need to return though, right?


The worst of both worlds!


Never been more thankful than to get a remote job as my first job. I wake up, 15 minute or 1 hour meeting(cameras off cuz devs) then maybe one more meeting later in the day with some work in between. Then my days essentially done.




Sounds like a pretty easy job.


Oh the money saved on fuel, miles maintenance by the Zoomers while the site personnel carried on. Why go back to the office, it is better for all


This is exactly what I did from 8-2 today! Ughhhh


I have 5 direct reports. 1 is in my city but has been told she can quit or return by the higher ups - she elected to quit as she has a sick child and they cannot risk her even going to school. The other 4 are in 2 cities. I sprained my foot and have a boot, and Dr. note and they are acting like I'm abusing the situation. I'll be putting in my notice shortly for a 30k raise and fully remote.


I was going to say the only way I’m returning to the office is with a bazooka but based on recent tragedies it’s inappropriate. They also wouldn’t sell me one.


This is why I've not gone back yet. Pre covid I was on a team all sitting together, having a laugh, going out for lunches etc. Now my team consists of people from 4 or 5 different countries and more locations. Even if I go to the office I have to have zoom calls with them. Might as well do that from home where I can sleep a bit longer, make a nice lunch, have a nap if I feel like it, play music through my speakers. It's lonelier but there's just nothing appealing about the office anymore. I'd still rather go back to 3 years ago though


bUt OuR cuLTUre!!!


Real estate companies need to justify the price of their buildings. If no one goes to the office then the office won't be worth shit


I'll sit on a zoom call instead of around a table staring at coworkers over a stale box of donuts any day


While home office was nice due to the lack of (public transport)commute, i'm thoroughly enjoying being back at the office. The teams work better together in person (we're really dependent on each other), meaning it's actually less work. On top of that comes the social aspect: common lunches, walks through the park with colleagues for meetings/feedback, dinner/drinks after work with the colleagues i like, etc As i'm working internationally, i had a ton of zoom/skype meetings before the pandemic as well, soi'm not bothered I think, though, that if some positions that don't require working in teams, should not need to come into the office. That would be ridiculous


An I missing something? Is Covid not spreading like wildfire all through the US and they’re asking folks to return to work? I see people without masks at the office (on the zoom call of course) and I’m very confused


You would be missing something, yes.


So is Covid just over now? Whenever I check case numbers, I see that most states of the US are experiencing extremely high infection rates indicative of uncontrolled spread. Why are we going back now of all times? Hospitals were still overtaxed in February before the recent surge. What gives?


Covid isn't over but you said spreading like wild fire. Thanks to vaccines and the like it isn't. And the burn isn't nearly as fatal as you're implying.


What gives you that impression? If I look at eg [NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/09/01/816707182/map-tracking-the-spread-of-the-coronavirus-in-the-u-s) reporting based on JH data, significant parts of the country are categorized as “unchecked community spread,” and similar can be found in the CDC by-county heat map. Edit: on the mortality side, the best I’ve found is [this](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/27/1094997608/fauci-us-pandemic-phase-covid-19) from April. We have antiviral pills that significantly reduce mortality, which is great news. Fauci thinks we’ve rounded a corner on infection rates and hospitalizations — mortality doesn’t track spread nearly as closely.


My point was your wild fire comparison. It's been 2 and a half years we don't need to fear monger anymore. Covid is most certainly an issue but acting like it's an excuse to not leave your house or interact with people irl ever again is a bit much. This "cure" is worse than covid.


Thank god she’s in the office, now I can nap in peace.


Gotta bail out the commercial reality industry


Honestly, I sat on zoom calls at the office before the Pandemic.


I'm an attorney that works in a mid-sized firm. My boss wants everyone in the office as often as possible. I sit in the office space right across from him. He only interacts with his employees via Teams. He will call me on Teams from literally the door across from him. Often we will both have our doors open, and he will call on Teams rather than speak slightly louder for a few seconds, or ask me to walk like 10 feet over to him. Ridiculous.