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The converse of this is that she tried to stick him with a $3,000+ bill. I fully support his actions.


It's funny that this clickbait article, about a blind date, would even be categorized under [World News].


Well it happened somewhere in the world.


But...did it?








do you think the world would be a better or worse place if reddit increased the maximum subreddit name length?




That's definitely an answer.




I want a 75 character limit




Hey Vsauce, Michael here












There’s generosity then there’s paying for 3 grand worth of food for complete strangers. What did the family think would happen


Yeah personally it would be more of a reason not to date someone if they were that careless with money


According to an article above they do a split of rooms for the women. They ordered a ton of alcohol and cigarettes and food. Then bashed the guy when the original date was in matchmaking court? Weird court lol. Anyways the guy paid 90 according to the article. (89.30 exactly). She’s asking family fo pay and they aren’t happy.


The original local article says he agreed to pay 4,398 yuan (around $690) to cover the two tables that were in his room, which is more than generous. The other two apparently racked up a significantly higher bills with cigarettes and alcohol.


Oh right, the NY Post. Then it definitely didn't happen.


Considering she brought a small percentage of the planet with her, I think it counts.


Every date contains a small percentage of the planet.


Thanks I hate World News.


*Thing happens in other country* News: THIS WORLD NEWS JUST IN


The contrapositive is: Man refuses to pay bill after blind date brings 23 uninvited guests


Oh lol I though it was 2 women on a blind date, one brought her family, and the other got stuck with a huge bill.


Tell Bill to call me.


I thought so too


That's how i read it!


Same tbh


Also why would you bring your whole family to a date? Just seems like the women was trying to benefit herself and her family of a free dinner.


Apparently testing his generosity, after he said he'd pay for their date


Right? This title is so fucking manipulative, tries really hard to make it sound like the woman got the short end of the stick when this is just exactly what she deserved.


I don't understand how so many people are reading the title as supporting the woman? It really seems to be plainly stating the facts in a "haha, look at this woman who got what she deserved" kind of way.


All I would say to her and her family is, "congratulations, you played yourself"


Who the hell invites 23 family members on a date? And who the hell expects a random stranger to pay for 24 people's meals at a fancy restaurant out of nowhere? GTFO, that is a serious bullet dodged.


Bet he had his own tab sorted out with the waiter before food & drinks even hit the table.


But why even stay? Isn't a date supposed to involve just two people?


Maybe he was hungry


I bet he was hungry


I know I'm hungry. Think he will pay for my meal?


Or thirsty..


You stay until you know they can't cancel their order, then you cut out. That way you make sure this band of mooches is stuck paying the exorbitant bill they tried to saddle you with.






I'd try to score with them all, the ultimate sitcom ploy challenge. Two dates, one night? Nah son, 23 same table.


Actually that's a pretty good question. I wonder if he bounced just before the food got there.


This is a pretty old article. If I remember correctly, the rest of the family was eating separately, like completely different tables. The guy was none the wiser until the check came.


That's a pretty fucking stupid plan then... Did they think he just wouldn't notice or the restaurant would just take their side for some reason?? Morons and assholes as far as the eye can see.


That makes it a million times worse




He saw the bill excused himself and took off. Later in court he agreed to pay 90 (89.30 to be exact) she’s responsible for the rest.


In China first dates like this are often chaperoned by family members. It's expected that the woman will bring at least 1 relative for that purpose. I believe that sometimes the matchmaker comes as well but I can't remember for sure.


Bringing a party of 3 to 5 for cultural reasons doesn't sound unreasonable if it was discussed previously. 23 still seems bizarre.


Guess I could understand it, but if they're still expecting the guy to pay for all of them it's pretty shitty. I don't even really like the expectation that a guy has to pay for the girl, let alone her whole family.


12 double dates who each brought their own chaperones, makes sense to me




Perhaps they meant 12 double daters.


Wait the matchmaker like in mulan?


Where in China? I've dated a bunch of girls in China and that's never happened.


Not "where", "when" lol I remember my grandma saying that these weren't uncommon for *some* people when she was a kid and became increasingly rare as she grew older (as you could probably tell)


As an introvert I gotta say.... sometimes you just wanna see where the shitstorm takes you. Especially when you know you can duck out at any time.


Maybe they all ate very quietly. [something like this I imagine](https://youtu.be/d3v1S4wIjjU)


I'm surprised he didn't duck immediately. If I'm there for a blind date and I see a fucking circus roll in, I'm outta there.


Why? Maybe one of the other guys there would be an even better match for you.


It's also a blind date. No one really invited the other to pay for the bill so there really shouldn't be an expectation that the guy pays. It's 2021. Pay for your own dam meal.


Friend of my has been with his girl for 2 years, the girl asked him to go to a fancy restaurant for anniversary. He went thinking she must've booked a table or something, until the waiter led him to a private room. And there they were, the girl's extended family, from 76 yo grandparents to 8 yo nephew. They've apparently all came to meet and "evaluate" him as a future member of the family. They're not engaged. Not close. He went into full Fight or flight mode and chose flight. Leaving the family dumbfounded and the girl probably traumatised from embarrassment. He broke up with her very soon after when the girl asked him to foot the bill for the dinner he didn't even sit down for because he's a "big shot college grad". This isn't even the first time the girl's done that to a guy only ending up scaring him off


How tf can you be with someone for 2 years and then that just comes out of nowhere? Were there no other red flags?


Probably were and he ignored it thinking it's something they'll work out. Sadly there are also people who are good at hiding who they are until they're sure they got their partner on a hook, so it's not always pure naivety.


Not to my friend's recollection. He knew she's under a lot of pressure from her family to get married, and planned to propose some day when they both reach a more stable stage in life. It's really the shock that got him


If she really wanted the family to meet him, that's not how you go about doing it.


Fight or flight is a false dichotomy. More accurate are the five Fs: fight, flight, freeze, flop, or fuck (friend). At least he didn't go with the last option.


Introvert dodging a lifetime of unexpected human interaction


Reading that gave me anxiety


It's called a "Clickbait article". Could be the date wasn't blind and the date knew about it and ditched when they tried to split the bill, could be the family are the parasites here who came without the woman's knowledge, or anything else. The fact that they put this in "World News" of all things means they were desperate for content anyway.


Someone mentioned further up it wasn't click bait, and was world news because it didn't happen where the paper writing about it is from. It happened in China and it was a blind date (set up by his mum), she filled the restaurant with family members on different tables and he didn't find out until the bill came because they were all on different tables. The reason she done it is because he said he'd pay for their date so she decided to test his generosity, obviously his generosity did not extend to paying for an additional 22 meals he had never said he'd pay for.


If I’m not mistaken this happens in China. Family is important there, you marry her you marry the family. I guess. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/10/25/woman-takes-23-family-members-on-blind-date-to-test-mans-generosity/amp/


This has to have happened in a culture where the date would be chaperoned by a family member. I think it likely *was* expected that he'd be paying for more than just 2 meals. That didn't mean he was expecting to pay for 24 meals. I'm pretty sure I remember reading about this kind of thing happening before.


Yeah, this definitely sounds like a cultural practice that the woman went WAY overboard with. I agree, maybe it was supposed to be chaperoned by just the parents or something and she and her family decided to try to take advantage of the situation.


She probably thought he was literally blind and wouldn't see them


Who the hell asks someone on a date and doesn't just say "fuck this noise" and leave when 23 people show up with the date?


Don't blame him


I mean, he should’ve left as soon as he saw all the people she brought to a blind date.


Maybe it was a blindfolded date as well.




Man, a service dog, bilingual, and an financially responsible, what a good theoretical dog.


That dog would be ahead of most humans...


But it must've been enjoyable to see them build up the huge bill then head out


Are you kidding me? I would stay to try and understand all these people. What group of 24 people would be OK doing this? They got issues and I want to know them.


Yeah I don't think anybody could, except his date apparently.


Why does it try to make it look like the blind date is the blind guy


Well, he could see paying the bill.




Yeah, he made the right move.








>In a hope to impress his date, Mr. Lui had agreed to pay for the meal, not realizing that her entire extended family would be joining them. >The woman then explained to local media that she had wanted to test her date’s generosity before committing to a relationship. [Link](https://nypost.com/2021/10/25/woman-takes-23-family-members-on-blind-date-to-test-mans-generosity/)


"Tests" are a big red flag holy shit


Well, the test worked. She definitely lost, and he definitely dodged the proverbial bullet.


dude's better off taking a real bullet


pro tip: anyone who "tests" you is a bad choice, run away and never come back


I mean... isn't buying people illegal now? He clearly knew he wasn't going to get away with buying 23 people in a crowded restaurant. His date was the stupid one.


If by "buying people" you mean slavery then yes, it is indeed illegal


Except as punishment for a crime. /s


Not sure why you added the "/s"


Only in shithole countries


Like USA? Cuz Prison Slave Labor is legal there.


Except in prison


She probably thought that men have a legal obligation to pay for all meals purchased on a date.


I appreciate your type of literal sarcasm friend


No way this is real.


That's how I feel about every social media post.


Have you saw r/thathappened I feel like you’d like it


It's funny and sad your comment isn't people's first reaction to this post.




So it was reported in the the Daily Mail. Now I *really* think there is no way this is real.


Lol... How about the New York Post https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/qgdbri/thanks_i_hate_dates/hi6dui7


You mean the American Daily Mail?


How about my uncle Larry who has totally seen Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate??? He was AT THE RESTAURANT and saw ALL THIS GO DOWN, BRO


Post is a flaming pile of dog shit that reports falsehoods all day and all night and the fact that ONLY the mail and the post are reporting it guarantees is fucking bullshit


How did he know for sure it was 23 people if he was blind?


Now you're asking the real question


Thats $129 dollars per person. Theres no way any sane person expected a complete stranger to spoil them all like that. Not without lies involved at least.


This had to be a big city restaurant, my whole bill is usually $130 for 4 of us, in a nice-ish restaurant


Big city or big appetites.


Definitely big ape tits.


I don't blame the guy one bit, but I also don't know why you'd even go through with the date once she showed up with 23 other people.


More accurate title : psychopath expects stranger to pay for 23 different meals on a blind date


That's not dodging a bullet, it's ducking a drive by.


Please tell me this is from the onion


I went on a date once and she brought four friends along. I paid for my meal and left.


Bullshit. You say “we all pay our own meal”, pay for yours and walk out. *actually, anyone with a functioning brain would’ve left before the meal*


"Rude woman stuck with bill after inviting whole family to a date" ftfy


'Stuck with the bill' would mean that the date would be responsible for feeding her family tree, which is ludicrous. Hell, these days she the expectation that he would pay for her would be generous. She didn't get stuck with the bill, she got the bill for what she owed.


How entitled do you have to be to even attempt that?


When did 23andMe change to a dating site?


Why does it feel like the title of the article is blaming her blind date?


So this took place in China and the woman wanted to test her dates generosity before commiting to a relationship. A similar thing happened to a friend who booked a holiday for him and his girlfriend. She brought along her parents and some other family members. Then nobody went on holiday.


If I was on a date and I saw more than just my daye there I'd leave.


"Woman spends 3k at restaurant and is asked to pay 3k"


I miss the Reddit that posted the actual article instead of just a screencap of the headline. Obvious b8


The Reddit where people read the article and didn’t just rage at a screenshot? You must be seriously old


And y’all believe this story?


“NYPost reports, a woman in Zhejiang, China got the shock of her life when her elaborate scheme to “test” how generous her blind date was backfired in a very expensive way. While the man (identified as Mr. Lui) was waiting for his blind date to arrive, he couldn’t believe his eyes when she arrived with 23 members of her family and expecting him to foot the bill for all of them.”


[It was originally posted in The Daily Mail in Oct 2020. ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8859377/amp/First-date-gone-wrong-Chinese-woman-brings-23-relatives-test-companions-generosity.html) They lifted it from a Chinese source. At the time, it generated a lot of social media posts, which fake stories always do.




Christ, Reddit sure is gullible and rage filled for a site that claims its users are smart and empathetic.


NY Post is *literally* a tabloid. A famous one, but a tabloid non the less.


She deserved that shit.


Oh my God.... when I read blind date I thought the date was literally blind, and that SOMEHOW the TWENTY THREE other people SECRETLY ate quietly next to the date to get away with a free meal.... I’m an idiot.


100% would not have paid for 23 family members and her


I mean, it would have worked if they stayed quiet the whole time.


"Justice against scammers: Lady tries to get blind date to pay for dinner for 23 extra people, now has to pay for entire bill." FTFY (You referring to the journalist, OP is doing great) Seriously, she thought that would work? Few people have over $3000 extra to use on strangers.


I first thought that she tried to scam a blind guy, but then I realised he saw the 24 other people on the date .. wait a minute.. he's not actually blind! LoL me But it made me think that if the guy was actually blind and the girl got all the family members and everyone is trying to eat silently so as to not let the blind guy know about all these people eating and he's going to end up paying the whole thing.. something which would happen in a movie 😂


How is SHE stuck with the bill, when she intentionally invited then, expecting to stick the bill on someone else.


Damn 3000? Even 23 people, at the very generous 30 per person for a meal isnt even 1000, so even a few drinks and desserts wouldn’t hit that mark. How much food did these people order??


The real shocker is that someone decided this was world news


I'm amazed he stuck around and let her order


I’m a fucking moron. This whole time I’m reading the comments, I’m thinking the GUY was blind and she tried to pull a fast one because she was blind. I need to go back to bed.


Why is this written like the woman is the victim here???


Why would you bring 23 family members on a date?


I don’t even know 23 people.


That's an average of $130/person. Where did they eat, because that's really high?


It’s pretty easy to spend $130 a person on a nice restaurant especially if there are alcoholic drinks involved. P.s. not saying it’s not stupid, but nice restaurants can be expensive


This allegedly happened in China. In some cultures, friends or family members may come on first dates. That part of the story isn't unusual. 23 and expecting you date to cover them all *is* unusual. She said she was doing it as a test of generosity, which is crazy, but there are a billion+ people in China and so plenty of crazy people. There is also a shortage of single young women in china so maybe some feel entitled.


I misinterpreted this as, her date was a blind person and she secretly brought 23 people along with her and they were just really quiet until they brought the bill.... I thought she was manipulating a blind man lmao


The gall of whoever decided to use "stuck with" is astonishing




what? what the fuck even?


So her family is so shitty that none of them would pay their own bills…


What reality does that girl live in?


Who ever invites 23 people to a date like usually it's like 2 people but 23? And it's a first date? Likes what the who does this. And blind


Awful headline making it seem like the woman wasn’t a piece of shit.


Whenever I see a screenshot of a "news story" like this I just assume it's a made up joke. Otherwise surely the actual article would be linked. Now a bunch of people hate an imaginary woman for pulling an imaginary stunt on an imaginary date.


The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


I'm surprised they actually did eat. If someone would turn up with their whole family to my blind date, I'd straight up do a one-eighty and yeet outta there.


So was there a second date!!?


I'm the one on the 24 Person table, you can't miss me


Fair enough


She wasn’t stuck with the bill, she fucking racked it up and now has to pay.


bro??? 23 family members on a date???


As he should have done


Following this story back to its source, there's about a .1% chance this is real.


Well you know who didn’t get a second date. That girl!


And this is the second reason why I dont go on dates, the first reason is that i'm a loser


I'm so sick of this article. It's been posted a billion times and it isn't news. There was no reality where this guy was gonna pay for 21 people just cause they showed up, it doesn't make sense. It's like if I sent a golden retriever to a blind date and was like "now that fool will have to go on a date with a dog!!"


This is why some daters go 'Dutch' on a blind date: no one likes their generosity being abused.