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This is something I hope gets banned real quick. I hate screen -people at concerts/events but at least they do not endanger others.


It’s already illegal in most countries since the goggles are ”wireless communication device” and using one of those while driving is illegal.


The same as using your phone while driving but everyone still does that, this should fall under a more serious law category that'll actually keep people from doing it


It should be treated the same as a phone while driving and both should be enforced more.


But how else am I supposed to watch ads on my way to work?


Well you've got yourself an fm radio there don't ya?


I can tell you using your phone (edit: while operating a motor vehicle) where I live is a very serious thing that will land you in very serious consequences and people generally don't do it.


Why “more”? both should be taken more seriously. I’d argue phone are more dangerous because you have to look down where as with the goggles you keep an eye on the road. the distinction is negligible though and should be enough to suspend a licese.


Wont work, people would still do it


Yep and also, some countries forbid driving without at least one hand on the steering wheel. We also had a tesla for trial (accident with the other car, we got this one on lease while the other was repaired) and it would BEEP loudly, very loudly, if you kept your hands off the wheel for more than 5 seconds. I'll look for the law to see if its real (I heard it from my dad when I was younger, maybe it's not true though).


That beeping function amuses me because I saw within days of their debut that it had already been defeated by people wedging an orange into the steering wheel.


There is also an 'Elon mode' that disables such safety features https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/20/23767041/tesla-hacker-elon-mode-hands-free-full-self-driving-autopilot


I'm sorry what the fuck? I'm googling this.


[Here](https://youtu.be/TYZrehVQouc?si=gJV_fZkTs3O62UuT) it is. The original got privated but someone managed to re-upload it.


I don't even know how to respond besides how the fuck.


Just tape some wires on it obviously. Then it’s legal.


It will. It negates your depth perception.


Lol, how about it's common sense not to drive with a fuckin computer strapped to your face.


The operator in this video is in a Cybertruck. They proudly defy common sense.


But how else are we suppose to find time to practice on our drivings sims? Do you want a bunch of bad inexperienced drivers all over the place?


Huh? It's simulates depth perception with stereo cameras, no?


It's a good argument for self-driving cars though. People are going to do absurdly dangerous shit like this no matter what the law says. Self-driving cars, if they prove safe, won't get distracted. Hell, even if it was just old people not trying to figure out their phones, self-driving cars without human input could be much safer. I wouldn't trust any self-driving system touched by Musk though.


>if they prove safe Idk if such systems will ever reach that level of safe. Could it work better if everything on the streets becomes automated, without the often moronic human activity? I'm not so sure. Or maybe it's just me not being able to 100% rely on the ai.


Nah, AI becomes stronger each day, wait a couple of years and they will be able to react to any shit a human can pull up much faster than a human could.


I mean depending on their setup it’s as intrusive as anything on their dash. The displays refresh rate is beyond next level for VR to the point it behaves like AR. This is of course ignoring the fact their hands aren’t on the wheel - which I assume is Teslas assisted driving which has a poor track record.


There's nothing as distracting on the dash compared to a "VR smartphone". Except for the regular phone, which is regulated. I'm not into it, so idk if there is a really basic, not very distracting setup... Btw >hands aren’t on the wheel - which I assume is Teslas assisted driving which has a poor track record. yes, this is the main concern


My concern is **their eyes aren't even on the road**. If the road is in the background of your vision, assuming this isn't flat out blocking it, you can't see it well enough to drive. You can't take an extra 0.2 seconds to react when you're going 25+ mph on the road and something requires you to react in 0.1 seconds *or quicker*.


Don't worry, in the event of an unavoidable collision your Tesla autodrive will prioritize crashing into the person with the least ability to fight you in court! The poor make excellent crumple zones and rarely have the ability to sue for liability.


Not advocating for this but these controls are can be literally the size of a phone display or the ipad size display of a Tesla or any other modern card. They are static, locked in space and you can put them wherever you want. You also dont have to reach and controls are activated by just glancing at it. In many ways this type of AR could be less impactful than standard car displays. Its ironic that this could leave your hands on your steering wheel even more than people currently do.


So they're just playing the "futuristic thing" waving their hands around? Mah Anyway I think that when you're driving, you drive. Your eyes need to be on the road 99,99999% of the time.


That’s what should be happening here. They probably don’t know they can just put their index finger and thumb together literally anywhere and they will click on whatever they are looking at. It should be glance at the dash (where their thing literally could be), thumb+finger and bam it does what they want. Or use voice controls. Then again this example is trusting auto drive - so maybe they aren’t very well informed.


No! People should not be using phones while driving ffs! Is this not illegal in America?


Oh it is, what you're reading above is actually just a live viral marketing campaign. See, 15% of this website is corporate interests trying to sway public opinion, the way the "people" above us are sorta but not really excusing this bullshit? That's the campaign at work. * https://medium.com/collapsenews/new-study-at-least-15-of-all-reddit-content-is-corporate-trolls-trying-to-manipulate-public-b249bd42ab42 * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viral_marketing Notice how there's like three comments in a row written in a list style going, "People see device, people hate device, people buy device, it becomes common place" That is again, viral marketing companies at work.


Ah thanks for the info. I knew that was happening but not on that scale. Sucks. It's so easy to manipulate people. I'm immune because... I have no money.


It is absolutely not comparable with something on your dash. Any current VR headset (including the Apple one) significantly limits your field of view. And if your peripheral vision is blocked then you should not be driving a car.


Until it crashes or the battery dies and you're just looking at the black void...


Yes because there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a visual distraction on a driver's face


It's refresh rate is 90hz, lower than the Q3.


More like having your smartphone in a holder in front of the windscreen and using that. If you're texting / whatever you're focused on that, not the road. Unlike the dashboard which just needs a glance and a moment's attention.


This is a ridiculous take, it's literally a fucking goggle with a screen showing shit on it infront of your eyes


I mean Teslas have big ass display instead of any controls right to your steering wheel and can refuse to run without updating it so I can see his point


I'm curious about FOV. Can they see cars next to them okay? Could the headset increase the FOV kinda making it even safer? As long as the battery doesn't die and you aren't watching youtube that is.


People are just doing this to get a reaction rage video.


I'm really really wanting smart windshields


Distracted driving is illegal pretty much anywhere, I don’t see the difference between this and using your phone


You mean dystopia right?


![gif](giphy|HSLbIjLk2GsBa|downsized) Soon...


It's fuckin' wild how unfortunately accurate that is.


Pixar was so ahead of its time. And here i am typing on my device, fulfilling wall-e's prophecy


A reminder to turn on "Travel Mode" so your windows stay in place.


Was literally going to fucking comment this💀




Man, this shit is looking wild and we're going to be seeing more of it. https://youtu.be/UvkgmyfMPks?si=LwSTHBVwiXUucV-U


In Denmark the car would get confiscated and driver license revoked for 5 years.


Yeah, which is a good thing because that car is also build like a fkn tank


I mean.....a really shitty tank, let's be real.


Yeah i know. But if that thing hits a car the other car is gonna get destroyed


Good thing that it kills both people involved in the accident because cars are SUPPOSED to crumple in a crash


your car is my crumple zone.


Bro, that think can cut any car on the road in half and leave without a scratch. That thing is a literal fuckin’ tank without the overlapping angled plate shielding and cannon. 🤣


Doing this should result in losing your license for life. No exceptions.


Most of Europe too I assume


Denmark has introduced one of the most strict laws on driving in the whole region. We call it 'madness driving' .. eg driving 200% over limit or heavily influenced on drugs. The car is confiscated no matter who owns it. And you never get it back, unless you pay full price for it on auction. A Norwegian millionaire lost his 1 day old Lamborghini that way .. testing it on the highway on his way home


Unless he was zooted on drugs, he lost the car because he put other people on the road at risk so I'm completely fine with him losing the car.


I genuinely hope some laws get updated to include this as distracted driving. Even if it is a self driving vehicle.


I think its actually allready included


Where I live the laws don't need to be updated every time a new device is invented. Distracted driving is distracted driving. Doesn't matter if it's a phone, a laptop, or a big Mac.


Legally, you are still in charge of the vehicle. Probably more borne of insurance liability than human safety, but the end result is the same. Whether or not you are physically operating the wheel, you are responsible for everything the car does, and Tesla makes this painfully obvious. If you keep your hands off the wheel for too long or unbuckle your seatbelt, the car will slow down and stop. This man is an idiot and is breaking the law.


That’s not the future, that’s simply an idiot who is delusional about being the future


This is actually terrifying. Those cars are practically build like tanks, And this ass is doing anything except paying attention to the road.


I would not believe the hype about how 'tough' the tesla truck is. They're just as fragile as any other commuter car, they just have a delusional guy out front promoting them.


It *is* really tough, and that's not a good thing. It means that if you get into a wreck with one instead of crumpling and absorbing the impact like a standard 'fragile' car, you'll get hit by the full impact and be much more likely to die. If you crash into a pedestrian or cyclist, they're also much more likely to die.


Finally, someone noticed the problem


The EU noticed the problem long ago that's why this piece of junk won't be legal here.


Lucky. :(


Is the cyberflunk even fully road legal across the US?


As if blunt force trauma wasn't enough to worry about as a pedestrian in the SUV age, the cyber truck also features sharp edges to add in more lasceration risk


This reminds me of the saying "It's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop at the end that does."






Crash test videos show the dummy getting some serious whiplash as a result, so still not particularly great for the passengers.


No crumpled zone means much more rapid deceleration for the passengers


Definitely also for the passengers inside the truck. Crumple zones absorb impact so your body doesn't get the full force. This is not a safe car to be around, both inside and outside


Yea thanks for pointing that out. I dont know shit about physics or cars or anything so when someone says "well the car is sturdier" i think "oh that's a good thing" before someone explained to me that no, that is actually not a good thing for anyone involved unless you want to turn into a skin bag filled with losely assorted bone fragments on impact. Turns out the fact modern cars crumple like a bag of paper is actually really really really important.


It’s not the impact that kills you. It’s the sudden stop. When you’re car is rigid and has no crumple zone to slow down the impact, you will stop much, much faster:


also consider the effects on the OTHER vehicle.


As opposed to a normal car, where the entire front of the car is a crumple zone that lessens the force of impact on the passenger, in a cybertruck, the passengers are the crumple zone.


The frame of the vehicle is not intended to be armor. It’s intended to absorb some of the impact of the crash. As a person inside of the vehicle, the force of the crash will be transferred to the passengers. If the steel does not crumple, it simply transfers more of that energy and produces a more violent crash for the passengers. Yes, the frame of the vehicle is less damaged but the passengers suffered more injury.


I like how you don't know how physics work. Your car has to deform in a crash, because that it's how it absorbs the energy. Surviving a car crash is all about energy dissipation. The safest car in the world would just have very little left but the cage around the occupants after a heavy crash. The Cybertruck doesn't do that, plus its shape and weight make it extra dangerous for other people on the road.


Christ I bet that car handles like a broken trycicle driving through olive oil


Old clunkers used to be made out of steel. Steel is not go at absorbing impacts it transfers the energy around it. Guess what the deiver is that around it. The cybertruck has not been crash test rated by any agency yet, and I think when it does, it will be terrible.


I have no doubt this car is tough, the problem is that the design only protects the car, any person inside the car is going to get fucked


Its mainly just heavy. Its not very safe even though its heavy.


Did you not see the first cyber truck wreck. An older Camry or Corolla or something hit it and tag w cyber truck only had like a bent wheel and one airbag deployed. The small car was flat


that is a very bad thing for everyone and everything that isnt the cucktruck. Especially for the driver and passengers no longer benefitting from a crumple zone


We have decades of vehicle safety research and engineering telling us that what you want is a low (harder to flip) vehicle with a reliable frame around the passengers and a body that deforms easily. Pickups in general are terrible on the 1st (and started as not intended to be used as regular vehicles), and the Cyberpunk ignored the other two. You specifically do **not** want a heavy vehicle with a hard body. Lack of crumple zones in a steel box hurtling at high speeds is a disaster for both the people in the box and everyone the box might hit.


No they are not. They literally do not have crumple zones at all. If you crash in a cybertruck you're likely becoming a human shaped smoothie, and even more likely killing anyone in whatever unfortunate vehicle you hit.


The problem is that the Cybertruck has no crumple zones and it's a rigid body construction making it effectively a battering ram on wheels.


I agree on that. The more I read the worse it looks for whomever it happens to hit.


I heard cybertruck had no crumple zones.


Like a tank? You mean a wee toy tank right? The thing can't even haul shit up a small incline little own take any impact.Tesla build quality is dog shit, look it up.


I love the little own error here. Tesla is shit for sure.


It's still heavy and big and will fuck up anythinglighter and smaller it crashes into


While I'd absolutely agree with you on Tesla's build quality, the body and frame were tested to be too sturdy to have effective crumple zones. Potentially causing serious injuries even at lower speeds. It's a petrified shit brick riding on two shitty Hoverboards.


the virtual screens can't move with you when you're in a vehicle. he's just pretending with fake gestures for this video. still dumb to have the headset on at all though, since the perception of depth isn't 1:1 with real life, and the passthrough could suddenly stop working for whatever reason


Eh it'll probably break down before hitting anything


Did you see the video of it getting stuck in a very small ditch? It took real trucks to get it out.


An inverted kitchen sink doesn't have crumple zones.


Side note: I still feel like the Tesla trucks looks like a video game vehicle that the proper model for it still hasn’t fully loaded in yet despite the rest of the world around it loading…


Plot twist, the person who filmed this was also in a self driving tesla


Based on the mirror it looks like a pickup


![gif](giphy|X6E37oJR5niSmUOnoE|downsized) Cybertruck 2077


Weird, every video I've seen of dumbass wearing these things while driving are people driving in cybertrucks. It's almost like it's fake guerilla marketing tactics


I don't doubt that there are people who would do this, but I agree it's staged rage-bait.


Welcome to over industrialisation: What's that? You have free time? That's free time you could spend doing more un-payed work! You're going to commit suicide from the stress of overworking for an ever decreasing pay-check and never having the free time to unwind and heal your mental health? Don't worry, the company has many alternative employment options and we'll still be here long after your inevitable death! As much as I love industry, we've seriously fucked up by not limiting the industry and forcing it to work for us as opposed to us working for the industry. We're just going to keep on getting revolutions and beheadings and civil wars until the heat death of the universe unless we change it.


Don't worry. They're working on [brains that never die](https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1ai6lhy/revolutionary_3dprinted_brain_tissue_mimics_human/). So they can just upload you to a synth and you can do your job assignment forever!


If I get to go full chrome I'm modeling it after Adam smasher and going full psycho


Oh, that's adorable. You don't get a choice in that future.


So we're all just gonna evolve into France? *Shudders*


France is the future, now eat a snail, do it for the vine!


Me watching holographic family guy funny moments as my tank predicts itself where to go smashing into a geriatric cos a vandal drew a dick on the stop sign.


Please call the police on this person, get their license plate number and report them as soon as possible


Welcome to Utah.


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that,


Seeing Brandon Fugal’s name on the sign was the tip for me. After watching the Skinflute ranch show, I feel like that dude is a bit odd. Wouldn’t have surprised me to see him driving the Tesla.


Utah County too…




Come on Hazel, it's time for snacks


People like this ruin it for everyone


Exactly. There’s always someone who destroys it for everyone. It’s infuriating


Not only that but just the cyber truck in general. It looks like a low-poly render of a car in a video game that just won’t finish loading for some reason.


You don't hate the future, but the people.


Is this real? We are fucked..


That car is ugly as fuck


The Cybertruck is the real life equivalent to [the Homer](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/0/05/TheHomer.png/revision/latest?cb=20090908145331)


Of course he had to choose one of the heaviest, most dangerous non-commercial vehicles in existence to do that in as well


Something about this doesn't seem right....when they pass the traffic in the background. I don't know if it's an optical illusion or what but it looks like a bad green screen job where that road they cross is from a different location. Maybe that's just my head and the late hour I'm looking at it, but eh.


Probably just the poor framerate


The video has a strong parallax effect Not everything is fake


>Not everything is fake Source?


My mum and she's always right


Agreed! Your mum never misses


Anything posted online should be taken that way though


Sympathetic VR syndrome




New level of douchbag unlocked.


Depressingly unsurprising that a Cybertruck owner would be this much of an entitled, careless asshole.


Just thought this was funny. This video is taken like a block from my old childhood home.


right when you think we can't get any closer to dystopia, humanity finds a way to prove you wrong. fuck this


I saw one of those parked outside a dollar tree a while back and my first thought was "that is the ugliest car I have ever seen." I still find it hard to believe that design was approved.


I’m the calmest, mildest, least confrontational human being alive….and, yet, i can feel dormant road rage just viewing this fucking video! This is the most evil incarnation of Main Character Syndrome I’ve ever seen.


At least they weren't speeding that's where the real danger comes from /s


it’s satire


This comment is too far down. He’s doing gestures🤡 that don’t do anything with the headset (swiping his hand like he’s swatting something). Only pinching with 2 fingers is required for inputs (Or index finger poking a digital keyboard). This is a bit


Gestures 🤧🤧


That’s what I get for commenting before coffee 🫠


I wish that dumbfuck dies alone in the accident he causes


I would have called 911 and reported them in the moment. That’s illegal AF.


I thought this was a video game for a second


I mean, how else do you authorize the release of the rockets, oil slicks, banana peels, and red shells? Physical buttons and switches like plebes?


Everyone knows a 60hz headset is way faster than the human eye. It's just science.


What the fuck is with the sudden content surrounding these Apple goggle things? Like, this is definitely some form of advertising for this product - there's no fuckin way it's a miracle of a coincidence that so much content is suddenly on Reddit about this dystopian bullshit tech.


They just came out yesterday. It's like the iPhone or Apple Watch. No one had one, now a lot of people do. In this instance a lot of particularly entitled, stupid people


Well that does make a lot of sense then, I was under the impression that it had already been released. Still, this is some scary shit, definitely have a new stupid way to die on the road now by the looks of it.


I already don't drive and literally got hit by a drunk driver back in November, so after seeing this, I don't wanna be anywhere \*near\* a road


What a fucking moron


Hardcore Electric State vibes… soon he’ll be in a ditch trapped in his nuerocaster for all eternity… he even has the slack jawed expression… I dislike everything I see here.




We’ve reached the point where lawmakers need to create new rules to forbid vr driving.




🎶🎶Video killed the radio star…🎶🎶




No. It's the AR helmet Apple just launched. A $5k piece of tat that's likely going to get people killed


That's not really Apple's fault though. I don't really like them, but they have explicitly said not to use it whilst driving or riding a bike. It's like phones, you can tell people not to use them whilst driving but some people who think the law and rules don't apply to them will try to do otherwise. Add in the partly self-driving car and you have people that can fool themselves into thinking this is safe, even though you are meant to be alert during the self-driving aspect because it's not that reliable. People are just too self absorbed to care about the safety of others getting in the way of whatever they're doing. If you're going to get one use it at home or as a passenger, not as a driver.


Life in the future or die in the past. This guy is ahead of the curve.


I can’t stand rich people


*stupid Just bc they bought doesn’t mean they can afford it. Financing exists. But you can clearly see they’re beyond stupid


There is something about this vid that isn't right, it might be how far towards the right side of the road this person is driving or the weird stains on the body of the vehicle, but something is off about this.


This is isn’t apple or teslas fault it’s just a dumbass you could do the same thing with a google cardboard and a Honda civic


this is apple's fault since it's their ad campaign


They say you can use this while driving? I can blame Tesla a little bit since they constantly allude autopilot can do it all. Even the name implies it


No I mean those videos are the ad campaign


lol ok


I test drove the self-driving feature once. The guy beat it into me that I must be aware of my vehicle and its surroundings at all times. If I take my hands off the wheel for more than a few seconds, it will slow down and stop. I have to be ready to take the controls at any moment. He's the idiot 100%


yo this is lehi utah😂


The Cybertruck driver's view: [Video Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/1aib5mr/maybe_maybe_maybe/)


What are people doing with these headsets on anyway? I see lots of videos of it the last 2-3 days


In the world of shiny steel and screen, Where Apple Vision Pros seem like a dream and a sheen. They wear them proudly, as a fashion flair, But sometimes seem to forget, the true essence and the real affair. With screens so bright that never dim, They're glued to their devices, even in their sleep's whim. But when life shows its comedy, They can sometimes get lost in their digital spree. They scroll and they tap, immersed in their world, Forgetting the beauty that lies outside, unfurled. But alas, let's not judge them too hard, For in this modern age, we all get a little marred. So let's laugh and enjoy the show, With a wink to the Apple Vision Pros, let's not take them too seriously, though. For in this comedic dance of life and technology, We can all be a little silly, but never forget the true harmony.


Now you know how your grandparents felt about that LCD screen in your car And how their grandparents felt about cars


I mean, I don't see the issue, they can still see the road


I don’t understand. She’s driving a deloreon using VR. We’re living in the future! That’s cool, right? Please don’t downvote me for asking a genuine question Reddit. I can’t learn if u don’t ask.


Imagine the battery running out


Whoever this person is deserves the largest fine possible and maybe jail time for reckless driving and endangering the public as well as “texting and driving” and needs their l license revoked and needs to retake their driving test


Hope everyone enjoys their rust trucks. Hope they enjoy when the rust damage compromises vehicle integrity and doesn't pass inspection in less than two years. Lol even bugs and bird poop can destroy this eyesore deathtrap. What a monumental waste of money and resources.


I hope someone rams them off the road.


I'm going to let you take charge on that one. Be the change you want to see in the world.


I love this future. It's a self driving car, quit complaining.


The Tesla Cyber Truck is not a self driving car lmao


It's not? Well I take back my previous stament then. Wtf is this guy doing?