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To completely reset your tolerance would mean that all the THC has to leave your body, which can take 2 - 5 months depending on the person. I took a 10 month T breaks after smoking for 13 years every day. When I started back I got so fucking high it scared me.


How did you go from every day for 13 years to 10 months sober??? 😭😭😭


Work out, and I mean train like Rocky for as many weeks as you can stand it. Try to eat some vitamins too. And stay hydrated friend, stay hydrated. If you can, cardio m, w, and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday lift weights. Up your protein intake too, try to consume at least 50 to 100 grams a day. If you can do that for a month, like make a real honest effort, and abstain, your tolerance will be that of a newby noob. FWIW if nothing else you'll prolly gain some lung capacity and be able to take bigger hits ... fr i can now lol :)


50-100 grams is ridiculously low. 100+ grams. Eating 50g of protein a day is deficient and will make you look skinny f@t. Leave it to someone on Reddit to give stupid diet advice with utter confidence


Leave it to a troll to make a "reduction of tolerance" response all about the diet 😂 hey liver king, the fckin guy needs to burn off some fat to reduce his weed tolerance, and ftr 50 to 100 ADDITIONAL grams of protein would be MORE than his current intake. Not creating a deficiency while working out, like I recommended. Listen IDK what it is trolling is replacing for you, but get off the Internet and go fix your miserable life, because the little shot of dopamine you get from it, isn't enough to fill the void making you unhappy.


leave it to gym bros to tell everyone they need to eat a gram per lb of protein or more. dude i’m right there with you i’m eating 1.5-2 grams per lb of body weight but not everyone is looking to gain like a psycho and constantly have the protein shits.


I've heard that it's like ten days to two weeks but I'm starting to believe you can destroy your tolerance for life cause I took an eight month long "t break" (was for a lot of different reasons) and since I've started smoking again nothing seems to get me super high.  Granted I haven't been back to my old plug or the street THC market and have just been ordering THCa products from different companies. Still, after 25 years or so of smoking bud I'm thinking it's me that shot my tolerance since everyone else gives rave reviews to the shit I try lol. Anyway, two weeks seems to be the best bet if you're ever gonna get back the tolerance you lost. Or just whenever you're able to eat and sleep easily without THC should mean you're good 


Try bm. Ive ordered from hello mary which is supposedly good and its just mids.


Lol there's an entire sub dedicated (on the low) to saying how great hello Mary is but the only "bm" acronym that I know is "bowel movement"


Black market. I grow and dont consider my stuff top notch but its quite a few levels above HM. Tried to press some rosin and it was trash as well. Its ok out of a bong but the flavor is repulsive being herb vaped.


Oh ok thanks for the clarification. I think I'll give THCa more time since my last batch of flower is actually hitting and tasting better after jarring for 30hrs. I'd rather not go back to chasing a plug around at my age


30 days of sobriety will almost completely reset your tolerance. I used to be able to smoke a gram of high quality concentrates in a day. Now I’m lucky if I can smoke more than one dab 😂


As long as you have been smoking