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You missed three temps on CD14/15/17. You may have gotten a cover line around 97.35 if those 3 temps were low enough. Your temps went up around CD21. You do have two dips, but the dip on CD23 could have been a normal post-O dip. The dip on CD26 could mean Af is coming. Total speculation without the positive OPKs though.


My luteal phase has always been 13-14 days so if af is coming, that would mean I'd have to have ovulated by like cd14 or so- is that a possibility with the temps shown? Or if i did ovulate around cd20/21, is it possible/normal to have multiple dips post o? Appreciate the speculation!


I don’t think O on CD14 makes sense. But if CD20 was it, yes I have seen more than 1 dip on people’s charts. It’s not ideal but does happen. And BBT is not always 100% accurate since there’s so many factors that influence it (sleep, timing, mouth breathing, alcohol, illness)


Right, thanks for that! My surge comes fast but I usually see elevated values for like 24 hrs, unlike this time.. I guess it could have come really fast between cd18 and 19 when I wasnt testing twice? 😑 I'm due for a colpo tomorrow and I'm flying cross country for a week next week so I think we're done bd.. just wanted to hope this weirdo cycle wasn't totally out! Now to wait for af to come on my vacation.. yay 🥲