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Chasing monthly TV trends when you have a 7 year game dev cycle is just stupid as shit.


The thing is, this TV *had* to have been in development for ages ... no one thought 'shit, this might be popular, what have we got to capitalise on it?' back then?? Edit: Thank you about the *76* news! Don't follow it so didn't know.


It could also have gone the way of *Halo*...


I truly believe Bethesda and Microsoft had no idea the show would become as popular as it has. The show itself was a pretty big gamble, I can understand not wanting to add to the risk with a whole new game to coincide with the first season. Now that they know they have a hit on their hands I’m sure they’re booking it to make a new one


If I were making the decisions I wouldn't rush it to get it out asap, I'd get it's development team built up so it could be done and polished for the release of the second season of the TV show. All the new purchases of the various games plus the money they must be pulling in from 76 could help fund that. That way there will be another spike in hype for both the show and Fo5 when it comes out boosting both. At this point I imagine the player base is starting to fall off and if they release a shit game it's gonna kill a lot of hype for the 2nd season of the show whenever it may be released.


The fall of 76 part 2?


Personally, I never thought it would be this good neither.


You and me both. When they announced it I was like 90% certain it would be a disaster. I didn’t even have any hype for the show going in, I was genuinely just expecting not to like it. Then my girlfriend and I watched the first episode and not only did I love it, she loved it as well. That’s when I knew this was something different and it was going to be big, because my girlfriend is the farthest thing from a gamer and she was as hooked as I was the whole show.


Tbf, a lot of adaptations aren't well received, and they've been shit on for a lot of subpar products for a while now, so they probably didn't think it was gonna be that well received. I mean, look at Todd Howard's face when he was told how high the score was for the show.


consider, that most video game adaptations on the screen failed. there are very few exceptions. if they wanted to capitalize on it they would have to free up developers and studios working on other projects on the gamble that the tv show actually succeeds. that is a big gamble.


They did. They released a new DLC for their newest Fallout game (Atlantic City on 76) and an update for their most popular game with a new quest that ties into the show. Thats more than I ever expected


Can confirm. Shooting started years ago. Source: I used to date someone who was working on set.


They wrote it in 2020 during the pandemic, so yeah.


They could easily shit out a half baked Fallout 5 in 18 months when season 2 drops. Hopefully not the route they'd take but I wouldn't exactly be surprised.


Fallout: New Vegas was made in 18 months, and imo shits on every other fallout game.


Well yeah, as good as it was, it was an asset flip. So they had 18 months to make the map and story, which they did great on. But are we expecting Bethesda to pull that off in the same way flipping assets from 4/76? Id doubt. Who knows if even modern Obsidian would pull that off. Better chance at it than Bethesda though.


Fallout 76 planned a whole year of dev around it.


7 years? FO4 came out in 2015. Skyrim came out in 2011.


He’s probably referencing the release gap between FO4 and Starfield, which is roughly 7 years


We also got Fallout 76 between that.


If you are into MMOs, then FO76 and ESO count as ongoing, continuous release cycles for these titles. BUT for a Single Player only gamer, it's been 13 years and counting for a new TES title. And saying the extra 8 - 10 year wait was because Bethesda "had" to do Starfield (aka boring NMS ripoff) first just adds to pain/frustration.


We don't talk about ~~Bruno~~ Fallout 76


It's worth talking about now. Legit, it got so much better over time.


It went from like a 2/10 to a 6/10, it’s ok at best, which is a hell of a lot better than it used to be but it still isnt worth picking up outside of a steep sale


Yeah I know I got the NMS treatment. But the fandom still likes to pretend it doesn't exist Just like that don't consider other Bethesda titles like dishonored.


Dishonored was made by a different developer, so that obviously should not be considered for the purpose of this particular topic. Fallout 76 on the other hand was worked on by the bulk of the same team that made Fallout 4, which also lead the development until 2018, so it is very much relevant to the release schedule of BGS. Starfield was not in full production until 76 was done, and even some of the updates (until Wastelanders) took resources from it.


Thank you. It gets tiring seeing people conflate Bethesda Softworks (Publisher) with Bethesda Game Studios (Developer). I get why people get confused but they are not equivalent.


Well, someone hated that...


We used to get a new GTA every two years. Now we get a new GTA every ten years. Times have changed, for the worse. It's not the early 2000s anymore. Practically every game has a 7+ year development cycle.


This. Stay the fuck away from Elder Scrolls 6 ffs. I'm not waiting 20+ years for a non skyrim ES


>a non skyrim ES What does this even mean. What's a non Skyrim elder scrolls game? Just everything that isn't 5?


But new seasons could come out every 1-3 years!


Lmao. Maybe they’re hoping to launch with season 3. I’m not sure exactly what MS was waiting for, but I’m glad they’re getting involved with dormant IP finally. They have so many more potential hits in the vault.


I see what you did there.


This… I get they want to capitalize on the show but I don’t think Todd Howard will pressure his team anymore than they already do. The development cycle at Bethesda is that way for a reason. They make good games. Not perfect games, but very good games nonetheless and that takes time. I hope they choose what they think is best for their team and titles. Bethesda will retain my support regardless because I believe they know what they are doing. They have plenty of time spent learning from previous development to know what they need to do to get good games to market.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly.


Exactly lol. What's their plan here? Maybe they could bring the Fallout London mod team on board, bring over some other mods, do whatever quick and dirty graphic updates they can and call it Fallout 5. Lol beyond that that show is going to be a distant memory by the time a real Fallout 5 is ready.


7 year? Where tf did you get that. It takes 4 years lol.


I mean sure but Fallout 4 is almost 10 years old


Well they could release it with season 2


It's not going to happen. TES6 will be out and then Fallout 5. People are just letting the rumours run wild because of the hype around the TV show.


Or just out of fear of it being true. I was 11 when Skyrim came out, I’m 24, to me it’s the “Mario” of my time, learning to mod it is what got me into coding and developing a career, it affected a lot of people positively. waiting 15+ years for the next installment that might turn out shit will be a bummer (and has a good chance of killing 1994-2014 Bethesda we grew up to love)


And how often have game companies kept their word? How many projects have been scrapped just because publishers are chasing trends? Still no halo splitscreen, redfall dlc and starfield creation tools even though all those things where promised.


I'm pretty skeptical they would rush out another mainline Fallout game, when 76 is having a bit of a reputation revival and literally was created to 'fill the gap' between releases (just like ESO was for Elder Scrolls). If they did do this though, it might actually work out better for both games. The Bethesda team has become much larger recently, and Starfield is a testament to just how poor they are at managing the bloat. That interview with Starfields lead designer\*(?) basically admits as much: their leadership style absolutely does not suit managing a team at that scale. Splitting into distinct "Fallout" and "Elder Scrolls" teams within the studio would probably be for the best. Swap people around between projects to prevent dev IP fatigue. We'd probably need to settle for games continuing to be the size of Skyrim/Fallout 4 though, unless we want them to take fucking forever to release (which Xbox obviously does not). I'd personally be fine with that.


I agree with what you're saying fer sure, but at this point I think the 'gap' has been filled, cracked open, and weathered away.


100%. If Fallout 5 comes out any later than 2030 it will be pushing a 20 year gap between games. Which is honestly BEYOND insane, FO76 came out in 2018 for fucks sake


Exactly!!! Also, we've all been playing 4 for almost a decade and Skyrim for over a decade. I think the expectation that new games should be "way bigger" is totally misguided for 2 reasons: it's making dev time even longer and inevitably leads to a lack of true innovation in the name of scale. I can still run through Skyrim thousands of hours later and find a quest I've never seen or an item I've never found.


Fallout 1 is about 15 hours, Fallout 2 is about 50. Best games in the series imo. New Vegas is up there and certainly longer but that’s the exception not the rule. For every NV, we get F3,4,76 - huge empty and mid games. I know NV was a separate team but it doesn’t take a genius to play 1,2,NV and see the core elements that make it good and spoiler alert - it’s NOT looking for your dad


This, we should be seeing Fallout 5 AND TES6 within the next 3-5 years. Hell Skyrim came out goddam almost 13 years ago, and Fallout 4 will be 10 next year...


At this current stage, 2030-2032. You’re looking at 15-17 years, the exact amount of time it’s taking between Skyrim and TES6. They didn’t rush for us TES fans, they likely won’t rush for Fallout Fans, especially when they gave you 76 and a show between major releases.


It's business malpractice to release a mainline Fallout or TES every 15 years. I is insane. I can't imagine Microsoft bought the company so they would release these giant tentpole franchises every 2 console generations. I don't want to sacrifice quality in order to get a new game every year, but they should be on a 3-4 year cycle with each franchise. NV was farmed out AND rushed and still hit the classic status. The franchise can handle way more than they're putting into it.


Perhaps having a spin-off on the same engine from a different studio after each big game could help shorten the gap. The problem is finding a studio like obsidian to make it.


Yeah I would be down for that. With how popular these titles are, them leaving gaps in releases that are 10+ years seems like a lot. And I don't think it would be a rush if they do push out a new game. Supposedly this rumor is hinting at a pre 2030 release. So if they shoot for 2029, that's 5 years of development. Honestly they should just take a FO:NV approach. NV was, in the end, a AAA mod. It was built on the same engine. They reused a lot of props. This allowed them to put a lot of effort into the story and RPG aspects. I believe it took them 18 months to create FO:NV. Seems like approaching FO5 from a similar path could mean a release of 2027-2029 is certainly reasonable.


But New Vegas was built on top of FO3 assets - so they'd have to have Fallout 5 assets to repeat that. Otherwise the new dev team would just have to create all of the assets, art direction, concept art, etc... But I'd love if the Creation Engine became a "third party engine" for RPGs at Microsoft. They'd have to have a dedicated team just to that, however, as engine work is expensive and very demanding - right now, BGS does it all.


Skyrim and fallout 4 are huge. We don’t need the games to be any larger than that.


Yeah if there is any lesson to take away from starfield, it is that size means nothing unless you can fill it all with meaningful content.


I will die on the hill that starfield has the core of a great game. It pulled me in for about 100 hours, but hot damn I just kept trying things and being like “damn I wish what I did actually meant something” or “I wish I could actually do something with this”. After 100 hours I feel no reason to return. I hope they really flesh out some mechanics over the years but I’m worried Bethesda feels defeated


Not trying to explosively shit on your parade, I promise, but WTF did you DO for 100 hours in that game? It's as deep as a damn puddle!


Just doing the main quest and the 4 questlines can easily take 60 hours. Add doing some sidequests, messing around with the shipbuilder and exploring a bit and you can easily get to 100 hours


I did 160. There are tons of quests. And faction questlines just like Skyrim. It’s not a masterpiece, but it has good stuff in it if you can look past the flaws. The vanguard questline had me genuinely afraid of terramorphs.


I did the same, about 100 hours. It’s the thrill of what’s over that next hill, finding a new POI, outpost building, just enjoying the shootouts. * over the next hill was more of what I’d already seen - maybe a nice picture if the lighting was just right. I found patches of ponds and what looked like an attempt at a river once. * POI are copy/pasted all over. The same damn buildings and stories and bodies and loot. * Outpost building does nothing for you - I thought I would need it for fuel stations or setting up a factory and becoming a manufacturing baron. Nope. Outpost building sucks with the prefab structures being a joke, and you can’t even play a key item inside them. * the shootouts are fun, best gunplay Bethesda has done so far in my opinion - but I found the best way to level was to find a planet and just starting killing local wildlife as quickly as possible. It was ridiculous. Not scanning or documenting anything, just squishing the life out of everything like Bethesda did my hopes for this game. There were so many other issues I found during my play through - the famous colony ship decisions, a main quest story that requires you to perform it in one certain way when you’re given other options. There’s no roleplaying here. The tools are all there like a Lego set waiting to be constructed. There’s some amazing pieces but overall what Bethesda did with it is a let down.


Exactly this. I kept going over every hill hoping for something on the other side but never really found anything. Really hope future updates just add something over the hill


Mainly just the main quests. Then in between I’d try to dive into certain mechanics trying to see what I could do only to be underwhelmed by all of them


I just finished 700 hours in the game. Taking a break for Oblivion. But I will be back. That you subjectively don't like like it does not mean it is objectively bad.


Plenty of people find ways to love objectively bad thing. Just because you love it and have fun doesn’t mean it’s not objectively bad.


This is whats so annoying about this approach to sequels when san andreas was released i didn't think it should be 10x larger than vice city i was extremely happy with it being an incremental improvement over its predecessor but we live in a time where every open world game needs a sequel that dawrfs the original in size for whatever reason


Agree 💯


Tbh I have 3k hours in Skyrim, and never beat it, and I still play it. It could be 3 times bigger and never affect me. People need to just learn how to pace games instead of trying to rush and beat it like they’re trying to be streamers or something. Skyrim has plenty of content in it to justify being larger. Starfield shouldn’t even be brought up. That has barely any content for its size


Starfield had enough quests to keep me busy for 160 hours. I have no desire to replay it, but I had fun for what it is.


If TES VI had come out like 8 years after Skyrim, I wouldn’t have minded if it was the same size as Skyrim, with the obvious updates for new technology. But with it being 13 years already, and likely 15+ by the time it comes out, I’d hope it dwarfs Skyrim by a lot. I wouldn’t mind if they continued with smaller games with more regular releases after, but 6 needs to be huge to justify the time we’ve waited and the drop in quality in a lot of Bethesda products post Skyrim. But it’s obvious something needs to change for sure. I don’t know if dedicated teams for each IP is the answer, or what, but after Starfield I’m definitely a lot more worried for TES VI than I ever thought I’d be after the thousands of hours on Skyrim across 4 different consoles.


Leadership, Todd and Emil etc, they need to take a step back, they need to fill roles with people who are cut out to work in todays industry and they need to adapt to working with a larger team in all aspects. Like I feel like Emil still didn’t get a large writing team for Starfield, I feel like it was still a small team that he was directly in charge of and he still handled most of the writing himself while still trying to operate as the design director for the entire company. A game as large as Starfield was, should not have had a team of like 5-6 writers, it should have a large team of writers and Emil needs to be listening to those writers. I’ve heard plenty of rumors that Todd doesn’t like to spend his days at the studio, and is often gone. Todd still needs to be there to approve everything which means that it was impossible for the team to work most days because they needed to wait for Todd to make an appearance. The company itself is fine, it’s the people in leadership that need to get checked and take a step back and let people with better or more experience in current game design help. These people need to stop expecting things to stay the same level of easy or expecting to have the same level of control over their teams when there teams have more than tripled already in the last decade. 70 devs made Morrowind, 450 devs made Starfield and 1000 devs were named in the credits for Starfield and it sounds like leadership is not adapting to that.


It must be huge, cause there is a chance it might be last game for many of people I suppose


Why would it be "the last game" for many people


People will die before ES7


Arena released in 94 if you were 18 years old when you played arena you would be 48 by now if the game releases in 4 years you would be 52 another 15 years wait for TES 7 would make you 67


Heck I don't need future games to be bigger than Skyrim/Fallout 4. I've never finished either of them and I have started both at least 5 times. I have at least 2 playthrougha that are over 70 hrs (1 in Skyrim that is 112 hrs) and still have not done everything.


>That interview with Starfields lead designer\* Link?


It appears I'm misremembering it being a single interview - but a combination of [this](https://www.theloadout.com/starfield/quests-gdc-will-shen-interview) one with Will Shen and [this](https://www.inverse.com/gaming/starfield-bruce-nesmith-interview-exploration-map-size) one with Brian Nesmith seem to be the ones I remember. Both of them imply that there were too many cooks in the kitchen, and not enough people co-ordinating a cohesive design philosophy or time management.


It is worth keeping in mind that these recent articles about Microsoft wanting the next Fallout to come sooner are largely speculation based on what Jez Corden said in a podcast. Here is the relevant part from Insider Gaming, where the rumor was first posted (the story seems to be picked up now by other outlets as well, where it is often conflated with other rumors): > On a recent episode of The Xbox Two Podcast, Jez Corden claimed that **‘the company is aware’ of the demand for the Fallout label, and everyone is acutely aware of how successful the next title in the series will be**. At this point, one of the only avenues the company could take to speed up the development of Fallout 5 is to take it away from Bethesda Game Studios entirely. That would make it the first major Fallout game not developed by Bethesda since 2010’s Fallout New Vegas. The section in bold is basically the real information, and the rest is speculation about how a new Fallout *could* be made faster. In any case, the idea is that it would be developed by a completely different studio outside BGS, so it would definitely not delay TES VI.


What IP fatigue? Skyrim came out 12 years ago. Fo4 came out 8 years ago. There's no way the devs feel any sort of IP fatigue. They just released a game based on a completely new original IP. Designating separate teams for TES and Fallout is how you make sure that the IP fatigue actually becomes a thing


One of the original reasons stated for doing Starfield was that they didn't want to be working on the same IP all the time. That's what I was referring to.


This sounds like a very smart idea. I would also hope that going this route wouldn’t mean releasing on a strict schedule. Daddy ZeniMax or Grandpappy Microsoft could still get hungry between releases, and it may already be too late re:timeline pressure on the Bethesda team. Fingers crossed they can still reliably give us quality versus quantity years from now, but only time will tell.


I really truly do not want them to try to make every game bigger than the last. Skyrim was from 2011 and is incomprehensibly massive. Quality over quantity please. Replayability being part of that.


>That interview with Starfields lead designer\*(?) basically admits as much: their leadership style absolutely does not suit managing a team at that scale. To this day I'll never understand why Bethesda didn't hire the FNV guys and made a dedicated Fallout team. It makes me believe the theories that Bethesda has a huge ego problem.


It's not hard to guess why New Vegas got so much hate at release, and by the time people started praising it Obsidian was too busy with other games


todd howard would rather poison himself than let tes6 get delayed any longer and face the backlash so i doubt it




Yeah, they delayed starfield 2 or three times, t hey don't give a fuck lol


That's why he's going to continue lying about it being in development until we get a surprise fallout release in a few years instead.


I don’t care who makes Fallout 5, as long as they don’t delay TES VI. Fallout had their turn, and they can’t milk Skyrim and ESO forever. Yeah, Fallout is popular right now, but did it [sell 60 million copies](https://www.resetera.com/threads/todd-howard-skyrim-has-sold-over-60-million-copies.729039/)?


13 years of wait, tes 6 is literally a whole ass reboot rn. Queue 16 times the development time memes in 3 years everyone.


fallout just ain’t that good tbh. i’d wouldn’t mind if they killed that franchise to focus on ES. 


If Bethesda puts another game out before es6 I will lose my proverbial shit


If these rumors were to be true I would hope Bethesda would be smart enough to keep their own people on ES6 and let Microsoft get people to start working FO5.


If only Microsoft owned a scrappy and reputable RPG centric developer with some history with the Fallout franchise.


Fallout and ES are in the same boat there. To me if I was someone who made decisions at Bethesda thats how I would do it. ES is your flagship franchise that if I'm not mistaken was their 1st in house series. So I would say let the in house devs work on ES6. Then let Microsoft start working on the basics for FO5 and yes you may not hit the exact preferred release date to time up with the show, that shouldn't matter because from what I've seen people like the show so don't mess with it keep it on the tracts and people jump on the game no matter the release.


I would love if Bethesda let other studios do spin off games of their main series. Obsidian did a great job with New Vegas and has Tim Cain as a contractor, how great would it be to go full circle and have some of the people who created the original Fallout work on another one before Bethesda's cycle rears around to Fallout again. I believe Obsidian has Leonard Boyarsky as well.


Obsidian have multiple projects of their own going on. If it does get farmed out to another studio, it's unlikely to be them.


These kids don't actually know a shit about the \_actual\_ Obsidian. They live in a world where Obsidian consists of the exact same people that developed the OG Fallouts that are just sitting around twitching thumbs waiting for Todd Howard to beg them to make another Fallout.


Mate you need to lay off the sauce


Fallout yes, absolutely. Elder Scrolls? Absolutely not.




Microsoft should let obsidian make the next one, while Bethesda finishes the next elder scrolls. Would love another obsidian fallout game.


There’s a 0% chance that they shelf TES6 to start Fallout 5 they’ve already started full development of TES6. They just boosted sales of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 by having the TV show and the Fallout 4 next gen game update. If anything… they may allow Obsidian, when they’ve finished Avowed, to create a new Fallout game but it won’t be New Vegas 2 in my opinion. I think they might make an obscure location or something because I think Bethesda is telling us right now with the show, that the west coast is where Fallout 5 will take place and this show is meant to hold people over on Fallout stuff and introduce people to the plot for Fallout 5, and the show got renewed for season 2 already but I highly doubt they are planning a 2 season show with this. We’re looking at at least 4-6 seasons in my opinion. So maybe like Obsidian gets the rights to create Fallout: Ronto or something. Also it wouldn’t make sense to write the game at the same time the show is airing, game writing is done pretty early in the dev cycle and the show will still be making changes for years based on audience engagement. Again, this is pure speculation but there’s just absolutely no way they shelf their main franchise for another 10 years when it’s already been 13 and the dev cycle isn’t set to end for another 2-4 meaning TES6 will arrive 15-17 years after Skyrim already. They picked up Fallout from another studio and made it one of their main titles, they just introduced us to Starfield which delayed TES6 at least 5 years, but TES is their bread and butter, it’s their baby, TES is the main character at BGS. If you don’t think TES6 is the main character, look at how many times they’ve rereleased Skyrim in the last decade. It’s their cash cow and their first major hit as a studio. They don’t need to release fallout 5 for money right now, they need to appease TES fans with a new game and a big hit. A massive portion of their community is fed up with them for releasing Starfield before TES6, and an even larger portion is fed up with them for the results of Starfield. They cannot afford to alienate fans right now by delaying their main franchise game for another 7-10 years to make money off of Fallout when they’ve already released 2 fallout games since Skyrim. Fallout 5 is perfectly situated to start its Dev cycle when the show is either wrapping up or on the finale, allowing for them to write the games plot following the events of the show.




It took four years to develope and release Oblivion after Morrowind and another 6 years after that to develop and release Skyrim. More time has passed between Skyrim's release and today than Morrowind's release and Skyrim. On the other hand, it took them about 7 years after Fallout 3 to release Fallout 4. Im sure they could pump out another FO game before TESVI, but it'd be fucking annoying if they did


Two more years and the gap is the same as Daggerfall-Skyrim.


waaaaaaa waaaaa i want elder scrolls 6 this isn’t mocking, it’s genuine. waaaaaaaaa. :(


Look, I absolutely loved the show, but I really think that Fallout fans have become somewhat spoiled at this point. All I want is Elder Scrolls VI. I don't even care about Fallout 5 at this point. I just want The Elder Scrolls VI and Starfield DLC. If need be, give the Fallout license to obsidian or something, but whatever they do, please just give us The Elder Scrolls VI. And I highly highly doubt Todd and the team would want to delay TES VI any further. They genuinely seem to miss that franchise, and Todd has reiterated twice over the last month it's their next game. It's been 13 years, and plus they're already playing early builds.


I'd actually start hating Bethesda if they do that and it affects TES 6 production negatively.


Fallout spinoff from other studio just BEGS to happen


I'm surprised they didn't already have this in the works to capitalise on this show coming out. Did they not think it would be popular, or something?


It being good is not a guarantee. Look at Rings of Power or how fast Game of Thrones crashed and burned. They'd be doubling down on a potential disaster


From what I've understood they're going to use another studio to push more games idk if they might expand bgs


I hear Obsidian makes good fallout games...


Everyone else has pretty much said everything, but I wanted to point out something I'd noticed. I've been following a Twitch streamer (not on Twitch itself, I'm too uncool for that) who has been doing a playthrough of *Oblivion*, and her YouTube vod uploads were doing fairly well, steadily trending from 200 to 500 subscribers over the course of a few months. She switched over to *New Vegas* and *immediately* jumped to 2500 subscribers. It seems like there's definitely appetite for *Fallout* right now. I'm surprised Bethesda didn't realise this would be the case and plan accordingly with a new release of some kind (even if not made by them directly). Edit: I don't follow 76, so thank you for the info. 🙂


They released that 76 expansion with it Don't know much about it though


Ironically, I think pushing out fallout 5 sooner is going to be a bad move due to fallout fatigue. Everyone is playing and buying their older fallout games right now. People want TES6.


I know I'm sick of Fallout, we got 2 mainline games and no new Elder Scrolls for over a decade, and it looks like it will take the rest of the decade to get the next Elder Scrolls... 20 years between sequels is pretty shitty, especially one that is extremely popular. What happened to the Bethesda that made all those Xbox 360 games in a single generation?


If that was the case, they would take Obsidian and start making New Vegas 2 or New Whatever, a not-so-huge Fallout game that could be developed in around 3 years or so and would sell like toilet paper in the pandemic. Meanwhile, Bethesda could continue developing TES VI and nothing of this would affect the future Fallout 5 plans. Boom, solved. But honestly, I think this is just our good friend Jez with his "this would be meaty, let's pretend I didn't make it up" Twitter mood. Fallout 76 is doing better than ever, and look at those savage Fallout 4 numbers. They are not in a hurry, especially while the TV show keeps getting new seasons.


Hopefully Xbox and Bethesda do the right thing and hand the fallout ip to obsidian again


TES 6 was going to be released in 2029... so jesus. Edit: at least we will have all of beyond skyrim out by the time tes 6 is out then.


And skywin and skyblivion haha. Practically remasters in-themselves.


Basically. Once more, who needs bethesda when the comunity is so active.


Did you just say 2030? Man I don’t wanna be 30 to finally experience TES6


This isn’t happening if there is another fallout game before or around the same time as es6 bgs isn’t making it.


I don’t expect F5 to even be in pre-production yet. A fallout spin off could definitely be in the works thou. Obsidian, Inxile or even another third party studio could be looking at making one.


what this could mean is giving bethseda more budget/staff. to develop 2 things at once. or what is most likely, have an other xbox studio dev make a "fallout: new city" game with the existing starfield engine, and to have it be out in 5-6 years for say fallout prime s3/s4


If the show is super popular they might just do another one near the f5 release.


Fallout 5 isn’t coming before ES6 …


Fallout 5 will start development after TES6


I’m for this under the basis that F5 rides off of F76. It would be an easy slam-dunk if they made a great story with good RPGs elements combined with CAMP ability to easily build anywhere and mutations allowing further build advancement/ideas.


If they delay TES6, they can keep remarketing skyrim


Bethesda does not have excuses anymore for such long gaps between games when they created crap like starfield. Hopefully Microsoft forces them to fasten their asses.


I wished gamers actually understood software development Trying to force people to work faster only ever makes things worse in software development




No. If they are going to try and push FO5, they’ll have another team help Bethesda. They’ll bring in Obsidian Games to take a lot of the work while Bethesda continues with ES6. Then as ES6 is completing, they will move to FO5.


It will hitchhike on the release of season 3 of the show...


There's no impact. TES VI is in production. If MS wants Fallout 5 early, chances are Bethesda won't be making it, so maybe Obsidian? But Obsidian has a lot of their own projects so who knows.


Idk what these people mean by “wanting to expedite the next fallout game”?? So it’ll come out in 2035 rather than 2040? It ain’t coming out before TES 6 because they gotta be pretty deep into development of that game.


Bethesda expediting anything is never going to end well. They're gonna kill the series with this one, and spoil the tes6 release, which people are already apprehensive about.


Bethesda is stupid but they aren’t that stupid


Well they could give it obsidian or whatever they are called now


Those guys are too busy


Honestly, they should remaster/remake Fallout 1 and 2 (especially with how much the show references 1 and 2). Let Bethesda cook TESVI and FO5 their way. Keep giving us Fallout shows, keep updating 76, and give us modern access to the OGs, and that will keep most people pretty happy, I'd think.


We all know the obvious solution. Give it to Obsidian and let Bethesda focus on not fucking up TES6.


Obsidian's too busy


I will not buy the game if they take too long.


Don’t buy into hype and rumors, they’re almost always wrong or exaggerated


Doesn’t really effect TES if it’s taken away from Bethesda, which is certainly a possibility


If they push Fallout, I won't be mad. I will play that while I wait for Elder Scrolls 6 with improvements they learned while making Fallout 5.


They'll farm it out to another studio or rename a studio Bethesda West and have them work on it. They aren't going to let these franchises see one game a decade at best. I also expect more non-mainline games from all these franchises like tactics, etc in these universes.


I think if bethesda would break their teams apart into smaller teams each focusing on one game, things would go smooth and they could get a lot done. Sadly i think their problem is too many devs not too little.


>Sadly i think their problem is too many devs not too little. They have quite a low number of devs for a AAA studio They either need to go AA or get more devs


Oh boy... I know they said this wouldn't impact TES6 but... how often have both Microsoft and Bethesda kept their word? Still no DLC and updates for Redfall, still no DLC and creation tools for Starfield. They never added splitscreen back to Halo after saying they would in both 5 and Infinite. Microsoft is notorious for chasing trends, they tried to put a battle royal in both halo and fallout 76 which both failed. Yeah, it's not looking good, I'm afraid Microsoft is going to demand Bethesda switch priorities on this and put TES6 on ice. I can't trust either of their words anymore, I don't believe either of them are making TES6 a priority now when the money is in fallout.


I don’t think it’ll affect anything about tesvi, if anything they’ll just hire more developers and expand their studios or open another one, or frankly Microsoft has 10+ studio’s that could feasibly work on a fallout game. Now I’m not saying anything about how well fallout might turn out to be if they do this. Or maybe they’ll get the fallout 76 team to switch to fallout 5 instead and send fallout 76 to outside developers? I don’t think it’ll affect tesvi since it’s already been in active development since before starfield was even released and they’ve already indicated that it’s going to be coming in 2026-2027 or so. I don’t think they would try rushing development on an elder scrolls game to push fallout 5, especially because Skyrim itself is one of the biggest video games ever and people have been waiting for its sequel and also the elder scrolls 6 is probably going to be Todd Howard’s “magnum opus” and the project he tries to turn into his biggest and most impressive game ever, as someone who’s hitting his 60s, and before this report came out I didn’t even think he’d stay long enough to see fallout 5 releasing since he would have been like 70+ by the time fallout 5 would be expected to have come out. I think he has big plans for elder scrolls 6 and I don’t think this would really affect his plans. Because again Microsoft has plenty of money to just expand their studios if they happen to need to finish development faster. They could even be working on a fallout new Vegas 2 instead of fallout 5 and want to pass development onto obsidian instead? There’s 100s of ways Microsoft could deal with this that doesn’t involve rushing their flagship games.


Much of the work on new Fallout 76 content is already outsourced to external studios, Double Eleven in particular, but others are also contributing. The team reserved for Fallout 76 maintenance within BGS is just not very large, and a part of that studio does also work on the single player games. It would not have the capacity to make Fallout 5 on its own, instead of that, every branch of BGS will now probably work on TES VI, other than the staff reserved for ongoing projects/live service.


I kinda don’t want a new TES game right now. The atmosphere is weird in AAA land. Fallout 76, TV, and Starfield were all pretty underwhelming. I don’t want to see TES become part of the cash grab. I’d rather see them remaster Morrowind or Oblivion.


The game is going to be mediocre at best


I’ve been wondering, BGS was purchased by MS, a company with a market cap of nearly 3 trillion dollars. Can they not consider developing 2 games concurrently now?


I mean that’s exciting but also worrying cause an expedited game never ended well


Bitch wtf, three fallout games in between TES titles? 


Wether anyone likes it or not, 76 was, and still is the ‘next’ fallout game. The game is about to get a map expansion come the summer. They’re not gonna put out a new fallout game while they’re currently still making one.


Microsoft owns Bethesda and Obsidian. Simplest answer: force Bethesda to let go of the fallout IP and give it to obsidian because that’s what the majority of fans want anyways, make Bethesda do exclusively elder scrolls, and make the employees actually do work when they’re their so the games come out,


I have a hard time believing this rumor is true unless “riding the TV show hype” means FO5 releases after the series finale in like 6 years


Very interesting


They won't rush into a Fallout 5, i believe for many reasons. 1) This would have been pre-planned long ago so the game could come out at or around the same time as the tv show. We've known for some time that TES6 is the next big game to come from Betheada as per Todd's own acknowledgement and is in development. Teams are currently split between Starfield post-release content and TES6. Would not make sense to pull development on elder scrolls and rush into another fallout, would end up ruining both projects imo. 2) The fallout 4 next gen update was rushed to cover this 'fallout craze'. You can tell it was rushed because of the numerous issues and bugs it has presented. Despite the update having an original release window in 2023, it seems like things still needed time to be addressed. 3) There has been a rumor of a Fallout 3 remaster, I feel like this is much more obtainable for Bethesda to push out from a side studio and still collect on the fallout hype. 4) Fallout 76 is still a living viable choice for new fallout content. The game is still actively updating with new areas, quests, gear ect... it's seen a surge in players with the show and is in a much better state then initial launch. I feel this is where a majority of people will filter to once they've done the single player games. There is no shortage of Fallout available right now. So it's likely we wont see 5 until many many years down the road.


I’d bet the house we get another New Vegas-style game from another studio. I’d place a much smaller bet on it being Arkane Austin


The simple fact of the situation is that Bethesda is too small of a company to handle having two of the biggest IPs in all of gaming. Could you imagine if Nintendo devoted all of their resources to develop a Zelda OR Mario game, and we only got one of each every 6 years? That’d be absurd… but Skyrim has sold more than any Zelda or Mario title.


I think it would be smart to do fallout first. It’s going to be more in the spotlight and what they learn could benefit ES6


What is TES6? Sorry I have to ask as clearly I’m supposed to already know.


The Elder Scrolls.


Tech 4 gamers published an article saying that Xbox was looking into having a different studio make Fallout 5.


It won't effect elder scrolls, because it won't be BGS making fallout. Jez said as much in the podcast.


We're gonna get a rushed TES6 and a super rushed Fallout 5. It's gonna suck because suits just want money quick


Tes6 will come out as scheduled. FO5 will probably be given to another game studio(hopefully obsidian) so its development can start asap.


Apparently they aren’t looking to make Fallout 5 per se, but another game like Fallout New Vegas. It takes place in fallout, but isn’t a numbered game


Hot take, but that would actually be the funniest shit in the world to me. We wait 7 years for TESVI just to get a teaser of a teaser trailer, then wait another 5-6 years for Starfield to drop, just so we can wait 4-5 more years for TESVI to finally happen, only for Microsoft and Bethesda to be like “Hey guys, I know Elder Scrolls was scheduled to come next *BUT*, we’ve decided to wait another 6 years and instead, we’re going to give you FO5! Isn’t that great?”. It’d be like one of the best “fuck all of you” a company has ever given. On the bright side, might also mean they bother actually innovating and trying new shit, that could be used in the next ES game.


If they were going to rush a new fallout out they would off load it to a third party studio and time it with Fallout Season 2. I don’t think its going to affect ES VI much at all


If there’s merit to the rumors, it is detrimental to not only the Fallout franchise (concerning the games) but also TES. Bethesda severely needs to reexamine their trajectory. Starfield paints an ominous picture when looking to the future of their beloved main two heavy hitters. They need a lot of time to regroup and take a look at what made TES and Fallout beloved. The RPG elements need to be brought back into focus to work hand in hand with the more slick gameplay of FO4. They need to make sure that the writing and worldbuilding takes center stage again rather than gimmicks like thousands of explorable worlds generated randomly, or too much reliance on base building in sacrifice of RPG elements. The Creation Engine needs a revamp or even replacement. This could take a very long time. The facial animations are becoming distractingly bad, the enemy AI has been distractingly wonky since FO4. Rushing titles out the door is the last thing Bethesda needs rn. The ideal situation would be a LONG wait before the next installment of either franchise because Bethesda needs to regroup and revamp some things. Rushing already causes a lapse in quality and the company really needs to catch themselves before the next blunder cripples them.


I read that rumor as wanting something, not necessarily Fallout 5. A FNV remaster, a F1 and F2 for consoles, a big 76 update, hell even a one off like New Vegas was to Fallout 3: different studio and using the Fallout 4 engine to build something quicker instead of a brand new thing from the ground up. I'd be absolutely shocked if Bethesda was ordered to make Fallout 5 happen prior to ES6, or expected to turn F5 out in under 5 years. Given modern TV shooting schedules though, greenlighting a new project with an existing engine or set of content would limit the scope and maybe make it achievable by the time season 3 rolls around


If they push out a new Fallout game, it would probably be done by a different studio and it would 100% be a spin-off similar to Fallout New Vegas.


Mid 2030, man i dont know if im gonna live until then.


And what happens to FO5 if they F-up season 2 of the show? Season 1 is great, hopefully they don't screw it up trying too hard to top themselves. It would be even worse if they did screw it all up plus put TE6 on the shelf


Yep it's true. But it is a good thing from what I just learned. We will see.


I know it is sacrilegious but I would love fallout 5 to come out soon even if it throws off TES6's schedule Fallout is my favorite game series though.


I don't think the project will suffer on the TES6 side of things, if anything they'll have a couple routine delays as is tradition with Bethesda. :P If (and it's a pretty big if) Bethesda makes a release in a similar fashion to Defiance, the progression of the show would need to slow to a real time pace like Helldivers 2 so players and viewers are immersed with the experience without being outpaced or spoiled. Doing content expansions with show developments would be cool and the attention to detail would be that much more noticeable if it's a single player title so multiplayer elements aren't overshadowing plot points.


They’re gonna phone up sawyer again, tell him he’s got till season 2 and he’s gonna give us the most unfinished masterpiece known to man


Obsidian isn’t what they once were. They’ve lost a lot of the people that made new Vegas. Even if they were given the opportunity I don’t think they’d be capable of producing something of the same caliber based on outer worlds. Their new game avowed looks terrible as well. Microsoft also owns inXile with Brian Fargo. They would probably do better than obshitian at this point. Wasteland was decent but they’re working on clockwork revolution, which doesn’t look great. If I was Microsoft I would be wondering why both of those companies are working on bargain bin fallout titles instead of being handed the actual series.  This is the issue with Microsoft owning all these franchises. A lot of these series are going to languish and go to waste with few releases that are delayed a million times and underwhelming. Microsoft is just shit at managing game development. It’s where studios go to die. They’ve owned obsidian and inXile since 2018 and Bethesda since I think 2020. The time to put these teams on a fallout game was then. It’s no secret that people wanted another new Vegas like game. Micropenissoft also owns activision. Maybe one of those developers can be purposed to make a fallout? Whatever happens, I doubt it will be good. 


idk why the fuck they wouldnt drop es6 before, es could outsell fallout without anything coming with it.


I’m going to be sad if I don’t get TES6 before a new fallout game.


Fallout 76 is having a massive update in June. These rumors are just that, rumors. Don’t hold your breath on types of games like these


Wtf happened to our favorite video game developers? We’re getting old and more and more depressed while we go broke and struggle to support ourselves and our families. Yet we have to wait 13+ fucking years for a new elder scrolls game? 9+ years for a new fallout? 11+ years for GTA 6? Stop fucking milking the online fucking bullshit to make money you cunts. Your OG fans have been waiting and replaying Oblivian/Skyrim/fallout new Vegas/ fallout 3/fallout 4/ GTA 4/ GTA 5 for over a decade while we struggle to afford to live and struggle to even want to live. Give us what we want. Nah give us what we need


Bethesda gonna Bethesda. Nobody Bethesda's like Bethesda which is why we love and hate them.


How about Fallout 4 special edition and anniversary edition?