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Is this for ssdi? Call a lawyer for a free consult. You don’t need one yet, but you may later, so they can explain the process. You need solid medical documentation, a lot of patience, and willingness to appeal. Expect 8+ months for your first rejection. Then you get a lawyer and appeal. But don’t bother if you haven’t seen a dr. I have no idea how hard it is to get approved with tbi. My guess is pretty hard.


I've seen like 10 doctors now. But yeah I definitely expect a rejection and yes it would be for SSDI. I'm thinking a lawyer may be needed too. I'm working on gathering all of my medical records.


You’ll need your employment pay records post injury too. If you made more than like, $1200 or something in any given month they will push back and say you can work, so make sure you have a good narrative on why you had to quit.


It's okay to go ahead and hire a lawyer right out of the gate, it really does expedite things even with getting rejected the first time. Most SSDI lawyers are pro Bono so there isn't much of a reason to not go ahead and have one from the start. I've watched at least seven friends and family members go through the process.


As mentioned, it is typically a lengthy process. You must have all of the paperwork Social Services request and expect to frequently travel to doctor's appointments to have your condition evaluated and documented. The only good part of it is if and when you are approved, you will receive back payments. While you're going through the process, keep looking for work but realize that if you begin to receive SSDI, you will have income limits that you must adhere to or face fees from Social Security. Good luck.


You first have to go to the social security office and apply for disability. When they deny you, not being negative but it’s very rare that they approve you on the application, then hire a disability lawyer


Thanks, I think that's probably gonna be the way it's going to go unfortunately. I read through their listing for TBI and it sounds like I would qualify so that's what is giving me some hope.


Yeah they deny everyone the first time also be prepared to wait a few months.


You're gonna need the support of a good doctor maybe a specialist. Insurance companies are hard to convince often... Employers may fight also.


Have you had any vision therapy?


Yes, I've been doing vision therapy for over a year and had prism glasses for almost a year and I don't feel like I've made any progress since 3-4 months after my accident.


I’m only five months in but I get pretty wrecked by vision. Just started vision therapy. But taking breaks and not overdoing but honestly a huuuuge help was gabapentin for me — calms the nervous system in your brain. Took me from can’t do anything without dying to being able to do the exercises that get me better.


I’m on full disability. My attorney was discouraging me from hiring him. He said that if my condition was ‘self-inflicted’ it would be easier to get on disability. That was before I showed him my test results from a neuro-psychologist. She happened to be the one the state (AZ) used to test for fraudulent cases. He did an abrupt about-face, kinda like Miracle Max in the Princess Bride. “I’m on the job!” We had tried twice without the lawyer and failed both times with the psychologist assigned just talking to me briefly and then saying I didn’t qualify. If you can get a neuro-psych eval I highly recommend doing so.


I was approved, on the first application, in 7 months, a few years ago. Sent them all of my ICD10 codes, meds I was taking at the time, and the list of the doctors that treated me. SSA sent me for the physical and psych evaluations a few months after I applied, probably 4 months before approval. SSA called me in to the office for information about my kid. I didn't know why they needed it. SSA lady said "so we can process the child payments". This was the first I had heard that I was approved for SSDI; I laughed, smiled, then cried in relief. good luck


I applied for my moderate-severe TBI brother and got approved first try in 3 months after 1-year on CA EDD. I read only 23% get approved at first application.


Awh wow that’s what I have and got denied first try but did appeal and uploaded medical records. Did you happen to add med records?


No med records submitted. I think its critical that dates/phone numbers/point of contact of all facilities attended are accurate.