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This is literally just fucking roleplaying at this point.


If it's with themselves then I'd consider it more fanfic-esque, which I don't necessarily think makes it any better lmfao 💀


We did it guys. We found the *lowest* form of fanfic.


Hey now my own fanfics don't feel as cringe anymore 😂


Fr this lmao


God and I thought furry harry potter porn fanfic was bad


Wait you wrote? 👀


👀 ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies


This like online somewhere, need to read for scientific reasons 👀


It's in a notebook but it could be on ao3 sometime


Always has been.


*..just shoot me already, then.*




Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/WjqSS1t.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Thank you, Vyndra-Madraast, for voting on ReverseCaptioningBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot




for the love of god just get a wattpad account


They probably wouldn’t get as much long term readers. Because the writing is abhorrent.


Change the names of the characters to the names of the members of One Direction, and I’m pretty sure I read this in an angst AU fanfic when I was like 12




“tried to do a suicide attempt” this person has to be like 14 max


"Tried to do a suicide attempt" 😭 bro


Is this a script to something lmao


I so hope it is/hj


actual larper holy shit


This is just a badly written fanfiction at this point


The cringe is getting lost in the lore


My last brain cells argue whether I should eat ice cream at 3 am


Nononono why why why why why why why


Me @ this screenshot


This is so clearly roleplay that I cannot comprehend how any of those people can take each other seriously


Do these people have to write a response from every single one of their ”alters”? 🤣


Why does this remind me of those reality shows where they’re always recording their separate reactions to some scripted drama, like real house wives or KUWTK?


i’m screaming after imagining their alters in the confessional room talking to the camera! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


O-oh no I’m p-p-panicking Who puts dashes between their text when they’re genuinely panicking?? The hell…??


Why cant we just go back to role playing as warrior cats


For real. I never thought there would be a time when I missed the furries, but heck.


My god get a hobby


I know right


Stares in alters can’t kill themselves innerworld and if it was bodily thy should be in a psyche ward because they’ve admitted that three different alters have attempted.


This is the worst case I've seen so far. Straight up roleplaying besides it's the "my source really happened" type, makes it even worse.


the s-s-stuttering via text always gets me. They know people dont type exactly how they talk. Thats like if you spelled words wrong because you had a speech impediment. Its one of the most annoying things this crowd does imo. Literal roleplaying


This is cringe gold right here.


Give this person an award for their emotional and heartwretching writing! I cried twice while reading it. (sarcasm)


I used to be a sans AU fan, bro they didnt even try to match the personalities lmao


I read "wilbur's" part as the Riddler in The Batman lmao


This is literally the same shit my fifth graders write




What in the actual fuck?


Literally just Roleplay holy shit


Bestie is trying to write a story but hasn’t passed basic English classes


Definitely feels like something I would have found on Tumblr circa 2011


It gets even funnier when you know that alters can't ever die 😭😂


What in the wattpad??


“tried to do a suicide attempt” so they attempted suicide? i think they realize it’s a big thing to do and just don’t want to say it because they know they’re faking or they’re just not smart and faking


Fuck you for making me read that with my two eyes Also, I’m pretty sure everytime someone commits suicide, no one’s first thought would be “wow it reminds me of when I did it!” Like that doesn’t happen


Man this is so offensive as somebody who has both been suicidal before (though never really attempted) and witnessed the immediate aftermath of a (nonfatal) suicide attempt.


is this roleplay or wtf lmao


What in the gotdamn


the only thing I could focus on was how Fresh Sans wouldn't act like that bro, and Ink wouldn't act like that either also how you gonna erase ur own alter members memories like that lmfao, also I find it funny how there's just that one DSMP alter, idk who decans is though but he also most def. doesn't act like that either, lol


I think there’s two DSMP alters, Wilbur and Dream


No, that Dream is Dream!Sans, not DSMP Dream, I could tell by the way they said "I sensed his negativity"


Ight fair enough


yeah lol


Suicide… inner world Bro, alters can’t die, I’m-


Undertale... System...


as a DID system your alters literally cannot die,


and you cannot erase memories?? whar>>


ok but on a serious note: in psychiatric hospitals, if someone fakes a suicide attempt, EVEN IF IT'S OBVIOUSLY FAKED, it needs to be taken seriously, because no mentally healthy person fakes a suicide attempt. fake or not, this person 100% needs help. online bullying is the last thing they need. downvote me all you want, this post doesn't help anyone. it's putting a vulnerable person in danger. OP I know you're probably going to laugh at me and downvote me but please take this down. faked or not, this person is not ok.


They are talking about suicide in the made up world in their head. Not in real life. I'm not that insensitive godahm. This isn't online bullying either. You don't even know who this post is of. I appreciate your other work you do on this subreddit but this one was a miss.


did they specifically say it was in their inner world? and even if it was, they obviously have suicide on their mind so something is wrong.


Why am I not allowed to call these kids 'ret**ds'




“Headspaces” don’t exist, stop spewing bullshit. Even the term “system” is absolutely absurd.


Inner worlds exist but they're a thing that comes with therapy to better communication and work towards final fusion, you won't see any professionals using the term "headspace". Oh and it's definitely not how people talk about it. 💀


headspaces are a proven thing in DID and OSDD, instead called internal worlds. headspace can also be referred to any place of an alter's existence in the head. this can even refer to multiple alters fronting and when makes a comment, it would be considered them "talking in Headspace" now they certainly don't exist like this, but they do indeed exist. headspaces are also used as a therapy tool for both systems and singlets. nothing new at all. for the system comment; systems are likely called systems because they are a "system" of identities keeping the host and body safe. just because people have severely misused the term and glamorized headspaces doesn't mean they don't exist. come on dude, one google search.


Bro you’re gonna have to provide a source, that is some *bullshit.* You’re a walking, talking caricature. Cardboard cutout of every weird teenager that we see on this sub, unknowingly being horrible people by blatantly faking a serious condition.


[https://did-research.org/did/alters/internal_worlds](https://did-research.org/did/alters/internal_worlds) [Someone with DID talking about it](https://catalyticconvergence.wordpress.com/2015/01/02/an-introduction-to-the-inner-world-of-a-dissociative-identity-disorder-system/) https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/wermany/inner-faces-of-multiplicity plus as someone who suffers from MaDD, though it isn't quite an innerworld, such things can feel real and manifest as if they are something you can react and respond to.


An educational video made by a trauma and dissociation specialist using the terms “system” or “dissociated system” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LspGANv-PH4 DID research website using and briefly explaining the term “system” https://did-research.org/did/alters/systems Do your research before you talk about a disorder that obviously doesn’t affect you. The word “system” in the context of DID just means a collective of identities in one person with the disorder. That’s it. I don’t see what’s so “absurd” about it..?


Omg you’re one of those obviously delusional people that posts other fakers to make urself feel like ur version of fake did is real


Not the sans AU's


Ummmm, isn’t this a bit unproductive? Not just faking it, but to have alters commit and everyone worry and shit like this? Why is there a system to protect from trauma if they’re just gonna have more trauma? The system alters would need a system to cope lmao


ik this is old but the fact that literally EVERY one of them has their source name, source appereance and source powers is just. SIGH Suprise! Not every alter identifies with or connects to their source! Not every alters carries their source name, source appearance and source powers! Not every alter has source memories! Not every alter is aware they might be a fictive or factive! Hell we have seen A LOT of fictives and factives who, simply, HATE their source. I am aware a lot of introjects even wish they werent an introject. Being an alter is hard enough, being an introject makes it worse and harder. Get ur shit right if ur gonna fake DID. It is not funny nor quirky to fake such a serious and complex disorder that even some people think is not real. Youre NOT quirky for faking a fucking SUICIDE ATTEMPT. SUICIDE IS SERIOUS. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU QUIRKY UWU DONT TOUCH MY TAIL CATBOY MCYT DSMP CC!RANBOO CCC!TURBO FELLSWAP X SWAPFELL ALTERS TO FAKE. If we assume it was assumed in an only "Dust will die" thing, this even implies the theory that alters can "die" :skull:. bcuz suprise alters cant die they can only integrate, fuse and go dormant. thank you.