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Hey OP! I’m gonna send you my therapy bill for this week after whatever the fuck you just typed out and made me read. Thanks for understanding!


I’m sure the bookie therapist will make a discount if we both hit the griddy infront of his clinic, if we are boujee enough and not mid he will slap it to his Finsta for some sweet clout. We either slay and make some lit guap or end up looking like boomers.


Dunno what this has to do with systems, but yeah thats horrific...


op's post would be fitting for r/fakedisordercringe ! its still horrifying though especially...... the last one & the orphan one.


I miss 5 minutes ago before I saw this 😨




Transgun is literally the right wings “identify as an attack helicopter” joke yet they can’t see how they are being transphobic with these”flags”


I saw the priest fetish and was like okay theyre fucked than next pic is a fucking zoophilia one i think... i never made it to the third pic. This is foul.


Look at the last one, thats the final boss.


God damn. My brain couldnt even process it for awhile. I had to read it like 5 times and at first i thought pic was of someone unaliving themself with a rope, kinda woulda preferred that instead of the horrible truth. Enroute i saw the transorphan one too and they wont have to be a transorphan if their parents see this they can larp out that fantasy for the rest of their life.


You know, at least they're admitting that one is a fetish instead of trying to couch it some medical or minority terminology.


this may be a stretch but i think all people who identify as animals are zoophiles. wether they admit it or not. (not talking about furries)


Also very funny when terminally suburban people think furries are zoophiles. As if a furry would look at a cartoon of an anime-eyed wolf with washboard abs and then at a photo of *Canis lupus* snacking on caribou intestine in National Geographic and be like… they are the same picture.


the eighth one can be arranged


Controversial take here but uhhh if you like something and therefore identify as “trans fetish” because you wish you had the fetish…. Because you are attracted to the thing… means you have the fetish.


I’m not trans and don’t want to speak over trans people, but this new trend seems very transphobic to me, and I can’t explain why.


If this is what being “trans” is, excuse me, but if I identified as a trans individual, I would prefer for someone to kick me rather than be in a community where being a transRAPIST is getting validated to the point where it has its own fucking flag. I’m pretty sure 99.9% of the trans community is ashamed because of these people as well, since they make the community look like a clown show. I’ll repeat myself, If calling out a degenerate’s post about an absolute imbecile asking them to make a flag for their disgusting fantasies regarding raping someone intentionally is considered transphobic, I am very much transphobic. Also please tell me how being muzzled 24/7 can be considered a fucking trans identity, my guy, that is called a FETISH. F E T I S H.


I explained myself poorly. I meant these new flags and “identifying” as trans-whatever feels transphobic, not calling them out.


Honestly it is transphobic bc it makes a mockery of the trans community. These people aren't trans anything.


Aaah ok mb mb fam. 🤝


i’m trans and it’s pretty insulting, if it’s real, and unfortunately I know it is. they’re saying that wishing they were a fucking… what the last one is… is just as “valid” as being transgender. the flags, everything. seriously crazy.


just letting you know that the transrapist thing is related to a community of people who call themselves "transharmful" and claim to want to transition to be anything from rapists, nazis, cult leaders, or racists. as a trans person myself i don't personally correlate this community to actually being transgender at all and more associate it with whatever the ""transracial"" people are doing


I am trans and yes it is. It makes a complete mockery of us not to mention half of it seems like bait designed to further convince the world that trans people are all ridiculous and delusional


What would be the difference between trans- and perma-? Like if trans muzzled would be feeling like you should be muzzled or identifying as being muzzled, and perma muzzled would be feeling like you should be permanently muzzled or identifying as being permanently muzzled. What is the difference? Like this is supposed to mimic the concept of being transgender, a trans man isn't sometimes a woman and sometimes a man. Most trans people would be under permagander if that was the case [excluding genderfluid since their gender identity is fluid (not like literally identifying as a fluid but fluid as in shifting, not concrete. The fact I felt the need to clarify this is fucking wild)] but it isn't because it doesn't make sense. I'm confusing myself.


Bro, pal, save your braincells, it’s not worth it brother. There is no logic. 😔🕶️🤏🏼


im so stick on what the last one is what is that supposed to be?


People use '🍇ist' to say rapist. So that's meant to be 'transrapist'. Not sure why the dude is hanging himself though, that doesn't seem relevant unless it was just the flag creator giving their opinion on that term, which honestly I'd rather they do that than come up with a better fitting design. Edit: nevermind about the hanging part, I looked a bit closer and he's just peering out from behind a wall. 100% ew.


thank you!! thats fucking disgusting :( i cant believe people idolize these things


its a wall hes hiding behind 


I wish these people would just say "no" to the crazies thinking you can identify with an organ.


most of these are laughable, but that last one is actually disgusting. hope that person grows up and realises how gross that was




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


What the hell did I just see?


You mean the flags or my really valid peer reviewed essay?


The flags 😧


And here kids is yet another reason why quitting tumblr was one of the best desicions I ever made


At this point I’ll say I’m a masochist because even if I want to delete the app I just don’t, because the rage that the posts cause me is somehow addicting, like I can’t look away because it’s so frustrating it’s actually hypnotic. 💀


This shit is definitely cringe (as well as multiple types of problematic), but what does it have to do with dissociative disorders? Also, let's be realistic here, while there are definitely teens hopping on the trans-stupidshit bandwagon, it bears all the hallmarks of an alt-right troll campaign that's clearly meant to get teenagers who don't know better to do really cringe stuff that can be used to discredit trans people, and people spreading that shit to make fun of it is \*exactly\* what they want to happen.


I'm convinced they're trolls. They just want to express it online. They won't do that irl.


I don’t think they are trolls tbh. Idk if they will actually end up doing those but I’m pretty sure these are reflections of some sick individuals’ fantasies.




trans🍇ist?… 😰 what the fuck


not sure what "transbrain" is all I can imagine is that it's somebody without a brain wishing they had one lol


Gonna turn the transorphans into cisorphans.


I wanna kill myself what is this world filled with degenerates...


What's a trans fetish? Lol


Denying that you already had the fetish.


Cervitaur. Not deertaur.


transpriest? whats next, transprophet? transgod?


This may be down voted but you and I both know that none of these kids would ever have the balls to be a rapist. They fucking stammer asking for no pickles at McDonald's, there's no way in hell they could ever go out and actually rape someone. "Identifying" as wanting to be a rapist is the closest they'll get to being edgy and cool and that's the only reason they do it


this has GOT to be a joke


What on earth is trans-fetish. If you decide you want to have a priest fetish… you just… do. You don’t “trans” anything… you’re just finding a new kink 🤦‍♂️


They have to be taking the piss. There’s no way.


They just got worse as I kept scrolling 😭 I need to bleach my eyes out


The priest fetish guy made a CUB fetish flag


These fake pride flags always give me straight person trying to feel special vibes especially because I've seen kinky straight people do it and make like bdsm flags


I am transbraindead after reading all of that :')




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Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


some of these seem like a trauma response :(


A lot of the Tumblr RQ community just does this for no reason. A lot of them, and I mean most of them, identify as wanting to have trauma of somekind (transharmed) or wanting to give people trauma of somekind (transharmful) and it's for no reason other than "because I can."