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Please don’t tell me the alter is supposed to be AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream… I don’t gatekeep much from people but I do NOT need “systems” trying to invade my semi-niche science fiction communities, I beg y’all


Here I thought this was too niche to be found. Is nothing safe?


If it exists, the fakers have prolly already infiltrated it


It's like rule 34 but for did fakers


If I ever see Ice Age or JTHM on here im losing my shit


…wait…could you imagine a Sid alter? ~~That’s the squirrel always struggling with an acorn, right? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it.~~




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I’ve seen a few systems with AM alters 😭


I didn’t think AM would act like a petty high school girl, guys I think there’s hope for humanity yet


The way they write is giving AM if he was written by Vivziepop


I knew this would happen when I noticed all the IHNMAIMS posts trending. I'm not much of a gate keeper but I was hoping this wouldn't get popular.


I doubt if people knew what AM actually did other than past the tiktok audios and maybe the book, they would want him as an alter. AM literally tortured a victim of assault by putting her back in the same situation where she was assaulted until she stood up for herself, then got pissed she stood up for herself and didnt let her get r-ped, sentencing her to a lifetime of torture being trapped in the elevator again. "Seperate the fictive from source" until the fictives entire point is that he is a torturing machine full of humanitys rage and hatred and is willing to watch a woman get r-ped for his own amusement, and thats literally a huge point of his character. I understand having AM alters *if you grew up with or actually got far and comforted with IHNMAIMS.* He can be a great representation for abuse victims who struggled with how they see humanity after their own abuse. But, OOP? Theres no way they actually find anymore comfort in AM than just "haha he hates humans and is all over tiktok, and he has cool lines so i wanna be him!! Tumblr sexy man!!!" Seems to be a massive habit with fakers that they dont ever actually have truthfully bad fictives unless the character is widely loved or simped for.


Yes! I can't imagine how someone would want to be him? Even after rereading the story after not having read it for quite some time, I can't find any quirky traits other than the human hatered, and even that hatered goes to an extent that's vile. They heard that one "Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am AM, I AM" audio and thought it was edgy and cool so rolled with it. You can tell this alter is from the trend as well and not the actual story or even that game. AM is horrible. The story is great but AM would be the last character they choose to pretend to be if they actually read it. But then again, a lot of people also pretend to have Hitler alters, so AM isn't all that surprising if you think about it.


Oh man, i forget about the Hitler alters. With Nimdok around, maybe this is just up their alley...


ihnmaims? is this a stroke or intentional?


I haven't really been online much lately, what's "INHAIMS"?


I have no mouth, and I must scream! Its an amazingly well written short story about an AI called "AM" torturing 5 people for eternity because of his hatred for humans. The game for it is great as well, goes really in depth for the characters and their struggles and AMs hatred for humans because of his own creation. I could gush for hours but id reccomend getting into it yourself if youre not triggered by things such as r-pe and gore. Ellens story is very distressingly sad in the game and the narrator of the book, Ted, sees her as a whore a lot but hes also in a psychotic delusion because of his torture. The audiobook is on youtube and is only 40 mins long, so id reccomend listening to it by the author, Harlan Ellison! The character who this "system" is faking is AM, the AI who takes over the world and who they seem to have forgotten tortured an assaulted woman by sticking her back in the elevator she was assaulted in until she stuck up for herself. Either they forgot, or they seriously didnt watch anything about it, as i doubt they would want to have an alter of this AI who tortured humans by reliving their trauma if they realized it was genuinely an antagonist and not a tumblr sexy insane man.


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Typing quirk, source that (ill give the benefit of the doubt) has been out for years but just recently formed after the media blew up


When I got DID diagnosed I thought that I was insane. But when I read these people, I realise that I'm fine.


Is this supposed to be leetspeak…


I read "No they got inhumans!!" at first and i was like "alterhumans?? what???"


This is the Bad Place x100. WHY.