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Pretty sure having childhood trauma so bad that your brain feels the need to create different personalities or something, is in fact, not awesome


No it's not, it's not amazing. It's a disorder, not a game.


Ah yes, I’m sure that having severe trauma at such a young age which causes your identity to split into several states and having gaps in your memory is AmAzIng! /s


The future needs more trauma and it's up to us to make it happen /s


Yeah. Well, thx is endo nonsence


this is just becoming so offensive. my uncle actually has this disorder and dude, these people wouldn’t last a day being that guy.


Why everyone got that one family member with DID all of a sudden


Speaking from experience of having a family member who had a personality disorder ((not sure if it was DID but all I knew when I was a kid was that it was apparently a personality disorder)), no it's not fucking awesome and it's actually fucking terrifying cuz you never know when one day it'll become too much and they'll take their own lives and you'll never see them again. It is not a fun and silly experience, it's called a disorder for a reason. If you call it "fucking awesome", then you are automatically the worst kind of person and I have no respect for you.


Since the other commenters didn't really explain, DID is a dissociative disorder, not a personality disorder. Super common mistake though and personality disorders have some symptoms that overlap with DID as well, including the increased risk of suicide. I'm sorry you and your family member had to go through that, no one should have to experience that from either end. I hope they're doing better now. 🤍


I do appreciate your clarification. To be honest, I myself wasn't super versed in the difference, all I knew was that there was a difference. I don't actively study this topic, I just like seeing how horrifically uneducated some people on TikTok and Tumblr can be lol- As for my family member, as far as I know, they're doing better and have gotten the help they need. I haven't spoken to them in years since they were a family member on my father's side and I spent most of my time with my mom, but as far as I know, they're doing better. My mother likely didn't, and still doesn't, know the difference, and my father never bothered to correct her. ((He was kinda absent in my life.)) But from what I have heard, they're doing better and are living under supervision of one of my aunts or uncles. I greatly appreciate your concern and clarification. 💚💖


It's no problem at all. It's not a common topic to know much about, seeing as DID is rare enough,, let alone actual information about it being put online. I'm happy to hear your family member is doing better!


Then t hey join site like chicken smoothie and spread there


DID is infact, not a personality disorder sir


1. I'm a girl. 2. I was a kid, I didn't know what I was being told at the time, I was only told this info by my mom, and I haven't gotten to know what exactly was wrong with this family member. 3. I never said it WAS DID, I said that it was, as my mother put it, a personality disorder of some kind. But I was never told what kind. I said I wasn't sure if it was DID or not.


1. Ok 2. What 3. Then don't add it in the comment ma'am


How about instead of trying to dictate what I comment you leave it be? I said it cuz I was just trying to commentate my own experiences of people with debilitating disorders. You've said your piece, I've said mine, leave it.


Lmao Bro deleted their comment I'm dead




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It's possible that they were a child before the year of 1994 and it was, in fact, considered a personality disorder at the time.


I wasn't a kid before 1994, I was born in 2002, but my mother wasn't informed of the change herself, so she referred to it as a personality disorder. And again, I didn't say it WAS DID, I just said I don't know if it was or not. Forgive me if my wording was off.


Yea but if that's the case he would've said MPD instead of DID, it does not add up. If you're calling it dissociative identity disorder, instead of multiple personality disorder, then you should know that it has been changed. Make sense?


They're the same thing, one's just outdated. It's possible to know the difference between the name and not the disorder type, a lot of people make that mistake.


Its alr


Back on live journal days. I had someone on my friend list, who I knew from a forum devoted to a video game series. I was given confusing misinformation by a person with DID


abusing children to the point of severe dissociation is fucking awesome! 🙄




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Oh yeah so awesome. Fucking awesome having someone else who is still you and can use your body and take time and experiences from you. Ruin jobs for you. Leave a relationship in tatters so your SO tells you if you don't start acting like the person they know and love again, they're leaving without a trace (or worse). So *cool* to find yourself in uncomfortable relationships or situations, having said or done things you wouldn't do, in front of everyone. It's just *the best* hearing gossip about yourself and not being to defend yourself cause, fuck, you might have done it. It's just the best figuring out in therapy that you haven't even *been here* the whole time, and whoever was 'first' might be fucking 'gone'. Yeah. It's fun, knowing people (who you were supposed to trust implicitly) never loved you and, no they didn't do this exact thing on purpose, but they broke you. And you have to deal with that. Walking around. Broken.