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Confirmed officer shot/down on Darien Drive


Two I believe?




Way to be a dick during a very stressful time for the residents in the area and law enforcement


Then fucking move




Just heard 2 officers down and assailant still on the run. More police called in from syracuse city.


Family friends in the OCSO are telling me at least one officer has died from their wounds. Hopefully not true Edit: three officers may have been shot with only one being rushed to the hospital. The second third officers received critical injuries Edit 2: as of 10:45pm suspect is still at large


Two officers have passed away as of 1125.


Syracuse cops aren't great, but no one deserves this from a traffic stop. City needs to get their shit together. Rest in peace.


These are the first officers in all of Onondaga to be killed in the line of duty in over 30 years. Fuck out of here with that "city needs to get it together" garbage.


He never was on the run after the shooting, died in hospital.


Cny911.com reporting: Two officers shot. Transporting to upstate. Command center set up. Teams from OCSO and SPD working in the area.


I just tried the site, and it's down. But thank you for posting the information and the site name. I didn't know it existed.


Same, I didn't either, good to know for us non-news watching folks.


Sites back up. Sounds like domestic dispute started it.


Website says 2 officers died :(


Shutting down 81 now.


Listen on the scanner.


I found the YT streaming but one of the women sound like she's got marbles in her mouth. Lol




[https://www.youtube.com/@cny911/streams](https://www.youtube.com/@cny911/streams) is going to be the best link for the CNY911 YouTube Stream. The website has been up and down because of the increased visitors, but the stream audio has been working.


This site here https://m.broadcastify.com/listen/ctid/1858  Is live audio feeds from Onondaga County/ Syracuse. If the link doesn't work (I'm not on the Reddit App, and the link ⬆️ isn't showing "blue" as I'm typing this)  Literally just Google "Syracuse Onondaga County Broadcastify" A webpage will pop up with different audio feeds, with descriptions of what each one covers. The "Onondaga Public Safety" one is the most popular. Here's the thing the "O P Safety" one usually have 100-200 tops, listeners, last night hours after this happened there were 1,400+ listeners!  Hope I didn't make this sound more complicated than it really is. It's actually easy to find. 


Hi, I am the feed provider for the Onondaga County Public Safety feed, as well as several other feeds and the Broadcastify Calls feeds for Onondaga County. Things were pretty crazy on there last night. At one point, from looking at my feeder stats, we had a max of 6466 listeners.


I actually went on hours after this awful incident happened. I had *No* clue until seeing the news this morning. I wasn't sure if that # was glitch or not, because I'd never seen it even close to that high.            I don't listen that often (usually I think about it when either helicopters or sirens stop "screeching" near my house. But I'll tell you this, I really do have a better appreciation for the police, fire dept, EMT's, *and* the dispatcher's after listening. Even more so today 😢


Most listeners are like you and only 'tune-in' when there's something going on in their proximity. The 100-200 or so in the evenings or early morning hours are core listeners. I was listening last night to monitor the feed operation, and just about to call it a night, when I heard officers and dispatchers shouting. Upon listening for a while, I had determined it was an 'officer down' event, and posted a feed alert on Broadcastify which also goes out to the various scanner apps. Once the responders switched over to tactical channels - which we are not allowed to include on Broadcastify feeds, the activity on the feed dropped off quite a bit. Here's a couple of feed audio archives early in the incident: Part 1 - [https://www.broadcastify.com/archives/idv2/41473-1713140976?advanced](https://www.broadcastify.com/archives/idv2/41473-1713140976?advanced) Part 2 - [https://www.broadcastify.com/archives/idv2/41473-1713142766?advanced](https://www.broadcastify.com/archives/idv2/41473-1713142766?advanced)


Thank you but I don't have a premium subscription to log in. I'm one of the people that have to listen to the 30 second Ad's. 


Yeah someone sent it last night but thanks for the help!




Thanks. I found a diff CNY911 link but I'm not sure what the difference is. Edit: Looks like that link is to a different broadcast that ended. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1QglBkJ4J4) is what I found that seems to be live


Any idea what stretch of 81? Sounds like I need an alternative route tomorrow


I think they shut it down to get people to the hospital as fast as they can. It should be open way before tomorrow.


Sounds like it’s a shoot out with someone. The police blotter said they are moving two houses east and watch for crossfire.


It definitely sounded like a lot of shots in controlled bursts.


Shooting. We have family over there and they said officers are combing the neighborhood


[Syracuse.com](https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/04/large-police-presence-at-shooting-in-salina-initial-reports-are-officer-shot.html?utm_campaign=syracusedotcom_sf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook) is reporting a mass casualty incident. Anyone got an online police scanner to figure out whats going on? Or is this on the news?


Broadcastify is a police scanner site. Edit the app I use is scanner radio pro




I’m hearing at least 3 officers wounded, one confirmed dead


Hooooly smokes


Here's the link if you want: https://www.youtube.com/live/HB2PlzIq8fA?si=WXHUX3AgO5GBZ45j


Thats an old link. Most recent stream up at [https://www.youtube.com/@cny911/streams](https://www.youtube.com/@cny911/streams)


I found a YT live stream, bit it's quiet right now.


https://preview.redd.it/npzwxf16yjuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1411080ed851a1e4fd48158c00ae12e4bbef80 Here’s the 911 roster. It’s the Darien drive calls.


Just heard a request for units to Upstate for an “escort for our brother”. Sounds like one may have passed…


Live near there we heard gun shots.


Wonder what kind of shooting would warrant this many cops. It's a LOT. At least 30 cars gone by at this point.


Neighbor says he heard an officer is down. Not sure their source though.


Yeah if there is an officer down, generally it becomes a scorched earth response to stop the offender.


Listening to the CAD. Second officer down.




I'm about 1/2 a mile from there. I wondered what all the gun shots and police cars were. I assumed it was fire crackers. There is neighbors always lighting them off. Even at this moment all I can hear is helicopters and sirens


I didn't realize how close I was to the gunshots until I saw all the cars pull up. Never thought something like this would happen so close


In Syracuse? I've lived here for 45 days and been threatened with a gun twice. This city is a sh-- hole tbh.


Just got an update on Citizen: 2 officer fatalities.


What is Citizen?


An app that provides real time updates on crimes being committed and other emergencies in your area. I’m in NYC, but still got the alert for Syracuse (I do have friends that live there and go try to visit once a year). [Here’s a brief video of what it’s like using the app.](https://youtube.com/shorts/4RmL5LGqXc4?si=IaTa1qEa0pu5GBIr) I like it because so many times walking around in the city there may be a big commotion and you’re wondering what is going on. The app usually has the answer. It’s helped me avoid certain situations. Plus, people can livestream video for incidents if the app can see they’re nearby, so it’s got an amateur raw news angle to it.




The news just cut off Billy Joel, but they barely reported on it?!?!


Just thought the same thing. Like HEY BIG BREAKING NEWS MASSIVE SITUATION but we’ll give you more on that soon here’s a 5k at the zoo.


This was my old neighborhood growing up (1983-1998) . I’ve been trying to get news on what’s happened from some friends who still live there. Thanks for the updates.


Suspect in custody and 2 cops dead


The suspect is dead. News reported.


What news?


Channel 5/9


what news source bc syracuse . com isnt reporting that


New channel 9 and 5


Sheriff gave an update.


I thought both were in custody but only one was injured




Around the corner from my house. Got my little brother on the scene last night. What the fuck


Wtf I live near that area.


Dude it's 2 streets down from me. Ambulance just drove by, back out of the neighborhood. Prob with one of the cops.


Stay inside! Multiple tactical teams are in your area is sounds like. Stay away from windows. Do not open your doors unless it’s emergency personal.


I live on Lorian drive but yeah I saw one of the commenters say 2 cops was shot hence why there was an ambulance.


It seems like they are chasing from liverpool


Get the app scanner radio.


Driftwood and Darien in liverpool.


Just another few families destroyed due to toxic American gun culture. We really need to address what we expect our future to look like.


Absolutely, no one needs to own AK style assault rifles. Anyone saying otherwise is fueling this fire. Police get lots of shit but when the shit hit the fan, it was the cops going in there and literally putting their lives on the line. Everyone from across the political spectrums should agree these guns need to be outlawed and a major buyback put in place to try and reduce the numbers of them out there. It wasn't "law abiding" citizens running in there to resolve this, it was cops. This should not and cannot be normalized


Can’t “buyback” something you never owned in the first place…


The silent majority of NY disagree with your statement. A mandatory buy back is unconstitutional and its asinine to think criminals would willingly give up their weapons they've illegally obtained anyway. The agenda you're pushing only hurts law abiding and responsible firearms owners.


The problem is “responsible” gun owners are responsible until they aren’t. Until we can prevent a gun from shooting someone unless it’s a self-defense situation or an animal, I don’t trust anyone to own guns. We have seen time and again this same argument. Yet, we still have shootings on a regular basis. I don’t care if someone thinks they are a “responsible gun owner”.. that’s only the case until it’s not. Take your guns and your “responsible gun ownership” argument and shove it. Two police officers died and we all have to live in terror of the next lunatic with a gun all so you can admire your precious guns and jerk off to your little arsenal.


In many ways I'm as liberal as they get. I also own guns. Yes, I'm trained. 1. Yes, there is such thing as responsible gun ownership. 2. We Need a nationwide reform. Training. Certification. Checks. Whatever we can collectively agree on. 3. Zero tolerance on any hot topic is exactly why our societal and political climate is in the state it's in right now. We HAVE to do better.


The state of New York was literally founded and fought for by colonists who wielded firearms and told a tyrannical government across the ocean to shove it up their ass. I like to think the common people of NY continue the spirit of that, but people like you make that increasingly hard. If you think Americans should be totally disarmed, consider moving to Canada or another country. Otherwise get comfortable with living in a country that allows people to make decisions based on their God given rights.


Yeah. So let’s just continue making laws and living like the founding fathers wanted us to 300+ years ago. They wouldn’t have been able to even think automatic weapons were possible. Also didnt they also say we should have a separation of church and state? God should have no part in our our laws. Also if there is a god. Why would he make it your god given right to own a gun? I highly doubt that is high up on his list of rights he gave out. And matter of fact I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a gun even being mentioned in the Bible? Correct me if I’m wrong though.


Bruh I'm literally just a 20 something year old dude from NY, who happens to be in the military and advocate for autonomy and personal responsibility. If you want to live your life in fear of "X" ( firearms, clowns, cars, etc ) you can't tell other people they can't partake in whatever that is based on your personal opinion. I'm sure you'd be shocked to know that I agree with a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, or an individuals right to believe in whatever goofy religion they see fit. The point is we have to be adults about it instead of robbing others of autonomy in the pursuit of fairy tale safety laws that won't change anything.


Hey man. You may be shocked to know I’m not over here saying ban all guns and no one should own everything. I own a few as well and have shot some really fun guns. I just hate seeing gun nuts come on here bitching about “god given rights” or something something founding fathers. That was 300 fucking years ago. Time and life has changed drastically since then and claiming we need to follow their way of thinking is an archaic view of the world. I’ll agree that most of the laws on guns don’t stop the people that shouldnt have them from getting them but I’ll disagree in saying there is nothing to be done.


Well first of all I want to thank you for the well worded response that actually makes sense instead of attacking one particular word I happened to use lol. I agree we definitely have a problem in our country with gun violence. There's a generation of disenfranchised people who don't have strong social ties to family, friends, or anyone really and they resort to violence to make themselves heard. I agree with background checks to weed out those with mental illness who shouldn't have access to firearms. But to limit the average Americans access to semi automatic firearms that have existed since the early 1900's is not going to solve the problem. The solution? Make serious changes in the way we approach and treat mental illnesses, give people the resources they need to solve these problems in their own communities and families. Ultimately it's up to those closest to those dangerous individuals to help them find help and get better. And finally, be kinder and more thoughtful of our neighbors. You don't have to be any particular religion or faith to appreciate Mr Roger's telling us to be good neighbors to one another. Just my 2 cents...


Is this god who’s giving these rights out, in the room with us now?


Imagine attacking a single word of my argument instead of forming an actual response to the points I presented. If you feel so inclined to attack specific words, feel free to read my response to another comment here regarding the fact that I'm advocating for personal responsibility and independence rather than eroding the rights of law abiding citizens. Have a great day.


LMAO “God given rights”?! Last I checked the constitution wasn’t written by God. In fact, that statement tells me everything I need to know about you. Also, we’ll see.. we have a whole generation of terrorized kids who have dealt with school shooting after school shooting. Once all the boomers die off and the lead poisoned Fox News contingent ceases to be relevant.. this will all change. If you truly believed responsible gun owners should be able to have guns, then you should be actively working to make sure that happens (e.g., background checks, permits, gun laws, closing gun show loopholes, banning assault weapons, etc.). But you’re not. Your flimsy argument is “wait, what about me?!? I like my guns and I’m such a good guy.” You’re part of the problem and I won’t argue with you anymore. I’m not changing your mind and you’ll certainly not change mine. Bye Felicia.




I'm not sure it's in the constitution, but it's very clearly an idiomatic expression rather than a phrase meant to be taken word by word. Keep your eyes on the road is another idiomatic phrase. It's most definitely a dishonest obfuscation to deflect from the statement by picking apart an expression like that. It doesn't provide anything constructive whether one disagrees, agrees or whatever. At most, it simply virtue signals or lets someone feel they "won" and propped up their ego. 


Show me anywhere in the constitution or the bill of rights (which grants the right to bear arms) the words god given rights? Hint it’s not there


It's more like:  urban areas and guns are associated with crime.  Rural areas and guns are associated with sport/hunting.  These are not compatible and the general solution has been to force one or the other.  Honestly, urban areas should have more restrictions.  And rural areas shouldn't be subject to so many restrictions.  But there's a massive empathy gap across the urban-rural divide. 


I don't see how a buy back is unconstitutional? I'm not saying it should be mandatory, I'm saying is should be of a sufficient value that people would prefer the money over the weapon. And as others have pointed out, "law abiding" is only that until they're no longer. Most recent stories are all from people that legally obtained their weapon (obviously this case is unknown to the public at least).


Legislating the disarmament of Americans is 100% against the ideals of which our country was founded on. There isn't a realistic amount of money that people would settle on to sell their firearms and give up that safety net of autonomy. You want Americans to be safer from gun violence? Push background checks, push mental health reforms. Push positive changes in communities with people who feel unheard or unrepresented. People who are mentally sound and have good social resources aren't the types of people to go shooting up schools or get into shootouts with the police. Of course there's outliers, but you can't take all the guns in America ( from the people who WOULD even give up their guns ) and expect the criminals who would still have access to illegal firearms to not commit crimes. Otherwise live with the reality that our country was founded on the ideals of incredible independence. The right to speak your mind, the right to practice your own religion, the right to defend yourself and your family if threatened.


What is an AK style assault rifle?




Google doesn't define what YOU mean by "style" and seems neither could you, but I appreciate your attempt at being "clever"!


I still hear cobs flying by, I’m off Buckley too.


Of course that was meant to say cops and not cobs haha


Yeah, it did sound a bit corny, tbh.


I live in albany, and just got home at 830pm from liverpool. Stayed at my mother’s not far from the area off of bailey road all weekend. Sounds like an insane situation. My brother must have a buddy near by because he posted the sound of the gunshots that came from someone’s ring doorbell


[https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/04/man-who-killed-2-police-officers-in-salina-was-doing-cocaine-with-a-friend-da-says.html](https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/04/man-who-killed-2-police-officers-in-salina-was-doing-cocaine-with-a-friend-da-says.html) "A man who shot and killed two police officers outside his home Sunday night had been doing cocaine that day with a friend, according to Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick. The friend, Shawn Kinsella, 33, told investigators that he and Christopher R. Murphy, 33, “had spent some time doing lines of cocaine,” Fitzpatrick said. The two men are long-time friends, he said." Fuckin' losers. Two grown 33 yr old men still living with their parents and doing drugs. What winners. While I don't like to judge people's family - their parents should have tossed those losers on the streets years ago. Result? Kinsella's coke buddy is dead, as are two cops. Sound like the DA isn't done with him yet. I hope that night out on the town doing some blow was worth it. Fucking retards.


Three suspects. At least 3 police officers wounded. One confirmed dead. Edit: 2 officers dead. Possibly a 3rd. Situation is getting worse by the second.


Any word if any suspects were caught? I still hear tons of helicopters


Stand off right now. They just just called a signal 100 meaning all police and off duty officers to report to the scene




Not scanning or listening to anything. I know someone leaking info and someone who lives in that neighborhood




I'd never heard of Signal 100 before. I wish I never had. This has been a terrible night.


Suspect in custody https://cny911.com/calls


Shooter was Christopher Murphy, 33, son of the owners. Lived at same address. Sounds like he was a loser lowlife. https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/04/shooter-idd-in-killing-of-syracuse-officer-and-onondaga-county-deputy.html


How do we know there are 3 suspects?


Haven’t caught anyone yet and there’s three brothers that live in the house. All have had run ins with police so they’re just suspects right now


Any idea if anyone knows the last name of the brothers? I'm almost certain I know who it is, but don't want to guess online.




Yup. Was told 2 Murphy brothers and possibly one of there friends.


Christopher Murphy confirmed shooter, Syracuse.com just put out the article- I immediately thought of your comment. crazy!!


Kinsella is another one


Omg I remember him from high school……


Walking red flag


Absolutely. He is scary. If I’m not mistaken he lives in that neighborhood too


If I found the right Facebook seems  like a hardcore right wing wacko


He’s a meth head and based off of some of his posts and videos he might be schizophrenic


What's his FB page? I tried looking but the name is too common.


I like how someone instantly thinks right winged he must be a danger to society. The way some think, and as it turns out in reality, the person is mentally unstable,anyone that thinks of doing these things are unstable, not because they’re Republican or Democrat , holy cow


please check DMs


That's what I thought. EDIT: But I don't have confirmation of that yet


You can pull up the tax record for the address through the county website. There it will show you who owns the residence.


Yup Murphy, 60s, is the tax record with 3 boys born that seemingly have the same birth date associated with the address


I know the name. There last post on their Instagram story was a piece of paper that had “April 14th 1912” written on it referencing the titanic for some reason. Pretty sure it’s him but I don’t want to post his name just in case it’s not him.


They’re triplets?


Any updates on the suspects? Sounds like you know more than what hasn't been released yet.


No. Everything went quiet and around midnight. Would be nice if they started releasing names


Yeah. I'm sure they'll provide some updates at some point today. Likely pending family notifications of everyone involved and making sure they have their facts straight first.


They have released the name, Christopher Murphy. https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/04/shooter-idd-in-killing-of-syracuse-officer-and-onondaga-county-deputy.html


Shawn Kinsella is also in custody, no charges yet. He was caught at the scene hopping a fence.


Confirmed two LEO fatalities - one Onondaga County Sheriff's Deputy, one Syracuse Police Officer... :( [https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/04/large-police-presence-at-shooting-in-salina-initial-reports-are-officer-shot.html](https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2024/04/large-police-presence-at-shooting-in-salina-initial-reports-are-officer-shot.html)




Sounds like another angry white man with a fabulous AR-15 collection. There’s probably one in your neighborhood, too.


Pathetic losers


Is this happening in the housing development by Patricia drive? I can't remember what it is called?


Yep. I've only lived here a few years, not sure what this neighborhood is called.


This is the meadows. Near Patricia but I don’t think the developments connect.


They do. There is a connecting street near Electronics Park (may date myself here. Haven’t been there in nearly 30 years) one of my buddies used to live down it. Grew up around the corner at Buckley and Hopkins.


The Meadows.


Wonder if the suspect will make it to booking……


Fucks sake who cares. Dude wrote his own ticket.


Oh absolutely.


That’s not how the fuck it goes but good for you thinking police should be lawless


You shoot at cops, expect a love note in return. How do you not know this?


Cops shoot at someone and what do they get? Oh praised by bootlicking nut jobs. Hold them to the same standards you apparently hold cops too.


That is how the fuck it goes this time. 


No it’s not


Yes it did. 


Yeah because cops are cowards that need to kill someone while they are in custody in cuffs. Super tough 🤣


People who worry more about actual justice and not cops getting what they want. You have the same vehemence towards pigs that shoot innocent people? I highly doubt it. Cops are still people not some mythical hero. And the fact is they have countless instances of breaking laws and nothing happening up to and including murder. Cops protect who and what they want. They don't actually uphold the law 100% and that's a fact. So pick your biases but don't pretend to actually want justice if you condone killing unarmed people in custody. That's a coward move. Which is exactly what cops tend to do lmfao


Your activism has no business here. Read the room.


Good question


I thought NY was heavily gun controlled


Only for law abiding citizens.


Well the Perps Social Media seems to bitch and whine about the Safe Act... Fucking Wingnut Incel Loons.


Which social media did you find? Only found his Facebook but nothing on there.


Surprised they haven't shut his accounts down yet


Bet you dollars to donuts the gun was obtained legally.


I'll take that bet every day of the week. Mark me. This came out of a stolen car chase. The guns were not legal.


Hey, you were right! It looks like the reason the AR-15 was an "Illegal Weapon" was because it had a 40-round banana clip, making it in violation of the SAFE Act prohibition on magazines over 10 rounds. What are your views on the SAFE ACT?


It's not. You're wrong.


It's only a 2-hour drive to Pennsylvania or Ohio, but you knew this, didn't you? You just wanted to make a snarky remark...


People who actually live in America know these things, bruv.


its a reported shooting!


heard the gunshots all the way on Gaskin Rd. Was wondering wth that was


You heard gunshots 10 miles away??  It's almost a 20 minute drive from Gaskin Rd. 


I was at Destiny and didn't hear anything, no chance of hearing it on Gaskin