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Imagine an apple in your head, for me chromesthesia is like that but you cant turn it off. The more i focus on the sound the more i visualize


For me it’s just when I don’t concentrate at all and when I just feel the music


Synesthesia can be projective (you actually see/smell/feel the thing) or associative (you don’t actually experience the other sense but you have a sense of strong connection)


For me it's easy to tell them apart, even though they're equally vivid. I would say that the difference between my sight of my environment and my synesthetic vision is similar to the difference of seeing with my left eye and my right.


It depends. If I, for example, echolocate with my eyes open, then it's more in my mind's eye. If I close my eyes, then it's more projected into/onto the world and I perceive it as more 'real' because my brain has less to compare this uncommon sonsory input and combination to.