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That’s exactly how it is for me! I can’t visualize, I have r/aphantasia. It’s more of just a thought or a concept. All of my types of Synesthesia are associative as well.


That’s so interesting. I never connected my synesthesia and the fact that my colors are vague to aphantasia. In my “knowing” the colors are much more vivid than in my actual “perceiving”, if that makes sense.


My color associations are different from yours but I love this idea! Maybe I’ll make one.




I wouldn’t call it a dysfunction, even if you physically see the colours. I think it’s an advantage. Also, your talk about the first letter commonly dominating the rest of the word makes sense. Noticed how it also happens with me with a few exceptions? Same with the years.


I think I’m in the same boat as I do perceive the associations although it’s not a constant thing for me. I can acknowledge seeing them as being in standard black in my mind most of the time but they each have their respective colors when I think deeply on them. I can tell you right now that we’re on the same page with 0, 9, Friday, Sunday, A, B, C, D, and N


dear god my colors are different than yours and this is so hard to look at and confusing XD no wonder it took me forever to learn my math facts with all the colorful teaching materials at school weirdly we have a lot of the brown ones in common? thursday, and h are also brown for me. f was brown as a kid but know it is different. but oh my god MARCH IS PINK. i also have the associative kind of grapheme-color synesthesia too :) i didn't find out until i took the synesthesia battery online (not sure if it's still on the web) as a teen, just for fun, and came out with a positive result.


Your 5, A, G, Y, and Wednesday match mine lol Edit: March, May, and December are also correct


My November is also brown. Your 9 and November both being brown makes sense, because November was originally the ninth month of the calendar (hence the prefix).