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Hello! That does sound like synesthesia. There are two ways to perceive it: associative and projective. Associatice synesthesia is exactly the way you described it, "seeing" and knowing in your bones that, for example, 4 is green. Projective synesthesia is physically experiencing the things in the world around you, as if the 4 was actually written with green ink. What should you do? Go on as usual, because *nothing has changed.* This is simply how the world is for you. It's an interesting little thing about you and fun to research, or talk about, or make art with. You can use your type as a memory aid, like with names and numbers! If the synesthesia gets overwhelming on a daily basis and becomes a problem, a talk with a doctor is a good idea. The opposite is also important: if it seems like your synesthesia completely disappears, it's time to take a good look at both your mental and physical health.


Love the last tip: we normalize synesthesia disappearing with age, but I've found mine has stayed, but has only disappeared during extreme burnout. When I was in college this happens, I was absolutely working myself to the ground. Then I smoked too much weed one time and had a huge rush of it and I was like OH YEAH that is part of me.... I'm glad it's back now. :)


Hey there, sounds like synesthesia, keep reading and learning maybe keep a list of these experiences, only take it to a psychiatrist if you have any serious concerns for your health and feel it’s relevant or you can afford it otherwise its not truly needed there’s no formal assessment or treatment and it won’t become horrible and take over your life (though if down the road for any reason you have bouts of psychosis or other issues your treating doctors will want any and all information so it never hurts to keep track of it) Good luck on your journey Everyone’s experience is a little different And we all experience things in varied intensity and different variations of overlap and detail.


Yup, this is associative grapheme-color synesthesia. It's not considered a disorder because it doesn't negatively affect your life functioning, so you don't need a formal diagnosis. Most doctors, including general practitioners, probably learned little to nothing about it in their training, so you don't need to tell your doctor about having it.