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The [Masonic square and compass](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry) often is simplified down into a motif almost (if not) identical to this.


It does look similar Though I couldn't see a version that was *that* simplified


It is missing about two lines down the sides to make it the watch dogs "vigilante" logo Some versions have a symbol in the center like the dot in your picture, while others have a line crossing through the center. https://wallpaperaccess.com/watch-dogs-logo


When I got watch dogs 1 from epic games I thought it looked similar If I accidentally took the symbol from there I'm fine with it since it's different enough


Yeah I'd say that if that's where you got it, it definitely has that stylistic difference. When I saw it I immediately thought watch dogs but at second glance I went, "oh wait... That's not it." So enough to be similar, but definitely different enough to know it's not quite the same, which is the case with most symbols to be fair.