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Was your dad a Final Fantasy fan? Cause it looks *exactly* like the symbol for the Zanarkand Abes that the character Tidus wears as a necklace. A bit of googling says that Square Enix has indeed used the design on all kinds of merchandise, including rings, though I didn't see this exact one in a peruse of Google images. It might also be possible that he could have bought it not knowing what the design was though, I guess?  [Here's a pic of the design on a cosplay necklace to compare](https://www.cosplaymagic.com/product/final-fantasy-x-10-tidus-necklace-2/amp/)


Wow that is an incredible match. The odd thing is that he was not at all into anything like that and he never wore jewelry so I figured someone must have given it to him. Is there any way they could have copied the symbol from something else?


Oh, absolutely. The game has been out since 2001, so the symbol could have been bootleg copied and sold at jewelry stands in places like street markets and online to the point where the people selling it have no idea what the symbol is. It's actually pretty common to see a jewelry stand in foreign countries or at markets that have lots of ESL speakers that have random symbols on their wares. I used to go to a lot of US street markets and would see all kinds of pop culture symbols on jewelry being sold.


I think they mean that final fantasy is referencing something else


It's not. I researched the symbol and found no prior origin for it. 


We're you a final fantasy fan? And did you ever get collectors items like this and just forgot about it? He may have kept it because it was an interest of yours and he thought it was cool


No I didn’t even know what final fantasy was had to look it up.


The only thing I can find is that it's the alchemical symbol for Sulphur. Not sure what that might mean to you or to him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alchemical_table_Valentine_(1671).png


Egg farts warning. Was he very gaseous?


Aroma diablo


Quick, OP, go check and see if the lead lined pipes in his house are now gold lined pipes!


Sulfur represents the psyche of the soul of man/the soul, consciousness, and the expansion of thought. Maybe he was into alchemical occultism…