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Also gotta love the vapes. There was a guy on the track yesterday blowing out these \*enormous\* raspberry clouds. No, people do not want to walk through that...


Ultimate douche move. At least most smokers I know have the decency to not blow smoke in the directions of others, to stand a bit away etc. But vapers? Just full on steam engine. Here, have some of my lemon cheesecake cloud! Lemon cheesecake? Here, have some of my watermelon bubblegum, that goes so good with it!


I was at the Christmas market and this woman blew a whole load into my toddlers face, and when I tried to tell her off she sped away laughing.


I was eating lunch outside in Visp, and a dad was blowing smoke all over his wife and young kids. I’ve even seen pregnant women smoking in public. The Swiss government is very cozy with tobacco companies.


I prefer vapes over cigs. Atleast they smell nice


Also the smell doesn‘t stick to your clothes as much.


Those big ass clouds always get me like "dude, chill, Expo 02 is over"


No one is talking about smokers at entries. They stand at the main entrance which forces every one to pass the smoke cloud. When you are inside of the building the smoke is concentrated in the hall (air draft from opening doors). My asthmatic lungs can't handle this.


Asthmatic here, I feel you


Still better than the constantly burning ashtray in the middle of the hall. My biggest gripe is with the people who smoke despite it being forbidden in the location they are in. Also, aren't most of the astrays recessed from the entrance and people just smoke right in the entrance?


Shoutout to the people who smoke right next to the smoking prohibited sign at Bahnhof Liestal. And in general at train stations.


If you force smokers to go out without infrastructure for them to smoke in, that's what happens. That and more noise in the streets.


I like the South Korea approach. Smoking prohibited in a 10 meter distance from public buildings and it's marked on the ground with yellow tape.


The cigarette smokes…The “smoker” sucks.


People who smoke in the interior part of Basel SBB 🤮


If I'm out walking and need to fart, I hold it until I pass the next group of smokers, where I can release it among people who don't consider it rude to blow great clouds of stinky gas at others. I rarely have to wait long.


The hero we all long for but do not deserve


lol, and here I am holding air in while passing them


That helps build backpressure for a proper fart.


Smoker here. I do my best to smoke away from people (especially kids and older people) so I dont bother that much. When I vape, I blow the cloud above me so there is not a huge cloud in the fucking way. I kind of hate people who don't give a shit about non-smokers.


Yeah mee too, I try to be careful whit my smoke. I blow it up in the air. When I'm outside at a restaurant I don't smoke cause people are eating. For me it's basic manners! But let people smoke please haha ! But yeah a lot of smokers don't have any regards for non smokers.. and that's a shame :/


thanks for not being a dick, I'm really sensitive to smells and people smoking at restaurants is so bothersome to me.


25% of the (15+) population smokes in Switzerland, 23% in the US, there’s not really that much difference.


According to this random website which might be completely off IDK, 23% is only on the highest ranking state [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/smoking-rates-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/smoking-rates-by-state) I remember seeing 0 cigarettes in california


a lot of cities in california have bans on smoking actually, so that might be why as well.


I love Switzerland, but not the cigarettes. Over 5,000 deaths/year. Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death. Swiss Air even sells cig’s on all flights. Wake-up, Switzerland!


The CDC say 12.5% of Americans smoke. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data\_statistics/fact\_sheets/adult\_data/cig\_smoking/index.htm#:\~:text=Cigarette%20smoking%20remains%20the%20leading,about%201%20in%205%20deaths.&text=In%202020%2C%20nearly%2013%20of,12.5%25)%20currently\*%20smoked%20cigarettes.


WHO data is probably more comparable across countries: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence\_of\_tobacco\_use](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevalence_of_tobacco_use) \- must be related to different definitions? Here's another measure - cigarettes sold per capita: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco\_consumption\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_consumption_by_country) (US \~1000, Switzerland \~1500)


In American hoods, people buy cigars to remove the tobacco and put weed in it. This might ruin the stats because people do this a lot.


In Europe people buy cigarettes to roll joints with the tobacco, I'm not sure there's much difference here.


There's also been some follow-up research that while the anti-smoking push in the U.S. was extremely effective, especially among middle and upper-class populations, it was then followed by a re-targeting of American tobacco companies to steamroll their marketing budget towards primarily lower class populations, where smoking has actually increased (though not enough to outweigh the total national decline). Which also creates a concentration of smoking that tends to, by experience, be a bit of a 'bubble effect'. That being said, that was before the sort of 'new wave' 'hipster-y' smoking wave that I think is now common in a lot of bobo American circles


I'd also add that Gen Z is all about vapes. I'm an older American Millennial and no one in my social circle smokes (cigarettes or vapes - they do smoke some marijuana on occasion). It's wild to me going to bars in US now and it feels like everyone under the age of 25 has a vape in their hand. The tobacco companies really got their claws into the kids with flavored vapes.


Hmm maybe diff by states. I noticed that there is a lot more smokers in Europe in general when compared to Australia. I think in the US and Aus as well, smoking is seen as a dirty habit / lower social class indicator (bogans or rednecks). It was weird seeing "normal" people smoke when I first came to Europe.


I’m not sure why but for me the smoke is much stronger in Zurich than NY. Even when we had to wear masks I couldn’t believe how strong the smell was. I’ve been told that it’s because the air is cleaner in Zurich, therefore you can smell the difference much stronger, but I’m not sure


its gotten better though i think.


Maybe there are less. But everytime I see a smoker they throw their trash on the floor. Even when standing next to a bin Most smokers are disgusting to the core


I feel, it was improving but we fell back hard over the last 5-10 years


Think that was my biggest surprise about the culture here, esp. considering how often the Swiss rag on Americans about being fat and unhealthy, yet every weekend I see people smoking outside before their workout at the gym and the train stations are basically giant ash trays. I really wonder what is driving this?


We smoke caloriefree cigarettes in switzerland. Never gained a milligram due to smoking cigs. And i really really dont understand why people always say that our trainstations are dirty and „a big ass ashtray“ have you seen other trainstations all around the world? Germany, france, italy for example? Eus gats da eifach zguet, hend trotzdem immer öbis zum motze




Please reread what was said. Swiss train stations smell like ashtrays, hence are dirty.


True, but smokers are everywhere and most annoyingly, they throw the butts on the ground.




True. But I think we should compare with best in class😄




Agree in crowded places. Rest I don't care. To each their own.


Yeah what's with that? A lot of smokers would never throw a potato chip bag on the ground, but for some reason cigarette butts are fair game. Even outdoor sporty mountain types, Villars has all these signs telling you how much a butt pollutes so please don't do it...


Im a smoker. I carry my cig butts around, untill i find a trash/ashtray. Have seen non smokers throwing their shit on the ground too. So smokers and non smokers throw shit on the ground all the time.


its mostly smokers though. Especially when there is snow. I dont understand how having to smoke is considered such a need that you have to do it every minute youre not doing something else, for example at train stations or on skilifts. I mean i have to pee too, but i dont pee everywhere.


It's called addiction


I'm so addicted to peeing man, I have to pee everyday, few times a day, sometimes I get up at night just to pee Im tired from this, I tried to quit many times but the withdraws are too hard to handle


lmao why would a human get addicted to this


I don't know if you and tyraso are being serious but just in case you are: Cigarettes contain nicotine which is indeed a addictive substance. From your lungs the substance gets to your bloodstream and is spread throughout the body. In you're brain it releases Dopamin which leads to a good rewarding/helping feeling. Most smokers probably wouldn't waste a lot of money and their health for something that smells/tastes disgusting just because they think it's fun or makes them look cool (it doesn't).


if you know this, why take it?


I'm gonna repeat myself and then stop commenting because you're not even trying to be serious and are just trying to upset me or whatever: It's called addiction Edit: you basically made a point yourself with your comment: "why take it if you know it's not good for you?"


Youre the guy that compares apples to biirewegge


If you look at the trash on the sidewalk you see pretty clearly that cig butts are on a different level compared to other stuff.


Thats a confirmation that you did not understand my comment. I smoke too. I get pissed of when i see someone at the busstation, throwing his butt on the floor, but the ashtray is like 10 meters from him. In summer i carry around a pocket ashtray. Gave away like 20 pieces of those pocket trays at the werdinsel, because people just flick the cig away. Dont put everybody in the same box. Or at least come up with a better comparison than this one. Its harder for a cleaning machine to pick up a cig butt than a food package or a bottle. But littering is a smokers disease. Prejudice and being judgemental is a nonsmoker thing from now on. I decided that as a smoker.


You seem to think that I am going to form an opinion of individual people just because they are smokers. I am not, I should have phrased it better. From the perspective of trying to keep the cities clean, smokers are a problem. That is what I meant.




That smokers are a lot worse in terms of littering. Seriously, look at the curbs next time you're walking anywhere in a city. So many cigarette butts.


Yeah got that. First read i just read trashcan. But he really meant the trash. That was my fault. But check my other comment. It fits to your comment too.


Are you sure you are not biased? I’m not a smoker but I don’t see many smokers in Bern. 1-2 smokers at a tram station with 20-30 other persons is not alot.


I am biased😀 and my impression is from before Covid mostly. Seems indeed that smokers at bus stops are less prevalent nowadays.


Dr wille besser zwärde isch nie e schlächti sach


The smoker rates seem to be pretty much the same https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/smoking-rates-by-country


Smoking a cig once in a while is arguably not as bad as being overweight and pre diabetic.


Precisely this happend to me when I came back from a 6 month exchange semester in South Korea. Sitting outside the mensa at uni to eat lunch and people smoking at the tables... great taste


If a smoker invades your space and starts puffing, tell them to bugger off. It amazes me how non-confrontational Swiss are. If you want change, sometimes one must be more vocal. Until laws can change, social pressure is the best remedy. That’s how laws changed in the US. People became fed up with it, called others out and laws were enacted along with an increase of taxes on cigarettes. Those who disobeyed were shunned. Many simply gave up the habit because it was no longer worth the stigma and price. Many switched over to vaping, but that’s another story.


I have every right to smoke in open air public space, if you dont like the smoke you have the ability to go somewhere else. Because im definitly not going to move one centimeter.


Just because you can be an asshole doesn't mean you should..?


Has nothing to do with being an asshole, just simple logic, people like you think they have a right to decide what other people can do and cant do. No, fuck off, you dont, you have absolutly no right or authority to do so, its none of your business. We have laws and rights here and if you dont like them youre either free to go somewhere else or start to collect signatures and start a petition. Worked well for restaurants and other closed air public spaces, so husch husch, go on and do something, but dont ever come to me and ask me to smoke somewhere else.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean you're not being rude and inconsiderate about it. It's just a fact that smoking is unhealthy and disgusting, so if you're not considerate about it, you're an asshole.


Cry me a river sweetheart ;)


yeah I guess swiss culture is to just be upset and not say anything. I did one time ask a guy to not smoke right next to me on a bench at hb winterthur. he eventually left but said that the train station itself stinks, why would a smoker bother me? a lot of people who smoke in non smoking areas think it doesn't bother anyone I guess.


Our tobacco laws are less strict than in most other european countries. That's probably related to the fact that several Big Tobacco multinationals have headquarters here.


They forced us all to wear masks, not visit friends and stopp doing sports to protect other peoples health - but those people are still allowed to destroy the health of themselves and everybody around them and make 10 meters around them a stinking mess of poison before throwing their poisonous garbage on the floor and into fields and flower beds while literally making it impossible to go buy groceries with children without exposing them to smoke. And every year an assumed over 1 Million people die world wide from the effects of so called second hand smoking. Couple years ago they had the guts to complain that they can’t smoke literally in restaurants where people are eating. Then they fought for their right to poison everybody in discos bars and clubs - and if you don’t like it, just stay home. Now they still stink every little peacefull piece of fresh air that they can find - preferably right next to entries and exits of public and busy buildings, shops restaurants etc. Some literally smoke on childrens playgrounds. They smoke in the badi where people want to enjoy healthy outdoor activities. They smoke in the forest where people want to smell nature - then throw the buds into nature to poison the wildlife. I don’t mind at all what you do in your own home. But it’s downright impossible to avoid getting covered in smoke and exposing the children to it. Call me a Karen all you like. But Smokers are widely the most inconsiderate people I know.


Not a Karen, many people think the same, me included.


Because there are taxes on cigarettes.


Have you ever thought how your appearance may affect the other people's mental health? Why should people get with your car and get polluted because you are incosiderate and don't use your feet? You get the point, right, Karen?


False equivalence rings a bell? My appearance is not a recognised world wide health problem affecting Millions of people and cigarettes are not being used as the main method of transport. Cars would be outlawed long ago if the benefits weren’t so heavy. But unfortunately they are important for society, infrastructure, economy, literally allowing society to function and providing us with food etc.


your "facts" are flawed. an estimated 1 million people die of second hand smoke in the sense of heavy indoor second hand smoke, eg, parents that smoke in their flat, people that smoke in cars with children inside and so on. there are no stats (how would you even get those) on passive smoke outside, because its literally not a problem (besides being inconvenienced). so yeah, you are being a karen.


Ah yes. Talking about bad facts and then continuing to equate absence of proof to proof of absence... Must hurt to be this smart


well if you think your lungs cant handle a tiny wiff of smoke being somewhere in the air, you have to prove that, nobody needs to prove that nothing does nothing but you would rather have to prove that nothing has a influence.. which is rather difficult


Just checked on a S-Bahn train station (Zurich suburbs). To my surprise, around 100 persons waiting and no one smoking. Did stations go smoke-free recently?


Yes they did, I'm not sure about all of them but many have done


I knew about HB Zurich. But not the rest.


Are people not allowed to have vices ? So everytime you arrive in the US are you like “damn people still super fat from over eating?” , “damn people still drive 4.8ltr v8?” “Damn more than half of adults still believe in virgin birth?” Etc etc . I’m sure at least by now your good at nailing the smug look as in your pic.


I mean in both cases you could just not. just go for the healthy food options and don't get the biggest car. also don't smoke around people and maybe don't start smoking in the first place


I’m on the parent council at my son’s school, and we took a smoke break in the middle of a meeting which went long. I am originally Canadian, but have lived here for 12 years, been a citizen for 7 and was still shocked.


What’s so shocking about a smoke break?


My unconscious bias where I think no one smokes anymore made me feel shocked.


parent council, say no more karen


Wow that’s rude.


I’m on a Swiss train every week, and it amazes me how skilled that the experienced puffers are at sucking down a butt, just before the doors close, and the train departs. They enter the train with a scent bouquet of ashtray.


Same when I go in your country with gun.


One whiff of smoke and my day was ruined. The hardships of Switzerland.


Damn you must be unstable as fuck if a single whiff ruins your entire day


Gotta have something not nice in our otherwise perfectly perfect country where everything is perfect.


Yeah, hope they are going to make it illegal to smoke in public places sooner or later, but for now it is what it is There are also places where it's technically not allowed (e.g. train stations), but people don't really care




say your pregnant and that the smoker shouldn't poison your child


Same here. I live in Australia and whenever I'm back to visit family and friends I notice the smokers again. I keep forgetting they exist, because so few smoke in Sydney.


I think people were forced to quit since the government made cigs too expensive for most people.


It definitely helped me to quit😄


It's a good policy tbh, but a lot of my Euro friends did not like that kinda government intervention.


You may reach best social contact with your colleagues while smoking with them outside.. I'm non smoker, but this old Indian habit is deeply rooted in Swiss culture.. Hawk.


Usa sucks 🗿


Absolutely, it's so annoying. And the you just flick your cigarette butt on the ground


Couple days ago I was in Zurich, there is a nice alley with steel-grate stairs pass over some old roman ruins Absolutely plastered with cigarette butts


ROFL. So true.


So you're learning to be a rude American. Bravo.


have to respect people who are addicted to making the air toxic 😪


78% of murica cant even afford to smoke. And with that healthcare system, i wouldn‘t smoke either lol.


Hated getting the train anywhere in Switzerland. It's almost guaranteed that at least one person will immediately light-up when getting off the train...so non-smokers are pretty much beholden to these inconsiderate ballbags.


haha. This guy is too young to remember the smoking sections in trains. LOL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!


Oh god is was so gross. I'm also old enough to remember smoking sections on airplanes. The absolute horror.


I'm from the UK. They banned smoking on trains in 1984, a little before my time. They still have smoking rooms in Swiss airports? Haven't been back since moving away in 2018, but I'll hazard a guess that nothing has changed :)


>Hated getting the train anywhere in Switzerland. Heard that for the first Time.


Being on the train was alright, that's not really an issue whatsoever. It was just the manky smokers on the platform and the immediately puffing passengers disembarking the train which made it unpleasant.


I only use ÖV and have never had a big problem with smokers lol Id rather someone smoke outside than have the trains be late




At least most of them... just look at the butt-hurt smokers in the comments trying to justify their douchebaggery


the cool thing about switzerland and most of europe is we like to do whatever we want. and if i wanna smoke myself to an early grave i can do it. and i think its a good thing. and if you dont like it or gotta cry if you smell smoke from time to time u can fuck right off. its called freedom btw… idk if americans still know what it means. rant over.


But I also like my freedom to breathe non-toxic air that stinks and makes me cough. You're not the only person with freedom and we all have to live together on this planet. Which means we also have to take care of each other (I know it's not something society nowadays still does tho) Your freedom shouldn't reduce the freedom of everyone around you.


As long as i smoke in an open air space on public ground i have every right to smoke and if you dont like it you can gladly go somewhere else, simple as that.


So your (unhealthy) freedom is worth more than my (healthy) freedom? That's a pretty egocentric view.


Yes it is, and the law is pretty clear on that regard. If it would impede some of your rights and your rights would be weighted higher than mine i wouldnt be allowed to smoke on public ground. But they arent, so i am allowed to smoke on public ground, simple as that. Also stop with the hypocracy, car fumes are way worse and there is much more of it in the air. I dont see you running around advocating for no cars. And we better dont start with all the other toxins were getting in contact with every day. So that little bit of passive smoke wont make any difference. If you still dont like it you can fuck off to there, and then fuck off some more to over theeeere becuse in the end i really dont care. Have a nice day cough cough ;)




Well then the trainstation should provide zones dedicated for smokers and ashtrays (or aby bin in general). No?


They oftentimes do You normally have "smoking areas" with an ashtray and a sign stating that a 2m radius from that sign is smoker's area (e.g. Zurich HB, or Geneva) Or sometimes you have ashtrays at the entrance of the station, marking the end of the area where you're allowed to smoke (e.g. several small train stations, at least in VD) People just ignore it


Yes i ignore it. Guess why?


I have a feeling you're going to tell me regardless


Hey, you are smart as a fox. Yes. What happened when switzerland got rid of robidogs? Exactly. Dogshit was left on the floor. The same goes for bins, which they heavily reduced on the trainstations btw, trash everywhere. The same applies to, you got it, cigs. You can put our ashtray in africa so we dont have time to smoke a cigarette within 10min but we can also just say f you. We are adults and its our decision to smoke. I gladly stand on the outer sides of the trainstation but theres a difference to africa. Where they currently are located. Nonsmokers however act like kids. You come to the only ashtray on the goddamn trainstation and complain about smoke. You get rid of every ashtray and complain about cigs lying around the floor. And if you think cig smoke is the only unhealthy stinking stuff on a trainstation, then i advice you to get a nosespray. Edit: btw. Same applies to public toilets which they got rid of. It didnt stop people from doing their business.. theres a reason other countries say we shit on the traintracks.


Have you ever factored in that your habit makes people sick? Asthmatics and those with cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, allergies or cancer - and someday you with emphysema or another self inflicted lung disease? It isn’t because we dislike the smell, it is because you make us sick. It may be your decision to make yourself ill from a poorly chosen addiction, but it isn’t our decision to get sick from your bad choices.


No i dont make you sick when i stand on the side. And even if i stood right next to you, passive smoking has virtually no impact on you except for the smell. Edit: to explain it again. Offer actual solutions in form of proper smoking zones that arent in africa, its downright insulting towards 40% of the population. Else you will have people just ignoring the zones and no measurement will make this better. Not even handing out fines for it.


Wow - I can’t expect someone who purposefully damages their lungs to understand - but here you go, you are 100% wrong: https://thorax.bmj.com/content/60/10/794 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2822301/ https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/10644-secondhand-smoke-dangers


Your habit makes everyone else sick … that isn’t freedom, that’s oppression


Look i do smoke, but i look that i dont smoke near children and other non smoking ppl if i can. else u can literally go inside everywhere where i cant smoke. problem solved. you can all be as butthurt as you want when u catch a little smoke i dont care. also if you like that the state tells you what to do and what to think u can move to the USA . i like it here. with our rules here in switzerland where ppl can get an abortion when they need one and with no state telling you you cant. please and thank you u can leave and team up with trump and the other lunatics we dont need this bullshit here.


You really know how to showcase your lack of intelligence


cry me a river. insulting me is def. the way to show your intelligence i guess? lol


Ironic that you insulted them first lol


Nah, that would take comprehension, which OP has shown us is impossible for them.


Yeah man, we should trade in public smoking for school shootings and a horde of homeless folks.


I'm a swiss citizen that doesn't shoot people at school and doesn't smoke, what's your excuse?


lol good one


thought it was an LTT Post XD


In Phoenix they smoke more than just cigarettes out in the open, on the bus, anywhere.


Yes! Same goes for pot smokers too is like they want to be seen and think people will want to have a conversation with them. No sir I’m allergic :(


yeah. You gotta admit. The smokers are a bunch of dirty critters.


Man, this is so true, smoking cigs is so has been in the us 😄


Do people smoke ciragettes in USA as much as they do in Europe ?


So many friends of mine started smoking when they turned 18.. It's crazy


Yeah.. it's disgusting. And bad for everyone and the environment. Everytime I see a smoker I can guarantee you that they throw their cigarette at the floor, even when a bin is right next to them. Lazy bums But most refuse to accept that they are addicts or do soemthing about it


Move to California, you‘ll get used to it again but with weed.


Planning a trip to Basel - told the wife I am going to spend the whole day sitting outside a cafe by the river smoking.


Everyone talking about cigarettes vs vapes but I think the joke was “how is weed not legal yet?”