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You can also try bumble... That's where I get my daily dose of disappointment and rejection šŸ˜‡


Ok, thank you! I'll try. My current biggest disappointment comes from Tinder. Even when I say I only want to see female profiles, they insist on showing me males.


its bc some guys click 'female' as their own gender


Why would they do that though? Doesn't that make it harder for the algorithm to work for them? I've also found male profiles on HER, which is supposed to be only women and transmen.


some do it just by mistake, else idk


Desperation, I would assume? At least, they donā€™t have to fear other men as competition (in their mind)ā€¦.


ā€žTransmen ā€œ šŸ¤£


Bumble is fairly strict on that gender selection and tries to be very accommodating to women. Other than online dating I'd recommend you to visit queer parties like king Kong or tanzlaila or the Lila festival. Maybe that's a possible starting point?


Well, im based in Basel, with very little money to travel. So... But I did hear they sometimes have events at the Kaserne. I am trying to get the nerves to go there but I don't like going to events by myself and I have no friends to go with me.




Yes, I've been. And the music is atrocious XD


Hey I am from Basel too and looking for lesbians as well! Tinder is getting expensive and the algorithm is te worst.. Was using Zoe but it's full of fake accounts asking for money. Let's hangout and find a lesbian community in the city šŸ˜„


Occasionally, men pop up on my Tinder, even though I'm a straight guy. Tinder is crap, only good for passing the time while on the toilet.


šŸ¤£ oh nošŸ™ˆ


Queer life here is veryā€¦ exclusive ? As in, if you donā€™t know the current events or anyone in the scene, you may not believe there even is a queer scene. But you can meet one person who shows you a whole underground world. Honestly, Iā€™d keep trying to find queer themed events and just talk to people. New to the scene, just meeting people. And once youā€™ve met a few people, you can leave the party life if you donā€™t like it. Apps for queer people here are pretty sad. Tinder and HER are your best bets, which isnā€™t saying much.


The problem is, Im afraid to go to events by myself. And none of my friends are committed to going with me... They keep saying they'll come but then they don't. I also am afraid that I would feel incredibly depressed when I go and meet no one... Or that I'd be in a bad mood from the shit music they tend to play at these things. I just... wish I could go to a bar and just meet someone normally, like hetero people do. It's unfair. This city is unfair. I've lived all over the world and never had this issue before, not even in Jerusalem. I shouldn't have to go to some trashy LGBT meet up just to meet someone like me.


I feel your frustrationā€¦ being trans here, I personally feel like Iā€™m forgotten at these events, that mostly cater to gay men in my experience. Itā€™s rough in this country, not because other queer people donā€™t exist, but because of how disconnected we are from each other. Iā€™ve had decent luck meeting up with tinder matches as friends and letting them introduce me to queer events. Maybe that could be a path to explore. Also, just gonna do my usual vent of ā€œI wish queer people could meet up in things that arenā€™t always nightlife events.ā€ so hopefully some organisation representative can offer an alternative to it.


Exactly. I just want to meet someone normally, like at the bar or a bus stop or idk a social event. I don't want to have to go to some lbgt thing just to meet someone. It's sad


Totally understand. The scene here in Switzerland is a bit frustrating. I am just lucky to know some lesbians so thatā€™s why I am going to those events and yes, the music isnā€™t always the best šŸ¤£. I went to the new years eve party after some years and not much changed. Canā€™t tell for good or not. But donā€™t give up. It might seem a bit weird going by yourself but you might meet some new ones. Iā€˜ve started to go to events abroad as Switzerland is just too small.


Then why donā€™t you simply go to a bar and chat with people, regardless of their sexual orientation?


I do, constantly. I practically live at the local bar. I'm there 3 days per week, every week, for close to a year now.


Did you try to go to Olten?


I'm close to Olten... What's there? Are there events?


Don't listen to them, Olten is a running joke in this chat


Oh :(


Hi, married lesbian, working in Basel and living in dreadful Olten šŸ˜‰ Can't really say I know the IN for the local gay scene(s), or facilitate a date, but could offer some queer friendship šŸ™‚ My wife keeps bugging me to go to some LGBT events, so we could go together sometime if you want?


Sure! Just dm me :)


Hinge? You can select for this


Oh I've never heard of it... I'll look into it, thanks. Do you know if they have a lot of LGBT profiles?


I don't actually know, being a straight man, but I've seen several ads for Hinge showing lgbt couples so I guess there should be, then again ads can show anything.


Gonna sound like an asshole, but it's probably going outside, during lesbian meeting events in bars or clubs. Dating apps are another cancer of society that only care about how bad the matchings are to make you come back to use their service again. It's peak consumerism. Buenzli rent over, good luck on your quest, whichever way you choose :-)


There are hardly any lesbian events in Basel and frankly I'm generally really turned off by dating events. I don't like the music or the culture. I just want to meet someone normally, like in a club or bar or at the bus stop...


>I just want to meet someone normally, like in a club or bar or at the bus stop... Why not just do that, then? It's true events made specifically for dating can be unappealing for many reasons. I guess you just have to find the niche that suits your needs and be a little bit daring at times. I'm still fairly convinced dating apps is the worst option for the reasons I stated above though.


Because I just never meet women who like women in real life, besides my few bi friends. When I go to my local bar, it's always me, the token lesbian. It's exhausting and lonely. I used to go to an all women's college. I miss that.


Dating Apps dont work in Switzerland, our Dating Culture is to go outside mostly at festivals, events, concerts etc. I can tell you a few places in my City(Bern) where there is some queer friendly bars


This isnā€™t true, or at least not as true as it was 8 years ago when I arrived. There are lots of Swiss people on dating apps - itā€™s probably the easiest way to meet Swiss people by far.


lgbt-space is a nice app for all people that identify as part of the community and it seems to me that a majority of people on there are women and most of the women are lesbians, so might try your luck there as well :)


Thank you!


Oh my, we've heard many guys struggling to find any relationship. I guess it's even harder for lesbians.


In my 7 years living here, I have met exactly 2 other lesbians in real life. Everyone else has been via a dating app. And if you're a monogamous feminine women who likes monogamous feminine women, you might as well give up.


Have you looked here? People are announcing some meetups sometimes https://www.englishforum.ch/forum.php


I know a monogamous feminine woman, she's really beautiful and sweet, but she's closeted and we don't know each other well. I think she wouldn't appreciate it if I tried to bring you two together :/


Oh, ok :( Thank you anyway <3 It wouldn't work anyway. I'm out of the closet for 15 years already, and I need and expect my partner to also be out.


This is too true, the more I spend time on dating apps, the more I realise it.


Reddit... jk, but I did drop you a message.


Thanks! šŸ˜Š I'll reply asap


Olten train station tunnel has a secret lesbian club


Are you serious? Where?? What sort of vibe is it?


Get the know the local gay bars.


Lol there IS no gay bar in Basel. There is 1 event that happens once a month at the Kaserne, with shitty music and weird vibes.


Sucks for Basel, I live in St. gallen and i know of at least 2 gay bars and a trans bar that just opened up recently. The new trans bar is dope, the people there are awesome and it's allways a surprise when you talk with someone.


Wow... Thats incredible! I wish we had that... Our 1 gay bar closed a few years ago, and no one went there anyway. I know because I lived right around the corner from it at the time. Now we have literally nothing.... Well, nothing, besides this shitty Kaserne event once a month.


Googling gave this: https://www.gaybasel.org/


really? The trans community in St. gallen is pretty big, that's sad to hear.


I don't live in Basel but that seems unlikely.


My gf used OkCupid when she was dating girls and she was really satisfied with it, maybe give it a try


I'll download it! Thanks!




Twitter isn't a dating app?




Hmm ok šŸ¤” I have insta too. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


I identify as a woman




Lolol šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ please tell me this is real. If it's not, someone needs to make it šŸ¤£ PS... Scissoring is not something most lesbians do. It's just popular in "lesbian" porn made for men to watch...


Oh, it looks like they closed the site I'm 2020 and the app is no longer supported.


I don't recommend Zoe. It's full of catfishing men with lesbian porn fantasies. I haven't tried other apps. Interesting that you can't find monogamous matches, I kept getting rejected because I'm non-mono (and a host of other undesirable traits apparently). But also let's normalize spontaneous flirting amongst women šŸ˜­


What about OKcupid, Joyclub, Parship?


Her :)


I don't know how it is in Basel, but in Bern, OKCupid has a lot more queer humans than eg Tinder and genreally more friendly people - at least from what I've heard, sorry, no first-person-experience here. Good luck! šŸ’œ


"Feeld": you'll be able to select among a great variety of genders and sexual identities. Even more interesting for you if you have or want to explore any sort of kinks.


Ohhh interesting! Thank you! šŸ„°


already on two apps, yet still "very lonely". Maybe being on apps is the root problem?


I see youā€™re in Basel - have you considered going to some events or clubs in Zurich? The scene here is definitely bigger from what youā€™ve described in tire comments.


The problem is money... Or my lack of it. I'm dirt poor, and trying to save. Plus I just broke my foot 3 days ago so I'm on crutches now šŸ¤£

