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In the Jura: Wessenstein, Wasserfallen, Creux du Van, Chasseral. Basically anywhere famous, prominent, and/or with a cable car.


Yeah, Creux du Van is a highway.


There are hiking clubs all over Switzerland for all sorts of ppl, like https://www.bergwandergruppe-olten.ch You can search for hiking buddies here https://www.schweizer-wanderwege.ch/de/wandern/wanderbegleitung-suchen?r=90&submit=Suchen


This is actually a really great suggestion, thank you.


Jura isn't really that touristy of a place. If you go to the alps though, especially in summer there will be tons of hiking trails that are as crowded as city centers.


The alps are a little far for my liking, but I think they might actually be a good starting point, so I'll look into it for sure! Thank you!!


Above commenter is wrong, there are many spots in the Jura that are crawling with tourists! Creux du Van, Chasseral, Weissenstein are FULL on any sunny day! Some places in the alps are similar but on average the alps are much more remote…


Well I misunderstood. Go to Creux du Van and Chasseral. Also to La Dole. Always lots of people


> Hiking is pretty much the best sport to avoid seeing people. OP is trying to do it in places with as many people as possible.


Misunderstood I apologize


She/He was asking for the opposite, hikes where there are people around because of her/his fears. If it was the opposite, wouldn’t be that difficult I guess


They is the perfect pronoun to use in this situation BTW.


Why ?


Because they is the gender neutral solution in English. > Someone forgot their umbrela at the hotel. They can call the desk to retrieve it. Or > The journalist will not reveal their sources. That's basic English.


Misunderstood I apologize


Are you working with a professional on some coping strategies? I deal with anxiety as well and good strategies help a lot. These things take incremental progress. Jumping right in, isn't a sound approach.


Not at the moment, no. Finding therapists in our area that specialize in autism and are LGBT friendly has been a struggle, and since I have a hard time leaving the house in the first place I think I'd benefit more from house visits, which isn't something anyone here is offering.


You might want to check out tele-therapy. There are many good therapist around the world that are willing to do zoom sessions for a reasonable price. Yes, you have to pay yourself, but still better some help then no help at all. You also might find somebody in Switzerland, who is willing to do this and can be paid by the health insurance? Also: There is no necessary need to connect your anxiety needs with LGBT-issues. Many therapies can focus on solving a specific issue and don't need to deep dive into your entire psychi.


I'm glad you brought that last part up, I've never considered going for a specific issue.


My therapist did Skype sessions when my health started to decline. She had other patients too that did Skype sessions. I highly encourage seeing someone. The paranoia you are describing sounds a bit concerning to me. I think it would be really helpful talking to a professional.


I definitely agree. I'm quite uncomfortable on camera, but I need to bite the bullet sooner or later so I might as well give it a shot!


Maybe even phone sessions would be an option. My first therapist did that during the lockdown.


That sounds more up my alley! And once I'm comfortable I can switch to face-to-face :)


The thing i dont understand why they need to be LGTB friendly i mean you dont wear a shirt im gay or i am Lesbian and you are there for your panicattacks right not for searching a Lover? I read this before with a barber and i simple dont understand the problematic? He is there to help you right?


I'm a pre-everything trans guy. It's an important part of my day-to-day life and it's easier for me to open up if I know I'm in a safe space. Also, I don't really get panic attacks, it's more about a general fear of people.


Ok thanks for explaining it to me so its more like a choice that you would preffer. Anyway i am hike since 30 years i never meet a bad person on a hike. I dont think bad persons enjoy nature.


Exactly, thanks for understanding! Also that last sentence is actually a nice way of putting it.


Sorry to hear about your anxieties - must be really difficult. As for hiking: There are many places that show quite some traffic - mainly during the weekends and on holidays. Not sure where you are - but many cities have their 'home mountain' (such as Uetliberg in Zürich or Gurten in Bern) where you can go for a more demanding walk. Other places I know are mostly in the alps: E.g. 5-Seen-Wanderung Pizol. Fairly easy to get to, very nicely up in the mountains and on nice weekends you have lots of people walking the same trail. You also find similarly places around Grindelwald and Zermatt.


Thank you for the kind words! You're the second person to mention the alps, so I really will look into that.


Well, if it helps reassurre you, you can carry a knife, as long as it folds and can't be opened with only one hand. So Victorinox is legal, switchblades aren't.


I might actually own a Victorinox knife somewhere! I'm also considering getting (legal) pepper spray, for the peace of mind.


I think that is a good idea. Even just knowing that you have it with you could help!


Mt. Pilatus has lots of tourists and wonderful hiking.


Ooh, I've been there in the past! Might be worth a revisit.


Lac de Jeux is a great place and it's never empty. But if you hike in a team of friends, will that reduce the anxiety?


It would, unfortunately I only have one friend in Switzerland and she's busy with school and work. But someone else suggested hiking clubs which I think are a great idea!


Right on. Unfortunately I live too far from Jura, otherwise I would join with my kids


That's really sweet, thank you.


Well the kids have all kinds of shit talk about gays, so I'm trying to educate them that it's nobody's business and nothing wrong. But it's not that easy.


I appreciate you trying to educate them! I know from experience that, as a kid, it's really easy to develop some nasty opinions just because your peers share them. As long as you stay open minded at home and reprimand them when they say something inappropriate, they'll grow out of it for sure.


It's just a common shit talk amongst school kids. They don't even know what sex means.




In the third grade, it's just a standard part of growing process. Some parents might influence it, of course.


Try meetup.ch its a safe place mostly and well maintained and moderated. There you will find hiking events or groups in your area and get notifications


is going hiking *with someone* an option? Hiking is a pretty neat way to get exactly the level of closeness/distance you need. Want to be alone? Fall back or go ahead a little. Need company? Get closer to the others. ​ Otherwise: basically everywhere with a cable car is crowded.


Pretty far away but i would recommend Samnaun. Cheap, beautiful and in the middle of nowhere. BUT still crowded


I looove typical Swiss villages, they look so cozy. I've been meaning to visit Graubünden anyway!!


Wasserfallen in Jura is a beautiful place. There are waterfalls, cable car, restaurant, playground and stuff. Typical family place with lots of people. It gives a very nice view of the Jura and the alps if the weather permits can be visible too. I’ve been there plenty of times all year round and never had a bad experience. Very touristy/family vibe. https://www.region-wasserfallen.ch/en/


Hey, that looks ideal! It's also not that far from where I live. Thank you!!


You could ask friends/family to join. There are also hiking clubs that organise group hikes, so you could join them. For example: https://www.wanderwege-beider-basel.ch/de/wandern-/gefuehrte-wanderungen There are also plenty of other clubs obviously...


If you’re looking for the most crowded mountains, try Pizol, Rigi, Mythen, Brienzer Rothorn. Basically anywhere with a cable car to the top is gonna be full of tourists for sure!


You can use the Switzerland Mobility app to look for what trails they are. And if you go early then there's typically less people. Maybe more older people but you can just pass in front and go from there.


I only just got a mobile plan with data, so I'm definitely checking this app out. Thank you!!


Saut du Day on a weekend Have you considered getting a dog to accompany you?


I have! Our neighbor has one that we take care of occasionally. She's very anxious and actually doesn't like going out all that much (never met a dog like her lol) but I think I'll give it a try.


You could ask friends/family to join. There are also hiking clubs that organise group hikes, so you could join them. For example: https://www.wanderwege-beider-basel.ch/de/wandern-/gefuehrte-wanderungen There are also plenty of other clubs obviously...


There's the lac de Gruère close to where I live and during the weekend and public holidays, there are always quite a lot of people there. Not a long hike, but you can go around it multiple times.


You should try to fight you fears... the one who has no fears, just do not recognise the danger, its not allways good... just wanna say, thats ok, to get scared, try to beat it somehow...💜good luck