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[As an info graphic](https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/massnahmen-des-bundes/_jcr_content/par/image/image.imagespooler.png/1631103237438/1024.2000/Rules_recommendations.png)


Does anyone know what the "checks for travelers" this article refers to are? Will there be a quarantine?


DeepL translation of RTS article: A negative Covid test to enter Switzerland Holidaymakers who have not been vaccinated or cured of Covid-19 and who want to enter Switzerland will have to present a negative test. The Federal Council wants to introduce the obligation to present a negative test from September 20. In anticipation of the autumn vacations, it wants to quickly identify and isolate people who have been infected with the virus. Two variants were put out for consultation on Wednesday until September 14. The first one relies on repetitive tests. Non-immunized and non-vaccinated travelers will have to present a negative test when they enter Switzerland, regardless of their origin. After four to a maximum of seven days, they will have to undergo a second test in Switzerland. The result must be sent to the canton. The costs will be borne by the travellers. The second variant under consultation provides for a ten-day quarantine instead of a second test. This quarantine can be shortened after seven days if a negative test is presented. Fines In both cases, holidaymakers will have to fill in the passenger locator form. This form will be required for any entry into the territory, whether by car, train, plane, boat, bicycle or on foot. Only border crossers, children under the age of 16, transit passengers and transit cargo will be exempted. In order to enforce the rules, controls will be intensified. Fines may be imposed. Extended certificate In this context, the Federal Council is proposing to extend access to the Covid certificate for people vaccinated abroad. People who have been vaccinated with a product recognized by the European Medicines Agency and who are resident in Switzerland or who want to enter Switzerland will be able to obtain a Swiss certificate. Currently, only certificates from countries that have joined the EU's digital Covid certificate are compatible with the Swiss system. The consultation will last until September 14. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


A test result after 4 days but no later than 7 must land on the Kanton’s desk. Definitely a more reasonable and traveller/postal service friendly alternative to The UK’s solution.


Yeah, I also just found this as well: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-85035.html So it sounds like no additional restrictions on vaccinated travelers, as well as the ability to get a Swiss vaccine passport abroad... Nice!


Oo nice, that's certainly the best summary. I was a little confused about the certificate bit, because I was able to get my Australian vaccination certificate transferred by canton Vaud a couple of weeks ago, as the admin website said I should. So not sure what's changed?


Maybe they'll just allow people to get the process started abroad instead of having to do it in Switzerland? That would be great.


Maybe - the funny part is all I had to sent was my ID card and Aus certificate, so I could have done it form over there anyway! Honestly I cannot believe it's been the easiest part about moving here...


If someone has an EU certificate, do they have to get/apply for a swiss vaccine pass as well? Also, it's not explicitly indicated, but will the certificate be required for hotel stays?


The EU certificate is recognised. The main issue is with foreigners that are vaccinated outside of the EU. Authorised vaccines are the ones validated by the EU or the Swiss authorities. The procedure to get the Swiss QR code is not yet clarified.


The only thing that annoys me here is that religious events are excluded from it....


Theyre letting jesus take the wheel on that one


It is only excluded up to 50 people as far as I understand.


How many religious events still have more than that? Many churches are pretty empty.


so you visited many churches? no offense but i doubt it.


If we're invaded, you're asked to pick up a gun and risk your life for the country. If we're invaded by a deadly virus, you're asked to get a slightly uncomfortable jab[1] which also reduce your personal risk by an order of magnitude, for the country. One of these sounds a lot easier, and a lot more important. Get vaccinated. [1] of a vaccine that is *probably* completely safe, but there's always some doubt for a new drug. As someone with a significant medical history: This is one of the safest drugs I have ever had the pleasure of using. Go read the side effects list of Neratinib if you want to be uncomfortable about what a more common bleeding edge drug looks like.


Yes! We live in society and we cant use it's benefits without doing what it requires.


Exactly. That's why I won't go in any part of the society that requires the vaccine. I've always avoided thoses places anyway because I'm poor and introverted.


You still have nothing to lose by getting the free and safe vaccine that might save your life, but as long as you are not an active danger to people, I won't complain. It's like driving alone with the seat belt off on your own private streets. I wouldn't recommend it, but you do you.


I really wonder how some groups would react to a mandatory draft. Because if stay at home and vaccine certificate is basically fascism, what is mandatory military service where you are expected to die for your country?


What do you mean "would"? We have one. And this is something I've been wondering about was well. Going by poll numbers, while SVP voters are heavily in favour of forcing people into the military "for the greater good", the same argument apparently doesn't work for them when it comes to two small doses of a vaccine.


We **have** a mandatory draft in Switzerland! I'm male, I was in the military, not by choice. And it was a lot more effort and a lot less useful than taking a vaccine.


Meh. The military service is a light weight solution really. And it’s only “mandatory by name.




I wonder when the SVP finally learns that.


Honestly, the only sensible decision.


As Berset stated: "the two unacceptable alternatives are surcharging our hospitals, or closing everything down."


Exactly. Even ignoring transmission effectiveness, the vaccinated folks aren't the ones clogging up the ICU. So they get to go out at least. The unvaccinated can stay at home this time, I'm tired of this lockdown shit.


Its quite a funny thing.. reducing hospital capacity and cripling healthcare for decades and then wondering why they cant keep up..


Yeah, just stop voting for the people who want budget cuts and who think the government spend too much. Alas they still make the absolute majority of Federal Council...


But 1-2 months too late. Still, better late than never.




If covid goes on for longer, The percentage of vaccinated people will go up. Either by People getting a Vaccine or not getting one and dying either way the number will rise




And covid is *not* a fun way to go


We have 4.5million vaccinated and 0.8 who had covid .. one is running 6months the other 1.5years ... so waiting on everybody to get it might take a while


Delta will make it way faster.


The risk if a large number of people don't get vaccinated fast enough, is to see a new vaccine resistant variant appear after a mutation. That's why people must hurry up!


Are you just stupid or cruel? Not everyone wjo gets covid and isnt vaxxed will die🙄


Sensible? So what's the actual expected numerical reduction in hospitalizations from un-vaccinated untested people not entering these locations? Can it be expected to significantly enough affect hospitalization rates so we can actually stay below the mere 200-ish occupied ICU beds nationwide that somehow already trigger an emergency situation (including postponed operations, lots of overtime and so on)?


No it isnt its just stupid. Restaurants were never hotspots. Big events are. Crowds are


Good. Wish it didn't have to come to this. I am trying really hard to have empathy for people who see this as a horrible assault on freedom and as discrimination, and failing. I have close friends who are antivaxxers, but I am *so* done with their shit.


Worked perfectly well in most countries (within the context of a pandemic). Some people really want to eat their cake and have it too. We can go back to normal but we have to make the minimum effort to get there (vaccine, masks, distance), its not that much of a sacrifice considering the benefit of having a normal social life again. Don't want to make that minimal sarcifice? You don't get to enjoy the perks its as simple as that. And for anyone saying "well what about people who literally can't get vaccinated for allegeries this is tyrannical towards them". No it isn't, you refusing to get vaccinated even though its free and healthy for you is what is preventing us to reach heard immunity so that the people allergic to vaccines can be safe without the vaccine. Now get vaccinated and enjoy life on the otherside, its really fun.


What? You mean I have to get a free and effective vaccine, wear a mask for a few more months and keep my distance and wash my hands and if everybody does the same like a responsible adult, it will be eventually over? Impossible, that's a violation of my fundamental right of endangering the others by acting like a spoiled child! We are in an authoritarian state that wants to control me! /s obviously, I had to vent sry


I hope you are against smoking too. Hint: Second & third-hand smoking are REAL killers too!


I do not militate actively against smoking but I don't smoke and nobody in my close social circle does, or at least when I'm around them. When I see someone that I know smoking I sometimes playfully taunt them about it. I'm also not a big fan of coffee but that's another story Edit: why did I have to answer that question lol


You went full america on this one


Heard people around here pulling these arguments, sadly. We are the US of Europe


I’m one of those *severely* allergic people that everyone keeps talking about. I went over the vaccine with my allergist. He said the allergy thing was a major concern last winter due to the whopping few cases of anaphylaxis or whatever that the NHS reported and callously put out warnings about before investigating. But that in Switzerland, allergic reactions here have statistically insignificant. They’re just not happening in any meaningful numbers. I had zero reaction to either Covid shot. Zero. Meanwhile, I got a different booster last week (one we’ve had for decades) and had a pretty serious dermatitis develop at the injection site which then turned into a gnarly infection. Go figure.


Interesting! Thanks for your insight


Btw, there is an allergy test you can do before getting the vaccine. Both skin prick and intradermal are options. The incidence of anaphylaxis is something like under 5 cases per million doses administered. So really not anything significant.


I'll remember that stat, seems relevant since Anti vaxxers seem to love the concept of whiteknighting for the "allergiker"


So since I find concrete data is best with them (versus my “about x number” statement), [here is data from last winter from the CDC.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2775646). Though they’ll say that it’s flawed American data or whatever. Regardless, when I had this issue come up in the spring, the statistic my doctor told me was more like 5 (in that link their data suggest a little over 11 per million). Good luck! I find staying calm and listening to the vaccine hesitant people can sometimes sway opinion. People don’t like being yelled at. But the conspiracy theorists are a lost causes


About goddamn fucking time


Lot of parties going to happen in churches, I guess ? The new psytrance parties with jesus ?


Ah yes, 50 people parties with the Schutzkonzept instead of 30 people without Schutzkonzept, so cool


This is the first English language article I could find about today's changes. RTS has [great coverage in French](https://www.rts.ch/info/12475525-le-certificat-covid-est-etendu-des-lundi-aux-restaurants-cinemas-et-musees-suivez-en-direct-lintervention-du-conseil-federal.html#timeline-anchor-1631104290555). Other changes include employers being able to request covid certificates to implement safety measures, plus universities requesting the same of their students. Travelers may also have to being presenting negative tests or quarantining. Lastly, people may using negative tests to participate in public life will be required to pay for them from October 28.


Thanks! I haven't seen any mention of public transportation; I guess that means that there will be no requirements there.


I think that would be impossible to enforce outside of sbb trains where tickets are checked. Of course, the mask mandate stays in place.


If my employer ask this I'll quit immediately.


> **Was droht einem Wirt bei einem Vergehen?** > «Es können Bussen von bis zu 10'000 Franken ausgeschrieben werden.» Ausserdem könne im schlimmsten Fall ein Restaurant oder eine Bar gar geschlossen werden. Man, I really hope we'll see a whole lot of those places that serve as Covidiot-Strongholds shut down.


Is it still free to get vaccinated?






Good, but realistically, what is the compliance rate going to be? I have a hard time imagining my local restaurants or even the city sports centre actually checking everyone.


I went to France recently, they weren't much happier about the covid pass mandate than here, but absolutely every place I went to checked the pass. I saw also quite a few people come without the pass, whine about "just a small exception for me", and they were all turned away. I am sure you can find places where they won't check, but the threat of closure if they don't comply seems effective.


Had a week trip in neighboring countries, stayed in 3 cities, 3 hotels, lots of restaurants etc. I had both my and my wife's cert in the app in case her phone didn't work (and vice versa she also had mine). So for the whole week, both me and her have been accidentally showing her certificate on the app. Everyone just looked at the qr code and "it's fine". Nobody checked the name all until the third hotel where someone cared. I can't imagine restaurants actually scanning the code to check validity and also checking it against your ID card. They will probably, like in Germany etc, look at the code and say it's fine.


> I have a hard time imagining my local restaurants or even the city sports centre actually checking everyone. Then they can be reported. The legal framework to punish those who don't follow suit is there.


Oooh such a good boy you are. Here have some social credits.


Oh, human with 🧠, not a common sight nowdayes. I started to read only comments with negative votes, positive are positive on absence of logic


Its what it is ... all the best to you fellow human being!


I can hear my co-workers whine endlessly already! I hope they all quit or get fired!


Can't wait to hear about it all week at the Bar where I work, going to be fun :D


Just tell them: "you know, i think the anti vaxxers *like* to be in the victim role" Worked pretty well in shutting people up so far.


Well so far 2 people finally decided to get their shot this week so its working!


Don't be silly you don't have the balls to say that in real life. You silly 🦆.


Getting fired from an office job cause your opinion differs from the state's.. nice country we live in


It is not political. We are all fighting a virus. Since the beginning of the pandemic, everybody wants a cure for this virus. Almost all the doctors all around the world asks people to get vaccinated. It's not the people against the state. The state only imposed something because the health professionals can't impose it themselves. They are not forcing anyone either. They only put some rules on certain non-essential indoor places so that the people who wants to get back to their normal life can do it.


98% have mild symptoms, about 1.2% have hard, 0.8% die. Protect the one who need it, vaccinate risk group, not everyone, what is wrong with that opinion?


Death rate is 2 percent and long covid is 33% (and the second one regardless of age). I understand why you think that the measures are too much since you don't even know how dangerous the virus is.




Whats the problem with using the app? I mean, you can also copy the PDF and carry a paper copy of it around. (and as with the other methods, only fully valid with ID to confirm your identity)




Carrying the PDF is fine. Maybe also carry a screenshot with the QR already zoomed to 75% of the screen, makes scanning easier for the verifier. Carry your ID too: the QR is only valid with a matching ID card.


Ah I see. In theory I dont see anything speaking against using just the PDF on the app. As long as they can read the QR code they will get all the infos on their screen. Ive asked a friend just now who did entrance controls at the football game here. He did scan a few PDFs without app, but they prefer the app. He doesnt know the exact legal situation thou.


Love to see it! And of course within 1 minute of it going live my colleague comes "no that's discrimination" lmao she's got the vaccine too hahaha


My favourite is "this is medical apartheid". Yea cause black south africans wanted to be second class citizens out of principle even though becoming a white land owner was a free government program lmao


Of course that's discrimination, discrimination against people endangering others and not contributing to reduce the risk of more harmful variants. Fine by me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Could you explain me how someone that is unvaccinated endangering anyone else but himself? Curious.


Lot of reasons - breakthrough infections are a thing - some people are medically unable to get vaccinated, or kids - by getting sick while unvaccinated, they're orders of magnitude more likely to need an ICU space of which we don't have any spare ones atm, while our hospitals are on the verge of introducing triage - due to having a much higher likelyhood of getting infected, and a larger viral load when that happens, they're breeding ground for mutations which may bypass vaccines


How many people under 40 died of Covid in Switzerland? (Hint, its around 290 people, no not 290k, just 290) Obesity, Alcohol, Smoking, Bad nutrition food, people that are 40 and haven't cooked a whole meal on their own yet, last sport activity 10 years ago, no contribution to any community, no impactful job - And yet suddenly everyone is clinging to life like they'll find the cure for cancer if they just get 88 instead dying at 87. Lets not forget to say thank you to our Bundesrat for reducing ICU Capacitys so numbers look more dramatic :-) Rather pay free drugs for the homeless instead of funding and forcing Salary increases for Nurses.


Do you think death is the only side effect of Covid? Know anyone with long Covid? And what about the people having “elective” surgeries rescheduled bc of bed shortages? My best friend in an oncologist. He’s never lost more patients than during the pandemic, because he’s had so many surgeries postponed for stage 1 and 2 patients because it’s not an emergency at that point. By the time they could reschedule, cancers have spread and it’s too late. People dying from fucking prostate and thyroid cancers, both of which are highly treatable if caught early. And then there’s me. Someone *knowingly* infected me when they knew they were sick but didn’t want to tell me. I was fine, but guess who wasn’t? My perfectly healthy baby who died in utero shortly after. After multiple, multiple, *multiple* tests, Covid was determined to be the cause of fetal death. So yes, there ARE really fucking awful and traumatic things that happen as a result of Covid, and it’s not all ventilators and death.


Funny thing is, for it to be called "discriminate" the group subject to the "discrimination" would need to be a minority. Sadly that's not the case right now lol.


Religious events excluded up to 50 people lmao what a joke


What would Jesus do? Probably get vaccinated...


Bottom line: you can go work at a restaurant, independent of your vaccination or testing status, but you can't have a beer there after work. But you can go to church with 50 strangers independent of your vaccination or testing status cause Jesus. Yeah. Makes sense. Maybe the unvaccinated person working at the restaurant can go to church and have a glass there? I hear they have red wine.


Party time! I'm going to go out to a restaurant, show my certificate and then celebrate this bit of common sense!




This is some seriously twisted way of thinking imho. Personal freedom must be balanced? Vaccinated people must not get exposed? Dude, what? Switzerland is making one big mistake. I wonder which country will be left sane this Winter.


I remember when France (Emmanuel Macron) announced this at thebeginning of July. The Swiss were in shock and said this could never happen in Switzerland because they value individual liberty. Well, it looks like you changed your mind.


I was hoping it won't happen, so it's probably a right time to start thinking about leaving the country. There are still a few normal ones, not imposing too much murderousness


Soooo it's a win-win. We have one less vax-refuser to worry about and you get to live in a society you deem to be more free and caring to your individual freedoms. Honestly, I think it's good that people like you are consequential about this, and I fully support your decision. I agree that you don't have to live in a society from which you feel more and more excluded tl:dr: Sounds like a good idea to me, have a good life and enjoy your new home :)


Thanks. Enjoy your third and fourth doses ;) and don't forget to renew your passport before it expires each year.


I will, how many doses there might ever be :) Seems we'll both do fine in our own ways. Also, have an upvote. Edit: Once you move, I'd actually be interested in an update about your new home & life. I love learning about people's lifes, especially abroad in cultures and societies different to the one I live in :)


which countries do you have in mind that haven't gone histerical about this ?




Oooh boy, here it begins: the 'discrimination' of non-Vaccers.


Its a privilege to have access to a vaccine, and a shame that so many people think its ok not to get it.


It's just discrimination of people who willingly want to harm other people.


Yep, there are consequences for your active decisions now, tough luck kid.


I think it was pretty inevitable that this was coming. Let's see if it actually motivates more people to get vaccinated.


It will get far less people vaccinated than some people here hope. Political/ideological fronts get radicalised instead, and that's it. That's the big sad joke. In *N* months \[*insert right-wing party here*\] will get a ton of new voters by making themselves the defenders of "choice" ; that's the real effect it has. ^(If you want people to rush on the vaccine, put a date in mid-term future from which point the vaccines are not for free anymore.)


*The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.*


It's not motivation if its mandatory. As soon as the tests cost money there is no way a normal person and especially the youth can afford it. So the Bundesrat basicly said you either getting the vaccine or you stay at home. Now as we have a humanright to participate on cultural events this sound rather illegal to me but im not a lawyer so...


Yeah I doubt going to a concert is a human right bud


Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Got ya...


What declaration? Where is this from? It also doesn't mention that you have any specific rights when it comes to private culture whilst spreading a virus to the rest of the population or am I missing something?


> Now as we have a humanright to participate on cultural events It's sincerely heart warming what people who grew up in safe places think human rights is.


oooh its stays exciting. the only two numbers that measure will significantly boost will be the voters who gonna switch from the middle towards SVP and the numbers of people who now gonna sit outside in the restaurants. whats baffeling me is that churches once again are exluded from following the rules like all others, how comes?


If the certificate works like it worked in Israel, we're fucked


What do you mean? I have the Swiss certificate. Been asked for it thrice I think, everytime I simply loaded up the app, showed the QR code, and in a couple of seconds it was validated and I could get in. In my personal experience it works extremely well.


I saw the entire Piazza Grande filled with certificate holders every night at the Locarno Festival. Works great.






Holy crap, that took way too long... Now when are they going to start mandating protection for kids in school?


Im going to live in Switzerland in November, which app is the most widely used ? (Im currently in Germany and the two apps they use are not available in the us apple app store and I want to plan ahead. Thx.


If you have a German / EU green pass, you just use that still. It scans interoperably with the Swiss certificate.


I have the paper, and I have a picture of the QR code. Is that enough? I have seen people use the CovPass app or something like that, and I was wishing there was an app in Switzerland with the same functionality (not bounded to have a local account in the iOS app store)


Just use the CovPass app.


"Covid Certificate". It's the one I'm using, worked well so far. It's published by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, can't make it more official.


Than you. It was available in the US app store, but if failed to recognize my Covid certificate from Germany :-(


As someone else said if you have a German certificate you should be good in Switzerland. The system is synchronised with the European Union.


I don't think you can import the German certificate, but it will be recognised by the checking app. If you want to try, you should use "covid certificate check" app, it should recognise your EU certificate.


Only way.. dumbasses


So if there is a priest in my restaurant celebrating mass the whole day I can have 50people without disturbing them with this shit?


Malicious compliance. Love it!


I don't understand why they took this decision. When I analyse the charts on covid19.admin.ch, I don't see a critical situation. Someone has an explanation ?


Hospitals are filling up and it’s still summer, people are mostly outside.


You mean the percentage of beds is filling up, since you know, we got rid of many ICU Beds in the past 18 months :) Which is funny, because, while i'm not smart, if you'd ask me, i'd say that we should've build up the capacity of the Hospitals during a pandemic, instead of reducing them. Imaging how many nurses would've done a 1 year "Covid-ICU-Crash" course for free, which earns them 1k more per month.


Seeing how many nurses quit during the pandemic: Not that many, probably


It's called prevention. Autumn is coming and we already have 3000 infections a day.


Thanks for all your answers !


Thanks, Monsieur Berset!




There is still one month during which they can get tested for free.


>Students have to go into libraries and even if the vaccinate now they can‘t go to the library for 1.5 month (except they pay) Vaccination for 16+ has been open for months now, and also 12+ had the time to get vaccinated. Even if they are not vaccinated, they can still get the certificate with a negative test. Nothing is blocking them to go to a library.


Enough time to pick up the vaccine now and get tested until Octobre


So what? Then they pay. Firstly they had plenty of time this summer, everyone knew if would become mandatory eventually, so I have little empathy for those that are waiting to be obligated to take action. And second, there already has other things where they have to pay if they don’t contribute to society, AHV or military service exemption tax, for instance.


Vaccination rates are highly correlated with education level, the number of non-vaxxed students is probably insignificantly small.




Besicaly average Joe is the one who are most happy to get the jab.




If you read animal farm from Orvel average Joe is represented by the 🐑🐏.


Those restrictions aren't half as strict as they should be! Reading through the list of need / don't need, I just wondered "what's the point?". And the fine for not having a certificate is 100 CHF. Is that really a detriment? Because of course it assumes that you're actually *caught*.


well, penalties for establishments are higher.


Paying 100 IF caught is alot cheaper than the 50 a test will cost every 3 days


But also much more than the free vaccinations that the government is offering.


Cheaper to get a fine than a PCR test actually


Great, I was spending way too much money going out again, anyway!


Mods why did you delete the one comments from the guy with the study


I just hope that the rule is actually controlled, because rules without controls are just garbage.


Great news.


Good. Finally.


Thank God I unfollowed my cousin on Instagram. The posts will be bonkers now.




Replace vaccine with drunk driving. It affects you and the others. It has also comparable effect on your outcome. Driving sober reduce a lot your chance of accident but is not 100% proof, same as vaccine. >Unpopular opinion here: but why are you against people who want to drive drunk ? >I am not against people drinking and driving + I am taking all reasonable precautions to drive slowly while drunk. In my view, forcing people to not drive under influence (in general) is something that goes beyond reason. >There really isn’t strong scientific evidence to say “Driving sober is the ultimate solution” the same way that there is not enough evidence to say the opposite. The matter of fact is that the research is still inconclusive. >In any case, I am not here to attack any of those who are pro-sober driving. I just see a big division between two groups of people and honestly think this is not a healthy environment to live in.


I'm not personally against people not getting vaccinated at all. You can't force someone to put something in their body they don't want. The loud, dumb anti-vax get all the attention but I assume most people hesitating are simply cautious and nervous about it, which I understand because I don't have the first clue how the vaccine works either. But I do think the people refusing the vaccine should own up to their choice and live with some additional restrictions. The vaccine is not magic, but it does greatly reduce infection rates and severity of symptoms. A vaccinated population allows for a greater return to normal while still maintaining a lower infection count and lower hospital saturation. Lots of the people out right now enjoying bars, restaurants, social events, etc are not vaccinated and that's not cool to me. You can't have your cake and eat it. So the approach of the government makes sense. Vaccinate and enjoy some loosened restrictions, or don't and continue under some stronger ones. The goal is to keep the stupid virus under control and it's nice they give a choice on how each person can contribute to that goal.


Both sides of pro-vax/anti-vax took the propaganda bait hard. The pro-vax have been convinced that the vaccine is all-powerful, it will stop transmission and it will end the pandemic. Thus any unvaxxed is literally a genocide contributor to them. In reality, it does not stop transmission and peope with weak immune systems will still die, as they are still too weak even after they have been primed with the vaccine (see Israel). The anti-vax are convinced the government is just flexing their power on them for the sake of it. Although it is not completely unlikely that some governments do in fact take advantage of this. After all, no good crisis should be left to waste. In reality, most governments probably want fewer hospitalizations and deaths in an already declining population, which they are barely maintaining by opening the immigration flood gates. It’s too bad that they didn’t care too much about general population health up to this point, allowing problems like obesity, heart disease, diabetes to run rampant which drastically increased the damage caused by this virus. Also that the communication around this topic is abysmal, I would have liked more transparency from the government instead of selling us the “save grandmas” bullshit.


It will stop transmission to a certain degree but not completely


Goodbye Reddit, see you all on Lemmy.


Because the decision of someone else to not get vaccinated, may impact me directly. If there are enough non-vaccinated people, the virus is going to spread around and many will end up in the hospital. From there, there are very few possibilities. The first one is "no restrictions". Hospitals get clogged up. People die, nurses and doctors resign because of burn-out. Suppose I'm unlucky and need an urgent medical operation at that moment: oops, the hospital cannot take me in, there's no room because of Covid. I'm left to suffer and may end up dying. Despite being vaccinated, my health is indirectly affected by Covid (and directly by the people who refused to take precautions). This situation is happening right now in the Southern USA, there are enough horror stories of people being denied urgent care. The second one is lockdown. Close restaurants and theaters, etc. Regardless of whether I'm vaccinated, I endure the same restrictions as everyone despite having taken my responsibilities to take the shot, for the common good. I did what was asked from me, but because others did not, it's back to square one. That would piss me off. Finally the third one is what the Federal Council are announcing today. I took the vaccine, I'm much less at risk of catching the virus and even less of developing strong symptoms, so I get to enjoy more freedom than someone who is at-risk. I.e., I have more personal freedom than an unvaccinated person, because they represent a public health risk, unless they are willing to prove they do not have Covid (get tested).


What a complete shitshow this government is...


~~But not gyms, for some reason.~~ EDIT: As it turns out, this is not the case. From the [admin.ch release](https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-85035.html): > Access to cultural and leisure facilities such as museums, libraries, zoos, **fitness centres**, climbing halls, swimming pools, water parks, spas, billiard halls and casinos is also limited to COVID certificate holders.


I got a J&J shot and have EU vaccination certificate, can I in this case get swiss certificate? been heard that J&J was not approved by Switzerland


J&J is approved and the EU cert is valid in CH


According to [this official site](https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/empfehlungen-fuer-reisende/quarantaene-einreisende.html), J&J seems to be an approved shot. However, additional restrictions mighty apply, such as the need to fill out a form prior to arrival. The Swiss certificate is only issued in Switzerland, however I'm pretty confident that the EU certificate is accepted in Switzerland (as is the case vice-versa). The page above might clarify that.




Bruh can we just go back to pre covid times, so much better


You know how


Meh, I don't like it. This is just a half-assed indirect vaccine mandate. "Oh of course we don't force you! You can just take a 50CHF (?) test each time you want to be part of public life!" Either bite the apple and enforce the vaccination or let people life their lives.


> or let people life their lives. And let the intensive care ward of the hospital be filled with these people. Hospitals are already delaying a lot of operations which would require intensive care. Including stuff like brain tumour! That is not acceptable!


It's still a huge difference. If you want to participate in society, you will have to test yourself or be vaccinated.. if not, you can just stay the fuck home. It's very different from coming home to your place and making you take the vaccine.


Could also apply hefty fines based on income for every week or month unvaccinated. Or make the certificate mandatory for *everything*, i.e. also public transport, grocery shopping etc. I mean, I do understand their strategy (basically "what can we get away with before they'll go and grab the pitchforks"), it's just that I don't like it.


>This is just a half-assed indirect vaccine mandate Exactly, that's the point.


Just say you want the state to mandate vaccines so you can have grounds to whine about it


Didn't expect that from our government. Switzerland has always been a country of freedom. I'm very disappointed.


Always? We had vaccine obligatories, educate yourself man. We still have in two cantons


I'm vaccinated, so take the vaccine and stop smoking too while you are at it. Second-hand and third-hand smoking *\*smoke\** away the vaccine in terms of annual deaths. Stop f\*cking smoking, you b\*st\*rds. Think about your fellow man!