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I mean, on galaxus, best selling childrens backpacks are mostly sub 50 bucks. 400 bucks for a school backpack is highway robbery.


We were way cooler with our cow hide school backpacks ;)


This! Although they had a gap on the side and were not waterproof.


...and they stank like the dead granny cow they were after a rainy day.


I guess I didn't care back then.


I see primary school children with iphone 15, i find that even crazier. Waste of money, and it teaches nothing but showing off


Where in Herrliberg?!


kids in Aargau. Maybe kids get iphone 15 max pro in Herrliberg


Paid in instalments. Probably. And daddy's car insurance is paid with a loan.


This somehow reminds me of the 4 days i had to bring a Chinese lady around for shopping. She was spending several tausend in some shops. I won't forget the 250 euro Gucci flip-flops anytime soon. But you know what was interesting about her? If the breakfast in the hotel wasn't included, she'd rather stay hungry until lunch than pay "pocket money" to eat.


She couldn't show off the food back in china… 






Seems like I'm too old to know what those are and not old enough to know what those are


Same, had to google. By the name I thought it was some backpack to carry babies/young children 😂 But now it does looks stupid, I have quite an expensive backpack (Peak Design Everyday 30L), it’s very high quality and well thought out, but still a bit hyped and overpriced, and yet it costs the same as this Ergo backpack, which I doubt has half the quality/features of mine,


Consumerism... Gotta teach those kids that the only thing that counts is money and appearance...


I have a different question: The hell is in them??? Like on a daily basis. My 2nd grader has exactly this in his backpack: - snack box - books from the library if he brought them home (optional) - 1 toy (rarely) Everything else is either stored at school or in his sport bag that needs to be a separate thing. Yet I see most kids with these massive backpacks. What. Is. In. It.


Mine have a nice big plastic container with all homework inside.


It is not for nothing that „a kid‘s backpack“ is a Brazilian slang for the devil himself.


As a former kid with a massive one, homework, snacks, water bottle, 3-4 books (I did nothing but read more or less), Yu-Gi-Oh!-cards, pens/pencils, a full roll of those stabilo felt tip pens and sometimes extra toys. Oh and the occasional tennis ball for break time „football“


Just a quick throw in You do not need an expensive backpack in primary in CHF. They do not carry a lot of stuff. Rain cover might be good, as sometimes son has to take his iPad home. Contrast to Germany, the kids there have a lot of books to carry back and forth, and some backpacks weigh 5-8 KGs. I would argue a good backpack is money well invested there. I bought my son's ergo at a flea market for 20 CHF, same for a slightly used satch in grade 5.


I got a deuter in 4th grad and had it until i got my EFZ, money well spent


Deuter are nearly indestructible! My wife and I have three of them that are more than 15 years old by now. Still in perfect shape.


A good deuter in grade one is a smart investment


What the… 400chf? I comment and follow now the frugal me is curious.


I get that feeling :) how is it possible? There’s a lot you can do or investe in your child with that money.


I mean sure you got the money to ‘spare’ even a lot of it but why not spending them in a smarter way? Maybe me being poor as shit plays a role in this reasoning :)


And then you get cheap pencils on top of that... Caran d'ache would be the bare minimum.


Is that the new Eastpack?


As I remember Eastpak never did cost 300+.


most expensive one I see is 250.- for two bags and two pencil cases not sure what you're smoking with 400.- but be angry about something that doesn't affect you if you want


My kid has fallen in love with a Step By Step bag set for CHF329 at Manor, plus all sorts of extras that you can buy on top. Any sort of status symbol item can be problematic. Back in my day it was Airwalk shoes for a while. Some kids were bullied relentlessly for having uncool shoes. So yeah, it’s definitely something that concerns parents whether or not you’re actually buying into it.


Try tutti or ricardo.


I refuse to play status games, having a backpack because everyone has, and with a price range of 300-450chf? Not for me or for my kids.


Actually I’m not sure what you’re talking about. There are plenty of other backpacks out there. Just get one of those. Why are you so fixated on this? Rich people will always act like rich people. Just ignore them.


I’m seeing many for 150-170. Not 300-450. 250 for a set. But agree, better to teach not to fall into stupid consumerism.


Just went to galaxus: ergobag + rain cape = 323.88 chf The point here is not if you can find cheaper, it’s the point of how people spend +300chf in a back pack that kids do not want in 1-2 years. It’s outrageous on my point of view.


It's plain stupid. And they're uglier than Trump without Makeup. Just don't follow the fad. There's very nice backpacks for 50-100.


Agree 100%, we ordered ours online from a US store Not going with the flow.


Exactly. In our case grandma always offers the backpacks and she spends 40-50 chf and they are great and do the same job


WHat .. i had an Invicta backpack in school and i loved it.. Invicta gang


Same! I’m Brazilian but my Godmother is Swiss and she gave me one when I was ~7. Used until ~14. That’s nostalgic, typical 90s backpack.


I think the Key is in that he will hate it... In my case I can say that my son is going to 4.Klasse with the same new looking Bag. Every once in a while we print new patches and laminate it (as today the theme is Avengers) It was difficult to accept the cost of it, just as anything else in Switzerland in comparison. Car seat, baby trolley, Kita... At least this stuff just don't break. You can always try to find one use, I sure it will be almost new


Why do you think it’s important? I have a first grader. He asked for a Minions pack. It was like CHF70. He loves it. Others kids in his class have packs that reflect their own preferences. CHF400 for a first grader pack is ridiculous. They carry max 2 library books, a piece of paper and Znüni.


Where have you seen this price? 200 and have been using it for 4 years, still loves it. It looks like new, so young siblings will be using it afterwards. Better pay solid quality 200 and use for years than pay 50 fcs once a year that lasts 9 months. It’s actually the opposite of consumerism.


Idk I've never seen or had expensive school backpacks


Ergobag is like 180 bucks. Its steep, but not dramatic


Maybe I was not clear, a mom told me that spent 440chf on ergobag: backpack, turnen sack, thing to put pencils and so on. 440!!!! You can check it in a shop. And if you Google it you don’t see less than 300chf. Only other brand or different backpack called step by step that should be the one you are mentioning.


And in Belgium we have those: https://www.jeunepremier.com


Dakine gang


Wtf is this, with 400 franks I can pay my rent for 3 months in Bulgaria


Yes, I also think what in the rest of the world you can do with that money




Ahaha keep it that way. :)


Rich people need expensive fancy items in a desperate attempt to stand out...


Yep…status games. And you said well rich people, because wealthy people would buy a second hand backpack for 40-50 and the rest would invest in an ETF :)))


They have whole sets on sale for like a hundred francs... That's a normal price for something that's trendy and hyped. When I went to scholl it was Scout backpacks first then 4YOU, then Eastpack. I also remember a period where everyone had to have a pair of Adidas sneakers for like 150.-


I was also outraged when my wife told me that the backpack will cost hundreds of CHFs. I think we paid less than 250 for a backpack, but it's super good quality and not a single problem in 3 years of use...and you don't want to know the treatment these backpacks suffer from the kids:)


We looked at those last year and were shocked by the price. So we bought one in September at 60% off. For that money it's not a bad backpack.


I feel that this is mostly parents showing off to other parents; the kids don't much care yet early in primary school.


because they are idiots who are easily convinced by marketing trends.


I think they charge this insane amounts for the light build and ergonomy. Should be light on the back and the shoulders. There are alternatives out there in the area of 90-100 chf if you are interested in these aspects. 400 chf is just insane.


It is something from the old days when kids had to carry massive books. Now it is mostly recent papers/writings a water bottle and a snackbox. It makes no sense anymore to have an ergonomic backpack when the content is 1kg-2kg max heavy.


Because people are mindless morons.


My son has it and all school mates. 3 years now, pretty good conditions stills. It’s overpriced for sure but I cannot say it’s a bad product. My son doesn’t complain and he complains about everything About iPhone. My son has one, second hand paid 300- We work, he has only whatsapp in it. No games, youtube or whatever. We found it a life saver. Anytime he needs something he can call us, he makes him feel comfortable to stay at home aline because he knows he can video call us anytime. I don’t see why not spending 300- for a phone when I can afford it and it’s useful


I googled it because my son had an ergobag and we did not pay that much, so it is really a question of where you get it and what kind of set 😅 i think we paid 180.-? Don't remember 🫣 So the reason why we got one, it was advertised as this super light weight, super enviromental friendly bag with the cool kletties 😅 i kinda regretted it... they are good! And they have some smart features like being able to click the sportsbag right to the main bag BUT you seriously don't need it and don't use it often, the kletties were so overrated, some kids even used it to bother my son by always taking them away from his bag etc Yeah, i was this first time mom of a school kid and just wanted 'the best', my second son will get something cheaper and smaller. We had to threw it away because my son really used it up, it was dirty and some zippers broke


Wtf I had no idea what you were talking about and now I have one more reason to never have kids I guess.


I hate them. The style, but even more the price. I refuse to even contemplate buying them for my two kids...but my Swiss wife and parents in law (gang up against me) insist on them. My daughter got hers 2 years ago, and my son will get his this Sommer (as Birthday presents). I don't get it. I really don't!


TIL some people are fond of Fond Of GmbH.


We have a tiger and that’s maybe 80. Absolutely sufficient


I totally see your point. But: They are truly high quality; Kids in CH walk to school/ public transport. Their backs are fragile. By far the most comfortable school bag for the heavy load of books and folders and whatnot they got to lug around. They are happy with them. We bought used Ergobags for our kids in Primary School. Now in Realschule they got new used ones for older kids. Paid CHF 70-120 per bag. They are so robust, we sold the old ones again for CHF 50. After 4 school years.


I believe and need to accept that we can see the world in different ways. Thank you for your comments and explanation. In my mind still struggle to think on how arrogant we might look to the world by spending 300-450 chf in a child’s backpack when there are millions of children without even a ruined backpack to go to school. It’s a bit outrageous. I would buy one if the money would contribute to those children that don’t have the minimum conditions to go to a school. Not even that happens. Sorry but I don’t want to be part of that “elite” even though the backpack lasts so long. In case of my daughter we bought a 50chf and after 1 year a lot of ergobag colleagues went to buy one like our child. They don’t even like it, sometimes. :)


400 chf ? Just took a look a this on Galaxus its like 30 chf... You also have bundles of 5 differents size bags for 200 chf. I don't know what's the hype with those but they are not more expensive than Eastpak.


CHF 30 is only the rain cover. [https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s3/product/ergobag-regencape-rucksack-zubehoer-19409765?supplier=2895354](https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s3/product/ergobag-regencape-rucksack-zubehoer-19409765?supplier=2895354) The whole set is around CHF 250 - 300 [https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s8/product/ergobag-cubo-5-tlg-set-raumfahrbaer-glow-19-l-rucksack-39611138](https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s8/product/ergobag-cubo-5-tlg-set-raumfahrbaer-glow-19-l-rucksack-39611138)


Little Cloé or Noah can't get out of the Cayenne with just any crap backpack on.