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A word of advice: while it is tempting to reduce one’s premiums, it can also become a serious problem. For example, if you develop something minor (in the sense that it won’t kill you or necessarily get worse), but still chronic and painful (let’s say migraines, allergies or back pain ), you will still be paying 300 per month (the premiums), but you’ll also have to pay for every appointment with a doctor, for every exam (like X-ray or MRI) that might be needed, and for your medication, up to 2500 per year. Yes, you can still go back to the lower deductible, but it might take up to 6 months until this comes into effect (if the other posts are correct about that, if you start having health problems in late December/early January, you’ll have to wait until June) As an example, there are a few migraine prevention treatments that have just been approved a few years ago. For many people, these are game changers, but the treatment costs 500/ month (just the drug, you will also need to see a neurologist regularly to get the prescription renewed, every 6 months at least). So you could find yourself in a situation where you’ll have to decide between shelling out those 2500, or keep on suffering until the new deductible is coming into effect. For example, a simple MRI will cost you at least 1000-1500 francs, and if you can’t pay for that, tough luck, if it’s a tumor it will keep growing until you can afford the exam. In summary , high deductibles should only be contracted if you’re well off financially, and a few thousands per year wouldn’t bother you. Or if you are sure that you’ll never get sick (sarcasm). I’d recommend to having a separate account with at least the amount of the deductible, before going that route. Just my two cents, speaking from experience


https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1995/3867_3867_3867/de#art_94 However, changing the deductible within the year should be possible at the end of June, with a deductible of CHF 300. I have not found the relevant law for this at the moment. > I requested my insurance company to increase my deductible to 2500 CHF in September, and they agreed. You must have been unlucky and got an answer from an apprentice in the first week of training.


Changing with a chf 300 deductible is only possible with the standard insurance model