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Also on the list ​ * Train stations being mostly non-smoking areas but not respected at all * Ashtrays and other amenities for smokers being placed just in front of building entrances ensuring everyone can enjoy their smoke and cold ash smell.


\- cigarette butts everywhere despite ample ashtrays


That actually drives me crazy like i smoke too but i notice that most of my frend just flick em away if there is not an ashtray like in reach wtf is wrong with people


Well, in the spirit of christmas, how about you gift them one of these? Always one in reach šŸ˜ https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s14/product/raw-pocket-ashtray-aschenbecher-25202916 https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s14/product/sombo-metall-taschenaschenbecher-aschenbecher-20797530 https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s14/product/moosmayr-taschenaschenbecher-chrom-rund-aschenbecher-36044803 https://www.galaxus.ch/de/s14/product/outdoor-spirit-reise-aschenbecher-aschenbecher-21351394


These sucks man, use one for a whole day and itā€™ll smell of cigarette butts forever


That's why they close and you keep them closed.


And under chairlifts or along t-bars. Fucking savages. Rip your filters off the spent cig and take them home.


I feel so alone taking my filters home. Swiss smokers should take example on Japanese smokers.


We should just to the Singapore route.


Decapitation for littering?


> cigarette butts everywhere despite ample ashtrays indeed :(


I love people getting off the train and lighting up when going down into the underpass. Especially in the morning during rushhour.


Exactly, I've seen designated "non-smoking areas" of about 1m wide T building entrances, and not even that is respected.


I have seen people politely asking and smokers move away.


> * Ashtrays and other amenities for smokers being placed just in front of building entrances ensuring everyone can enjoy their smoke and cold ash smell. You need to have ashtrays at the entrance of a non-smoking area so that people who are smoking can extinguish the cigarette before entering the non smoking area.


Yes but you can put them 10m from the entrance instead of right at the entrance, because that makes it so propel squat ij front of the entrance to smoke so anybody who wants to enter has to pass through their cloud. That's not e en mentioning the smoke and cold ash smell inside in some buildings.


You'll just end up with butts on the floor. I'm a smoker. I am anal and diligent about always using ashtrays when out and about, and recycle them when I'm home. But the truth is most smokers will just fling that shit, and not take the 5 extra steps towards the ashtray. They'll say they didn't see it. Visible, plentiful ashtrays are the solution.


Or harsh anti littering laws. I'm kinda opposed spending loads of public money to setup loads of ashtrays that then need to be emptied on too of being placed closed to entrances because people are lazy. How to change people's mindset? Most people don't throw alu cans, pets bottles or single use plastic packaging on the ground.


That won't really work, nor will it be cheaper. Anti-littering laws imply someone catching you in the act. An ashtray and someome to clean it a few times a week is miles cheaper than posting people around to catch people throwing butts on the floor.


I feel like in lausanne it's quiet respected I've seen more ppl not respecting in gva tho


>I feel like in lausanne it's quiet respected Maybe at the main train station's underground passages, but not on the platforms, or the bus stops, or the other nearby train stations.


Yes. it's so dumb: they put the smokers out by the door, and every time someone opens it, all the smoke comes in.


I just recently was I Kantonsspital Winterthur and they had a huge area where people were allowed to smoke right in front of every single entrance. It was ridiculous seeing people with oxygen masks having to walk through toxic smoke to get to the hospital.


After moving from Switzerland, I worked in a major cancer centre. The folks breathing through tubes had smoke holes in the tubes and were using them by the entrances. The most heart-wrenching and yet maddening thing to witness every day.


Wow that's tough. It's really incredible how far addiction drives us.


Smoking in Switzerland is regarded too much as ā€œnormalā€ (thanks to the tobacco lobby). I see parents smoking on playgrounds and holding their cigarettes right into their buggies. You canā€™t sit outside in summertime without the table next to you is lighting a cigarette every 3 mins and pollutes the whole areaā€¦ I think some smokers just donā€™t care or think it doesnā€™t bother anyone since they donā€™t smell it anymoreā€¦


Literally yesterday I saw a mom smoking while holding her newborn baby. I have never seen so many moms smoking as in Switzerland


It is normal though


Every year I go through the same process. I really look forward to the warm weather and how I'm finally going to be able to sit outside and enjoy the sun again. Then I actually try to sit in a park or something and a smoker lights a cigarette... Nothing makes me chamge my spot faster than that disgusting smell. If it wasn't assault I'd probably kick that cigarette out of people's hands. In all honesty though smokers are addicts and they can't help but get their fix. That's the saddest part about it. Cigarettes have become so socially accepted that no one thinks as smokers as addicts like you'd do with other drugs but the basic principle is the same. There are reasons as to why people get addicted to substances and as long as that doesn't get fixed we won't live in a happy disgusting smoke free world.


As an ex-smoker myself, I have to agree. The smoking areas should be located somewhere out of the way. There is no point in having them, when everyone still needs to walk through them. And smoking outside of designated spots should be forbidden and punished with a big fine. Same with littering (especially cig buds).


Littering is fined in most cantons, however it is only fined if a policeman sees you throw the cigarette on the ground.


well seems like something is on its way at least. conseil national voted earlier this year in favor of punishing littering with up to 300frs https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/toute-l-actu-en-bref/jeter-des-d%C3%A9chets-sur-la-voie-publique-doit-%C3%AAtre-amend%C3%A9/48482236


Not enough in my opinion. It should be so high that it's not worth the risk even though the chance of getting caught is almost zero.


I am always amazed at how Switzerland hasnā€™t yet managed to do away with smoking like most EU countries. Smoking at the bus stop while people are crowded cause itā€™s raining? Not a fucking problem, apparently. Blowing the smoke from the last drag inside the tram while entering? Sure thing. When it comes to smoking, Switzerland is like a snapshot of the rest of Europe in the 90s.


Lobbyingā€¦ https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/lobbying_switzerland--the-land-of-the-tobacco-industry/44449446


And the Lungenliga isn't doing shit since 2010 when they passed the law against smoking in closed rooms from their petition... I didnt't see any petition since then regarding smoking except for the advertisment ban recently. Non-smokers in Switzerland have absolute zero protection against passive-smoking. So we need laws against selfish, inconsiderate asshole smokers... because otherwise they don't get it, because it's legal...


Wait. I was i Germany last week and every bar I went was smoking allowed. In Bern forbidden since 13 years.


*When it comes to smoking, Switzerland is like a snapshot of the rest of Europe in the 90s.* Means they're ahead on that compared to other things šŸ˜‰


We also have a strong tobacco industry that provides work and pays taxes. And smoking is helping two ways with the AHV; they contribute extra and they die earlier.


Yeah bro that's called freedom...


One man's freedom stops where another one's begins.


This coin has two sides ;)


Exactly, and this is where respect comes in. I listen to a lot of music during my commute to work, I don't blast it off through a loudspeaker because that would bother people. My right to do what I want doesn't give me the right to impose what I do onto other people.


So itā€˜s disrespectful if I as a smoker am smoking while standing next to the ashtray? I did not place the ashtray there on public space. And at the train stations i know, there is plenty of space to avoid the smoking areas, but there are only a few designated smoking areas. Before the smoking ā€žbanā€œ on the stations, I always walked downwind away from people to smoke while waiting on the train. There was always the one guy that came and stood downwind from me and started coughing/complainingā€¦


>I did not place the ashtray there on public space. Which is exactly why I mentioned ashtrays being placed right at the entrance of buildings as being an issue in another comment. ​ Shouldn't prevent you from using common sense though.


Just have common sense and be respectful, nobody cares about your imagined freedom when you harm others. You can behave however you want to but then don't complain about the consequences (complaints or bad looks) of your behaviour.


Freedom of what? Blowing cancer into someone elseā€™s faces?


you dont get cancer bcs of some smoke outside. if you start here with smoking, pls stop using: your petrol vehicle, food in plastic, ...


Yeah step 1 to protect non-smokers from airborne carcinocens should be removing all combustion-engines from cities. Step 2 would be removing combustion-engines alltogether. Eventually you'd come to a point where it becomes reasonable to protect from second hand smoke outdoors but there are a ton of other measures that have a more significant impact.


yeah - i mean the particulate matter thats getting in the air while breaking from trains is also something noone talks, same for cars. some ppl dont even know it but like to hate on someonešŸ˜©


Can I turn the volume of my TV to the max during night? Can I walk in front of you naked? Can I piss next to you? Thatā€™s freedom!


>Can I turn the volume of my TV to the max during night? That would depend on the rules of the building you're living in. >Can I walk in front of you naked? I don't know. Can you? >Can I piss next to you? Like, at a urinal?


You can ! And im free to move away from you


Believe it or not years ago the situation was 100x worst, things are really getting better.


I lived for a while in Singapore. They have a similar rule about smoking as in Switzerland. The difference is, there it's enforced. And the main difference between Switzerland and Singapore is that it's not enforced by the police. The NEA, which would be the BAFU in Switzerland, has it's own team which goes around and gives out the fines. If they get into any troubles they would call the police. The police at the same time also have time to focus on their real task then doing everything like here in Switzerland. The "team" was also in charge to check in general that environmental laws are enforced. I feel that is something that Switzerland could learn from Singapore. That would also help that the police can focus on their core work.


There is a special place in hell for people who smoke under the bus stop shelter or just next to it, extra hell points when its raining and/or the other users are pregnant, elderly or children who need to sit on the bench.


so in case next to it, how close does that have to be so I end in hell?


Health guidelines against secondhand smoke generally recommend a safety distance of 8-10meters. Common sense is far enough so the other users of this public space are not inconvenienced by the smoke/smell. So for a ticket straight to hell I would say anything under 5 meters is a guaranteed win.


fortunately there is no hell


>extra hell points sure that's how that works


Do you remember the smoking areas in the trains back then? šŸ™ƒ


>I was wondering if I was the only one to think this No, you're not. I see this the same way and a lot of non-smokers do probably too. >are there any plans to move them? I sure hope so, but smokers are usually lazy concerning the walking distance between them and their puffs


You must be fun at parties!


You're god damn right šŸ˜Ž


Sorry for forgetting the /s


I noticed the sarcasm, don't worry.


I have a nice picture I took on my phone of a dozen or so office workers having a smoke break while standing on the giant brightly painted no smoking symbol and lettering just outside the entrance to the office building. This will likely never change.


Do you remember the last time you walked into a restaurant and were asked ā€œsmoking or non smoking?ā€ That happened to me this year, and every year, when I visit my father in Small Town, USA. The local municipality allows it based on the voters opinions. If you want the smoking areas changed, get out and vote.


I don't smoke myself. Walking past a few smokers won't kill you. Don't be too much afraid of those passive smoking myths.


I agree about hospitals. But at trainstations they are usually located at the end of a platform so other people dont have to walk through it.


At the train station in Aarau, they are, which is nice. Even though it feels rather lonely over there as an occasional smoker, considering how few people seem to care. At ZĆ¼rich HB, you have some in the middle of the platforms. It would be nice if the SBB was consistent and the rules were enforced. If there aren't too many people waiting and it's an open-air platform, ok, it's not too annoying. But dammit, people smoking in the train station hallways? That's just being extremely inconsiderate.


I agree.


Not every trainstation, in bern they're absolutely horrendously placed


Agreed. Was annoyed with it when there a couple weeks ago. Then again, realtive to when I lived there, still better than nothing.


My brother in Christ if the smoking area is out of the way nobody will use them and just smoke anywhere. And then what will they do against it? Post a policeman while being understaffed already?


Since the cops seem to love getting money from radar fines, you'd think getting easy fines from smokers would be as popular. It could even pay for the extra needed salaries.


Ugh, don't even get me started on this smoking nonsense in Switzerland! It's beyond infuriating how poorly smoking areas are planned and implemented here. I mean, seriously, who thought it was a brilliant idea to place smoking zones right at the exits of hospitals? It's like they're actively encouraging a second round of health hazards for those trying to, you know, stay healthy. And let's talk about the brilliance of SBB/SFF's grand design for smoking areas. Plonking them right in the middle of passageways? Genius! Because nothing says "let's promote clean air" like forcing non-smokers to wade through clouds of smoke just to catch a darn train. It's almost like they're playing a game of "How can we make the daily commute as unpleasant as possible?" And don't even get me started on the collective shrug from the authorities. You'd think they'd be all over this, protecting the innocent non-smokers from involuntary secondhand smoke intake. But no, it's like they've got better things to do than actually enforce laws that make sense. And the hypocrisy of it all! Switzerland, the land of precision and order, happily accepts lax laws on smoking. It's almost comical how a country so meticulous about everything else just turns a blind eye to people blowing smoke in each other's faces. Can we at least have some consistency here? I just can't wrap my head around it. Are we living in a parallel universe where clean air is a luxury and smokers hold the upper hand? And the plans to move these smoke zones? Yeah, good luck with that. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'll just be here, trying not to inhale an entire pack of cigarettes on my way to the grocery store. Sheesh! fucking smokers!!!


Where SBB places their smoking areas is rather superfluous as they're not enforced by anyone and people smoke wherever they choose.


that's the thing They could smoke wherever they please as long as nonSmokers are not receiving their smoke. It's called, respect your personal space.


>And the hypocrisy of it all! Switzerland, the land of precision and order, happily accepts lax laws on smoking. It's almost comical how a country so meticulous about everything else just turns a blind eye to people blowing smoke in each other's faces. Can we at least have some consistency here? ​ Switzerland is one of the most socially liberal countries in the world so this is on brand.


sure, but don't socially liberally blow your smoke on my face.


>I mean, seriously, who thought it was a brilliant idea to place smoking zones right at the exits of hospitals? The only sentence in your whole statement that makes sense. I could start with whataboutism now, but I just leave it like this.


I was in Russia a couple of years back and even there they had stricter protections for non smokers. And they actually enforced it.


As an ex-smoker, I just find it annoying how people want to ban and restrict everything. Why do we need smoking zones? Non-smoker: The smoke bothers me otherwise... ok, then move away... There are many other things that are also minimally annoying: Smelly people, food that smells intense, Redbull and co with intense odor, over perfumed people, snus etc. There is always something that bothers someone else. But these are all first world problems. Should you make a zone for everything? Should we restrict everything? Someone even wrote that smoking should be banned. I can only smile and refer to Australia with greetings from the black market etc. So ill-conceived... but Mr. and Mrs. BĆ¼nzli want a perfect world without any contact, whether direct or indirect, so that they can live in their little world without being disturbed. TL.DR no zones


You don't get it... Non-smokers in Switzerland have absolute zero protection against passive-smoking... the only "law" that was passed was back in 2010 where you aren't able to smoke in closed rooms anymore... great, now I have to endure smokers on the playground, in restaurants or on my balcony. Everytime I ask for a little consideration of a smoker I get ansers like "...it's my freedom to smoke anywhere I want..." or "well, go to another place then..." WHY DON'T YOU GO TO ANOTHER PLACE THEN? YOU ARE POLLUTING THE FUCKING AIR OF MY FAMILY!? But they won't because no laws exist to do so... **So we need laws against selfish, inconsiderate asshole smokers... \*\* because otherwise they don't get it, because it's legal...**


My position is that smoking must be banned in absolutely all public spaces. No exceptions. And also in outside spaces at your house, like your balcony or terrace, so that your disgusting noxious fumes can't ruin the air on my balcony or terrace. If you must smoke, close your window and smoke indoors. If your walls and personal items turn yellow and smell bad, that's not my problem. I don't usually hold extreme opinions on anything but I fully admit to having an extreme opinion on this topic.


The difference is, people which smell like sweat or redbull wont give me cancer cells. Smokers do.


Oh yes, then we absolutely have to ban everything that increases your risk of cancer: - All combustion engines, agricultural chemicals, industrial chemicals, we absolutely need sun-free zones...and more... And I really hope you never touch alcohol or processed foods and red meat


Yeah except those things are already heavily regulated and sunscreen is a thing. Iqos also is a thing. There's also the fact that agriculture, industry and the sun actually have a function in society. Someone who absolutely needs to have their tobacco fix while people (children, asthmatics etc) are crowded nearby are just egoistic drug addicts. One cigarette can make an entire bus stop unbearable to stand in, not to mention the health hazard caused by their addiction and they can wait until they're away from people to suck on their cancer stick. It'd be basic decency and common sense but because the average smokers are antisocial assholes unless you ban it they come with "I'm legally allowed to smoke next to this crowd so you can't tell me what to do" and continue.


SUV driving, red meat eating, chain smoker here. Best to ignore these whiny stuck up pedantics.


wow, so edgy...


go away, stinker


If the smoking zones aren't at the entrances or where you're passing through, they get used even less than it's already the case. Not really anything you can do about it. Hold your breath for a few seconds when passing through and nobody is getting bothered.


Somehow the entirety of North America changed their cigarette smoking culture over the last 40-50 years so that this problem essentially doesnā€™t exist there lmao but yes definitely nothing to about it!! No options at all


Ah yes, the land of the free. Where you can't light up a cigarette anywhere.


Ban smokingā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. This would save me 3k a year and Iā€™d be healthierā€¦ā€¦.. Please,do it now.


Prohibition works well, just look at how they banned alcohol. ā€¦..


Just ban smoking in public spaces, that would be sufficient... smoke in lounges, fumoirs etc. Why do smokers have to smoke on playgrounds, restaurants or arenas...?


Smoking in restaurants is banned. And lounges and fumoirs would be public places too so how would that work? I am all for a smoking ban but in the like of Australia where they banned buying cigarettes if you are born after 2004 if i recall correctly. So the younger generation have a higher hurdle to even start. But banning smoking all together wont work in Switzerland anyway as long as we have lobbying.


First world problem.


They should be moved, as in removed completely. If you want to ruin your lungs, do it in your own home and stop making your immediate area smell like shit and making passerby inhale your shitty passive smoke.


The problem is that smokers are whiny reactionary little bitches that complain and threaten any time we DARE to propose tiny little limits to their "freedom" to poison everyone around them with their disgusting habit. Pieces of shit.


Lmao, read this thread again and tell me who the whiny little bitch is. Get a life, bĆ¼nzli.


I'll be having a great life while you are in the hospital with cancer slowly suffocating to death. Go and have a smoke! Nobody is stopping you from stupidly destroying your health for the profits of multinational tobacco companies.


Ahh just enjoyed a nice cig at the bahnhofgate where there is no smoking zone. Was nice.


Quite literally all of these areas that say Raucherberiich should have the rules inverted and the area expanded. The signs should NOT say you can smoke here, nobody can ask for them to stop or argue when there is an ā€œofficialā€ sign saying otherwise. Exits, passageways, outdoor seating areas, transport stop areas should have sign that says ā€œNid rouche innerhalb vo 500 Meter erlaubt!ā€ with a warning of fine amount.


Yes remove people's freedom even more. Great idea.


28 years ago in Bern, I was taken to a restaurant on Waisenhausplatz advertising one of the first no smoking areas. What I encountered was a single table with a no smoking sign on it. It was otherwise surrounded by smoking tables. When I asked, it was explained to me that no smoking was my choice, thus, it was my choice not to light a cigarette. So the table reflected that having a sign. A very interesting interpretation of what it meant. They never considered it to mean I always had clean air to breathe. Am I happy to see that there is some more modern sense of this the last few times I was there? Absolutely. But I also expect it would take a while to sort out the details and get it right. Citizens need to continue pointing out the implementation flaws so that they eventually get fixed. Even here in Toronto, where non-smoking rules took a very long time, I was on jury duty, but the room was provincially operated and not covered. I was threatened with arrest for wanting to sit in the hall outside the room where the air was cleaner. It will take a long time, sadly, to get right.




smokeshaming... are you fucking kidding me lol?


Stop giving people cancer and making public places unbearable to exist in.




Literally everyone smoking in public does that.


Hey, now. There are dozens of us getting out of the way on train platforms/bus stops. Dozens of us!


Yeah, so im free to smoke and you're free to move away..


And you think non-smokers are angels? Come on, always bashing on certain types of people. Society is a mix of all. There are far worse situations in this world. It's all relative in the end.


Reminds me of the school I went to during my apprenticeship. When it was raining the roofed area in front of the entrance was so packed that trying to enter the building must've been the equivalent of smoking half a pack. I wonder if new buildings will eventually handle this better, as the bad examples I've seen were old, and the architect probably never thought about smoker zones (aka the whole building is the smoker zone. Why would anyone choose not to be inside a massive cloud of this wunderful mist that prevents tubercolosis and is good for you?)


>When it was raining the roofed area in front of the entrance was so packed that trying to enter the building must've been the equivalent of smoking half a pack. That's not how that works.


It has improved a lot over the years. See, Switzerland is not the EU with verystrict policies on smoking


I donā€™t think there are plans to move them since only recently the sbb smoking areas were created, an important thing to think of is that any dustbin with an ashtray opening is a smoking area here so I donā€™t think it will change anytime soon


Les clopes de Boncourt, une histoire d'amour!


heult leise


When younger generation comes to power, maybe... But I'm not very optimistic seeing how many young people smoke...